One Piece - Season : 19

Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Brook, and the minks Pekoms, Pedro, and Carrot head to Whole Cake Island, where Big Mom of the Four Emperors resides. Nicknamed the Sanji Retrieval Team, the group seeks to rescue their crewmate Sanji from his arranged marriage with Charlotte Pudding, set up to finalize a political alliance between the Charlotte Family and the Vinsmoke Family. However, during their operation, they become involved in a plot to assassinate Big Mom herself.

Season 19 Episode 1 - To the East Blue! Sanji's Resolute Departure!

The terrible history of Sanji's family continue to unfold. From a rare moment of compassion he is able to escape, only to face his father's cruelty before setting out on his own. Air Date : 3rd-Sep-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 2 - A Battle of Limits! Luffy and the Infinite Biscuits!

Luffy is in an all-out, all-you-can-eat battle! As 'Cracker's endless stream of Biscuit Warriors marches on, Luffy's endless appetite is put to the test. Reiju helps Sanji to straighten himself out before he meets his fiancee. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 3 - The Power of Satiety! A New Gear Four Form - Tank Man!

Luffy needs to think fast in order to turn the battle in his favor - filed with biscuits he debuts a new Gear Four attack that has lasting repercussions! Chopper and Carrot find Sanji's reflection, but can they get a message to him in time? Air Date : 24th-Sep-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 4 - A Heartbreaking Duel! Luffy vs Sanji! - Part 1

Luffy finally catches up with Sanji! However, as a happy past plays before his eyes in which he, Sanji, and the crew deepened their bonds, a new page is turning in the history of the Straw Hats - and Sanji's journey with the crew looks to be coming to an end! Air Date : 1st-Oct-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 5 - A Heartbreaking Duel! Luffy vs Sanji! - Part 2

Luffy finally catches up with Sanji! However, as a happy past plays before his eyes in which he, Sanji, and the crew deepened their bonds, a new page is turning in the history of the Straw Hats - and Sanji's journey with the crew looks to be coming to an end! Air Date : 1st-Oct-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 6 - A Storm of Revenge! An Enraged Army Comes to Attack!

After hearing about Cracker's defeat, Big Mom creates a big storm before sending a massive army out to take revenge on Luffy. She then goes to meet with the Vinsmoke Family for lunch, and as they exchange pleasantries, Pudding asks Sanji via note to meet her in private later. Outside, Luffy, Nami, and King Baum watch as the enraged army heads toward them, but a steadfast Luffy refuses to move from his waiting spot. Air Date : 15th-Oct-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 7 - The End of the Adventure! Sanji's Resolute Proposal!

Luffy stands his ground and waits for his friend to return! But the vengeful army washes over him - only a true friend can step in to turn the tide of battle! Meanwhile, Sanji and Pudding discuss their marriage - and come to a startling conclusion! Air Date : 22nd-Oct-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 8 - I'll Wait Here! Luffy vs. the Enraged Army!

Luffy puts his all into battling Big Mom's vengeful army, however, their skills combined prove too formidable. Meanwhile, Sanji goes to Big Mom herself to bargain for the Straw Hats lives - with shocking results! Air Date : 29th-Oct-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 9 - Invading the Chateau! Reach the Road Ponegliff!

Chopper and Carrot are captured by Brulee and strung up for dinner! But Chopper sees a chance to free himself! Meanwhile, Brook and Pedro launch a plan to reach the Ponegliffs - a daring game of chance! Air Date : 5th-Nov-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 10 - A Fateful Confrontation! Luffy and Big Mom!

Pedro creates a diversion for Brook to set his plan into action. Meanwhile Luffy continues to goad Big Mom into a fight, and Pudding begins to have stirrings of rebellion herself! Air Date : 12th-Nov-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 11 - Shout of the Soul! Brook and Pedro's Lightning Operation!

Just when Luffy and Nami are in Big Mom's grasp, Pudding arrives, but with news that they aren't expecting - meanwhile Brook and Chopper both make headway getting out of their own jams! Air Date : 19th-Nov-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 12 - Goodbye! Pudding's Tearful Determination!

Sanji hopes his wedding with Pudding will solve the Straw Hat's predicament- but Pudding secretly plans to avoid the marriage, sharing a secret with Luffy. Meanwhile Brook comes face to face with Big Mom herself! Air Date : 26th-Nov-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 13 - The History of the Left Eye! Pedro vs. Baron Tamago!

Luffy tries desperately to free himself at the risk of his own well-being! Meanwhile, Chopper and Carrot continue to search the mirror universe. Brook squares off against Big Mom, and Pedro's past is revealed! Air Date : 3rd-Dec-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 14 - Moist Cigarette! The Night Before Sanji's Wedding!

Luffy struggles to break himself free as Sanji falls deeper in love with the idea of marrying Pudding. But the mask falls off and the deadly charade of Big Mom is revealed as the depths of her treachery come to light! Air Date : 10th-Dec-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 15 - The Undaunted Soul! Brook vs. Big Mom!

Brook continues his all-out struggle against Big Mom, but his secret weapon might not be enough to save him! Meanwhile an unexpected ally from the past comes to the rescue! Air Date : 17th-Dec-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 16 - Sora's Wish! Germa's Failure - Sanji!

Jimbei arrives on the scene and works to free Luffy and Nami! Meanwhile Sanji confronts his sister with the awful truth of Pudding, and she confides in him the powerful secret of their mother's undying love! Air Date : 24th-Dec-2017  Read More

Season 19 Episode 17 - To Reach Sanji! Luffy's Vengeful Hell-bent Dash!

Brook finds himself totally at the whim of big Mom, and comes face to face with her brutal love! Meanwhile, Pedro reveals his explosive plan to create a distraction! Air Date : 7th-Jan-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 18 - The Chateau in Turmoil! Luffy, to the Rendezvous!

As Pedro detonates a string of dynamite at the courtyard, Chopper grabs him into the Mirro-World. While traveling in the Mirro-World, Chopper and Carrot manage to locate Nami and Jinbe, who are evading the Big Mom Pirates. Meanwhile, Luffy continues running through the chateau and is confronted by Cabaletta, who intends to avenge Cadenza. After a furious clash, Luffy manages to defeat Cabaletta and continues onward. Luffy eventually comes across the infirmary, where Reiju hides him from the pursuing Big Mom Pirates. Reiju informs Luffy that Sanji has been made aware of Pudding's deception and Luffy decides to return to the place where he promised to wait for Sanji. After jumping out of the Chateau and landing in Sweet City, Luffy is confronted by Chess Soldiers as he is traveling to his intended destination. While wandering in the hallways of the Chateau, Sanji decides that he will not return to the Straw Hats. Air Date : 14th-Jan-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 19 - Deciding to Say Goodbye! Sanji and his Straw-Hat Bento!

Having brought Jinbe and Nami into the Mirro-World, the Sanji Retrieval Team begins searching for Luffy, Sanji, and Brook. Inside Big Mom's chamber, Big Mom continues holding Brook captive and goes over the Vinsmoke assassination plan with Pudding. The Charlotte Family and the Big Mom Pirates have a meeting and discuss the statuses of the intruders. Believing the intruders have been dealt with, the meeting adjourned. Inside Sweet City, Luffy battles against two chess soldiers and two members of the Big Mom Pirates. Due to his hunger, Luffy initially struggles but is able to muster enough strength to defeat his opponents. Back inside the chateau, Sanji sits alone in a hallway and decides to accept death. Bobbin runs into him and as he is about to eat a piece of meat from Sanji's bento box, Sanji kicks him and then flees the scene. Air Date : 21st-Jan-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 20 - The Emperor Rolls Over! Rescue Brook Mission!

After Sanji fled, Bobbin decides to pursue him by himself. The Sanji Retrieval Team finds the mirror leading to Brook but also learns that the mirror also leads to Big Mom's bedroom. While Big Mom is sleeping, the team plans to retrieve Brook and replace him with another skeleton. After three unsuccessful attempts, the team manage to get Brook back. As Sanji hurries towards the place where Luffy promised to wait for him, Luffy is also approaching near his intended destination. However, Charlotte Counter ambushes him. Air Date : 28th-Jan-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 21 - The Rendezvous! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit!

Luffy fights against Charlotte Counter, but despite his best effort, his hunger causes him to be easily overpowered. Meanwhile, Brook reveals to the Sanji Retrieval Team that he successfully transcribed Big Mom's Poneglyphs. As the team prepares to find Sanji, Jinbe states that they should reach him before the wedding, as there is a plot going on behind the scenes that will plunge it into chaos. He reveals that Pekoms was caught up in this scheme, which resulted in him being shot by Bege. In the Whole Cake Chateau, the Vinsmokes celebrate by drinking lots of alcohol, and outside in Sweet City, Bobbin is shot by a mysterious gunman while pursuing Sanji. Sanji reaches the outskirts of Sweet City where Luffy promised to wait for him, but cannot find Luffy. However, he finally locates the unconscious Luffy by the remains of King Baum after hearing his stomach rumble. Air Date : 4th-Feb-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 22 - A Liar! Luffy and Sanji!

After a harsh struggle, Luffy finally manages to defeat Counter. He then rests besides King Baum's corpse. Sanji later arrives and finds Luffy, who wakes up from the smell of Sanji's bento. Sanji gives the bento to Luffy, relieving his hunger. Sanji once again attempts to convince Luffy to leave without him, but in response, Luffy punches him and forces him to say his true feelings. Sanji then tearfully admits that he wants to return to the Straw Hats but could not abandon his family. Happy to hear Sanji's answer, Luffy decides to help him crash the wedding. Air Date : 11th-Feb-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 23 - Sanji Comes Back! Crash! The Tea Party from Hell!

After Luffy and Sanji reconcile, the Sanji Retrieval Team manages to contact them through a mirror shard. Jinbe proceeds to talk about Bege's past before revealing that he plots to assassinate Big Mom during the tea party. Jinbe then proposes forming an alliance with him. Air Date : 18th-Feb-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 24 - A Secret Meeting! Luffy vs. the Fire Tank Pirates!

The Sanji Retrieval Team goes to the Fire Tank Pirates' hideout to meet Capone Bege. Meanwhile, the Sun Pirates tend to an injured Pekoms and guard him to prevent him from reporting to Big Mom. While Nami and Carrot are bathing, they have a conversation with Charlotte Chiffon, who explains about Lola's arranged marriage with Loki, the prince of Elbaf, and how Lola running away from the marriage cost Big Mom an alliance with the giants. After finishing bathing and changing clothes, the Sanji Retrieval Team meets Bege in person. Air Date : 4th-Mar-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 25 - The Deadly Pact! Luffy & Bege's Allied Forces!

The meeting between the Sanji Retrieval Team and the Fire Tank Pirates begins. Luffy wants to punch Bege for what he did to Pekoms and after a brief quarrel, Jinbe convinces everyone to put their differences aside. Bege reveals that he recruited Caesar for his assassination plot and goes over his plan to assassinate Big Mom. After Bege explains about an incident concerning the photo of Mother Carmel, Luffy agrees to be the bait. Air Date : 18th-Mar-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 26 - Luffy Engages in a Secret Maneuver! The Wedding Full of Conspiracies Starts Soon!

The meeting between the Sanji Retrieval Team and the Fire Tank Pirates continues. The groups review their plans for the Tea Party and intend to use a mirror and Brûlée to escape. After the meeting concludes, Sanji returns to his room in the Whole Cake Chateau to prepare for the wedding. Meanwhile, the Sun Pirates prepare to leave Whole Cake Island after tying Pekoms to a rock. The guests arrive and everyone prepares for the tea party, which is due in an hour. Air Date : 25th-Mar-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 27 - The Family Gets Together! The Hellish Tea Party Starts!

The Underworld emperors arrive at the Whole Cake Chateau to attend Big Mom's tea party. Bege and his crew act as security for the wedding. When the Vinsmoke Family arrives, they are asked to relinquish their weapons and raid suits. As the Sanji Retrieval Team prepares for Bege's operation, Luffy goes to the Seducing Woods to catch animals. At the venue, an angry guest Jigra is trying to force his way in only to be shot down by Charlotte Katakuri. Shortly afterwards, the Organ Trading Assassin Group attacks the venue but they are easily defeated by Daifuku and Oven. After all the guests arrive at the venue, Big Mom appears and the tea party begins. Air Date : 1st-Apr-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 28 - The Broken Couple! Sanji and Pudding Enter!

As the Tea Party begins, the Fire Tank Pirates and Caesar Clown make preparations to commit their assassination attempt on Big Mom. Inside the venue, Big Mom receives the portrait of Mother Carmel as well as presents from her guests, and she reveals that she will be opening the Tamatebako she got from Fishman Island after the wedding. Meanwhile, Sanji struggles to not be fooled by Pudding's facade as the two of them practice their vows before being flown out to the venue. Air Date : 8th-Apr-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 29 - A Deadly Kiss! The Mission to Assassinate the Emperor Kicks Off!

The wedding has begun and after Sanji and Pudding arrive at the venue, Streusen brings out the wedding cake with the altar at the top. After arriving at the altar, Sanji and Pudding begin the exchange of vows. Following Big Mom's plan, Pudding reveals her third eye to him. Sanji says that her third eye is beautiful, something that no one else has said to her before. Pudding breaks down in tears, causing Big Mom's plan to go awry. Katakuri tries to assassinate Sanji himself but fails. Afterwards, Luffy and his duplicates intrude into the venue by bursting out of the wedding cake. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 30 - Returning the Sake Cup! The Manly Jimbei Pays His Debt!

Luffy's duplicates burst out of the wedding cake and they run amok at the wedding venue as the cake collapses. Following Bege's plan, Luffy goes after Carmel's photo. However, his attempt is thwarted by Katakuri. Jinbe steps in and saves Luffy from Katakuri's clutches. He then confronts Big Mom and declares his intention to leave her crew and join the Straw Hats. Big Mom then attempts to take Jinbe's lifespan, but his lack of fear towards her causes her powers to have no effect. As Big Mom attacks Jinbe in a fit of rage, Brook destroys the photo of Carmel. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2018  Read More

Season 19 Episode 31 - The Mission Failed?! The Big Mom Pirates Strike Back!

The plan is in full swing however - Big Mom is pushed past the edge of sanity and can't bring herself to act. Meanwhile, her children make a move against Germa and Pudding takes up her original aim of killing Sanji! Air Date : 29th-Apr-2018  Read More

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