Is humankind on the verge of open extraterrestrial contact? Top defense experts from around the world discuss the role of a Galactic Federation in relation to recent UAP public disclosures. In Season 4 of Deep Space, we examine the relationships between ET species and humanity’s place in the Galactic Federation. Explore advanced technologies and the hidden collaborations between multiple species bringing forth an agenda to advance a cosmic community. This season features episodes on Andromedans, Arcturians, Syrians, Pleadians, Felines, and many more. Air Date : 6th-Mar-2023 Read More
Who are the Greys? There was a time when every grey-colored extraterrestrial was considered a “Grey.” Today, members of the intelligence communities and direct contact experiencers are classifying the various races within the Grey species. In this episode, we dive into the histories and agendas of the Greys of Orion as well as their organic and synthetic characteristics. Explore government documents to learn the evidence we have of these beings on Earth. Air Date : 13th-Mar-2023 Read More
Were the Greys and EBENs once at war, despite sharing genetic origins? Discover how these two grey-colored extraterrestrial species may have put aside their own differences to help support the evolution of humanity on Earth. Explore the documented evidence of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBENs), as well as tales of Zeta Reticuli, and the EBEN planet Serpo. Air Date : 20th-Mar-2023 Read More
What influence have beings from Andromeda had on Earth? Discover why the Andromedans are a vital part of the Galactic Federation. Experts and experiencers offer their accounts of these blue-skinned extraterrestrials through direct contact, regressions, interdimensional downloads, and Akashic readings. These collected encounters reveal the nomadic nature of the Andromedans, their advanced biosphere spacecraft, and their history with Tiamet, Earth, and the Moon. Air Date : 27th-Mar-2023 Read More
How can physical humanoid extraterrestrials shift into light and communicate telepathically? Enter the dimension of the Arcturians, technologically-advanced blue-skinned beings from the Boötes constellation who have been aiding Earth since ancient times. These spiritually evolved Arcturians are highly intelligent, efficient, and compassionate, intentionally cultivating their species as logical yet loving beings to help lower vibrational species ascend. Air Date : 3rd-Apr-2023 Read More
How are beings from Sirius related to ancient civilizations of Earth like Egypt and Atlantis? Explore legends of Lemuria and how humanity could be the product of genetic splicing by Sirian extraterrestrials, who themselves might also be a hybrid species of blended DNA. From evidence in Egyptian hieroglyphics to the star charts of the Dogon tribe from West Africa, discover how Sirians could be one of our extraterrestrial forebearers. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2023 Read More
From the Hopi, Mayans, and Cherokee, to the Hawaiians, Egyptians, and Maori, explore why so many ancient cultures of Earth depict detailed connections between our ancestors and Pleiadians. Experts, researchers, and experiencers offer their testimonies linking lost civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria with long-forgotten truths of the Pleiades and Earth. Discover the similarities between humans and Pleiadians. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2023 Read More
How do reptilian ETs project illusions that are obfuscating our reality? Explore energy structures of Earth, how our brains perceive illusions, and how Reptilians appear to shapeshift to humans. From the astral planes and free will to the Galactic Federation, discover how these master manipulators of the mind have an ancient history with Earth. Air Date : 24th-Apr-2023 Read More
How can we interpret ancient myths of insectoid beings helping humanity through cataclysms on Earth? Explore the lost links of Ant-People, Insectoids, and Mantis ETs with ancient civilizations and tribes like the Maya and the Dogon. Experts share their research on how these various species could live in undiscovered areas of our own inner earth. Discover how Mantis beings are working with other extraterrestrial groups on a wide array of experiments to coordinate evolutionary efforts. Air Date : 1st-May-2023 Read More
Why did the ancient Egyptians worship feline-humanoid beings? Discover how sacred cats of ancient civilizations could be connected with feline extraterrestrials, potentially from the Lyran system. In this final episode of Deep Space season four, we explore the mysterious species of Feline ETs, as experts piece together the puzzle of felines' influence. From symbolism to the lost links of feline beings on Earth, separate the mythology from the realities that stretch across centuries and galaxies. Air Date : 8th-May-2023 Read More