Burning Clock takes place during the time right after Shinya gives Blade his crystal and focuses on Shinya thinking back on his life, shown in a series of flashbacks. The main points deals with Shinya and Takaya's rivalry, how he felt his family, especially his father, viewed him, and shows how Kengo, Takaya, Shinya, and Miyuki's mother died. Air Date : 18th-Feb-1992 Read More
Twin Blood, is an alternate version of Blade and Evil's first battle, with drastically different character and mecha designs from the rest of the series, looking extremely more Techno-Organic. Differences include the absence of Pegas, with a drastically different transformation sequence, and a completely new Eyecatch. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
Missing Link, deals with the events between Tekkaman Blade and Tekkaman Blade II, including the second Radam war, Aki's Transformation into the Red Tekkaman, the Tekkaman Rebellion of Prague, and Blade's restoration. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More