Game set. Eijun Sawamura, the pitcher of a novice junior high baseball team, meets with a bitter walk-off loss. For Sawamura, that became his last game in junior high, so he sets a new goal of going to the nationals in high school with his teammates. As he begins his hard quest on studying, a guest arrives unannounced. Her name is Rei Takashima, and she is the assistant director of the prestigious Seidou High School Baseball Team. Takashima invites Sawamura to Seidou after seeing his potential, but Sawamura's reply was far from what she had expected. Air Date : 6th-Oct-2013 Read More
Kazuya Miyuki becomes the catcher for Sawamura in a contest against Seido's dangerous clean-up batter, Kiyokuni Azuma. As Eijun tries to pitch down the middle, he finds himself tense and unable to control the ball. Kazuya immediately calls time and comes out to give him some words of encouragement. The words have the desired effect as Eijun finds more control than ever before and unveils a dangerous weapon he didn't know he had. Seeing how people like Kazuya can alter his pitching, Eijun decides to come to Seido as long as he can become the ace of the team. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2013 Read More
Eijun is nervous about rooming with older teammates, but they make him feel a too little at home on his first night. Eijun ends up oversleeping and shows up late when it's time to meet Coach Tesshina Katoka, a former Japanese pro pitcher. Miyuki also shows up late, but he uses Sawamura as a decoy to sneak into his line. Katoka shows no mercy and says Eijun can never become a pitcher if he can't show up on time. He also makes Miyuki run laps. Sawamura is determined to prove he can be the ace though, so Coach Katoka gives him a special challenge, saying until he can complete this challenge, he can't play in a baseball game for Seidou. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2013 Read More
Seido faces off against Ichidai Third High School, the school that beat them last year. While their top-level offense rakes in runs, the ace Tanba struggles, and the game turns into a batting contest. However Sawamura isn't present. Instead he is training back at school. During his training Furuya, another first-year pitcher, approaches him. Showing sympathy to Sawamura's peculiar training method, Furuya offers to play catch with him. Sawamura is in a cheery mood with Furuya's kindness, but the speed of Furuya's throws far exceeds his expectations. Air Date : 27th-Oct-2013 Read More
Coach Katoka, or Shades as Onoda calls him, organizes a game between the first years and the non-starters on the second and third year teams. The goal is to determine who will join the starters for upcoming practice games. When Onoda comes across Katoka in the bath, the coach gives him one final chance to answer his question. After the answer is given, Onoda is allowed into the upcoming game, but when he starts as an outfielder, it could spell doom for any chance he has on the varsity team. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2013 Read More
Thanks to the words of fellow first year Haruichi Kominato, Eijun makes it on base. Next Haruichi promises to bring him home and get the first years a run. Haruichi proves to be a brilliant batter, and thanks to his spring Eijun scores. However the first years quickly get three outs, and Coach Katoka says he will call it a game unless all the first years agree to continue. Most want to drop out, but thanks to words of encouragement from Eijun they decide to continue. Eijun is placed on the mound, and Hariuchi is placed at shortstop. The two seem to be wroking effectively together against the older students until Eijun's roommate comes to the plate. Can Eijun find a way to strike out his roommate, who is the #4 hitter for the JV team? Air Date : 10th-Nov-2013 Read More
The game concludes, and Furuya and Masuko are promoted to varsity while Eijun and Haruichi are promoted to JV. Along with the promotion comes additional pitchers training for Furuya and Eijun. However their training can only be done with the partners that Coach Katoka assigns them. Furuya is assigned to work with Miyuki while Sawamura is assigned to work with Chris. However instead of catching Eijun's pitch, Chris continually gives him additional work that isn't pitching, making Eijun think the coach has gotten the last laugh and that he won't succeed at Seidou. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2013 Read More
Chris continues to leave practice early and give Eijun additional workouts. Eijun believes Chris is slacking off and has given up on making the first string, but what makes him the most mad is when Chris tells him he will never be the ace as long as Furuya is on the team. Rei Takashima reveals she was the one who assigned Eijun to work with Chris because of his knowledge of the game, and when Eijun bad mouths Chris he ticks off Miyuki. Rei ends up taking Eijun to see one of Chris rehab practices and reveals he is the only man Miyuki has never beaten. Eijun realizes Chris was trying to make it where he wouldn't get hurt and begs Chris to teach him baseball. Air Date : 24th-Nov-2013 Read More
Sawamura begins to follow Chris every where to try and learn more about baseball. He also sits out of some practices so he can learn how the communication of a team works. Chris finally gives in to Eijun's persistence and catches a few of his pitches. After catching them, Chris informs Eijun he must find his specialty if he is to be truly effective as a pitcher. At first Sawamura is confused. he knows his speed isn't the best and he can't throw breaking balls, so what could be his specialty. Eventually Sawamura decides his specialty is his control, but focusing solely on control lowers his speed and allows him to get slaughtered in weekend a game. Can Sawamura figure out what his specialty truly is before being demoted? Air Date : 1st-Dec-2013 Read More
Chris finally tells Eijun what sets him apart is his moving fastball. He reveals all the training he's given Eijun could make him the ace if he does it regularly for one year. However Eijun wants to thank Chris personally by delivering his best pitch to him in a game. One night when he's doing secret practices, Coach Katoka catches him and threatens to split him up from Chris. When Eijun tells him his reason for practicing this way at night, he recommends Eijun start a towel exercise that will improve his flexibility and control. Now with his speed back and his movement becoming better than ever, Sawamura is ready for his final JV game. The only question is will there be a catcher available to help him and catch his moving fastball? Air Date : 8th-Dec-2013 Read More
Eijun appears to have greater speed on his moving fast ball than ever before. However his control has gone hectic. After walking the bases loaded with no outs, Coach Katoka signals for a change. Most of the team believes it will be Eijun getting subbed out. Instead Chris is inserted into the game. He calls all the infield together and reveals a plan that he believes will turn the momentum around completely. The only question is whether or not Eijun will be able to do so with all his wild pitches Air Date : 15th-Dec-2013 Read More
Chris has Miyuki join him and Sawamura in the bullpen as they try to master Sawamura's new pitching form and get him to start throwing strikes with it. Chris's father Animal shows up at the game and tries to get Chris to stop playing, believing his shoulder isn't yet healed and that he will only cause further damage to himself. In order to stop Seido's momentum, Naoyuki Zaizen suggests they change the target from trying to destroy Sawamura to trying to destroy Chris. This episode covers chapters 30 to 33. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-2013 Read More
To stop the attacks on Chris, Sawamura reverts back to his original pitching form while maintaining the wall against the dangerous Naoyuki Zaizen. The results not only improve Sawamura's speed, but they start putting pressure on Zaizen and reveal an injury he had earlier. With Chris and Zaizen being of equal strength now, the momentum swings back to Seido. After 3 innings Chris and Sawamura are pulled from the game. The game concludes and the Coach calls everyone together. Two players are moved up to the varsity team, and many third years have their hearts broken. While Chris isn't brought up to play, he is brought up as a manager for the varsity team. Air Date : 29th-Dec-2013 Read More
Sawamura continues to train hard, but when Chris notices he is overworking, he has Miyuki pul lhim into the indoor training facility for some pickoff training and leg positioning training so he won't get hurt. Furuya is reminded he must trim his nails and is also forced to start pickoff training. Furuya tells Miyuki he has a twisted personality. Tanba watches his rivals and vows not to give the ace number to anyone else. As hell week begins Tanba and Kawakami are sent to the bullpen while Sawamura and Furuya are forced to work on fielding practice and base coverage scenarios. Once their coverage scenarios are done they are sent out for outfield catching. In the bullpen Tanba works on a secret pitch with Miyauchi. When the 100 yard sprints start and the night workouts increase, Sawamura realizes him and his fellow first years haven't prepared for anything like this. Air Date : 12th-Jan-2014 Read More
The training camp continues. The first-years can barely keep up with the harsh training. As Sawamura improves little by little, he is called to Miyuki's room for some reason. There, he found his upperclassmen waiting, and... Air Date : 19th-Jan-2014 Read More
The practice game between Seido and Osaka Kiryu begins with Furuya determined not to give up any hits after remembering the coaches words, "go get obliterated today." The first batter nails his fastball deep to the outfield. A bases loaded walk gives Kiryu a 3-0 lead and prompts a visit to the mound by Miyuki. The visit reminds Furuya to trust in the fielders around him. Furuya begins to intentionally give up hits so his outfielders can cover for his current weakness. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2014 Read More
Kiryu's ace, Hiromi Toshi, continues to dominate Seido's batters as his speed increases as the game goes on. Miyuki decides to play a game with Toshi and has Furuya pitch full out with the goal of striking out the ace. To show off more of his dominance, Furuya hits a homer off of Toshi in the bottom of the fifth. As the two teams appear to become even, we reach the sixth inning. Sawamura is brought in to pitch the remaining four innings while Furuya is sent to the outfield to give him fielding practice and additional at bats. Takahiro Matsumoto gets pissed, thinking his team is merely practice targets for Seido's first years. Sawamura experiences pitching problems similar to Furuya's. However because his previous team was weak, he is used to such situations and quickly begins to adjust. Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2014 Read More
Miyuki continues to try to get Sawamura to pitch inside and gain additional control, but his motivational speeches seem to have little to no effect on Sawamura. Sawamura begins to try to trust in his infielder's, and as he does so he sees his pitching begin to improve. While many runs are given up, both Sawamura and Furuya learn the lessons the coach hoped to have them learn in the training camp. After the game Coach Matsumoto acknowledges Sawamura's ability and praises how it can be a secret weapon if it is utilized correctly, but only with a little refining. Air Date : 9th-Feb-2014 Read More
A 3-set of matches takes place to end the training week of hell as Inashiro Industrial vs. Seido, Inashiro Industrial vs. Shuuhoku, and Shuuhoku vs. Seido on Seido's field. Kawakami pitches the game vs. Inashiro Industrial with Miyauchi while Tanba is forced to work with Miyuki. None of the starters play in the match vs. Inashiro Industrial, though Furuya is positioned in left field for the entire game. Inashiro Industrial brings out their starters for the second game, including southpaw ace Narumiya Mei. Mei already has a wicked slider, curve ball, and fast ball, but in the game he debuts a change up pitch that could make him unbeatable. Finally we start the Shuuhoku vs. Seido match. Through 6 innings Miyuki has Tanba throw nothing but curveballs and fastballs, but in the seventh inning Tanba debuts his new fork ball. Air Date : 16th-Feb-2014 Read More
The second half of the Seido, Shuuhoku match begins with Tanba unveiling his fork ball. Combined with his fastball and his curve ball Seido seems to have a new found sense of confidence. As Tanba comes to bat however, Shuuhoku's pitcher loses control of one pitch and forces an emergency cancellation of the game and leads to something that could ruin Seido's season. As the players are feeling depressed, the summer tournament bracket is revealed. In order to play Inashiro Industrial, Seido will have to make it to the Tokyo Final. Sawamura is told to get better with his control and also told he'll debut when the time is right. Additional training is given to Sawamura and Furuya while some of the seniors are forced to start pitching training to help motivate them and prepare them should 3 pitchers not be enough. Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2014 Read More
Kanemaru helps Sawamura get ready for the exams. Until Sawamura passes all his exams, he will be ineligible to play in a game. After a few practices, he manages to get a 30, two 35's, and a 36 on his test making him eligible for the tourney. As Chris watches Sawamura pitch into the net, he secretky thinks how he can fine tune Sawamura's grip into a great weapon that no one will be able to defeat. Furuya isn't as lucky and is forced to take the makeup test. Everyone receives their numbers. The opening ceremonies are held for the Tokyo Tournament. Only two schools, those whom make the championship game, will be able to go on to the National Tournament. After the Opening Ceremony, Seido returns to their practice facility. We see Furuya and Sawamura getting used to the fielding, but Kawakami appears to be struggling. Realizing it's time to boost Kawakami's confidence, the Coach takes him aside and announces he will be their ace closer and to not worry about having to start. Furuya is named the starter. Seido opens its first match against Maimon West, who is about to see what Furuya's fastball is all about. Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2014 Read More
Seido shows Maimon West that they are underestimating anyone in the tournament. After being retired 1-2-3 in the top of the first, Seido manages to score 3 in the top of the second. Meanwhile Furuya continues to strike out batter after batter with his high fastball. Seido goes on to continue punishing Maimon West, gaining a 15-0 lead. Air Date : 9th-Mar-2014 Read More
With a 15-0 lead in place, Seido brings in Sawamura to pitch inning 4. The game ends up being called, and Seido advances with ease. Seeing how high Furuya's ball was, Chris takes Sawamura aside and teaches him how to hold the ball and turn his pitch into a fine weapon no one will be expecting. Seido then participates in their second game of the tournament against Puplic Murata East High School. Air Date : 16th-Mar-2014 Read More
The match between Seido and Puplic Murata East ends with Seido getting another called game, 10-0 after 5 innings. Seido sticks around to watch the next game and sees Akikawa Academy's Shunshin Yeung and his clockwork control. Yeung pitches mostly to the outside corners, and his rotation of the spots makes it hard for batters to predict where it will be. Seido begins planning immediately to combat it. Scouts and magazine writers head to Seido to watch Furuya pitch. However Miyuki realizes Furuya's body isn't used to Tokyo's heat after coming down from Hakkiado and limits him to 10 pitches. Everyone that sticks around gets to watch Sawamura work o nhis inside control with Kanmemaru in the batting circle. The next day the reporters head to Akikawa where they are shocked to see Yeung is th epitcher for the practice sessions. They also see the pitching machine turned up full throttle so Akikawa's players can get used to seeing the speed with their eyes, even if they can't hit it. Air Date : 23rd-Mar-2014 Read More
The night before the game, Coach Katoka stands in the batters box and has Sawamura pitch to him. Sawamura's pitch decides his fate for the Akikawa game. As the game begins, Furuya once again pitches full out. However Akikawa reveals a plan to wear him out through bunts and forcing more lack of control. Miyuki realizes their plan and comes up with a counterattack, but will Furuya be able to execute it? Air Date : 30th-Mar-2014 Read More
In the top of the first, Shunshin Yeung comes to the plate and forces Furuya to throw a meat ball which he nails to left, giving Akikawa a 2-0 lead early on. With the lead Yeung heads to the mound and is able to start his precision throwing. Yeung comes up with a plan that he believes will destroy Seido if it is executed to perfection, but it requires getting one more run off of Furuya. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2014 Read More
As the heat continues to increase, Coach Katoka declares that if Furuya even lets one batter on base, he will switch him out. At first this declaration provides Furuya the motivation he needs to get stronger, and his pitch gets faster. However Akikawa begins to use their bunt plan efficiently forcing Furuya to tire himself even more. With no other choice, a pitcher change is called for. Sawamura is called into action. After nearly throwing the ball away on a toss to first base, Miyuki calls for a four-seam fastball to the inside, the exact pitch Sawamura used against the coach the night before. We see the results of that pitch. Akikawa hesitates being unable to see his (Sawamura's) pitch due to his form, and Sawamura forces a pop out to third to get out of the 4th inning. Air Date : 13th-Apr-2014 Read More
This episode serves as a recap of the first 27 episodes, showing how Eijun Sawamura joined the Seido High School Baseball team, his struggles with the JV, and his eventual rise to play in the tournament all while hoping to become the ace of the team. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2014 Read More
Sawamura's moving fastball and four seamer continue to cause problems for Akikawa's batters. As Seido's batters start to get on base, Miyuki comes to the plate and is able to predict the pitches Shunshin Yeung will make. Miyuki's at bat not only helps Seido's batters improve, but Tanba is sent to the bullpen to warm-up and cause an additional scare for Akikawa's batters. Will it all be enough to reverse the score and give Seido the lead? Air Date : 27th-Apr-2014 Read More
Ichidai continues to watch the game between Seido and Akikawa, declaring the next team to score will win in this 2-2 tie. Coach Katoka inserts Haruichi as a pinch hitter, and he responds by getting on base. Sawamura's bunt gets Haruichi to second base and brings up the lead-off batter, Kuramochi. Will Kuramochi finally be able to master Shunshin Yeung's clockwork control and get on base? Which team will score and seize control? No matter the outcome, Yeung is happy because he finally gets to play the style of Japanese baseball he grew up envying in his last summer of play in Japan. Air Date : 4th-May-2014 Read More
After winning their match, Seido stays behind to watch Manaka's pitching in hopes of gaining a slight advantage in the quarterfinal game. Tanba remembers his past ties with Manaka and swears to return in that quarterfinal match. However Yakusi has made many changes to their lineup, including three first years in the 3, 4, and 5 spots. When the first of these first years arrives, Raichi Todoroki, he nails Manaka's best fastball out of the stadium to give his team the early 1-0 lead. Ichidai is forced to make an early pitching change, with Manaka moving to the outfield, and the game becomes a slugging contest. As inning 5 approaches, Manaka demands to return to the mound so his team can move on to the quarterfinals. Ichidai gives in, and Manaka returns with better control than before. Air Date : 11th-May-2014 Read More
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