Monica leaves an elevator at the hospital and visits her son's room and holds him close. Carly tells Sonny that AJ told her that he shot him. Monica says goodbye to AJ as Emily's ghost shows up. Monica thinks about Alan, Jason, Dawn and Emily and wishes that she was with them. Emily says she is always with them. AJ's spirit appears infront of Monica and thanks her for giving him a second chance at life. AJ and Emily tell her why she needs to carry on living. Sonny takes Carly somewhere private to talk and he admits to her that he shot AJ. Sonny talks to Carly about the things AJ put them through in the past and they remember the life they shared together. Sonny wants her not to tell anyone that he shot AJ and she replies that she needs time to think about things. Mac thinks that Felicia should run for mayor. Lucy thinks about Scott telling her to choose between him or Kevin. Kevin promises to help her with the upcoming Nurses' Ball. Bobbie goes to Kelly's to see Scott and tells him that she and Noah have broken up as he has been cheating on her. Lucy shows up and tells Scott that she has decided that her future is with Kevin. Air Date : 1st-Apr-2014 Read More
Dante learns from Nathan that he's had no luck finding Ben yet. Dante attempts to reassure Lulu that they will find him. Diane shows up at the police station to represent Britt and she reveals that Liesl sent her. Diane believes that Britt has done nothing illegal. After Dante refuses to release her, Diane leaves to get a court order. Lulu is upset when Diane returns with the court order. Sonny tells Shawn that Carly knows that he shot AJ. Nathan receives a visit from Sam and Silas and they show him the article they planted in the newspaper about Nakamura still being alive. Liesl shows Elizabeth a newspaper article reporting AJ's death and she becomes upset. Lulu shows up to see Elizabeth. Julian and Ava argue about who killed AJ. As he is about to show her the Nakamura article, Jordan shows up, looking for a job. Ava ends up offering her a job instead. After Jordan leaves, he shows her the article about Nakamura. When Jordan returns to Kelly's she tells Shawn and her son about her new job. Carly wakes up in bed with Franco feeling shaken about her memories of AJ telling her that Sonny shot him. Before Carly can tell Franco about Sonny killing AJ, Sonny shows up. After Franco leaves, Sonny wants to know what she is planning to do. Air Date : 2nd-Apr-2014 Read More
Liesl tells Elizabeth to get rid of Lulu. Liesl eavesdrops as they talk about their feelings. Dante warns Britt not to leave town before releasing her. Nikolas shows up and is not happy to learn about her release. Britt tells him that her feelings for him were real before leaving. Lulu shows up and tells Nikolas and Dante about her visit with Elizabeth. Britt and Brad talk about losing everything after she shows up at the hospital. Brad ends up offering her a place to stay. Britt receives a call from her mother. Ava is left feeling stunned after she reads the article about Nakamura. Nathan shows up and informs Julian that they need to talk. Ava listens in as they talk which is part of their plan. Jordan learns from Shawn and her son about the Jerome family and how TJ was used as a human shield by Julian. Jordan decides to still take the job working for Ava. Nathan fills Silas and Sam in on how their plan is going. Carly wants to know how Ava is connected to AJ's death and Sonny fills her in. Carly decides not to tell Michael that it was Sonny who shot AJ. Air Date : 3rd-Apr-2014 Read More
Morgan sees Ava coming out of the gallery and realizes that there’s something wrong. He sees the newspaper article about Nakamura on the floor and asks if she was in New York to kill him. Ava insists that Silas killed him. Morgan attempts to get Ava to open up to him but she tells him if he loves her he will stop hounding her. Nathan, Silas and Sam believe that Ava will attempt to finish off Nakamura and have audio and video set up to catch her in the act. Nathan learns that most of the officers are busy looking for Liesl and their Nakamura stand-in is not available. Sam volunteers but Silas refuses to agree to let her put herself in danger. Nathan promises Silas that he will take care of Sam after Silas is called away. Brad leaves Lucas a voicemail. Liesl calls her daughter at the hospital and asks if she is ready to pick up her son and informs her that she has some fake passports so that she can start a new life with him. Shawn is not happy about Jordan working for Ava and accuses her of being back to her old ways. Felix learns from Lucas that he and Brad have broken up. Britt goes to the police station. Nikolas shows up at Elizabeth's place after learning that it wasn't Ric who was there the last time he visited. Liesl ends up pointing a gun at him. Felix goes to see Brad and informs that he knows everything about him and Britt and how he knows he was going to tell him. Ava shows up to see Silas and tells him that they need to talk. A woman enters the hotel room and uncaps a syringe. Sam and Nathan are shocked when it turns out to be Madeline. Air Date : 4th-Apr-2014 Read More
Ava informs Silas that Nakamura is still alive and she attempts to convince him to go to the hotel to silence him as she thinks that Silas was the one who attempted to kill Nina. Ava swears on their daughter's life that she never tried to kill Nina after Silas tells her it wasn't him. After Morgan sees them talking, he asks Ava if she still has feelings for Silas. Nathan is shocked to see his mother in the hotel room and she tries to play dumb. Sam believes that she is the person who put Nina in the coma and murdered Nakamura. Madeline continues to deny any wrongdoing as Silas shows up. Silas learns the truth about Nathan really being Nina's brother. Silas and Nathan are shocked when they find out from Madeline that Nina was pregnant at the time she went into the coma. Ric informs Julian that Sonny believes that he is funding his organization. Ric decides that he can no longer represent Julian as Alexis shows up. Things heat up between Julian and Alexis again after Ric leaves. Tracy isn't impressed with a present that Luke gives her. Luke wants to work with her at ELQ and she is surprised as he has never worked an office job before. Tracy wants to know what he is up to. Britt informs Lulu and Dante that she can take them to Ben and tells them where to find her mother. Dante refuses to allow Lulu to go with him. Britt shows at Elizabeth's place just as her mother is about to shoot Nikolas. Air Date : 7th-Apr-2014 Read More
Madeline explains hows she had taken some pictures of Silas with Ava and showed them to Nina and how her daughter then told her that she was pregnant. She continues by explaining how Nina believed Silas would stop seeing Ava once he found out about the baby. Nathan ends up arresting his mother for the murder of Nakamura and Nina. Carly returns to Franco’s room and he questions where she’s been. Franco warns her how destructive secrets can be and wants to know if she trusts him. After Franco works out that Sonny shot AJ she admits the truth to him. Olivia tells Sonny that Dante and Lulu could be about to be reunited with the baby. Britt is shocked to discover her mother pointing a gun at Nikolas. Dante listens in outside as Britt attempts to trick her mother into believing that she is going along with her plan. Elizabeth ends up being shot after Dante bursts in and is involved in a struggle with Liesl. Britt attempts to save Elizabeth's life. Nathan takes his mother to the police station and informs Anna that she killed Nina. Liesl ends up being put in a cell next to a upset Madeline and they recognize each other. Lulu is finally reunited with the baby. Maxie returns to Port Charles. Air Date : 8th-Apr-2014 Read More
Carly tells Franco that he can't tell anyone about Sonny shooting AJ for both her and Michael's sake. Franco promises her that she can trust him and they wonder what was going on between AJ and Ava. Carly is determined to find out the truth. Britt takes Elizabeth to the hospital where Elizabeth is rushed into surgery. Nikolas learns that none of Elizabeth's vital organs were hit. Elizabeth takes Nikolas' hand after he blames himself for what happened. Lulu is happy to be reunited with Ben. Lulu allows Britt to say goodbye to him after she shows up. Nathan is surprised to see Maxie in the apartment. He is even more shocked after an Australian named Levi walks out of the bathroom in a towel. Madeline is surprised to see Liesl in the cell next to her and it is revealed that they are sisters. After Nathan shows up Liesl guesses who is really is and says he is my son. Sonny tells Ava about what AJ told Carly before he died. Air Date : 9th-Apr-2014 Read More
Nathan and Britt toast to their miserable lives after telling one another their problems. Luke lets Julian know that their problems with Sonny are about to be taken care of. Ric is waiting for Sonny when he returns home and tells him what Luke told him. Ric insists that he just wants peace between them. Afrer Ric leaves Sonny calls Luke and asks him to come to see him. He then wants to know what sort of game he is playing. Madeline wants her sister to forget the fact that Nathan is really her son. Liesl threatens to tell Nathan the truth. As Nikolas and Elizabeth are talking Ric shows up and says he only just heard about what happened. Elizabeth thinks that Nikolas should go home. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2014 Read More
Elizabeth insists to Ric that she is fine and he wonders what's going on between her and Nikolas. Elizabeth thinks it will take him quite a while to get over Britt. Ric is determined to prove to Elizabeth just how much she means to him. Nikolas explains to Spencer the reasons why Britt has moved out. Britt and Nathan go back to his place following their drinking session. Britt is surprised to see Maxie and fills her in on what has been going on. Britt then drinks some more before deciding that it's time to leave. Nathan is able to get her to agree to sleep on the sofa where she looks at some pictures of Ben on her phone. Lulu and Dante take Ben home and find Olivia waiting for them. They end up deciding to rename him Rocco. Sonny tells Luke what Ric told him. Luke manages to cover. Madeline attempts to convince her sister not to tell Nathan the truth. Liesl calls Dante and tells him that she is ready to make a statement. Liesl surprises Dante with what she has to say. Air Date : 11th-Apr-2014 Read More
Dante tells his wife that Liesl wants all the charges against her dropped in exchange for their other missing embryo. Lulu thinks that she is bluffing. There is conflict between Levi and Nathan. Nathan wishes Britt luck with Nikolas. Levi thinks that Maxie should ask Nathan to move out. Madeline continues to try and convince her sister not to tell Nathan the truth. Liesl is taken away to talk to Dante as Nathan shows up. Madeline is shocked after she finds out that he and Britt got drunk together and he refuses to tell her if they slept together. Madeline surprises him by informing him that she is actually his sister and also reveals that Liesl is his biological mother. Michael wants Anna to tell him what is being done to catch the person who killed AJ. Dante and Lulu quiz Liesl about the embryo. She tells them she will give it back to them once they give her full immunity from all prosecution, and the same for her daughter. Nikolas is able to convince Elizabeth to move into Wyndermere whilst she recovers. Britt shows up and learns what is going on. Patrick and Sabrina catch up. Carlos shows up to take her to her baby appointment but Patrick decides to go instead. Patrick promises Sabrina that he won’t let her down again after Carlos leaves. Carlos gets into the elevator with Michael. Air Date : 14th-Apr-2014 Read More
Luke calls Julian so that he can get an update on their shipment. Luke makes excuses to Tracy after he gets off the phone who is feeling annoyed that he's claimed an office at ELQ without her approval. Tracy is surprised to see Ned who believes that she is making a mistake marrying Luke. Tracy believes that he should be happy for her but he thinks Luke is just after her money. Carlos reads AJ's death certificate over Michael's shoulder leaving Micheal wondering why he's so interested. Sonny receives a visit from AJ's ghost who taunts him. Duke promises Sonny that his secret is safe with him as Michael shows up. After both Duke and Michael leave Sonny is taunted by AJ's spirit once again. Shawn hopes that Jordan has had second thoughts about taking the job but she wishes that he'd just be more supportive. Carlos tells Ava about what happened with Michael. After Jordan shows up at the gallery to start work she tells Julian that she knows about his drug operation and continues that she can help him. Anna informs Dante they have a lead on AJ's killer as they have found the man who sold the murder weapon. He ends up picking out Carlos' picture as they person who purchased it. Ned wants Luke to agree to sign a pre nuptial agreement before he marries his mother. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2014 Read More
Luke attempts to convince Ned that he is not after Tracy's money. Ned attempts to convince his mother not to allow Luke play her before leaving. Tracy informs Luke that she has decided that there will be a pre nuptial agreement. Luke thinks that they should call off the engagement if she doesn't trust him. Michael learns from Dante that the gun that shot AJ belonged to Carlos. Michael tells Anna and Dante about how Carlos was asking him about the investigation. Michael believes that Ava and Julian are also involved because Carlos works for them. Duke and Shawn talk about the Jerome’s drug operation. Carlos informs Ava that there’s no way the gun can be traced back to him. Ava insists to him that she did not shoot AJ. Jordan wants in on Julian's drug operation. Anna and Shawn show up looking for Carlos and he ends up being arrested for attacking an officer. Julian wants to know what Ava isn't telling him. AJ continues to haunt Sonny. Sonny's strange behavior worries Olivia and she attempts to convince him to get help. Sabrina and Patrick learn that the baby she is expecting is a boy. In the interrogation room at the police station Carlos insists that he knows nothing about AJ’s shooting. Sonny calls Ava and tells her that he needs her help. Air Date : 16th-Apr-2014 Read More
Tracy agrees to take the pre-nup off the table after Luke tells her to prove that she loves him. Ava calls Diane and tells her to make sure that Carlos keeps his mouth shut. Sonny thinks about his argument with Olivia. Ava shows up and Sonny informs her that AJ's spirit has been pushing him close to the edge. Ava tells him they need to stay strong and keep their mouths shut. Ava wishes that there is more she could do to help Sonny. Carlos is questioned about the murder but he refuses to talk without his lawyer present. Dante tells Anna about the deal Liesl has offered him. Spencer remains worried about Sonny and Luke but Nikolas believes that he must be confused. Elizabeth and Cameron show up and Spencer refuses to be nice to Cameron. Nikolas orders his son to apologize. Spencer calls Sonny and leaves him a message. Britt shows up with allergy medications for Ben. Lulu lets her know that she has changed his name to Rocco and tells Britt that Liesl has been claiming she has another one of her embryos. Maxie tells Nathan that he needs to move out but he says that she can move out. Maxie ends up having a change of heart after Nathan tells her that Britt is his sister. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2014 Read More
Spencer asks the chauffeur at Wyndermere to take him to Sonny's place after he fails to reply to his messages. Luke shows up at Kiki's place and she is not pleased to see him. AJ's ghost continues to haunt Sonny. Sonny and AJ argue after Olivia leaves after coming to see Sonny. Sonny refuses to answer the door when Spencer shows up. Morgan asks Ava why Carlos would want to kill AJ. Things heat up between them until Kiki calls and Morgan leaves. Ned and Tracy talk about AJ and Ned shows his mother an article about Carlos' arrest. Ned isn't happy when Luke shows up and rips up the pre nuptial agreement and threatens him. Spencer shows up to confront Luke. Kiki tells Morgan about what happened with Luke. Franco shows Carly the article about Carlos. Carly is convinced that Ava was also involved. Dante and Anna continue to quiz Carlos and he insists that he's innocent. Diane shows up and insists on talking to her client alone. Ava calls and instructs Carlos to keep his mouth shut and warns him what will happen if he doesn't. Air Date : 18th-Apr-2014 Read More
Spencer faces off with Luke. Michael pays Sonny a visit. Patrick receives a visit from Sabrina. As things are are about to heat up between Nikolas and Elizabeth at Wyndermere, Ric shows up. Ric thinks that it is a bad idea that Elizabeth has moved in. Sabrina tells Patrick that she is here for a dance recital with Emma. Carlos is furious with Ava for threatening Sabrina. Michael wants Sonny to come to a gathering to remember AJ at the Quatermaine house. Spencer gives Luke some attitude. Luke tells Spencer that he is mistaken in what he thought he heard but he remains determined to protect Sonny and ELQ. Michael attempts to convince Sonny to attend as he needs his support. Patrick tells Sabrina about how he has managed to upset Emma. Elizabeth isn't happy when Ric and Nikolas argue. Ric offers to look after her and the children. Nikolas and Ric continue to bicker about where Elizabeth is better off staying. As Patrick tells Sabrina that Emma still doesn't know that he is the baby's father she shows up. As Ava asks Carlos if they have an understanding, Dante enters the room and takes the phone of him. Sonny doesn't believe that Monica would appreciate seeing him. After Michael leaves, Sonny is taunted by AJ's ghost again. Luke wants Spencer to stay quiet about what he knows. Carlos refuses to say anything .Patrick tells his daughter that he needs to tell her something. Ric and Elizabeth talk alone and he wonders if she agreed to move into Wyndermere as she wants to get back together with Nikolas. Elizabeth insists that she and Nikolas are just friends. Luke tells Spencer that he will hurt Emma is he doesn't agree to keep quiet. Patrick tells Emma that he is the father of the baby that Sabrina is expecting. Franco is questioned by Dante for painting on the walls of his hotel room at the Metro Court. Ava makes a mysterious phone call and mentions Sabrina's name. Emma isn't happy with the news. Sonny shows up as Luke is threatening Spencer. Air Date : 21st-Apr-2014 Read More
Nikolas finds out that his son never made it to school and learns that he is at the Quartermaine’s. Elizabeth begins to believe that there could be something true about Spencer's claims. Emma feels like she’s being tricked by her father and Sabrina. Sabrina learns from Patrick about Carlos' arrest. Emma ignores a call from Spencer. Ava leaves for AJ's funeral and runs into Carly outside her room. Carly is surprised to find out that she is planning to go to AJ's funeral. Carlos thinks about Ava’s threats against Sabrina as Franco is brought in and attempts to talk to him about Ava in the next cell. Carly shows up to see Franco and he stages a fake fight with her in front of Carlos. Tracy argues with her son about Luke and he tells her that Luke threatened to kill him. Ned learns from Kiki and Morgan about Luke's attempts to hit on Kiki. Ned wants to set a trap that will expose Luke to Tracy. Luke asks Spncer if he is okay and Nikolas shows up to pick him up. Tracy wants to speak to Luke alone and asks him if it is true that he threatened to kill her son. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2014 Read More
Mac videos Emma as she shows up for her recital with Patrick and Sabrina and takes her to sit with Anna and Felicia. Cameron shows up with some flowers for Emma and Sabrina asks Nikolas who Elizabeth is doing. Sabrina insists that Carlos is innocent after Nikolas mentions his arrest. Emma refuses to leave with Spencer and Nikolas takes him home. Michael tells Monica that he invited Sonny but he refused to come out of respect for her. Ned wants to use Kiki as bait in his plan to expose Luke. Carly wants to know why Sonny’s at the Quartermaine house. Luke makes a mysterious phone call and mentions Spencer and Emma. Luke flirts with Ava. Ned's plan to expose Luke fails. Sonny, Carly and Tracy join Monica and Michael at the crypt and Monica lays flowers on AJ’s grave. Michael thanks Sonny for coming. Ava finds out that Franco is in jail with Carlos. Morgan promises Kiki that he won't let Luke hurt her again and Ava sees them together. AJ's ghost congratulates Sonny on managing to get Michael on side. Carlos admits the truth to Franco after he promises to protect Sabrina. Sabrina, Patrick and Emma are driving home when somebody pulls in front of them and Patrick is forced to slam on the brakes. Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2014 Read More
After Patrick wakes up following the car crash, Emma seems fine but Sabrina’s still unconscious. Patrick calls for help and when Sabrina wakes up she is in a lot of pain. Britt shows up and tells Sabrina that she has gone into labor. Ava finds Sonny in the Quartermaine crypt and informs him that she saw her daughter in Morgan’s arms. Sonny realizes just how much she loves his son. Things heat up between them after he tells her that he wants to tell Michael the truth. Luke taunts Kiki in front of Morgan. When Carly and Michael show up Luke pretends that they were remembering AJ. Carly demands that her son tell her what’s really going on after Luke leaves. Carly leaves when she receives a text message and Morgan attempts to find Ava after seeing her car still outside the house. Luke calls Julian and asks for an update. Anna charges Carlos with AJ’s murder as he and Franco talk. Nathan interrupts with news of Patrick and Emma’s accident. Anna and Nathan leave and Carlos believes that Ava caused the accident to hurt Sabrina. He refuses to tell Franco anything more and asks a guard to call his lawyer. Franco tells Carly what he has found out. Carlos leaves a voicemail for Ava saying that he knows what she did to Sabrina. Anna comforts Emma at the scene of the accident as Britt insists that the baby needs to be delivered. Cameron taunts Spencer for being grounded but Spencer insists he was only at the recital to warn Emma about something. Spencer leaves Luke a message after learning about the accident. Air Date : 24th-Apr-2014 Read More
Things continue to heat up between Sonny and Ava in the mausoleum. Carlos keeps calling Ava's phone and leaves some threatening messages. Sonny and Ava realize what happened between them was a mistake. Morgan is furious when he shows up and realizes what has happened. Duke and Olivia talk at the Metro Court and Olivia decides to call Sonny. Sonny and Morgan shows up. Britt and Patrick attempt to deliver Sabrina's baby which comes out not crying. Emma tells Anna and Nathan that Britt showed up from nowhere after the accident. Britt feels insulted after Nathan asks her if she caused the accident. Nathan finds a phone. Sabrina is taken into the hospital on a gurney and after she wakes up she remembers what happened and freaks out. Franco tells Carly about the accident. When Duke shows up at the police station, Anna tells him what happened. Ava shows up see Carlos. Air Date : 25th-Apr-2014 Read More
Anna learns that Franco has something on Ava. Carlos accuses Ava of causing Sabrina's accident. Carlos decides to talk to Anna before she gets the chance to talk to Franco. Anna refuses to let Carlos talk to Sabrina until he gives her the information that she wants. Anna informs Nathan that Carlos has just confessed to killing AJ. An upset Sabrina waits for news about the baby. Felix attempts to keep her calm. Patrick learns that there is only a 50% chance his son will survive. Sabrina and Patrick get a chance to see the baby. Kiki shows up at the mausoleum to see Michael and sees an earring on the floor. Olivia wants to know what is going on when Morgan and Sonny show up. Ava calls Morgan and leaves him a message assuring him that she loves him and what happened with his father meant nothing. Air Date : 28th-Apr-2014 Read More
Jordan is at the pier and thinks about the deal she made with Julian. Shawn surprises her and wonders what she's up to. Jordan threatens to tell TJ the truth about how his father really died and offers to keep his secret if he'll keep hers. TJ shows Molly his acceptance letter to the university. Alexis and Julian enjoy a clandestine dinner date as Morgan shows up to complain about Ava betraying him. Before leaving he warns Julian that Ava has been messing him around by giving information to Sonny. Jordan shows up with a package for Julian. Julian calls his sister asking her to meet him. Olivia continues to quiz Sonny why Morgan came to her about his breakup with Ava. Alexis shows up and warns Sonny about what just happened with Morgan. Carly and Franco are surprised to find out that Carlos confessed to the shooting. They attempt to work out what AJ had on Ava that got him killed. Anna takes the recording of Carlos' confession out and plays it for Michael and Carly. Ava goes back to her place and leaves a message for Morgan. Air Date : 29th-Apr-2014 Read More
Jordan wonders why his mother is always out so late and he shows her his college acceptance letter. Britt learns from Nathan that she is in the clear involving the crash and he then reveals to her that she is his sister. Lucy wants to do something to help Patrick and Sabrina. Nikolas reads about Britt’s heroics in the newspaper. Lulu shows up and tells her brother and Elizabeth about the possibility of another embryo. Lulu wants them to have the charges against Liesl dropped. Dante asks Scott to drop the charges against Liesl because she could have their other missing embryo. Scott agrees to have the charges dropped if Nikolas and Elizabeth agree to it. Nathan visits Madeline and informs her that he told Britt she’s his sister. Luke goes to see Julian at the gallery where Julian gives him some money to take it to ELQ for cleaning. Julian tells him about their new head of distribution, Jordan Ashford. Luke is impressed when he meets Jordan. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2014 Read More
Silas runs into Sam at the hospital and they talk about Patrick and Sabrina's baby and Silas tells her the odds aren't good. Sabrina and Patrick are in the incubator room concerned about their baby. Victor shows up to check on him as Robin reads about what happened on the internet. Victor offers Patrick a chance to talk to Robin. Patrick then updates Robin on everything and asks her to come home. Patrick is upset after Robin refuses to come home. Britt goes to see Sabrina and tells her that the latest tests show an improvement. As Nathan lectures Madeline for lying to him for the last twenty years, she blurts out that his sister is still alive. Madeline tells him that Nina is in a secret facility. Silas shows up and Nathan leaves. Dante and Lulu offer to make a deal with Liesl which she agrees to. Nathan wants Liesl to tell him who his father is. Nina wakes up in a hospital room. Maxie and Levi share a kiss at Kelly's which Mac and Felicia witness and are not happy about. Maxie and Lulu become friends again. Victor shows up and gives Lulu and Dante a package. Air Date : 1st-May-2014 Read More
Anna wants to know if Carlos really wants to stick with his confession but he refuses to say anything more. Franco helps Anna to find AJ's cell phone. Sabrina attempts to be hopeful about the baby and thanks Felix for his support. Sam attempts to comfort Patrick who tells her that he believes that his marriage with Robin is now over. Alexis is pleased to run into Ned at Kelly's and they talk about Luke. Alexis tells Ned that she is dating Julian after he asks her out on a date. Luke is in his ELQ office playing with a credit card as Julian shows up with a briefcase of money. Luke wants Julian to eliminate his sister. Ava leaves another message for Morgan as Sonny shows up, demanding to know why Carlos confessed. After Sonny leaves, Julian shows up and points a gun at her. Air Date : 2nd-May-2014 Read More
Ned isn't happy to see Luke with a pile of money and accuses him of embezzling. Luke is able to cover in front of Tracy after she shows up. Sabrina goes to see Carlos and asks him if he really killed AJ. Anna allows them to go into the interrogation room to talk. Duke shows up and Anna tells him about the confession and how something seems off. He tells how about how Julian has been bringing drugs into town and offers to help her bring him down. Anna doesn't want to publicize their relationship. Franco and Carly believe that the truth about AJ's shooting must be on his phone. It has AJ and Ava talking on it but the sound cuts out. Carly refuses to allow Franco to give the phone to Anna as it will reveal Sonny's involvement. Olivia works out the truth about what happened between Sonny and Ava. Morgan shows up and stops Julian from shooting Ava by hitting him on the head with a vase. Morgan insists to her that they are over after she tells him what happened between her and Sonny meant nothing. Air Date : 5th-May-2014 Read More
Franco and Carly bump into Anna at the hospital and lie to her about finding AJ's phone. Anna then finds out from Felix that they actually have the phone. Ava stops Julian from grabbing the gun and then turns it on him. Shawn shows up and stops her from shooting him. Luke leaves a message for Julian warning him that Ava better be dead. Michael shows up and wonders who has managed to get on his bad side. Michael wants to talk about Kiki. Julian shows up after Michael leaves and informs Luke that Morgan interfered in Ava’s death. Morgan shows up and finds Kiki at Michael's apartment and informs her that he needs a place to stay as he found Ava in the crypt after she had sex with Sonny. Kiki thinks that it would be best if Morgan found somewhere else to stay. Morgan tells Michael after he shows up that he is moving in with Carly. Olivia demands to know if Sonny if he had sex with Ava. After Sonny admits the truth, Olivia tells him she never wants to see him again. Mac and Maxie reconnect. Carly and Franco are concerned that they’ll never get a clear answer of what happened the night AJ died. Anna leaves a message telling Carly and Franco that she knows they have AJ's phone. Air Date : 6th-May-2014 Read More
Spencer is upset after he’s finds out that Cameron will be dancing the tango with Emma at the ball. Ric shows up to pick up Elizabeth and Cameron leaving Nikolas feeling surprised. Ric wants Elizabeth to be his date at the Nurses’ Ball which she agrees to. Kiki catches Michael practicing his dance moves in his apartment for the Nurses’ Ball. Ned shows up to see Kiki and wants Kiki’s help saving Tracy from Luke. Kiki believes that Luke is on to them. Michael overhears Ned requesting that she makes another pass at Luke. Michael finds out what has been going on. Luke romances Tracy at Kelly’s. Bobbie shows up and wants to know why her brother never told her he was getting married. Scott asks Bobbie to be his date at the ball after showing up. Luke tells Tracy about Michael’s donation request. Epiphany and Felix are surprised to learn that Liesl has been released and is free to resume all duties since she has the power to shut the whole place down. Anna tells Duke that Carly and Franco seem to have skipped town and also tells him about Liesl’s immunity. Liesl wants to be part of the Nurses' Ball. Air Date : 7th-May-2014 Read More
Shawn and Sonny meet before the gala and Shawn informs him that Jordan will be sitting at their table for TJ’s sake. Sonny has decided not to go but Shawn attempts to convince him otherwise. Maxie is adamant about missing the Nurses' Ball and staying home with Levi. Spencer wants his father to ask Britt to come over but he insists that they’re through for good. Nikolas is impressed after he sees Elizabeth all dressed up. Lucy gets dressed backstage as Felicia shows up. Felicia asks her if things are over with Scott and Lucy says they are. Kevin overhears them talking and Felicia manages to cover. The guests walk along the red carpet as they show up for the ball. Olivia informs Dante that Sonny cheated ion her and Lulu goes after her while Dante asks him if it is true. Dante joins Lulu and Olivia at their table after Sonny admits the truth about what happened. Lucy welcomes everyone to the ball before introducing the first act. Liesl interrupts with a sexy cabaret routine, compete with nurses dressed in lingerie. Britt and Brad watch the ball together on television. Spencer thinks that he and his his father should go to the ball. Levi catches Maxie watching the red carpet and turns it off. Levi ends up suggesting they go to the ball after Maxie admits she misses not being there. Air Date : 8th-May-2014 Read More
Britt is stunned to see that her mother has crashed the Nursesꞌ Ball. Brad decides that he wants to go to the Ball after seeing Lucas and Felix together. Nikolas gives in and agrees to take Spencer to the Ball. Liesl informs the audience that the celebration is all thanks to her support. She begins to argue with Anna until Lucy takes her off the stage. Kiki, Elizabeth, Lucas and Felix are the next to perform. Ned manages to wow the audience. Nathan runs into Maxie after shes shows up with Levi. Brad shows up with Britt and sees Lucas and Felix talking. Tracy is shocked after Luke announces that he intends to marry her at the Ball. Lucy marries them on stage much to Ned's horror. Dante follows Sonny outside and confronts him about cheating on his mother. Felix, Lucas, Michael, Nathan and Milo perform a strip routine on stage as Brad looks on. Air Date : 9th-May-2014 Read More
The Nurses Ball continues. Sonny attempts to talk to Olivia but she isn't interested. Nikolas and Spencer run into Cameron, Emma and Elizabeth after showing up at the ball. Brad is upset about seeing Felix and Lucas and Britt tells him to do something about it if he doesn't like it. Lucy's special guest is unable to perform due to scheduling conflicts. Lulu asks Maxie to step in as somebody from her group has dropped out. There is friction between Spencer and Cameron. Maxie runs into Nathan backstage. Ned remains unhappy that his mother married Luke. Brad performs following Blackie's no show leaving Lucas feeling uncomfortable. Lucas tells Brad that his performance changes nothing between them. Mac comes out to perform with Mr. Marbles but Epiphany grabs the puppet and stamps on it. As Alexis talks to Jordan, Julian comes along and Alexis wonders how they each other. Spencer sees Britt and hugs and tells her that he misses her. Lucy introduces the Haunted Starlets on to the stage. Ned shocks his mother and Luke by informing them that Tracy is no longer the CEO of ELQ and the board have installed Michael in her place. Lucy introduces Eddie Gomez to perform. Britt and Nikolas share some small talk. Cameron and Emma are the next to perform but are interrupted by Spencer. Michael says that he agreed to become CEO because of what Luke did to Kiki. Spencer thanks Ronn Moss for helping him. Spencer tells Emma how he feels about her. Ric wants Elizabeth to give their relationship another go. Britt asks Nikolas to forgive her for what she did. Scott goes to see Lucy backstage. Air Date : 12th-May-2014 Read More
Lucas isn't happy when Brad attempts to kiss him. Nikolas walks away after Britt tells him that she still loves him. Patrick and Sabrina spend some time with the baby at the hospital. Spencer wants another chance with Emma. Scott attempts to convince Lucy that she should be with him. Sabrina and Patrick talk about the situation between Emma and Spencer. They attempt to think of a name for the baby as a monitor goes off. Emma tells Spencer that she forgives him but she came to the ball with Cameron and he is who she will be leaving with. Britt catches up with Nikolas and wants to know what she can do to make him forgive her. Lucas tells Brad that he is now seeing Felix and Brad asks Felix if it is true. Nikolas tells Britt that there is nothing she can do and she wants to know if he still has feelings for her. Elizabeth agrees to give her relationship with Ric another go. Scott kisses Lucy as the curtain on the stage goes up. Lucy attempts to convince Kevin the kiss was just a joke and runs after him after he leaves. Molly and TJ perform a duet. Bobbie stops Scott from leaving. Kevin demands that Lucy tells him the truth about what has been going on. Nathan sees Maxie and Levi sharing a kiss. Britt isn't happy to see Liesl. Emma performs on stage. Kevin refuses to forgive Lucy. Nathan and Britt aren't impressed after their mother performs a song in their honor. The doctor wants Sabrina and Patrick to leave the NICU as they could have been brought in a virus. Sabrina doesn't want to leave but Patrick tells her that they have to. Scott shows up to see Lucy who is sitting in her dressing room. Scott is glad that everything is out in the open and Lucy asks him to leave. Epiphany is the last person to perform before the ball ends. Air Date : 13th-May-2014 Read More
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