The Chinese People's Volunteer Army crosses the Imjin River in force and attacks the South Korean capital. The best units available to Eighth Army commander Matt Ridgway defend it, but with more Chinese armies and reformed North Korean units pushing in the east, is there any hope of holding onto it? Air Date : 7th-Jan-2025 Read More
UN troops around Wonju get a gentle reminder that they're not only fighting the Chinese. The North Koreans are back, and hammer the weak point in the UN lines all week. With UN forces still organising a defence, and lots of holes in their formation, will they be able to hold on? Or will failure here undo all of Eighth Army Commander Matt Ridgway's good work thus far? Air Date : 14th-Jan-2025 Read More
Matt Ridgway sends forth the US 27th Infantry Regiment, known as the Wolfhounds, into the no-mans-land between the UN and Chinese lines to sniff out and hunt down their enemy. The success or failure of his first few operations in Korea could be crucial, as confidence in the UN mission from generals, politicians, and the US' allies continues to teeter on a knife edge. A strong showing here could finally put the uncertainty to rest. Air Date : 21st-Jan-2025 Read More
Peng Dehuai's armies rest and recuperate on the banks of the Han River, nursing their supply issues, and the initiative has firmly swung in favor of the UN side. The North Koreans in the east are fleeing, and Matt Ridgway's latest offensive in the west gets underway without a hitch. Are we about to see yet another reversal of fortune and pursuit up the Korean Peninsula? Air Date : 28th-Jan-2025 Read More
The fate of the Korean Peninsula stands on a knife edge as Peng Dehuai's mighty armies gear up to make their move. The US 8th Army continues to push towards Seoul, now backed up by Edward Almond's 10th Corps to the east. Violent clashes towards the end of the week confirm what both sides already suspect: a great battle is coming, and in this deadly game of thrust and riposte, there can be but one victor. Air Date : 4th-Feb-2025 Read More
The anticipated Chinese counterattack begins to take shape. Chinese commander Peng Dehuai and US 8th Army Commander Matt Ridgway both know the significance of what comes next. These next days will decide the future of the Korean Peninsula. UN troops dig in, and Chinese troops prepare to advance. The time is now, and the stakes have never been higher. Air Date : 11th-Feb-2025 Read More
Chinese Commander Peng Dehuai has launched his 4th Phase Offensive, pushing the UN forces back in the center of Korea, and should his forces take Chipyong-ni, they will compromise the entire UN position. Chipyong-ni must hold! Air Date : 18th-Feb-2025 Read More
Operation Killer begins this week, and its objective is what the name implies, to destroy as much of the enemy as possible rather than just trying to merely take territory. But once again, UN Commander Douglas MacArthur threatens to telegraph it before it starts. The offensive itself, though, is stymied its first few days by the weather. Meanwhile in China, Peng Dehuai meets with Mao Zedong to clear the air. Air Date : 25th-Feb-2025 Read More
This week is really a week of planning, as Matt Ridgway unveils the plans for Operation Ripper- to follow the somewhat disappointing Operation Killer, but there are South Korean spies involved, the blockade of Wonsan, and the continuing escalation of tensions between Douglas MacArthur and Harry Truman, with people in American High Command concerned that MacArthur is bent on starting World War 3. Air Date : 4th-Mar-2025 Read More
Operation Ripper kicks off this week, and gains plenty of ground... but the enemy is almost nowhere to be found. Douglas MacArthur gives what becomes known as his 'die for tie' speech, which could have a serious negative effect on UN troop morale. But the Chinese are building up their forces for an eventual counterstrike, and the North Koreans even have a new Chief of Staff. Air Date : 11th-Mar-2025 Read More
Seoul falls to the South Koreans this week- the 4th time it's changed hands since last June. There is no big celebration this time, though, since much of the city has been completely destroyed. This is just part of Operation Ripper, which advances all over to little enemy resistance, also taking the important town of Hongcheon. Air Date : 18th-Mar-2025 Read More