Ingrid meets the partners and At's betrayal is revealed. At confronts Conrad about his relationship with Zelda, and Tertius suddenly becomes a patient. Binneland is accused of dealing in the unlawful harvesting of organs. Air Date : 5th-Apr-2010 Read More
At fires Ingrid as legal eagle of Binneland. Franz and Jennifer suspect that At may have a finger in the kidney-scandal. Ben calls on RPK for legal assistance regarding his wife, Ansie. Jennifer welcomes the new ER doctor, Dylan. Conrad convinces Coen to work for him. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2010 Read More
Elise freaks out when she discovers who Tertius's substitute is. Gys gets advice on girls from Quinton. Ingrid's blood starts to boil when she hears about the firm's involvement in the kidney case. Zelda stirs the pot in a disguise. Air Date : 7th-Apr-2010 Read More
The girls try to find out what Elise's history with Dylan is, while a visitor throws Stefanie's life into turmoil. Hannah gets involved in a streetkid's life, and Oliver gives Ingrid an ultimatum. Air Date : 8th-Apr-2010 Read More
Warren confronts Oliver about Ingrid. Gys is very rude towards Toeks. Pippa has her doubts about Zelda, and Hannah says goodbye to Zandile. Tertius is bored at home, and Conrad tries to support Stefanie. Yvette disciplines Nadia and Zoey, and Hannah seeks advice from Joeke. Zelda commits suicide. Air Date : 9th-Apr-2010 Read More
Oliver and Hannah are at loggerheads about her determination to help Zandile. Jennifer puts pressure on At after Ben causes a commotion in Binneland Clinic. It looks like Zelda has finally destroyed Stefanie and Rian's relationship, but Conrad has other plans for the woman. Air Date : 12th-Apr-2010 Read More
Oliver uses Stefanie to manipulate Ingrid, and Tertius feels threatened by Dylan. Faye wants to expand the bookclub, and Hannah is driving Joeke and Oliver up the wall with Zandile. There are fireworks when Oliver and At meet. Franz lays down the law for Gys and upsets Toeks in the process. To her shock and dismay, Conrad makes a confession towards Stefanie. Air Date : 13th-Apr-2010 Read More
When RPK's offices are ransacked, Joeke suspects At immediately. Dylan's moving in with Jennifer is cause for great gossip under the nurses. Franz and Toeks disagree on how to handle Gys and he slips out in the night. Ingrid sets up a meeting between Franz and Oliver, and she and Stefanie has a huge falling out because of the Dippenaar-case. Oliver still wants nothing to do with Zandile. Air Date : 14th-Apr-2010 Read More
At tries to get info from Stefanie about the files. Franz takes drastic steps regarding Gys's behavioural problems. Joeke and At take each other on, and tension between Hannah and Oliver causes them to drift further apart. Elise loses it when she finds out Tertius invited Veronica to the book club. Stefanie confronts Franz at a board meeting, and Oliver makes a big decision regarding the case. Zandile hears something he shouldn't have. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2010 Read More
Olvier goes to the newspapers about the harvesting of organs at Binneland. At gives RPK some of their own medicine and reports Ansie to the police. Hannah cant find Zandile. Joeke gives Hannah and Oliver a speech about their marriage. Michael threatens to quit RPK, and Elise's plans with the book club doesn't work out. Dylan and Jennifer become more relaxed with their living arrangements, and Tertius tries to find out, once again, if he has a chance with Jennifer. To Franz's shock, Gys is arrested for assault. Air Date : 16th-Apr-2010 Read More
Franz and Gys meet with an attorney about the assault charge. The police interrogates Oliver, and Hannah finds Zandile. Air Date : 19th-Apr-2010 Read More
An article in the newspaper puts RPK on the back foot. Gys's first court appearance comes up, and Kallie's enthusiasm for the book club drives Toeks up the wall. Oliver appears before the hospital board and manages to turn the tables. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2010 Read More
Oliver sends Thomas to Binneland, and At is not impressed. Zandile's nightmares makes Hannah realize that she might have bitten off more than she can chew. Elise's euphoria over her book club invite is ruined when Dylan confronts her. Franz and Gys have a long overdue heart to heart. Air Date : 21st-Apr-2010 Read More
Franz wants te re-open talks with RPK. Pippa makes an impression on Thomas. Oliver takes charge in Zandile's case. Jennifer confides in Dylan. Matrone disciplines Elise. Zandile forgets his flash disc in Nadia's computer. Toeks is forced to move the book club meeting to Elise's house. Zandile sees the man looking for him. Gys thinks he recognizes Ulrich. Dylan tells his story. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2010 Read More
Sakkie makes a revelation that will adversely affect Gys's case. Jennifer comes to a shocking realisation about Dylan. Hannah is disillusioned when Zandile disappears without a trace. Everybody makes desperate attempts to get the upper hand in the kidney trade case. Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2010 Read More
Jennifer and Dylan are unsure where they stand with each other. Ansie still refuses to reveal her source, to Ben frustration, but then lets something slip to Thomas. Hannah finds out that Oliver is behind Zandile's disappearance. Nadia makes a shocking discovery on Zandile's flashdisc, and Thabo makes his appearance. Dylan and Elise put the past behind them. Sakkie blackmails Franz with a cellphone video. Air Date : 26th-Apr-2010 Read More
Franz tries to convince Jennifer that the Board should settle before it's too late. Nadia regains Gys's trust and gets him to open up about the cellphone video. Oliver hatches a plan in case Ansie won't talk, but Thomas gets her to contact Petra. In the meantime, At makes sure he knows what everyone is planning. Air Date : 27th-Apr-2010 Read More
Ingrid makes peace with Stefanie under false pretences. Oliver and Joeke gangs up on Hannah. Nadia makes a shocking discovery about Gys's whereabouts on his nightly excursions. Zoey is convinced Ulrich is part of a syndicate and tries to question him. At's plan to discredit Thomas nearly ends fatally for Ansie. Tertius gets a nasty surprise when he finds out why he is babysitting Daniël. Hannah works late and is overpowered by Thabo. Gys has to answer some uncomfortable questions infront of Franz and Michael. Joeke is worried about Hannah's emotional well-being. Air Date : 28th-Apr-2010 Read More
The hostage drama is defused. Gys is mortified by his alibi and Elise feels terrible when she hears that Dylan is planning to quit. Thomas's test results show that his fainting may have been more than just an accident. Air Date : 29th-Apr-2010 Read More
Joeke concedes defeat and stops the Ansie case to Oliver's chagrin. At promises Ben his help to get a settlement from RPK. Sakkie tries to blackmail Franz once too often. Gys asks Nadia out, but the night doesn't go according to his plan. Toeks elicits Kallie's help with Gys's nightly adventures. Tertius feels like the fool at Dylan's farewell party. Jen believes everyone is putting pressure on her to forget Chris, but it is her own confused feelings for Dylan that is making her life a misery. Hannah is sad to say goodbye to Zandile. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2010 Read More
Gys overhears Zoey's gossip at the offices of RPK Incorporated. Oliver struggles to find allies for his battle against Binneland Clinic. Pippa plays detective for Thomas and her discovery confirms his suspicions. Air Date : 3rd-May-2010 Read More
Oliver is commited to proving Thomas's innocence and Nathan is haunted by his past. Ingrid is concerned Stefanie is becoming like At while Ansie's condition takes a turn for the worse. Michael scares Sakkie and Johan and also gives Oliver a stern warning. At uses Ben to get back at RPK and starts playing mind games with Joeke. Air Date : 4th-May-2010 Read More
Stefanie feels as if she will never be able to trust Conrad again, and At tells her she belongs with Rian. Toeks gets Kallie to help her deal with trouble on the plot, while Joeke tells Warrick about an offer from At. The case against Gys takes an unexpected turn. Franz is no longer angry with Jennifer. Joeke wants Oliver to meet a new client in Cape Town, but Oliver has other plans. Air Date : 5th-May-2010 Read More
Conrad accuses At of manipulating and using Stefanie by encouraging her to marry Rian. Ingrid and Franz steal a key from Stefanie. Pippa is rattled after receiving an email from Malan. Joeke and Yvette disagree about something, and she complains to Warrick about it. Ulrich and Nadia are a little shy after what happened between them. Toeks panics when she finds out that her soccer guests want to come earlier. Air Date : 6th-May-2010 Read More
Before Ansie dies, she makes a revelation that can turn the tables on At. Toeks is taken aback by the demanding Brits. Pippa finds clarity concerning Malan and Nathan. Air Date : 7th-May-2010 Read More
Oliver asks Ingrid to spy on At. Pippa tells Nathan about Malan's e-mail. Joeke's bonzai looks bad. Nathan asks Elise to help him choose a ring. Toeks and Faye decide to let a panel test Kallie's menu. Petra tells Oliver that At is innocent. Daleen realises that Pippa is not well. At tells Coen what to do with Petra. Air Date : 10th-May-2010 Read More
When Oliver is unable to explain his progress in the Ansie Dippenaar case to Joeke and Warrick, Joeke decides to fire Oliver. Billy Cooper, the new article clerk, arrives. Daleen forces Pippa to go to the doctor. Ingrid confronts Stefanie about the off-shore accounts in her and Gideon's names, and Stefanie fails to see how she can still have a relationship with her mother. The taste-evening turns into a fiasco when Toeks reaches for the bottle and tells it like it is… Air Date : 11th-May-2010 Read More
Faye reminds Toeks about her shocking behaviour and At berates her. Oliver tries in vain to save his position at RPK, and Pippa, unsure about her diagnosis, continues to keep Nathan in the dark. Oliver and At declare war. Air Date : 12th-May-2010 Read More
Nadia is jealous when she hears about Billy and Ulrich's night out. Hannah considers leaving the firm with Oliver. Toeks is sent into a flat spin when she realises that her guests are arriving earlier than she thought, and Pippa is diagnosed. Air Date : 13th-May-2010 Read More
Nadia feels embarrassed when Billy makes a breakthrough in the court case and makes her look incompetent in front of Warrick. Hannah tries to convince Ingrid not to use Oliver for her divorce case. Hannah refuses to apologise to Joeke for her behaviour at the meeting. Nathan and Elise are going all out with his proposal plans. Franz are forced to explain his actions to the board. Pippa doesn't want to discuss her illness with Nathan. Toeks' problems with her guests continues and time is running out. Air Date : 14th-May-2010 Read More
Pippa ends her relationship with Nathan. Ingrid is not impressed with the alliance between Oliver and Thomas. At reaches out to Jennifer. Air Date : 17th-May-2010 Read More