Cops - Season : 4

Season 4 Episode 1 - Kansas City 1

(MO - East Patrol) Officer Kevin Tempel describes the Crime Tips program. Kids come up to them and they give them baseball cards with Royals players on the front and crime tips on the back. They stopped it, but kids still asked so they reinstituted the program. He stops three kids and has them show their muscles and gives them some baseball. A drive-by shooting, suspected shoplifter, domestic call. Air Date : 10th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 2 - Kansas City 2

(KS - 2:33 AM Assistance Call) Officer Zane Schuberger says it is a good town and the north end where he works is the place to be if you want to catch the bad guys - it has the most crime in the city. truck theft; DUI arrest of retired officer; drug bust. Air Date : 17th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 3 - Kansas City 3

(MO - 7:45 PM) Officer Randy Poletis responds to a disturbance in a restaurant on Main St. by a drunk, belligerent man. When he goes in the man is sitting at a table reading the paper and the owner wants him out. He gets up but won't put his drink down. Randy and another officer force the drink down and take him out in the hall and search him. When they go to cuff him he fights and goes down on a couch and growls. A violent trespassing suspect; domestic disturbance turns into food fight. Air Date : 24th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 4 - Kansas City 4

(KS - 10:52 PM Street Patrol) Officer Bob Lane pulls up on five guys trying to start a truck with a stuck valve on the main street that are making a huge smoke cloud. Off. Gale Hall tries to keep a man from attacking his sister's boyfriend; Off. Mike Cook answers a disturbance call; Off. Bob Lane probes the shooting of an intruder. Domestic call results in convicted felon's capture; intruder shot. Air Date : 7th-Dec-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 5 - Kansas City 5

(MO - 9:13 PM Disturbance Call) South Patrol - Officer Mike Cook says neighbors want to help each other especially during robberies. They are there for victims and families and Midwest people are like that. husband wields knife; woman accidentally shoots brother. Air Date : 13th-Sep-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 6 - Kansas City 6

(MO - 6:14 PM Warrant Briefing) Metro Tactical Unit - Sgt. Steve Majors talks about 3 warrants, only having one van and not the surveillance van since it sticks out, where to park when they get there, seeing the 3 houses overlook each other. There are 2 rammers and he is one of them. Officer Mark Neiman is the sacrificial lamb. officer serves warrant for drug dealing; dog is stolen. Air Date : 19th-Oct-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 7 - Kansas City 7

(KS - 2:29 AM Officer Down Call) Officer Zane Schuberger races to the scene of a 1060. officer knifed; woman ties up drunken husband; jealous husband. Air Date : 12th-Oct-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 8 - Kansas City 8

(MO - 4:12 PM Roll Call) Sgt. Gary Schmidt hands out stop smoking class forms are put out because cops aren't allowed to smoke after 9/1 then turns it over to Cpt. Tom Daily. officers fight with burglary suspect and brothers; crack-house sweep. Air Date : 5th-Oct-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 9 - Pittsburgh, PA 3

(11:26 PM Narcotics Task Force One) Eddie Brown talks to the camera in the back seat about a new dealer named Ricky who is taking over territory causing 14 shootings in the last 10 days. One guy named Eman is now a cripple. His partner says he doesn't know if they'll get home alive every night, that's how serious it is. Officers injured while pursuing drug dealers; suspected car thief. Air Date : 28th-Sep-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 10 - Pittsburgh, PA 4

4 (10:18 PM Domestic Disturbance) Officer Michelle McCants was the first female K-9 in the city's history and is breakin' down them walls. She gets a call to go to a bar called Jeannie's on Chestnut. Inside is a woman with a cut chin. If the man is still inside an arrest must be made. Bar patrons arrested; burglary suspects in abandoned funeral home. Air Date : 26th-Oct-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 11 - Pittsburgh, PA 5

(8:58 PM Narcotics Task Force Briefing) Eddie Brown jokes that the officer in the Cincinnati Reds hat eating a salad is what heroes are made of. Detective Damien Wiles says the guy they are looking for is Erwin Earl in he lives in an apartment at the bottom. Air Date : 21st-Dec-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 12 - Pittsburgh, PA 6

(6:08 PM Drug Bust) Detective Eddie Brown says the task force in Homewood in the last eight days made 88 arrests, got 20 guns of the street and it's going back to the community, doing what they have to do to keep the streets clean and drug free. They're here to stay. A drug deal is on Breston Ave with 5-6 people on the edge of the city near Penn Hills. They catch two black guys on a concrete staircase up a hill. drive-by shooting foiled; hit-and-run suspect apprehended. Air Date : 2nd-Nov-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 13 - Pittsburgh, PA 7

(12:06 AM Shooting Call) Officer Pat Logan and Officer Jimmy McGee head to a call of two people shot In the legs. In the last 5 days 9 people have been shot of drugs. Rival drugs dealers on the edge of town. Suspect with "cop-killing'' bullets in gun; officers help confused senior. Air Date : 4th-Jan-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 14 - U.S. Marshal's Service Special

(Washington D.C.) Mobile Command Center - Red October. Sunrise is located in 5 cities - DC, Baltimore, Miami. Air Date : 7th-Feb-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 15 - Boston, MA 1

(11:16 PM Drug Sweeps) Area A-7 - Officer Mike Lopriore says Boston is just the right size, was a good place to grow up - not too big or too small, neighborhoods are sectioned off, good city, it's run well, nothing else he could ask for. He loves it and there's nothing else he'd rather be doing than policing the city he grew up in. He spots a drug deal in an alley as they drive by. He gets out and sneaks around back. He catches a white guy in a blue jacket and presses him against a fence. His partner Officer Peter Fontanez catches the other guy and brings him over. The guy starts choking and Mike pounds him on the back until he spits out 3 bags of cocaine. They call him an idiot. Peter cut them off with the car and enabled Mike to catch them. After he says lots of guys choke on the bags and they have to play paramedic. They bring the kid to the station and the kid says he wasn't doing anything. (11:56PM) He's charged with possession class B and possession within 1000 feet of a school, then he is mirandized. He says he has 2 kids and was going to rehab Tuesday, then counseling. Mike says he could've choked to death. (4:06 PM Roll Call) with Officer Robert Anthony. He takes the call of a woman trying to pass a phony prescription at a supermarket. Officer Ralph Amoroso questions her and she says she was picking it up for a neighbor Donna. The pharmacist says she's called before, but the information she gave didn't match up. She wanted Vicadin and gives Ralph her ID and the pharmacist calls the doctor. The woman claims she didn't know it was phony and wants to know if she is under arrest and can she leave. She's an attorney. They say they can detain her until they determine if there was a crime, the Sgt is on the way. Robert asks to see her Bar Card if she's a lawyer, but she doesn't have one. Sgt. Francis Gaughan talks to the pharmacist who says she couldn't find the name and stalled until police arrived. She said it was for Navarro. The woman says she has 2 kids in her car, but there is no one there. She is arrested for a 92C - passing a phony prescription. Francis says they have to cuff, it's the law. They check her car and find 3 additional license plates in the car. They also find prescription bags with no receipts and different names. The pharmacist comes out and checks the bags and says it's a highly addictive pill and sells for about $8 a pill. Cops say she is the best scammer they've ever seen. Sgt. Joe Flandaca has a Warrant Briefing. A couple has a 22 year old son and they have a sledgehammer to break the door down if necessary. They arrive at 4:22 pm. They get in and have to go up and downstairs to check the place. Detective Chuck Wilson questions the old man, Johnny, who owns the house if there is any cocaine there. Detective Joe Mugnano says his son will get locked up if they find any coke and it isn't his fault. The old guy understands. Joe says he has a chance of saving everyone else from being charged if he'll tell them the truth. Mike Lopriore says the guy told him where everything is, but doesn't believe it. He's arrested the son 5 times for drugs already - it runs in the family. They find bags of rocks in the Cheerios cereal. A call comes in from Tony who wants to bet on the Celtics and Joe pretends he's Johnny and takes the call making up a point spread. The phone rings again and he says that Johnny is out for a while and he's taking care of things. He takes a bet over the phone. Cops keep tearing up the place looking for drugs, in dresses in a closet, in the couch and they find nunchucks. They cuff him and Joe says they have a steady gambling habit and sell the drugs to pay the gambling bills. (8:12PM) Chuck helps Johnny into the back of his car and he can barely get in because he's 70 years old. Air Date : 16th-Nov-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 16 - Boston, MA 2

(11:16 PM Drug Sweeps) Area A-7 - Officer Mike Lopriore says Boston is just the right size, was a good place to grow up - not too big or too small, neighborhoods are sectioned off, good city, it's run well, nothing else he could ask for. He loves it and there's nothing else he'd rather be doing than policing the city he grew up in. He spots a drug deal in an alley as they drive by. He gets out and sneaks around back. He catches a white guy in a blue jacket and presses him against a fence. His partner Officer Peter Fontanez catches the other guy and brings him over. The guy starts choking and Mike pounds him on the back until he spits out 3 bags of cocaine. They call him an idiot. Peter cut them off with the car and enabled Mike to catch them. After he says lots of guys choke on the bags and they have to play paramedic. They bring the kid to the station and the kid says he wasn't doing anything. (11:56PM) He's charged with possession class B and possession within 1000 feet of a school, then he is mirandized. He says he has 2 kids and was going to rehab Tuesday, then counseling. Mike says he could've choked to death. (4:06 PM Roll Call) with Officer Robert Anthony. He takes the call of a woman trying to pass a phony prescription at a supermarket. Officer Ralph Amoroso questions her and she says she was picking it up for a neighbor Donna. The pharmacist says she's called before, but the information she gave didn't match up. She wanted Vicadin and gives Ralph her ID and the pharmacist calls the doctor. The woman claims she didn't know it was phony and wants to know if she is under arrest and can she leave. She's an attorney. They say they can detain her until they determine if there was a crime, the Sgt is on the way. Robert asks to see her Bar Card if she's a lawyer, but she doesn't have one. Sgt. Francis Gaughan talks to the pharmacist who says she couldn't find the name and stalled until police arrived. She said it was for Navarro. The woman says she has 2 kids in her car, but there is no one there. She is arrested for a 92C - passing a phony prescription. Francis says they have to cuff, it's the law. They check her car and find 3 additional license plates in the car. They also find prescription bags with no receipts and different names. The pharmacist comes out and checks the bags and says it's a highly addictive pill and sells for about $8 a pill. Cops say she is the best scammer they've ever seen. Sgt. Joe Flandaca has a Warrant Briefing. A couple has a 22 year old son and they have a sledgehammer to break the door down if necessary. They arrive at 4:22 pm. They get in and have to go up and downstairs to check the place. Detective Chuck Wilson questions the old man, Johnny, who owns the house if there is any cocaine there. Detective Joe Mugnano says his son will get locked up if they find any coke and it isn't his fault. The old guy understands. Joe says he has a chance of saving everyone else from being charged if he'll tell them the truth. Mike Lopriore says the guy told him where everything is, but doesn't believe it. He's arrested the son 5 times for drugs already - it runs in the family. They find bags of rocks in the Cheerios cereal. A call comes in from Tony who wants to bet on the Celtics and Joe pretends he's Johnny and takes the call making up a point spread. The phone rings again and he says that Johnny is out for a while and he's taking care of things. He takes a bet over the phone. Cops keep tearing up the place looking for drugs, in dresses in a closet, in the couch and they find nunchucks. They cuff him and Joe says they have a steady gambling habit and sell the drugs to pay the gambling bills. (8:12PM) Chuck helps Johnny into the back of his car and he can barely get in because he's 70 years old. Air Date : 9th-Nov-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 17 - Boston, MA 3

(5:54 PM Disturbance Call) Area D Briefing - The Sgt. talks to Officer John Ridge & Officer Bill Reynolds about liability. He's mentioned it before that if you have a situation where you make an arrest and you can make or not make a report - always makes a report - liability, liability, liability. Then he wants to know if anyone has a joke, but no one does. A call comes in of a fire on Angeline Rd where a man jumped from the building and hit the ground. A crowd is gathering as they get stuck in traffic on the way. There is a white man in his underwear on the ground with both feet and arms broken and bloody and they tell him to relax. The fire department shows up and says the fire is in Apt 204 where the man jumped from. Everyone else is out of the all elderly building. The man says his hands and feet hurt as they put a brace on his neck and he yells not to touch his feet. He jumped from the window, to the roof then to the street. The man fought with his wife, ran down the hall, ran into another apartment and fought with the woman there. She ran out and he stayed inside and set the place on fire and jumped. (5:37 PM 911 Call) PD Headquarters Communications Center - a man calls from the Angelo Seafood Restaurant about a guy creating a disturbance. (5:42 PM Disturbance Call) Officer Brian McMasters & Officer Ralph Amoroso go to the call saying it's a law going back to the 1700s about disturbing the innkeeper. Angelo and his wife says the guy has complained to them three times. He ate 3/4 of the clams in a box and then wanted a refund. The customer says they have the best fish in town, but the clams are tough, taste terrible and you can't chew them. Ralph says they can't give him a refund since he ate most of it. The guy says he's going to picket outside tomorrow. He used to come in once a week to eat the clams, but they did this to him out of spite. He'll have to go to another seafood restaurant now. (9:17 PM Domestic Violence Call) They go and talk to a 72 year old woman who won't put up with the abuse any more. The drunk guy needs help, is overweight, he's abused her and she’s scared for her life. Backup arrives and all five of them go upstairs to get Michael. They find him in the apartment and he wants his shoes and says not to push him. They’ve been there a few times for him. Back at the station they tell him his wife is scared and wants him to get help. He says she’s his wife, people think she's his mother. Help won't help him, he went to AA and all they talk about is booze. He wants to forget booze. They have to move the table so he can get out since he is so fat. They uncuff him and tell him to behave or he'll go in a cell. Mike kisses their hands, cries and doesn't want to go to jail. He has a hearing aid and they make him take his jewelry off, but his finger is red and swollen under his ring. He says last night he dreamt he was a police officer. (7:12 PM Roll Call) Officer John Ridge says the police have been in his family for over 30 years, he was born and raised with it, his cousins, uncles and father were cops. You can't explain the job to people, it's too complicated going from one call to the next. (10:10 Disturbance Call) It’s at the Food Basket convenience store. When they get there the guy takes off and they chase him. When they catch him he says he wasn't doing anything, just talking to a guy. Then he says he was running to catch a train. They put him in a car and the victim arrives. He says he took money out of a MAC machine and asked for a quarter, then a dollar, then $10 dollars. He followed him into the store and took a swing at him. It was a vicious shot that knocked off his glasses. They pull the guy out of the car and cuff him. He starts getting loud and violent saying he just came out of a house right now, he didn't rob anyone. He says they are doing this because he's Puerto Rican and they are white. The victim says he hit him in the store, they went outside to talk and the guy hit him again and... Air Date : 23rd-Nov-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 18 - Boston, MA 4

(7:38 PM Drug Buy Calls) Officer Mike Lopriore calls a dealers beeper and then has to go to another phone on Chelsea to they know it is set. His partner is Officer Peter Fontantez/Selling drugs out a window/Roll call weapon's check/Fire call/Arson suspect in station. Air Date : 21st-Mar-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 19 - Boston, MA 5

(4:52 PM Domestic Disturbance Call) Guy bleeding from fight from being stabbed and claims to have AIDS/Guy ate a banana without paying/Drug surveillance buying crack. violent drug arrest Air Date : 7th-Dec-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 20 - Boston, MA 6

(8:37 PM Warrant Briefing) East Boston - Officer Robert Anthony listens as the detective talks about a house dealing coke out of it. They’ll take a sledgehammer if needed and there is a woman there. They all load up and enter the apartment building, run down the hallway and knock and enter. There are two people downstairs, and three upstairs. On 11/7 they sold to an undercover cop so they know they have drugs. If Donald cooperates only he and his wife will go down, not everyone. Detective Joe Mugnano makes a drug deal on the phone with the delivery guy saying the woman is in the bathroom. He tells them to come up and ring the bell twice. The guy comes up with the coke and they jump him. They pull him in fast and get bags of rocks off him. They put the owners in cuffs and lead them out. (10:27 PM) At the station they talk about beeping a Spanish drug dealer to see if he'll show up. They drive down to because he's supposed to have an ounce of coke. The dealer is driving right at them and they cut him off. They pull him out, check his mouth for drugs and find wads of money on him. They don't want to tie up the street so they bring him back to the station to thoroughly check the car. (11:42 PM) They tear the car up at the station and find bags of rocks in the dash. (9:10 PM Investigation Call) Officer Bill Reynolds and his partner Officer John Ridge are heading to the 560 block. Jackie is on a blind date and called her father screaming. They are supposed to be in apartment 1208 and they check with security at the building and run up there. They knock and no one answers. They go back down to security to get there parking space number. They check it and the car is gone. They are in a black Saab and spot them on the road and chase them down. They pull them out and the woman is shaken, she has no idea what is going on. She says everything is fine, it must be a joke and they've only been out 2 hours. Bill tells her to call her dad. Jackie calls her brother Joe to ask what's going on. It turns out she said she was having an emergency, but all she needed was hair gel and that they are weird. John talks to the brother on the phone. She was getting ready and left a message on her sisters machine that it was an emergency. The sister called the father who called them. It's a date she'll never forget. (9:02 PM Disturbance Call) Officer Edward Tansey says Lynn is a beautiful city, has the biggest reservation and is right outside of Boston. Officer Charles Griffin is his partner. They are going to a house where a Tammy threatened to set her house on fire. They've been there before, it's off the road. They go in and a woman says it's a drug deal gone bad. She gave him $40 and they ripped her off. There are three men - two Dominicans and a Puerto Rico inside man who don’t speak English. One of them has a large knife. They say Jose is the dealer and isn't there. Tammy has bought from him before, but says she's Vanessa. He's there illegally and she is mad because last night they bought from him and it was baking soda so she called the police. Sgt. Robert O'Neil talks to the girlfriend of the manager Bob McDenna who says the three guys don't belong there. The renter was evicted yesterday and the place is supposed to be empty. The woman was assaulted trying to buy coke. They put the money under the door for coke, but got nothing back. She says she smokes, not snorts and only spends $40 a day so it’s not a bad habit. Air Date : 14th-Dec-1991  Read More

Season 4 Episode 21 - Boston, MA 7

(8:28 PM Buy/Bust Operation) Officer Mike Lopriore says a guy on probation is part of the we deliver network. he goes to drug meetings and then delivers coke all night. He beeped all his customers to meet in a parking lot an some undercover detectives are going in to bust buyers and sellers. Drug sting at gas station/Roll call - treat everyone like they are armed/Stabbing of husband by his drunk, drugged wife/Shooting by armed gang/Booking of suspect. Air Date : 4th-Apr-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 22 - Memphis, TN 1

(Narcotics Unit Briefing) Detective Leo Hampton says there is a 65 & 63 year old white couple selling pot out of their house and he wants to get them all in one room. They bought from the woman before and she is supposed to have 4 or 5 pounds of marijuana there. 10:07 PM they head out and he says she is known to carry a .22 and is not afraid to use it. (10:17 PM Warrant Served) Elderly couple distributed narcotics; assault. Air Date : 11th-Jan-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 23 - Memphis, TN 2

(11:22 PM Street Patrol) Shelby Co. Sheriff’s Station – Lt. Mike McEachren congratulates the group on last nights pursuit. It started gloomy, but there was no damage and they all survived. They pull over a car for having no license plate and a bulb out. It is a white and silver Pontiac Bonneville that refuses to stop and crosses over into Mississippi and are cutoff and captured. The black driver is Tony Johnson with a female Mexican passenger, Amanda Mars. Deputy Vernon Pollahite Jr. read them their rights. She says Tony had no license, so he wouldn’t stop. He crossed the border because he’s rather go to a Mississippi jail since they are better. Officers Grayland King and Mike Fleming of Olive Branch MS take them to their jail. Deputy Mike Tulley says he likes to help people and catch bad guys. He sees a lot of bad, but also sees the good. (12:22 AM Domestic Disturbance) Gene says his wife Vanessa was supposed to be home by 10pm and she came home at 11. She tried to drive off and he held on so she drove with him on the hood. She wants to leave with the kids, but he won’t let he. After being married for five years he threatened to beat her. He tries to get her to stay, but she leaves. Sheriff’s Dept. – Deputy Nick Hazelrig dreamt of dope coming from Texas to his town. (8:54 AM Assistance Call) A car from Texas is stopped and they find a little pot that the male driver has. Deputy Mark Kellerman searches the car with his wife and two kids in the back. He shows him a baggie in the trunk and a joint in his eyeglass case. The wife is hysterical and is glad he got caught. She calls him an ass and can’t believe he did this on the way to his father’s funeral. They make him dump all the pot out and cut him loose. Air Date : 18th-Jan-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 24 - Memphis, TN 3

(10:58 PM Armed Robbery Call) Officer Jeff Clark drives to the scene of a crime, unknown who is responsible, shots fired, victim is D.O.A. A 60 year old white man was who was a volunteer probation officer got robbed and shot five times and is dead. A black man in a black jacket was seen fleeing the scene and is apprehended down the street. robbery investigation yields murder victim; disturbance call. Air Date : 25th-Jan-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 25 - Memphis, TN 4

(12:52 AM Street Patrol) Officer Gene Hulley has been there 3 years. It's all he ever wanted to do, all he could think about doing in high school, can't imagine doing anything else. He's got a seat on the front row of life and is enjoying it. His family thinks he's crazy for doing it, knows he could get shot, but most families are like that. officer's wife barricades herself in bathroom against intruder. Air Date : 15th-Feb-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 26 - Memphis, TN 5

(9:11 PM Shooting Call) Officer Gene Hulley says they need clothes for the dirty patients who come in to the hospital and to donate any sex or size. His partner is C.D. Hawkins. A black drug dealer goes to a house to collect money a woman owes him and when she doesn't haven't he shoots her in the ass. They go looking for him and find he has shot another woman. Her sister is in the yard screaming she saw him shoot her sister. domestic disturbance; child endangerment. Air Date : 30th-May-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 27 - Memphis, TN 6

(5:13 PM Shooting Call) Officer Matt Pugh responds to a call on the 600 block and arrives to find a black woman who took a shotgun blast to the chest and blows her finger off. She says Danny, her ex, did it and he fled with the sawed off after they had a fight on the porch over the gun and it went off. A neighbor says the woman owns the gun. Cops go back in and ask her two kids where the guns are. The boy pulls a rifle out of the closet and the shotgun from under the mattress where his mom hid it. Shelby County (1:08 PM) Backup comes to a traffic stop and Guadalupe the driver is wearing a Zappa shirt, is all nervous, and won't consent to have his car searched. K9 is brought in and a suitcase full of pot is found in the trunk. They take them back to interdiction HQ and weigh the dope and take their money. Guadalupe loses his car, $1350 and the drugs. Detective Steve Culley says it's nice to be thanked. (9:31 PM Domestic Disturbance Call) The caller says a father is beating his son in the front yard of his house. They talk to the witness outside and find his 16 year-old son Time wanted to bring a shirt to his friends house and his dad stopped him. The son pushed him off and his dad pushed and slapped him because he is a pacifist, but he isn't scared to stay there. They take the father outside and says he disciplined his son like what was done to him. They arrest him because he hit him Tim in the face and was drinking. Air Date : 1st-Feb-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 28 - Miami, FL 1

(7:01 PM Shooting Call) Officer Angel Calzadilla & Emilio Canciobello arrive at a crazy old man's house that is filled with rotting packs of dripping meat and the windowsill is buried in dead flies. man is unable to care for himself; overturned truck. Air Date : 7th-Mar-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 29 - Miami, FL 2

(10:17 PM Disturbance Call) Sgt. Jose Fernandez says they are losing Officer Anthony Magrino to homicide. Jose asks him if he wants to say a few words, but he doesn't. Officer Robert Borgmann says he's a long lanky fellow and they chipped in and got him a gift since they like him and he backs them up. It is a cake that reads 'good luck in homicide' they figure he needs to put on some weight. He goes to the call of a black woman and a man fighting in front of a store with another man on the NW corner of 133rd. Anthony jumps out , breaks it up, stops the man with a bloody mouth and cuffs him. She is there with a new boyfriend, he is an old boyfriend. The new guy says he came over to the house and cursed out her momma and he got up to get rid of him and the old guy said he would shoot him. The old guy says “why can't I talk to my girl?” He called his sister and the new guy followed him to the store while he was on the phone and 3 guys jumped him and punched him in the face. He was cuffed because he was hitting her in front of cops. He says he knows he has to go down for this, but asks if he has to. Anthony says he's not going to miss things like that. It's like people know it's his last night. (10:32 PM Shooting Call) Metro-Dade PD Communications Center - A call comes in about a man who has been shot, possibly killed. Officer Robert Borgmann arrives and EMS is on the scene. The man is on the driveway with a bullet wound to the chest and there is a large blood stain on the ground. Rob says it's a high drug area. A woman says she saw the victim running and fall right there. He was shot on the corner and ran there. A drunk man says the victim was making a deal with a fat guy on the bicycle. They left and the guy on the bike probably shot him. He said, "oh lord, I'm hit, I'm hit” and he dropped. The ambulance takes the victim to a LZ and a helicopter picks him up to take him to Jackson Memorial. It'll take 4 minutes instead of 20 minutes by car. He is in critical condition, lost a massive amount a blood and they tried to vacuum out internal bleeding from his stomach. The chopper takes off and hopefully he'll make it. (PM Narcotics Unit Briefing) Metro-Dade PD - an undercover officer says they are going to buy a large amount of narcotics. Sgt. Fred Silber is there. Once the source is there they are going to execute the warrant. They have suitcases full of drugs they are selling him. Fred says the guy stays outside a lot and wanders around. (7:52 PM Special Response Team) Sgt. Steve Mesa says it'll be a slow search. They have pictures of the house and says it is worth over $1 million and they filmed Scarface there. (8:01 PM) The UC arrives and an ambulance pulls up and cops spill out. A flash grenade is shot inside, windows are smashed in and traffic is cut off. There is only one older man inside who is cuffed on the floor. He is told the house is being used for drug shipments and is concealed and they are going to search for it. They find an altar with a shrine that has handcuffs in wax on a plate - it's to protect him from the police. There is a sign that reads 'Remember the golden rule - he who has the gold, makes the rules.' The find a tech-9 assault weapon, a package of hollow point bullets, a silencer, a tape of The Godfather Complete Epic and a tape called Whispering Death - secrets of improved and state of the art silencers. He has a boat port and an expensive boat and pool out back. They board up the door and have a table of money and guns with silencers. He was a major player taken off the street. Air Date : 22nd-Feb-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 30 - Miami, FL 3

(2:47 PM) Broward Co. FL Sheriff's Department - Sgt. Ralph Capone is on his way to wire an undercover informant to buy an ounce of coke for $850. The signal is to put his hand through his hair and say "Bob's gonna love it." It should be quick, don't see any problems, but always ready. Dealers couldn't come up with any really weight, but an ounce still gets you 3 years, shut them down before they get bigger. (3:16 PM) They get the signal and drive over in a Kmart parking lot, stop a guy in a red car, block her in, pull her out and cuff her. When they tell her she's getting 3 years she cries and hits her head on the car. They read her the rights and she starts struggling. She doesn't want to answer so they need a female to search her. The car is a 1991 Trans-Am - Amelia & Carmen on the vanity plate. The coke looks really good, like from a kilo. The girl on the plate used to be her lover, the car’s not hers, but has a key ring for it. There is a “Bandit IV” and a “Say no to drugs" sticker on thr side. They find a coconut head inside. Ralph says sometimes people get upset and don't understand, get agitated and get rough. There’s always someone out there who doesn't get it. Miami Beach (7:09 Domestic Disturbance Call) Officer Henry Doce says a child called that her sister was beaten up by her boyfriend and is pregnant. They arrive and EMT is there. They spotted a guy walking away that they think is the boyfriend. He is a tall Spanish guy with a black mullet and says she isn't showing him respect. She is out all day and his food isn't ready when he comes home from work. He doesn't deserve that and it’s not acceptable in his country. They live together, but are not married. He's leaving, but is getting arrested instead. Sgt. Bob Dorigo assists. He tries to smoke a cigar, but is cuffed and put in a car. Bob goes back in and she says he deserves it, he gets away with it and he'll keep doing it and she went through it before. She says all women should do something about it or else he'll keep doing it and you'll go to jail for killing the guy. She is putting all his stuff outside and doesn't want him back. If he comes back she'll hit him, she's 4 months pregnant with twins. Her friend has been married 11 years and been beat for 8 years because her mother says once you are married, that is it. He kicked her when she was pregnant so her daughter called the cops. She is 10 years old, wants him out, and cries. Bob is glad she is getting tough with him. (10:42 PM Accident Call) Communications Center - a woman calls and Deputy Scott Weinberger goes, 2 cars crashed, t-boning in the intersection at 21st and 6th. Deputy Darin Dowe’s car was hit while he was inside. They were hit right in the door and knocked off the road. The female driver in the other vehicle might be drunk since it was such a hard crash. The driver is given a neckbrace and put in the ambulance. The most frequent injury to cops is traffic because they spend 8 hours a day on the road. The passenger comes out and smells of alcohol. Investigator Baron Phillipson and Deputy Al Hernandez say to Lt. Robert Baton it is now a criminal investigation because she is drunk and the officer is injured. Darin will be in hospital for 48 hours of observation in case of internal injuries. The women is given the roadside test and can barely stand, so she fails completely and plays dumb the whole time. This is why they are so critical when it comes to DUI. When you are impaired, tragedy can occur. Air Date : 22nd-Feb-1992  Read More

Season 4 Episode 31 - South Florida 1

(Narcotics Unit Briefing) Key West - Sgt. Steve Hammers is undercover and has a drawing of the area of Terry La. and Petron St. where they are working. He'll be in the blue van - the taping and control center. Detective Jeff Meyers is in charge of arrests and 'slammin' is the key word. Officer Kyle Murphy laughs at that and he is going to be the dealer and is given a bag of marked crack. Drug busts; store owner apprehends shoplifting suspect. Air Date : 14th-Mar-1992  Read More

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