Years after the original Backdraft, Sean, son of the late Steve "Bull" McCaffrey, is assigned to investigate a deadly fire only to realize it is something much more sinister.
George Oppenheimer has two problems: an eccentric wife and an uncontrollable child. At work his team invented a computer with personality. George thinks the computer is faster, smarter and elegant. When his life falls apart, the computer offers suicide as the only alternative.
A woman and her son enlist a motley crew of so-called spiritual experts to help rid their home of supernatural squatters.
BoBoiBoy and his friends must protect his elemental powers from an ancient villain seeking to regain control and wreak cosmic havoc.
A short found-footage film about an indie movie producer who becomes the subject of industry gossip. Made in 72 hours as part of the BizarroLand Film Debacle 2024.
The hope of a young historian to corroborate the existence of Pascual Vázquez, a supposed general of the Mexican revolution, materializes in Ms. Hilda, Pascual's granddaughter, who offers to tell the stories of her grandfather.
When an in-flight collision incapacitates the pilots of an airplane bound for Los Angeles, stewardess Nancy Pryor is forced to take over the controls. From the ground, her boyfriend Alan Murdock, a retired test pilot, tries to talk her through piloting and landing the 747 aircraft. Worse yet, the anxious passengers — among which are a noisy nun and a cranky man — are aggravating the already tense atmosphere.
Three short tales of supernatural horror. In “The Telephone,” a woman is plagued by threatening phone calls. In "The Wurdalak,” a family is preyed upon by vampiric monsters. In “The Drop of Water,” a deceased medium wreaks havoc on the living.
A woman is left her grandfather's home in the Hamptons and reconnects with her childhood love.