The Exploration of sunlight. How the sky is like a giant pinball machine and where the sun is located at different times of the day. The explanation of what would happen if there were no air molecules. Air Date : 12th-Sep-1999 Read More
An explanation of lightning, including the amount of energy in a lightning bolt, how lightning is formed, and what we actually see in a streak of lightning. The group also explains about the different ways that attract lightning and how to prevent yourself from these strikes. Air Date : 19th-Sep-1999 Read More
The discovery of how the density of several elements affects sound, what is needed for sound to be present, and how sound works. The pitch of a person's voice compared to that of a musical instrument is discussed, along with how changing the speed of sound affects the pitch of the voice, and how the pitch can be changed. Air Date : 26th-Sep-1999 Read More
Explains what a satellite is, how it is put into orbit and how it maintains its orbit. The team also talks about how satellite dishes work and how they provide better television signals. The hosts clarifies interrelationships in earth/space systems, and information on the history of artificial satellites. Air Date : 3rd-Oct-1999 Read More
The revelation of why certain clothes are dry cleaned, the history of the dry cleaning process, and introduces water as a universal solvent. A demonstration is performed of how like-substances dissolve, and how emulsifiers break up oil-based stains. Air Date : 10th-Oct-1999 Read More
The exploration of why hurricanes strike only in late summer or early fall. The hosts also explain what a hurricane is, why it is the most destructive natural force on Earth, and demonstrates how to make a hurricane in the kitchen. Air Date : 17th-Oct-1999 Read More
The examination of how sound is produced and explains hearing by air conduction, and bone construction. Air Date : 24th-Oct-1999 Read More
The revealation of how a rocket actually gets to the moon, and how it is compared to flying to the moon as vacation. Air Date : 31st-Oct-1999 Read More
The explanation of atmospheric pressure and its relevance to the weather report and our daily lives. Also explained are pressure instruments and their uses, how isobars are mapped out, and how to read weather charts. Air Date : 7th-Nov-1999 Read More
The definition of an echo, and the demonstration of how it occurs and its effects in different background. The hosts describe the acoustic challenges presented by most rock concert and presents some strategies to improve the sound. Air Date : 14th-Nov-1999 Read More
How surfactant, the ingredient in shampoo that causes the burning sensation and helps rid the hair of dirt, reacts with the eye's tear film. And a look at amphoteric surfactants, which are found in 'no-tears' shampoo, and their properties. Air Date : 21st-Nov-1999 Read More
A mass spectrometer analyzes the contents of a substance and displays the results on a computer. The human tongue and its ability to recognize four main tastes. The make-up of synthetic imitations and how they are created. Advantages of using artificial flavors rather than their natural counterparts. Air Date : 28th-Nov-1999 Read More
Information on how nature creates snow, the components used by snow-making machines to manufacture snow, and natural snowflakes compared to artificial ones. Air Date : 5th-Dec-1999 Read More
The history of the stopwatch and analysis of its accuracy. The starter's pistol, the starting block sensors, and the horn in present-day races are used for timing modern races. How a high resolution video camera and computer technology help to determine the runner's finish time in a race - the finish time is the moment when the person's torso crosses the line. Air Date : 12th-Dec-1999 Read More
The structure of a bullet- proof vest, including the characteristics of an Aramid fiber-energy absorption, stretching ability. How the strength of a fabric depends on how the fibers are woven together. Air Date : 19th-Dec-1999 Read More
The explanation of the parts of the eye, such as the lens and the muscles surrounding it, the iris and its function of letting light into the eye, the retina, lined with light-sensitive cells shaped like rods and cones. How the shape of one's eyeball determines the eye's capacity to see. Air Date : 26th-Dec-1999 Read More
The hosts talk about the two principle sources of salt. Underwater volcanoes and rivers, plus the different levels of salt concentration in rivers and ocean, and also the salt's tendency to absorb water. They also explain how salt reacts with body cells and the kidneys' role as the organs responsible for removing excess salt from the body. Air Date : 2nd-Jan-2000 Read More
The definition of carnivores and herbivores, - their respective diets and eating mechanisms. Human's teeth, digestive systems, and diet in comparison to those of carnivores and herbivores. Air Date : 9th-Jan-2000 Read More
Calculating the age of bones from the amount of carbon 14 they contain and the potassium atoms in rocks surrounding bones. Explanations of how bones help determine what the dinosaurs looked like, their habits, and their diet. Air Date : 16th-Jan-2000 Read More
Gold's properties, its appeal to human beings and impact on society throughout history. The advantages of gold over other metals, its chemical stability where it does not react with water or air, measures of its purity in carats, and its use in high-tech equipment. Air Date : 23rd-Jan-2000 Read More
What bacteria are and why they are so dangerous. Information on what eggshells and teeth have in common, what fluoride is and how it prevents cavities. The structure and function of living systems such as bacteria, the concept of causative agents, science in personal health, science in society, collaborative efforts of sciences, and environmental costs and benefits. Air Date : 30th-Jan-2000 Read More
How a computer virus causes infections, the three stages of program infection, and routes to protection. A presentation of a comparison of viruses in humans and computers, the characteristics of organisms, organisms and their environment, basic understanding of computer theory, and the binary code. Air Date : 6th-Feb-2000 Read More