We break down the week of American politics, and discuss its implication on American life, and the world. In this episode we begin to acknowledge the many bad signs that Donald Trump is not who he seems, yet holding out hope for the best. Air Date : 11th-Feb-2017 Read More
In such uncertain and intentionally misleading times, it is no surprise to see just how disjointed the US has become, as the average American is left looking to their emotions to answer their unanswerable questions. And sadly, for a large portion of this country, those emotions are dictated and even orchestrated by whichever local news Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2017 Read More
There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America’ – FBI Director James Comey Welcome to modern America, where freedom, rights and privacy are no longer an absolute, but something to be earned or withheld on a whim, and the true intentions of the government. Air Date : 10th-Mar-2017 Read More
The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” –John Wooden Hypocrisy. A word that has such a powerful meaning, yet is rarely reflected upon, especially in modern America. Air Date : 14th-Mar-2017 Read More