One Piece - Season : 21

The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance gather their forces in Wano Country and prepare for their inevitable clash against the Beasts Pirates. The history of Kozuki Oden and his ties to Wano Country, Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger are revealed, and the Alliance assaults Onigashima to take down the allied forces of Kaidou and Big Mom once and for all. The resulting battle, as well as the events during the recent Levely, cause the world to go through dramatic changes.

Season 21 Episode 1 - The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter!

A mysterious country, a rampaging slasher, ancient samurai rituals of seppuku - and Zoro in the crosshairs! When a street assault occurs, all signs point to Zoro! Meanwhile, Luffy finally arrives at the Land of Wano but all his friends are nowhere to be found. Air Date : 7th-Jul-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 2 - Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army!

While fighting the magistrate's men, Zoro retrieves his swords and demolishes the magistrate's home. Afterwards, Zoro becomes a wanted man. Back at Kuri Beach, Komachiyo and Hihimaru are fighting near the Thousand Sunny. Two Beasts Pirates arrive with a captive girl and try to capture Luffy. He easily defeats them and frees the girl, who introduces herself as Tama. After Tama tames Hihimaru, Luffy gets acquainted with her. Air Date : 14th-Jul-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 3 - He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano!

After securing the Sunny, O-Tama takes Luffy to the house where she lives with her master, the sword-smith Tenguyama Hitetsu, and prepares him a meal to thank him. She walk away for a moment when her stomach started growling. Now, the capital is the only place that is not a desolate land, but the two still live there waiting for the return of the pirate, Ace. Luffy reveals to them that unfortunately they waited in vain since Ace died. Hitetsu explains that, wrecked on the island, Ace helped them four years earlier during a famine. Meanwhile, Basil Hawkins, now a subject of Kaido, goes to investigate the soldiers defeated by Luffy. Air Date : 21st-Jul-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 4 - Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre!

Ambushed and outgunned by a skilled bounty hunter Cidre’s group, the Straw Hats rely on the Sunny's Coup de Burst to escape! But they end up stranded without cola! A nearby soda island offers a solution - but Luffy is quickly in over his head! Luckily a vivacious old friend is nearby! Air Date : 28th-Jul-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 5 - Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation!

Luffy and Boa Hancock square off against the Cidre Guild! These unscrupulous bounty hunters have one thing in mind - profit at any cost! When the battle looks won, Cidre gears up in a menacing power suit! Air Date : 4th-Aug-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 6 - Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland!

Luffy and Komachiyo leave Hitetsu to take Tama to a doctor. At a wasteland, Zoro saves a woman from two Beasts Pirates. After arriving at the wasteland, Luffy reunites with Zoro. However, they are soon confronted by Hawkins. Air Date : 11th-Aug-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 7 - The Headliner! Hawkins the Magician Appears!

Luffy and Zoro fight against Hawkins' men. Hawkins eventually steps in and displays his powers to them. Komachiyo grabs Luffy and Zoro and runs from the battle, but Hawkins pursues them. Air Date : 18th-Aug-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 8 - Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack!

As Komachiyo flees with Luffy, Zoro, and the ill Tama, Hawkins pursues them with the straw entity. Zoro defends against the straw entity's attacks and eventually defeats it. After the group escapes from Hawkins, Tsuru, who had been hiding inside Komachiyo's tail, reveals herself and invites the group to her teahouse in Okobore Town, where she can help Tama. Air Date : 25th-Aug-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 9 - The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup!

Luffy, Tsuru and Kiku prepares the medicine for Tama. Kiku also helps to bandage up Zoro after he sustained injury during the battle with Hawkins. After Tama recovered, Tsuru treat her sweet red bean soup, where she declares that this is the best birthday ever. Luffy and Zoro learns from Tsuru how Kaido and Orochi pollute the environment and turn Wano into a wasteland and the people are starving. Batman attacked Tsuru, but is saved by Zoro, while Tama was abducted by Gazelleman in the confusion. Air Date : 1st-Sep-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 10 - Charging into the Enemy's Territory! Bakura Town - Where Officials Thrive!

Luffy, Zoro and Kiku chased after Gazelleman, riding on Komachiyo but they failed to catch up as he was too fast for them. He arrived in Holdem's residence in Bakura Town, the town where Orochi's officials and men of Kaido lives. He hands Tama over to Holdem, one of three headliners ruling over Bakura Town. Luffy's group arrived at the entrance of the town but were stop by the guards. Bepo, Sachi and Penguin saw them using a binocular from a nearby hilltop, and they ran to find Law, who was chilling in an abandoned building, and informed him that Luffy had appeared at the entrance of Bakura Town. Air Date : 8th-Sep-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 11 - The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku!

Luffy, Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo enter Bakura Town to rescue Tama after Luffy knocked out the guards with his Haōshoku Haki. They later come across Urashima participating in sumo matches. After Urashima's men grab Kiku and bring her to the ring, Kiku rejects Urashima by cutting off his topknot. Enraged, Urashima attacks Kiku, but Luffy steps in and clashes with him. Air Date : 15th-Sep-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 12 - A Climactic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna!

Luffy faces against Urashima in a sumo match. Holdem tries to pull off Tama's cheek until Luffy sends Urashima crashing into Holdem's residence. Air Date : 22nd-Sep-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 13 - Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger!

Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku fight back against the attacking Beasts Pirates and their samurai allies. Luffy calls out to Holdem, who approaches Luffy's group while holding Tama hostage. Air Date : 29th-Sep-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 14 - Taking Back Otama! A Fierce Fight Against Holdem!

Holdem continues to taunt Luffy's group while holding Tama hostage, threatening to chew her up with Kamijiro. Kiku warns Luffy against attacking Holdem as Kuri is ruled by Jack, and he will destroy Bakura Town if they fight back. Speed arrived with the Treasure ship of food from Paradise Farm. Luffy ordered Zoro to steal the food cart, which he did with Kiku's help. Luffy proceed to punch Kamijiro and rescue Tama. When he saw the injuries on Tama's cheek from being pulled by Holdem with a pincer, he flew into a rage and punched Holdem with Red Hawk, where Tama see Ace in Luffy. Air Date : 6th-Oct-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 15 - Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death!

After defeating Holdem, Luffy grabs Tama and flees the scene. During the escape, they encounter Speed and Tama tames her. They then catch up to Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo as the latter three were fleeing with the stolen food cart. Meanwhile, Law fights Hawkins but their battle is interrupted when the food cart passes by them. After jumping on the food cart, Law reprimands Zoro for his group's actions. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 16 - Romance Dawn

This is a story of Luffy in an alternate reality. While sailing on the sea by himself, a strange bird crashes into his small boat. He looks up to find a giant ship where a girl named Ann has been captured. It seems like the bird belongs to her. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 17 - The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor!

Luffy's group delivers the stolen food cart to Okobore Town and Luffy also gives the residents clean water. After Luffy parted ways with Tama and Speed, Law takes the group to the ruins of Oden Castle. Air Date : 27th-Oct-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 18 - Mysterious Grave Markers! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle!

While traveling to Oden Castle, Komachiyo, Law, Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku encounter a ferocious tiger. Zoro separates from the group to fight the tiger. The rest of the group later arrive at the ruins of Oden Castle. After seeing the graves of the Kozuki Family, Luffy reunites with Kin'emon, Momonosuke, Sanji, Nami, Brook, Chopper, and Carrot. Once they are inside Oden Castle, Kin'emon reveals that he, Momonosuke, Kiku, Raizo, and Kanjuro came from the past. Air Date : 10th-Nov-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 19 - A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!

Kin'emon explains to Luffy's group about the past. He recounts stories such as how his Lord, Kozuki Oden, brings order to Kuri, the day of his demise, and Toki sending Kin'emon's group and Momonosuke to the future. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 20 - Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins!

Kin'emon explained to Luffy's group, who just arrived, the preparation they have done till now and assigned new tasks to them. He laid out the plan of how they are going to defeat Kaido, but there are still lots of work to do such as recruiting more allies and gathering more information on the enemy. Air Date : 24th-Nov-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 21 - The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief!

While Usopp is looking for allies in Wano Country, Shutenmaru and the Mt. Atama Thieves plunder Okobore Town. Jack suddenly arrives at Okubore Town and confronts Shutenmaru. Shutenmaru and Jack quickly get into a fight, but are interrupted when Kaido flies in his dragon form. Air Date : 1st-Dec-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 22 - Everyone is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath!

The drunken Kaido flies above Okobore Town in his dragon form and threatens Shutenmaru and all the people in the town. Luffy, Law, Kin'emon, and Kiku start running towards the town to rescue them. However, Kaido heads towards the ruins of Oden Castle and destroys it with a single attack. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 23 - Finally Clashing! The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido!

Right after the destruction of Oden Castle, Luffy enters a furious battle with Kaido. Air Date : 15th-Dec-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 24 - Destructive! One Shot, One Kill – Thunder Bagua!

Luffy continues his furious battle with Kaido. Despite his best efforts, the battle ends in Luffy's defeat. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-2019  Read More

Season 21 Episode 25 - A Living Hell! Luffy, Humiliated in the Great Mine!

After his defeat, Luffy is sent to a prison in the Udon region. Kiku returns to the mountain where Oden Castle was destroyed and discovers that the group there managed to escape the destruction. Franky, Robin, Usopp, and Zoro read the news about Luffy's fight with Kaido. Inuarashi and his group discover Tama alive and take her into the forest. At the prison in Udon, Luffy meets Kid again. Air Date : 5th-Jan-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 26 - The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles!

Perona learns from a newspaper that Gecko Moria is alive and prepares to leave Kuraigana Island to search for him. Moria and his zombie army attack Pirate Island to find Absalom only to learn that he had been killed. Air Date : 12th-Jan-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 27 - It's On! The Special Operation to Bring Down Kaido!

Dogstorm clashes with Shutenmaru, who refuses to aid in Kin'emon's operation. Sanji and the others seek out recruits. Air Date : 19th-Jan-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 28 - Rampage! The Prisoners – Luffy and Kid!

Nami and Shinobu finish with their current objective in the Flower Capital and Sanji's soba stand is growing more popular. In Udon, Luffy and Kid continue to work. Dobon becomes angry at them for eating alot of food. The vice warden tries to attack them only to be defeated by the pair. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 29 - A Great Sensation! Sanji's Special Soba!

People of the Land of Wano lining up just to taste the delicious soba made by Sanji. He decided to sell the noodles to attract samurais who could join them in their upcoming war against Shogun Kurozumi Orochi, Emperor Kaido, and the Beast Pirates. While he was serving a little girl, three men arrived at his soba stand, they urged Sanji to pay them for doing business in their territory which he refused. Sanji got into a fight when the three men ruined his soba stand. Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 30 - Luxurious and Gorgeous! Wano's Most Beautiful Woman – Komurasaki!

Wano's most popular courtesan heads to the palace, but a revenge plot threatens the proceedings. Air Date : 9th-Feb-2020  Read More

Season 21 Episode 31 - A Tale of Chivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip!

Zoro goes to a gambling house with Tonoyasu. After a brawl, they go to Ebisu Town. Meanwhile, the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance works to steal weapons and food. Franky learns that Minatomo no longer has the blueprints of Kaido's mansion. He goes all over the Flower Capital searching for them but hits a dead end. At the shogun's castle, CP-0 attempts to negotiate with Orochi. Air Date : 16th-Feb-2020  Read More

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