Five working-class lads from Dublin are plucked from obscurity and given the chance of a lifetime: to form one of the world’s most successful and iconic boybands. After a rocky start, their popularity grows and they’re soon travelling the world in pursuit of fame and fortune. But behind-the-scenes, bitter rifts threaten to divide the band as personal insecurities are exploited. Manager Louis Walsh sets about ruthlessly manipulating the press, as a secret about one of the members’ sexuality surfaces, with devastating ramifications. Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2025 Read More
The band’s unprecedented success continues as they land their first number one single. But as their popularity soars, so too does the relentless pursuit of the tabloids. The pressures of constant scrutiny weigh heavily on all members, but Stephen Gately feels it most intensely. When The Sun receives a tip-off that Stephen is dating Dutch popstar Eloy de Jong, Stephen finds himself at the heart of a media frenzy. For the first time, we hear from all sides, revealing how Stephen’s sexuality was exposed and the personal toll it took. Meanwhile, Ronan faces pressure from manager Louis Walsh to pursue solo projects, igniting tensions that threaten the band’s unity. Air Date : 9th-Feb-2025 Read More
With the band’s future uncertain, Keith and Shane look elsewhere to find their purpose. Ronan’s solo career reaches extraordinary heights, but his relationship with Louis starts to deteriorate, leaving emotional scars that still linger. When Mikey proposes the idea of a Boyzone reunion, the comeback is a huge success and the band grows closer than ever before. Then tragedy strikes, as Stephen dies unexpectedly. A swarm of journalists descend upon the story, fuelling painful speculation about the cause of his death. The remaining members, shattered by their loss, press on in his honour - but cracks reappear, and the band separate once more. In the series’ emotional conclusion, each reflects on their bond and the memories they made together. Air Date : 16th-Feb-2025 Read More