Trading Spaces - Season : 1

Season 1 Episode 1 - Winter Garden

Christi is going to be working with the dark blue team, Scott & Tammy, while Laurie will be working with the red team, Bishop (aka Smitty) & Angela. Homeowner Chats The Blue team wants rich, warm colors. They have a dresser/ armoire with their TV on top of it. The Green team calls their room a blank canvas, but they don't want dark colors on the walls. Key Swap The same as the previous key swaps in Home Free, Paige goes over the rules, hands out the $2000, & hands over the keys. Designer/ Homeowner Chat Smitty & Angela want to get some seating in the room. Scott & Tammy want an entertainment cabinet & to get rid of the ""1920"" furniture. Paint Challenge Paige has 2 paint cans, one for each house. Both have 20 paint chips in them & whichever one they choose has to go on all the walls. The Red team get a moss green, Laurie doesn't seem to like it. The Blue team get a shade of blue that is very near to the same shade as their shirts. Budgeting & Shopping The Red Air Date : 28th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 2 - Finals

Show Open Paige explains that this week the teams can have their choice of the designer & carpenter that they want to work with. The Light blue team wants to work with Doug & Ty. The Yellow team chooses to work with Frank & Amy Wynn. Key Swap Paige explains to the teams that it's back to Home Free basics for this episode. They have a budget of $2000 to spend on the kitchens that they're redoing. Day 0 Once again the rooms are described by videos. The Light Blue team doesn't want country. The Yellow team would like to see some new countertops in their kitchen. Shopping Challenge It wouldn't be Home Free without a shopping challenge. This week's shopping challenge is called ""Nothing On The Table,"" in which the teams must acquire a table by the end of Day 2 without spending any money on it. They can't go to junkyards, garden centers, bait & tackle shops, thrift stores, high-end stores, or any shop for that matter, they can't knock on doors, or call family & friends. Th Air Date : 18th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 3 - Winner's Circle- LIVE REVEAL

With 70% of a nationwide vote, the Light Blue Team of Jon and Stacy Laymon of Ocoee, Florida, have won the eight-week competition that was Trading Spaces: Home Free over Angel and Vilma Rivera of Kissimmee, Florida. They won up to $350,000 to pay off their mortgage. Whether or not they were winners, both the Riveras and the Laymons were the recipients of up to $27,000 in room renovations courtesy of their Home Free competitors. The first round featured a $2,000 bedroom renovation, the second a $5,000 living room redesign, and in the third, new appliances and other niceties resulted in kitchen makeovers valued at up to $20,000. Host Paige Davis, designers Christi Proctor, Kia Steave-Dickerson and Edward Walker, and carpenters Carter Oosterhouse and Amy Wynn Pastor, as well as all of the other competitors, appeared on the one-hour live broadcast from Orlando, which featured clips from all the previous episodes and some new footage of the finalists, and a countdown clock ticking away the Air Date : 25th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 4 - Kissimmee

Before this week's teams start, Paige tells us that the Lavender team won last week with 62% of the votes. Homeowner Chats Vilma & Angel want an elegant & relaxing master bedroom. Eddy & Omar want color, but they still want their master bedroom to look ""big."" Key Swap Paige goes over the rules for Home Free, then hands over the keys. Day 0 Designer/ Homeowner Chat Kia, Eddy, & Omar decide they want floors, storage, a headboard, & to reposition the furniture. Frank, Vilma, & Angel decide on a headboard, window treatments, & seating. Paint Reveals This time, the teams have three cans to choose from, but the one they pick is the one that won't be used in the room. Eddy & Omar end up with two shades of off-white. Angel & Vilma have to use dark blue & a near teal color. Budgeting & Shopping Eddy & Omar go for a headboard, an entertainment center, & want to put down a hardwood floor. Angel & Vilma want a headboard made of premade doors, a wall unit, a bench, a Air Date : 14th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 5 - Semi Finals 1

For the semi-finals, the teams will be working on living rooms. Due to the distance between the houses, each team will have their own designer, so both Trading Spaces trailers will be used for the Carpentry Worlds. The Yellow team, Angel & Vilma, are going to be working with designer, Edward Walker, & carpenter, Amy Wynn pastor. The Lavender team, Glen & Justine, are going to work with designer Doug Wilson & Carter Oosterhouse as carpenter. Key Swap Paige tells the teams that the budget has been upped to $10,000. $5,000 of that has already been spent. She also gives both teams an envelope that has instructions in it, but they can't open it until they are with the designer & carpenter they'll be working with. Day 0 Designer Chat Glen & Justine didn't care for the Green team's room. ""But they love Doug,"" according to Glen. They call the room ""Sassy Caribbean"" Angel wants to put up an unusual wall unit that is modern with a touch of contemporary. Since the homeowners d Air Date : 4th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 6 - Orlando

Paige introduces us to the 8 couples competing to get their mortgages paid off. Paige also tells us that the neighbors will approve the design, control the budget, & are in conrol. Casting Call Hundreds of homeowners with signs & costumes descend on Home Depot in Orlando, FL on a weekend afternoon in December. They think their trying out for a regular Trading Spaces episode (which is odd- TS was just there late last season.) Strapped to a forklift with a bullhorn in hand, Paige tells the crowd the plan to pay off someone's mortgage. To make the cut, you needed to test your skills in foot painting & toilet racing. Some people even used small children to try to get picked. At Home Depot, 3 skill stations were set up. At the 1st one, hopefuls had to pick fabric swatches out of a bag blindfolded, put them on a board & decide how they'd be used in a room. In the 2nd, homeowners had 60 seconds to drive 6 nails into a piece of wood with only one hammer stroke per nail. In the 3rd Air Date : 7th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 7 - Semi Finals 2

In the Opening, Paige tells us that who ever wins this week's episode will be competing against the Yellow team, Angel & Vilma, in the final round for their mortgage pay-off. The Light Blue team, Jon & Stacy, will be working with designer, Laurie Hickson- Smith, and carpenter, Cater Oosterhouse. The red team, Smitty & Angela, will be working with designer, Laura Day, and carpenter Ty Pennington. Key Swap Air Date : 11th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 8 - Ocoee

Before meeting this week's teams, Paige tells us last week's results. With 80% of the votes, the yellow team will be moving on to the semi-finals. Homeowner Chats Jay & Melanie's room is already pretty good. She designed the wall, but they both want something different. They don't want their furniture painted, however, they do want the ceiling fan & carpet gone. Jon & Stacie's room is just the opposite of Jay & Melanie's. Their bed doesn't have a headboard & they don't have much new furniture. It does have big windows & a tray ceiling. Key Swap Paige hands out $2000 to each team & goes over the rules. They then proceed with possibly the largest key swap ever- one key is on a giant disco ball & the other is attached to a large key. Day0 Designer/ Homeowner Chat The Light Blue team wants more light in the room & Hildi wants to mow the carpet. The Orange team wants drama & romance, while Edward was thinking something far Eastern. Paint Challenge This time, the teams Air Date : 21st-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 1 Episode 9 - Athens: County Road

Imagine converting a child's room into a wonderland by simply applying a paintbrush and lots of imagination. That's what interior designer Frank Bielec does in this episode of Trading Spaces. Frank's childhood days emerge as he erects a swing and adds other childlike touches. Meanwhile, Hilda Santo-Tomas amazes her team by taking a dreary living room and making it brighter and livable without buying one single new piece of furniture. Hilda knows how to change a room — and it starts with monkeys. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 10 - Alpharetta: Providence Oaks

Trading Spaces tackles suburbia this week. In Alpharetta, Georgia, our team is challenged to create an entire room around one piece of furniture — a dining room table built by the homeowner. Hilda Santo-Tomas brings her elegant style to this dining room, using unique paint techniques and funky fabrics. Next door, a home office-slash-guest room is getting some much-needed help from guest designer Roderick Shade. A permanent desk area is built and a bay window is turned into a sleeping alcove. Carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor assists. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 11 - Lawrenceville: Pine Lane

Trading Spaces brings new meaning to the phrase ""getting your ducks in a row"" in this delightful episode. Two sisters trade spaces in an attempt to make both their living rooms more charming and comfortable. Designer Dez Ryan says nothing is off-limits as she converts a manly living room into a showcase suitable for both sexes. She even turns a duck decoy into a lamp! Hilda Santo-Tomas adds her know-how and produces a new room from old furniture, highlighted by using Brazilian leaves to accent an old armoire. Air Date : 27th-Oct-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 12 - Buckhead: Canter Road

The women take charge in this episode of Trading Spaces. Genevieve Gorder and Laurie Smith are the designers working with two sets of neighbors in Atlanta, Georgia. A 60-year-old kitchen gets a funky facelift when Genevieve decides to rip off all the cabinets and use open air shelving and pot racks to house kitchenware. The breakfast nook gets a new window bench with help from carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor. Laurie is busy next door trying to bring contemporary styling to a living room. Her biggest challenge is a glass fireplace surround that is the centerpiece of the room. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 13 - Washington, D.C.: Cleveland Park

Remember when your home was decorated with mom and dad's hand-me-downs? That's what two hip Trading Spaces designers faced when they arrived in Washington, D.C., for this episode. This show is a retro throwback that includes a giant beanbag sofa and a lamp straight out of an old sci-fi flick. Designers Dez Ryan and Douglas Wilson assist two lovebirds as they trade spaces to make their digs more millennium friendly. Carpenter Ty Pennington assists. Air Date : 10th-Nov-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 14 - Alexandria: Riefton Court

Look out Hee Haw, Frank Bielec is bringing his country flair to a kitchen in Alexandria, Va. Viewers may consider wearing sunglasses when Frank reveals his paint color for this family kitchen. By the time he's finished, the family can have a hoedown in their breakfast nook. Genevieve Gorder transforms an eighties-style living room into a modern gathering room by taking apart a modular entertainment center and turning the pieces sideways and upside down to create a different style. Black-and-white photos and bright, geometric shapes help accent this room. Carpenter Ty Pennington brings a hammer and some humor to this episode. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 15 - Annapolis: Fox Hollow

Designers Genevieve Gorder and Laurie Smith keep carpenter Ty Pennington busy in this episode, which takes place in Annapolis, Maryland. Genevieve is ripping out carpeting and devising innovative ways to hang draperies while next door, Laurie is creating a hanging pot rack out of an existing light fixture and turning treasures from the basement into light fixutres. Air Date : 26th-Nov-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 16 - Philadelphia: Strathmore Road

Next-door neighbors trade spaces and styles in this episode from outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A pink and blue family room is given function and flair by designer Frank Bielec. Next door, designer Dez Ryan uses eclectic accessories, including a couple of her special lamps, and bold colors turn a conservative living room into a funky gathering room. Carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor builds a window seat with storage and radiator covers. Air Date : 1st-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 17 - Philadelphia: Valley Road

Returning to Philadelphia, Trading Spaces finds two more sets of neighbors eager to transform rooms in the other's house. This episode features Laurie Smith and Douglas Wilson, with carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor. Laurie changes a formal dining room into a Greek-inspired space complete with a plaster bust. Douglas is working on brightening up a morning room, complete with a bold pattern on the painted floor. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 18 - Philadelphia: Galahad Road

Is it possible to fill a room with furniture and fresh design in two days for only $1,000.00?Designer Hilda Santo-Tomas gives it a shot in this episode. Newly constructed furniture and the use of fun fabrics help complete the redecoration of a dining/living room area. Across the street, Genevieve Gorder plans to create a new space out of an existing space with the help of carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor. Genevieve's design includes unique art that doubles as lighting. Air Date : 15th-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 19 - Knoxville: Courtney Oak

What happens when you have a big basement with multiple uses? Call Frank Bielec and let him go to work to tie it all together. Using shelves, room dividers, and vivid colors, Frank creates a playroom, office, and living area all in one room. Meanwhile, Laurie Smith is grappling how to add softness and function to a small master bedroom that's big on potential and short on resources. Both designers turn to carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor for assistance. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 20 - Knoxville: Fourth and Gill

Trading Spaces takes its design crew to the historic Fourth and Gill district of Knoxville, Tenn., for the premiere episode, featuring designers Frank Bielec and Laurie Smith. The teams are not only neighbors, they're good friends. Let's hope the friendship can survive new upholstery as each moves in to the other's home for 48 hours to redecorate one room. The budget is $1,000 and everything in the room is fair game for change. From fabrics and furniture to flooring and fixture, our designers will join the neighbors in a race to redecorate. Frank will be transforming a den from southwest to superb and Laurie tackles a tiny kitchen that goes from functional to fabulous in just 48 hours — all with the help from carpenter, Amy Wynn Pastor. Air Date : 24th-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 21 - Knoxville: Forest Glen

Things don't always go smoothly on Trading Spaces and this week, designer Douglas Wilson encounters two headstrong team members that aren't thrilled with his design plan for a bedroom. Down the street, Hilda Santo-Tomas has better luck with her team as they join forces to bring order and style to a cluttered living room. Tune in to see if Douglas is able to compromise enough to get the room finished in 2 days and to watch the transformation that takes place along the way. Art lovers will enjoy how Hilda uses light and color to bring attention to original art work. Carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor lends a hand with a window seat and unique bookshelves. Air Date : 24th-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 22 - Cincinnati: Melrose Avenue

Not enough cash for high-end wallpaper? Hilda Santo-Tomas solves this problem by creating her own textured wallpaper complete with repeated pattern. The wallpaper is the backdrop for a dramatic change to a drab kitchen. Next door, Frank Bielec is working with a long, narrow room where hidden hardwood floors and an antique fireplace are given new life. Carpenter Ty Pennington assists. Air Date : 29th-Dec-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 23 - Cincinnati: Madison and Forest

Historic homes are in for a hilarious redo in this episode featuring an industrial loft by Douglas Wilson and a retro, yet romantic master bedroom by Laurie Smith. Tune in to see Douglas use dirt-cheap materials to completely transform worn furniture, complete with original art. Laurie Smith uses fabric and paint to create the illusion of a bigger space in a small bedroom. Ty Pennington assists with brand-new furniture constructed in just two days. Air Date : 12th-Jan-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 24 - San Diego: Elm Ridge

Tune in to find out what happens when a Naval officer and his son team up against their new neighbors to redecorate each other's bedrooms in this sunny episode of Trading Spaces. Genevieve Gorder has a unique plan to ""bring the outdoors in"" using moss and slate. Across the street, Hilda tries to convince her team that lightening the room starts with painting it black! Carpenter Amy Wynn Pastor assists and provides expertise building a headboard and bed frame. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 25 - San Diego: Hermes Avenue

In San Diego, we pull surfing best friends off the beach and into each other's homes for another redecorating challenge. Laurie Smith turns a drab kitchen into an aqua adventureland while Genevieve Gorder pays homage to Georgia O'Keefe with a living room design. Amy Wynn Pastor provides assistance with tables, wall grids and banquette seating. Air Date : 9th-Feb-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 26 - San Diego: Wilbur Street

Putting down a new floor is always a risky project, and in this episode designers Frank Bielec and Douglas Wilson find out why! Douglas brings the sun of Tuscany to a San Diego kitchen while Frank attempts to re-create the British Isles in a living room. Amy Wynn Pastor assists. Air Date : 16th-Feb-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 27 - Knoxville: Stubbs Bluff

A father changes places with his neighbor and daughter in this fun-filled, two-day redecorating challenge. Designer Frank Bielec brings in carpenter Ty Pennington to help him turn a rec room into party central, complete with a karaoke stage and tiki bar. Meanwhile, Douglas Wilson is trying to update a kitchen with uneven floors. Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 28 - Miami: 83rd Street

Trading Spaces heads to sunny Florida where neighbors exchange a bedroom and a living room in a two-day race to redecorate. Carpenter Ty Pennington and designer Laurie Smith are at odds over a faux fireplace while designer Dez Ryan tries to add romance and elegance to a bedroom using a dragon theme. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 29 - Coconut Creek: 59th Street

Designer Frank Bielec is bringing a taste of Tuscany to a living room while designer Hilda Santo-Tomas enlists carpenter Ty Pennington to build a showcase for a collection of Fiestaware in an L-shaped kitchen. Air Date : 4th-Mar-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 30 - Key West: Elizabeth Street

Island fever is contagious on this episode of Trading Spaces, which finds designers Frank Bielec and Genevieve Gorder headed to Key West where they'll join Ty Pennington in redoing two typical Key West living rooms. Air Date : 9th-Mar-2001  Read More

Season 1 Episode 31 - Austin: Wycliff Road

Nobody ever said that redesigning a room in two days for $1,000 was easy; in this episode designer Douglas Wilson faces challenges and setbacks in his effort to bring space and more function to a small kitchen. Meanwhile, Hilda Santo-Tomas eliminates a popcorn ceiling and uses fabric on the walls in a dining room. Amy Wynn Pastor is the carpenter. Air Date : 16th-Mar-2001  Read More

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