Upon being called upon to help her troubled granddaughter, a Southern black woman in her 70s looks back on a life filled with joy and heartbreak. Air Date : 8th-Nov-1998 Read More
Booker, Jr. develops into a classically-trained pianist, but his life is forever changed when he enlists in the Vietnam War. He gets wounded so badly that he never plays the piano again. The Civil Rights Movement brings more unexpected changes to the Palmer Family. Ruthana becomes an activist. Luke converts his religion to that of Nation of Islam. Diana is highly influenced by Luke's newfound beliefs, but takes it to the extreme. Her beliefs and actions grow militant and hostile. Flora believes she has failed her family and asks God for direction. On her birthday, the Palmer clan reunites, finally giving Flora what she's been looking for, a chance for her family to make amends and start over with a clean slate. Air Date : 10th-Nov-1998 Read More