The main characters of the new domestic series are four young men who have come to study in Tallinn and, by fate's will, share a room in the college dormitory. In addition to them, three girls studying in the same school also play a central role. In the first days of their independent lives, many of them lose their footing, and in the big city, crazy adventures and passionate love affairs, as well as dramas and even criminal escapades, await in the dormitories. Air Date : 8th-Mar-2010 Read More
Andri's secret comes to light, and he must be held accountable for his past sins. Paul's fate lies with Iris, who takes the reins and takes him to eat junk food. Staff knows that his fate is to go to prison like his brother, father, and mother, and takes the first steps on that path. Neeme grows tired of the nerd reputation and starts learning karate. Air Date : 15th-Mar-2010 Read More
Our young heroes momentarily lose their footing in the lights of the big city. However, it turns out that in real life, their previously underestimated country wisdom helps much more than the city boys' fancy clothes and smooth talk. Tibu gets pimples from the junk food offered by Iris, and Iris gets offended. Marion promises to rein in Andri. Andri promises his pregnant girlfriend that he won't leave her. Neeme borrows money from Paul to ask out Vika. Vika has to defend the boys' honor with her fists. The youngsters grow tired of staying in the dorm and decide to immerse themselves in glamour. But what to wear to avoid looking like a country bumpkin? Air Date : 22nd-Mar-2010 Read More
The drom heroes are fed up with not having money. Neeme finds a formula for success - inventing something that would be beneficial to mankind - a wine fermenter with an accelerator. Andri lacks vision as a candidate for the burger vendor position, and he loses the job. Staff offers him easy money, which turns into huge trouble. Andri looks for an apartment to move in with his child and girlfriend and discovers the dormitory commander's secret business. Vika and Andri conclude that Andri's fate is a God's wicked business plan. Andri meets a homeless person who fundamentally refuses to work. Air Date : 29th-Mar-2010 Read More
Andri's pregnant girlfriend arrives in Tallinn. However, she encounters a defeated Andri, who manages to disappoint Marion, Chinese exchange students, the dormitory commander, and his new employer all in one day. Iiris takes Tibu to the theater, which turns into another embarrassing outing for Tibu. The wine made from Paul's currants, is christened CaberNeeme Shavinjoon and turns out very good. However, it undermines the boys. This, in turn, pushes the dorm heroes into more trouble. Paul no longer wants to be Tibu and wants to become an eagle. The other boys also transform into eagles. But by the end, the rulers of heaven become rats again in their beloved dormitory. Air Date : 5th-Apr-2010 Read More
Kätlin finally arrives in Tallinn. The girlfriend has to be smuggled into the dormitory secretly and accommodated in the boys' room due to lack of money. But the excitement doesn't last long because the girl presents a series of costly demands. Tibu and Lotte discover that to appeal to women, each must use their own method - one must be cute, the other uncompromisingly macho. Staff receives two tough orders... Air Date : 12th-Apr-2010 Read More
While the youngsters decide to spruce up the messy rooms of the dormitory to make them more homely, Andri and his pregnant girlfriend play house in the dorm's private room. It's Tibu's birthday, he turns 17. How to elegantly lift a 120-kilogram friend up to 17 times? An uninvited guest to the birthday party is Andri's underage but intoxicated girlfriend Kätlin, who embarrasses herself and Andri. Vika's secret from the past surfaces. The most attended class at school turns out to be the sex education class, which creates a lot of excitement. Air Date : 19th-Apr-2010 Read More
The dormitory is haunted by paranormal phenomena. The only sensible thing throughout the whole day is that Genka offers Andri a job as a band's transport man. The other guys also want to join such a cool job. But things are far from normal as they seem. The most normal person in the group is a beautiful girl in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. Air Date : 26th-Apr-2010 Read More
In the dormitory, a sanitary raid takes place - the commander and the dormitory caretaker, along with the raid brigade, confiscate anything immoral - pornography, alcohol, cigarettes. But in the boys' room, there are discoveries awaiting - Neeme's wine industry, Staff's weapon, and Ändu, the cat with diarrhea. Andri receives the biggest surprise of the series - a positive surprise. Air Date : 3rd-May-2010 Read More
Staff, who has only been spinning tales about women, meets a real girl. The other boys have to get alcohol from the store themselves, which leads them straight into the hands of the municipal police (MUPO). Iiris redesigns Tibu according to her taste. Neeme feels brave today and goes to charm Vika. Andri is now free and decides to politely ask out Marion. He's probably too late - Marion is going to meet a famous super chef and hopes to be featured in the gossip magazine "Kroonika." Air Date : 10th-May-2010 Read More
Staff is held hostage by a drug dealer who forces him to kill someone. The whole mess started with a drug bag, which needs to be retrieved, the only problem is that it's in the hands of the greedy and tyrannical commander. Andri, Neeme, and Tibu decide to help Staff so that their friend can be freed from slavery. A fun frenzy takes place during physical education class, where a famous basketball player teaches relaxation to the youngsters. The emo boy, who has been silent in the dormitory until now, finally speaks up. More confessions follow. Air Date : 17th-May-2010 Read More
The school year is over. Before our dorm heroes scatter back to the countryside, villages, and towns, one last party must be held. So, the boys organize chaos unlike anything the worn-out walls of the dormitory or the ever-watchful dormitory caretaker have ever seen. Air Date : 24th-May-2010 Read More