An examination of the facts surrounding the alleged UFO crash in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Conspiracy theorists claim the 'Area 51' incident was the subject of a large-scale cover-up by the US government. Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2006 Read More
A look at the Betty and Barney Hill experiences. Experts try to separate fact from fiction while examining reports of sexual assaults by aliens on unsuspecting sleepers at night. Air Date : 24th-Feb-2006 Read More
The activities of conspiracy theorists who are convinced the world's population is being run by a sinister consortium of extraterrestrial beings. Featuring an interview with David Icke, who claims aliens have been mating with humans since ancient times - producing a 'hybrid race' of reptilian shape shifters. Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2006 Read More
UFO researchers discuss their theories that alien spacecraft tend to congregate over certain 'hot spots' around the world. They also ask why extraterrestrials appear strangely interested in the area in and around Bonnybridge near Falkirk in Scotland. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-2006 Read More
The theory that alien technology was responsible for some of the most incredible monuments of the ancient world, from the pyramids to the gigantic stone heads on Easter Island and the temples of Baalbek in Lebanon. Air Date : 9th-Mar-2006 Read More
Something is hungry for blood in the jungles of Latin America and many believe it's a blood-sucking alien feasting on animals. Is it the result of a mutated CIA experiment or an alien traveling by inter-dimension portals and feeding on it's prey? Air Date : 10th-Mar-2006 Read More