Frieren, Heiter, and Eisen test the spell that causes the user to say whatever they are thinking on Himmel, who begins to wax-poetic about his looks aloud. The three of them agree that it would be unbearable to listen to it long term. Air Date : 11th-Oct-2023 Read More
After using the spell that removes just the alcohol from an alcoholic drink, Frieren, Himmel, and Eisen taste the drink and can't tell the difference. They then urge Heiter to try the drink, but he immediately guesses that the drink isn't alcoholic, to which the party all call him a Corrupt Priest. Air Date : 25th-Oct-2023 Read More
Fern is excited to try the spell because of Frieren's oversleeping habits. She sets the specified time to 6 AM. The next day, Frieren wakes up at the correct time, but the spell is unable to keep her from falling back asleep. Air Date : 15th-Nov-2023 Read More
Frieren and Fern wonder what type of good smell the spell produces. They try it on Stark, and find that he smells like grilled meat. The two conclude that the smell is based on the user's definition of a good smell. Stark asks what's for dinner, and both Frieren and Fern exclaim that they want meat, scaring Stark. Air Date : 29th-Nov-2023 Read More
Frieren's Party test the spell, which produces a bottle of Ajipon. They try the sauce with meat and find that it is delicious. Stark wonders if the sauce would taste good with dragon meat, and Frieren and Fern tell him to go defeat a dragon on his own so they can see. Air Date : 14th-Dec-2023 Read More
Frieren's Party test the spell on Stark, who proceeds to have exceptional luck. The path they pick has no monsters and he wins a grand prize. Seeing this, Sein asks Frieren to cast the spell on him. He then goes gambling, but later returns with no clothes. Stark wonders if the spell didn't work, but Frieren says that Sein is just bad. Air Date : 27th-Dec-2023 Read More
Sein has the idea of using the spell for profit by charging people who need tough oil stains removed from their pots and pans. However, because they offer to clean the first pot or pan for free, everyone only brings one pot or pan, and it ends up being volunteer work for Frieren. Air Date : 10th-Jan-2024 Read More
Frieren and Heiter try the spell out on the taciturn Eisen. At first the spell doesn't seem to have worked, but when they ask him about a recent battle, both his speech and his movements increase in speed. Frieren and Heiter conclude that it's good for people to have their own manner of speech. Air Date : 24th-Jan-2024 Read More
Frieren and Fern decide to test the spell on fish that Stark has caught while he gathers firewood. The fish speak pitifully and bemoan their family's bad luck, as their father was caught the day before. They wonder if they will be roasted or simmered. Frieren and Fern lose the appetite for fish and ask Stark to release them to his shock. Air Date : 7th-Feb-2024 Read More
Frieren's Party encounter three treasure chests. Fern cautions that at least one of them must be a mimic, so Stark suggests using the magic that brings good luck. The first chest contains gold and treasure, and the second chest contains a rare grimoire. To their dismay, Frieren insists on opening the third chest, which is a mimic. She gets caught and yells that it is dark and scary inside, and Fern wonders if Frieren did this on purpose. Air Date : 19th-Feb-2024 Read More
Frieren tests a spell on the Hero Party that makes their sentences end strangely. They decide to have a contest - use the spell on everyone, and whoever laughs first must use the spell for a week. Himmel's sentences end in "nyan," Frieren's ends in "zoi," and Heiter's ends in "po." All three are able to hold in their laughter, but when Eisen speaks, his sentences end in "datcha" and the rest of the party are sent flying. Air Date : 11th-Mar-2024 Read More
A special video depicting the memories of Frieren's journey. Air Date : 23rd-Mar-2024 Read More
After praising Fern for receiving the legendary spell that makes clothes clean and spotless from Serie, Frieren accidentally spills food on herself. Fern uses the spell to remove the stain, which amazes Frieren and Stark. Stark dirties his clothes in the forest and tells Fern to perform the spell on him, but much to his dismay, Fern refuses to use the magic on someone that purposefully gets dirty. Air Date : 24th-Mar-2024 Read More
Based on the survey of "scenes you want to see again" conducted on the official website, we look back on the protagonist Frieren's journey to understand the human heart, with a focus on three themes: "famous lines" that resonate with the heart, intense "battle scenes", and "humorous scenes" that make you laugh unintentionally. Air Date : 29th-Mar-2024 Read More