One Piece - Season : 10

During their journey through the Florian Triangle, the Straw Hats arrive on a seemingly haunted island called Thriller Bark, where they encounter the Warlord Gecko Moria. Using his Devil Fruit abilities, Moria steals the Straw Hats' shadows. With the help of a mysterious talking skeleton named Brook, the crew must regain their shadows before sunrise in order to survive.

Season 10 Episode 1 - Plunging into the Devil’s Sea! The Mysterious Skeleton Floating in the Fog!

In search of food, the Straw Hats attempt octopus hunting before discovering a barrel in the middle of the ocean. After opening the barrel, with fireworks launched from it, the Thousand Sunny gets thrown into the foggy Florian Triangle where it encounters a ruined ship with a living skeleton on it. While the others are unnerved, Luffy boards the ship with Sanji and Nami where they find the skeleton. After the skeleton introduces himself as Brook, Luffy immediately asks him to join the crew. Air Date : 6th-Jan-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 2 - The Joy of Seeing People! The Gentleman Skeleton’s True Identity!

Onboard the Thousand Sunny, Brook tells his story of being a musician before being killed. However, his spirit was able to reanimate his skeleton due to the power of the Revive Revive Fruit. He also tells of having his shadow stolen, and thus cannot be out in open sunlight. A ghost suddenly appears in the galley, and the Straw Hats find out that they have been targeted by the ghost isle Thriller Bark, which has found them. Air Date : 13th-Jan-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 3 - One Unnatural Phenomenon After the Next! Disembarking on Thriller Bark!

Brook bids farewell to the Straw Hats and leaps overboard, revealing that the lightness of his body allows him to dash across the ocean's surface. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper sail out to explore the island using the Mini-Merry II, ending up getting knocked onto land before they are chased by a patchwork cerberus that is a third fox. Back on the ship, the remaining crew members are harassed by an invisible creature. After fleeing the cerberus, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper encounter Hildon, a vampiric creature who offers to take them to the mansion of Doctor Hogback. Air Date : 20th-Jan-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 4 - The Man Called a Genius! Hogback Makes His Appearance!

Usopp, Nami and Chopper traverse through the forest of Thriller Bark, Chopper revealing Doctor Hogback to be a famous surgeon and expressing excitement to see him. But when the group have second thoughts of heading towards Hogback's manor, due to the strange creatures roaming the wood, Hildon is nowhere to be seen before being attacked by a platoon of zombies that drive them towards the direction of the manor. While immediately hospitable, despite the manners of his female assistant Victoria Cindry, Hogback starts acting strange after it is mentioned that Brook has arrived on the island. The Thousand Sunny, meanwhile, gets caught in a giant spiderweb. Air Date : 27th-Jan-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 5 - Nami’s in a Major Pinch! The Zombie Mansion and the Invisible Man!

After the meeting with Hogback, who frightens Chopper by insisting that no one is allowed in his laboratory, Nami takes a shower with Usopp and Chopper outside while musing her thoughts on their situation. But Nami finds herself restrained by an invisible man in the shower, the figure fleeing when Usopp and Chopper manage to drive him off. The invisible man meets with Hogback and the ghost, referred as Perona, to discuss what to do with the Straw Hats. As the rest of the crew set foot on Thriller Bark, Luffy taming the cerberus as the group encounter more zombie creatures, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper attempt to leave the manor. But the trio instead find themselves surrounded by the Surprise Zombies: zombies that strike from paintings, taxidermied heads, and even floor rugs. Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 6 - The Zombie’s Secret! Hogback’s Nightmarish Laboratory!

While evading the Surprise Zombies upon finding a secret passage, Nami, Chopper and Usopp discover the truth about Victoria Cindry being a starlet who died long ago. They eventually found the door to Hogback's laboratory, observing the scientist from outside before they are found by a mysterious samurai zombie who sounds like Brook. Meanwhile, Luffy's group are ambushed by ghosts who briefly made them depressed before they reach the graveyard where they are ambushed by the zombies. Air Date : 10th-Feb-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 7 - His Name is Moria! The Great Shadow-Seizing Pirate's Trap!

After beating the zombies, the Straw Hats learn that one of the Shichibukai, Gecko Moria, has been stealing people's shadows and using them to revive zombies. After they leave, Absalom rallies the zombies together for the Night Attack, while the ghosts from before return to their master, a Gothic Lolita-style Ghost Princess Perona. Gecko Moria himself, a massive, giant-like man, is awoken. The Straw Hats come to the realization that Thriller Bark is not an island, but rather, a massive ship! Air Date : 17th-Feb-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 8 - Feast of the Zombie Song! The Night Raid's Bell is the Sound of Darkness!

Usopp, Nami and Chopper are effortlessly incapacitated by Ryuma and locked inside a coffin. Luffy and the others enter the mansion and defeat the Surprise Zombies with ease, but Sanji goes missing, so they force Oinkchuck to act as their guide by taking him with them. While the zombies of Thriller Bark celebrate the start of the Night Raid, Absalom awakens the other General Zombies to handle the Straw Hats. Air Date : 24th-Feb-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 9 - A Bunch of Animals? Perona's Wonder Garden!

After awakening the General Zombies, Absalom is accosted by Lola, a zombie warhog obsessed with making him her husband. After learning that he's chosen Nami to be his bride, Lola sets her sights on the navigator. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper manage to escape their coffin and find themselves in a garden, surrounded by animal zombies, including a bizarre penguin-bulldog zombie named Inuppe who talks and acts a lot like Sanji. The other Straw Hats, meanwhile, discover a hallway lined with suits of armor, and realize that Zoro is now missing as well. Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 10 - The Vanishing Straw Hat Crew! A Mysterious Swordsman Appears!

As Perona makes her way to the Thousand Sunny to get the Straw Hats' treasure while Absalom attempts to stop Lola from hunting Nami, who realizes Innupe's uncanniness to Sanji, Luffy, Robin, and Frankie are lured by Oinkchuck into a room where they are forced to face an army of armored General Zombies. Though they are able to handle them, the three Straw Hats decide that evading them is top priority. But while Frankie and Robin escaped, Luffy's route was blocked by a zombie swordsman named Jigoro who acts much like Zoro. Luffy is captured by the zombie forces, with Franky and Robin surrounded by both sides by the generals and a massive monkey-spider named Taralan. Air Date : 9th-Mar-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 11 - Chivalry Remains! The Traitorous Zombie Protects Nami!

Despite Absalom's attempts to halt Lola and abduct Nami to be her bride, both intents failed as the latter flees from Lola with Usopp and Chopper unable to slow the warthog zombie down. While the Wild Zombies disrespected his orders for them to not harm Nami, Absalom puts the lot in their place while venting his bad mode on Inuppe by blasting him into a wall for his insolence. At the same time, Franky and Robin buy some time against the Taralan and the General Zombies by the former destroying the bridge to trap the zombies in the courtyard while Robin flies them to the area of the castle behind Taralan. As Taralan was about to pursue them, Brook suddenly falls from the sky. Air Date : 16th-Mar-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 12 - Appearing from the Sky! That Man Is the Humming Swordsman!

When Usopp and Chopper are unable to halt Lola, Nami manages to quell the warthog's bloodlust by claiming to be a male crossdresser while encouraging her to take more violent steps in getting Absalom's affections. But when Absalom manages to evade Lola, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper hide inside Perona's servant Kumacy who is unable to reveal the pirates' location as they overhear Absalom and Perona talking about being summoned by Moria as he obtained an ideal shadow for his ultimate Special Zombie: Luffy. Meanwhile, after their enemy used his webs to reach them, Franky gets the upper hand against Taralan until Robin is immobilized by the Spider Mice, the ones behind the abductions of Sanji and Zoro. Luckily, Brook jumped up to help the two pirates, promising to tell them the full story while easily defeating Taralan. Air Date : 23rd-Mar-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 13 - Luffy's Emergency Situation! The Ultimate Shadow's Destination!

After defeating Taralan and releasing his shadow soul from within, Brook explains to Robin and Franky the truth that the zombies of Thriller Bark are actually corpses animated by shadows taken by Gecko Moria from his victims via the power of his Shadow-Shadow Fruit. Meanwhile, Moria meets with the rest of the Mysterious Four (as well as the hidden Straw Hats in Kumacy) where he uses his powers to steal Luffy's shadow to use his Special Zombie. Air Date : 30th-Mar-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 14 - The Warrior Known As the "Devil"!! The Moment of Oars' Revival

With Luffy's shadow, Moria and his followers head into the freezer holding his ultimate special zombie that he believes will help him gain power in the New World: the massive ancient warrior known as Oars. At the same time Brook parts ways from Franky and Robin after giving further crucial advice regarding the zombies, and answering Franky's request, so he can go forth to accomplish his own goal: defeating the zombie Ryuma and reclaiming his shadow from the samurai fencer. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 15 - Awakening After 500 Years!! Oars Opens His Eyes!!

With Usopp, Chopper and Nami bearing witness, Moria implants Luffy's shadow inside the corpse of Oars. Within moments, the massive zombie comes to life with three Straw Hats discovered by Moria's gang. Luckily, Oars immediately displaying aspects of Luffy's personality by yelling out for food, the three Straw Hat pirates escape in midst of the giant's revival. However, they do not get far as Nami is abducted by Absalom for the marriage he plans for her while Usopp and Chopper are left to fend for themselves against numerous platoons of zombies before being rescued by Franky and Robin. Air Date : 27th-Apr-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 16 - A Belief Worth Begging to Live for!! Brook Defends His Afro

Brook confronts Ryuma, recalling his time on Thriller Bark five years prior - and his first battle with Ryuma and how he lost to a zombie with his own shadow. Ryuma mocks Brook for being so careful about his afro, and the two engage in another battle. Oars meanwhile continues to exhibit Luffy's personality traits as he devours most of Thriller Bark's food while declaring his desire to be King of the Pirates. Air Date : 4th-May-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 17 - A Man's Promise Never Dies!! To the Friend Waiting Under the Distant Sky

Usopp, Chopper, Robin and Franky return to the Sunny, discovering their ship had been ransacked before waking up Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. After informing the three about their current status and Nami's abduction, Franky reveals that he asked Brook before they parted way of is what driving him as he could not really return to society due to his appearance. Brook reveals that he and his crew made a promise to return to Reverse Mountain where they left a valuable friend fifty years ago. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Sanji are astonished to find out that friend Brook referred to is the whale Laboon. Air Date : 11th-May-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 18 - I Swear to Go See Him! Brook and the Cape of Promise

Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro tell the rest of the crew how they got to meet Laboon as they started their new journey, while Brook reflects on his promise to return to Laboon amidst his duel with Ryuma. Luffy declares his intention to make Brook a part of their crew, and the Straw Hats prepare to counterattack the forces of Thriller Bark in order to reclaim what was stolen from them. Air Date : 18th-May-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 19 - Food, Nami and Shadows!! Luffy's Enraged Counterattack

With their goals in mind, Luffy, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, and Chopper go after Nami and Moria! Meanwhile, Franky and Zoro head toward Brook. However, Hildon tells the others of the Straw Hat's plan. Air Date : 25th-May-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 20 - Usopp's the Strongest? Leave Anything Negative to Him

Luffy continues on to take on Moria while Chopper and Robin remain behind to take on Hogback who sics Jigoro and Inuppe on them. After Oars runs off with a new pirate hat from his destruction, his actions disrupting Abalsom as his wedding to Nami is almost complete, the remainder of the crew end up in Perona's room where she uses her negative powers on them. But Usopp reveals that he's immune to her attacks due his negative personality, staying behind to take on the ghost princess while the others continue towards Absalom and Ryuuma. Air Date : 1st-Jun-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 21 - The General Zombies Are Down in a Flash!! Oars Feels Like an Adventure!!

As Usopp continues to stand up to Perona's Negative Hollows while wiping out Wild Zombies, Brook is greatly overpowered by Ryuma was about to defeat the skeleton when Zoro arrives. Meanwhile, Oars continues to cause chaos on Thriller Bark, forcing Absalom to send his entire General Zombie audience to stop him. But Abolsom learns that Oars annihilated all of the General Zombies with a "non-Gum-Gum" Gatling before Sanji arrives, Luffy having found Gecko Moria and expressing his intent to beat him up. Air Date : 8th-Jun-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 22 - Blazing Knight Sanji!! Kick Down the Fake Wedding

As Luffy finds himself facing Gecko Moria's animated shadow Doppelman while attempting to attack Moria, Usopp manages to dispatch the Wild Zombies and chases after a frighten Perona with Kumacy chasing after him. Though Absalom initially believed Sanji to not be a threat as he easily dispatched Inuppe, he is shocked that the pirate able to actual due harm to his heavily modified body. Having placed Nami's unconscious body on a pew, Sanji explains that he has more of a beef with Absalom besides his actions against the women in his crew. Air Date : 15th-Jun-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 23 - A Clear-Clear History? Sanji's Stolen Dream

Beating Absalom when he refused to reveal he has been using firearms, Sanji reveals that he knows Absalom's invisibility is due to the Clear-Clear Fruit which he wanted for his own reasons. As Sanji defeats Abalsom, Luffy managed to get through Doppleman to land a hit on Gecko Moria with his Gum Gum Stamp. At the same time, losing sight of Perona, Usopp finally manages to give Kumacy the slip before finding a more confident Perona floating in mid air out the window. Air Date : 22nd-Jun-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 24 - Save Me, Hero!! My Enemy Is the Immortal Princess

Usopp is forced to go through a gauntlet of Perona's Horo-Horo powers, including an untouchable body, size manipulation, passing right through him and creating explosive mini-Hollows that slowly rip away at his stamina and body. Temporarily turning into Sniperking to finally dispatch Kumacy, Usopp is forced up against a desperate wall until he finally realizes Perona's sudden change. Usopp uses one of his attacks to destroy a nearby wall, revealing Perona's body lying helplessly in her bedroom. Air Date : 29th-Jun-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 25 - Perona Is Terrified!! Usopp and Untruthful Share the Same "U"

Having deduced that Perona used her Horo-Horo powers to project her spirit, Usopp attempts to fire an attack at it. But the attack appeared to miss with Perona producing a Special Hollow bomb to hold Usopp while she returned to her body. Usopp luckily uses an Impact Dial to absorb the explosive force, using it to take out the Wild Zombie Hippo Gentleman with some injury as consequence. Usopp then reveals that he actually fired an adhesive on Perona's body, beating her by scaring the trapped girl to death with toy cockroaches and an inflatable ten-ton hammer. As Chopper begins to notice Jigoro and Inuppe acting less like Zoro and Sanji, Oars undergoes the same transition and makes his way back to Gecko Moriah. Meanwhile, Zoro and Ryuma's fight is getting intense as Brook tells Franky that Ryuma is actually fighting for real. Air Date : 6th-Jul-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 26 - Slashes Dancing On the Rooftop!! Zoro vs. Ryuma's Showdown

Zoro duels Ryuma in Hogback's lab, while Franky guards over the injured Brook. Neither Zoro, nor Ryuma, can gain any advantage over the other, as they keep matching the other's attack. Their attacks quickly destroy the lab, forcing them to escape the room and continue their fierce duel on the roof. After an intense sword fight, during which the entire roof collapses to the ground below, Zoro finally defeats Ryuma using a technique which sets him ablaze. Sheathing Shunsui, Ryuma throws it to Zoro. Ryuma collapses in a bout of flames and Brook's shadow is finally returned to him, to his great joy. Zoro acknowledges Ryuma's skill as a swordsman and says he wishes he could have met Ryuuma before he died. He also agrees to forget the outcome of their fight. Air Date : 13th-Jul-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 27 - Chopper Is Furious!! Hogback's Evil Medical Practices

Chopper and Robin are outmatched by Zoro and Sanji's zombies, both of whom have almost completely lost the personalities they acquired from their shadows. Chopper tells Hogback that he had once respected him, but does not anymore after realizing the true nature of Hogbacks experiments. Hogback, however, argues that the zombies are truly alive, and recalls that he had fallen in love with Cindry while she was alive, only to have her reject him in favor of her fiancé. After her death, Hogback agreed to serve Moria in exchange for reviving her. Chopper becomes furious and attempts to attack and purify Cindry. Zoro's zombie and Sanji's zombie begin fighting each other, still unable to get along, and Robin tricks Hogback into telling them to jump out of the tower. Hogback orders Cindry to attack, but Cindry, having temporarily regained her original self, is unable to move. Elsewhere, Luffy is still unable to hit Moria, and Oars arrives at their location. Air Date : 20th-Jul-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 28 - Oars Roars! Come Out, Straw Hat Crew

With Oars now a fully obedient zombie, Gecko Moria takes his leave while instructing the giant to hunt down the Straw Hat pirates whose wanted posters are sewn on his arm. Oars attacks Luffy before he escapes to chase after Moria. Hogback without Cindry's conflicted support tries to run away, only to caught by Chopper as Robin helps him set up a suplex before Oars's attack smashed through the ceiling. Hogback then ends up being crushed under Oars's foot before the giant crushes into the chapel as Absalom takes advantage of Sanji's shock to spirit Nami away. Robin, Chopper meet up with Usopp as they run out of the mansion while Oars enters the courtyard while calling the Straw Hat crew out. Air Date : 3rd-Aug-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 29 - Luffy Is the Enemy! The Ultimate Zombie vs. The Straw Hat Crew

As Abalsom makes another attempt to finalize his marriage to Nami, the other Straw Hats are fretting over Oars hunting them all down. Oars assumes he is kill the Straw Hats and attacks Sanji upon identifying him from his badly drawn wanted poster. While Oars lacks any Devil Fruit power, he is able to use Luffy's attacks to smack Sanji into a building. Oars was about to crush Sanji when Usopp used his Fire Star to set the zombie's head on fire, only to provoke him as Zoro and Franky attempt to fight him. But Oars is too fast and overpowers everyone before destroying bridge where Usopp, Chopper, and Robin were standing. As a wounded Usopp cursed "Luffy" while lying on the ground below alongside his teammates, Oars stood over the seemingly defeated Straw Hats while proclaiming that he is a servant of Moriah. Elsewhere, Luffy's continued pursuit of Moria leads him out of the manor and into the forest. Air Date : 10th-Aug-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 30 - You're Going Down, Absalom!! Nami's Lightning Attack of Friendship!!

Absalom, still battered from his fight with Sanji, attempts to once more seal his marriage to Nami with a kiss before she regains conscious. Lola arrives at that time, telling Nami to leave while pretending to attack her before Abalsom, briefly caught off guard, knocks the zombie out with a furious Nami intent to avenge her friend. Nami manages to win due to a combination of Abalsom's injuries and delusion, checking on Lola who saw through her earlier lie while thanking the girl for her encouragement. Meanwhile, as Luffy continues chasing Moria, Perona comes to and decides to leave on the Thousand Sunny after being told of Oars rampaging through the courtyard. But as Oars starts to search the manor for the remaining Straw Hat members, the ones he just defeated have all got their second wind. Air Date : 17th-Aug-2008  Read More

Season 10 Episode 31 - Knock Him Down!! Special Attack: Straw Hat Docking

After being updated by Lola, Nami decides to find her crew after helping herself to Thriller Bark's treasure. But she finds the treasure room after while finding two of Perona's subordinates. Meahwhile, as Brook heads to the kitchen for some salt, the Straw Hats attempt to find a means to knock Oars down. The Straw Hats attempt a "docking" maneuver by hanging onto Franky in order to form a "Giant Robot Warrior", but it fails when Robin refuses to participate in what she considers very embarrassing. The Straw Hats combine their strengths to get Oars off-balance and cause him to fall to the ground, enraging him. Elsewhere, Perona's subordinates load the treasure and food onto the Thousand Sunny when they see the a mysterious bear-like figure who requests for Gecko Moriah. Air Date : 24th-Aug-2008  Read More

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