Upon returning from Prague to Berchtesgaden, Lampert Someiner finds himself entangled in a conflict when he discovers local peasants grazing their cattle in a restricted area, enraging his father, the prince's administrator. The clash escalates as Lampert tries to warn Jula's father about the impending trouble, setting the stage for a confrontation over long-standing peasant privileges. Air Date : 8th-Oct-1987 Read More
Mallimes, a returning war veteran, is betrayed by his brother Marimpfel, the prince's guard commander, and joins forces with Runotter to protect peasant rights. Meanwhile, tensions escalate as spear-bearers attempt to seize cattle, leading to a deadly confrontation between peasants and soldiers. Air Date : 15th-Oct-1987 Read More
Peasants, fleeing the Berchtesgaden estate to avoid the prince's reprisals, seek refuge despite warnings from Runotter. A strategic alliance forms against Pienzenhauer as Mallimes, Runotter, and Jula join different factions in the escalating conflict. Air Date : 22nd-Oct-1987 Read More
Lampert forges an alliance with Duke Ludwig, drawing him in with the prospect of war spoils and territorial expansion. As their coalition gains strength, Prince Pienzenhauer is compelled to retreat, allowing Mallimes to strategically capture Hallturm castle and earn a reward from Duke Heinrich. Jula witnesses the devastation, and her father, Runotter, seeks revenge. Air Date : 29th-Oct-1987 Read More
Reichenhall's forces advance with Duke Heinrich towards Berchtesgaden, involving Mallimes, Runotter, and Jula. Reinforcements from Ingolstadt and Salzburg arrive, balancing the confrontation. Ramsau peasants return home, manipulated by Reichenhall's Chancellor Franzikopus, and Lampert rescues Mallimes. Air Date : 5th-Nov-1987 Read More
In liberated Berchtesgaden, Lampert tries to prevent further conflict, but tensions rise as the prince and his allies aim to reclaim their territory, leading to deadly confrontations. Air Date : 12th-Nov-1987 Read More