Declan, Fiona and Holly J. have ensured their summer at New York City. Holly J. has to leave for Toronto while Declan and Fiona have to stay in New York to attend Vanderbilt Prep. Air Date : 19th-Jul-2010 Read More
Holly J. enlists Anya to fake a pregnancy in order to make Sav quit the election. However, Sav uses it to his benefit and vows to Anya that he will be there for her while she's "carrying" his child. Alli makes a "Biggest Losers" list and puts Dave at the top as revenge for her being low on the hottest Degrassi girls list. Fiona tries to deal with her problems with Bobby. Air Date : 20th-Jul-2010 Read More
Fiona confides in Declan about the truth about Bobby, but Declan has doubts. With advice from Holly J., Declan sides with Fiona when he sees her bruised leg and advises Fiona to press charges against Bobby. But Fiona runs back to Degrassi. When Anya comes clean to Sav that Holly J. talked her into faking a pregnancy, to make him drop out of the election race, they team up to use the sympathy card, now that everyone knows about the "pregnancy". Meanwhile, Jenna overhears Clare and Alli's conversation about surgery, and misinterprets it as breast enlargement surgery, when Clare was really was talking about being a candidate for laser eye surgery. The election race ends and Sav ends up winning by 17 votes, and Fiona's mother tracks her down to Degrassi. After having a heart to heart about the situation about Bobby, Fiona's mother tells her that together they will hire a lawyer. Air Date : 21st-Jul-2010 Read More
Mrs. Sauvé suggests that Holly J. takes an SAT prep course, but due to her family's financial difficulties, she can not afford it. Meanwhile, Fiona convinces her mother to let her stay in Toronto, to be with Holly J. Envious of Fiona's free spending of money, Holly J. uses the password Fiona told her in confidence to get into Fiona's bank account, and "borrows" $2,000 in an attempt to pay for her SAT prep course. She ends up feeling guilty and breaks down to Fiona about the situation, but Fiona becomes upset. Holly J. apologizes, promising to pay her back somehow, and Fiona forgives her due to the fact of their lack of friends, and they only have each other to rely on. Meanwhile, Clare finds out about her rumored boob job, and that Jenna was behind it all. Clare confronts Jenna, and puts her in her place. Anya lies to the school to save face, and says that she had a "miscarriage". Sav lies to his mother about why they were alone together in the house, and Anya breaks up with him. Air Date : 22nd-Jul-2010 Read More
Riley competes against eleventh grader rookie Drew for the first quarterback position on the football team. Zane also signs up to join the team, much to Riley's discomfort. However, Drew overhears Riley and Zane in the gym talking about Riley's sexuality, and Drew then threatens to tell the whole team about it, unless Riley backs down from competing for quarterback. Alli tries out for the power squad to be in the popular crowd, but finds out how tough Chantey is. After she doesn't make it, she becomes upset, until Clare suggests she start a club of her own. Meanwhile, K.C. is becoming more popular with the girls after joining the football team, and triggers his girlfriend, Jenna's jealousy. Air Date : 26th-Jul-2010 Read More
Riley and Owen play a prank on Drew by tying him to the school's flag pole. Drew does not tell anyone who it was, even though he knew, in order to have another thing over Riley, in order to get the starting quarterback. Alli makes a dance crew for the popularity. However, her plan to create her own dance crew backfires, leaving her alone. Meanwhile, Jenna looks at K.C.'s phone, fearing that he was talking to other girls, and finds out the K.C.'s mother is trying to get a hold of him, now that she is out of prison. Air Date : 27th-Jul-2010 Read More
K.C.'s mother shows up, despite his attempt to avoid her. She tells him she had an apartment, and is seeking custody of him. After a talk with his social worker, he is still unconvinced she is a changed person, and searched her apartment when he's invited over. In English class Clare is assigned a work partner, Eli, who convinces her to break out of her shell, and express herself. Meanwhile, Alli asks Dave how to ask a boy out. Dave who is still crushing on Alli, thinks she is talking about him. Dave tells her to throw a party, and with her parents and Sav out, she does. Air Date : 28th-Jul-2010 Read More
K.C. wakes up with Bianca and Fitz, after a night of drinking, and he is still mad at his mother. At first he tries to legally stay at the group home, but after an intervention about his behaviour, he changes his mind, and decides to stay with his mom. Fearing that her parents may get a divorce, Clare is encouraged by Eli to write a letter to her mom, for English class. She does, but is hesitant to tell her mom. Meanwhile, Alli is having trouble getting Drew's attention, after their night of making out. Air Date : 29th-Jul-2010 Read More
Sav wins four tickets and backstage passes to a concert in Hamilton. After his dad does not let him go, Holly J. and Sav decide to hold a 'Hands on a Car Body' contest for the tickets, using his dad's truck. The contest ends with Eli and Adam splitting the four tickets. When unloading the truck, an amp falls into the tail light of the truck. Not having anyone to give their extra tickets to, Eli and Adam give theirs back to Sav. He sells one to Bianca to pay for the new tail light. They then ask Sav to if he can take his dad's truck to the concert. When Sav tells his dad the tail light got smashed, he says Sav can not go to the concert. Fiona's mom has left town and told her to see a therapist. Fiona makes plans to spend time with Holly J., but her schedule is too filled to spend any time with Fiona. Jenna got a new uniform for the Power Squad calendar shoot, but she can not fit in it. She thinks that she's getting fat, and tries to working out. After, Bianca told the power squad that she can get fat absorbing pills, and Jenna asks her to get some. Air Date : 2nd-Aug-2010 Read More
Sav decides to send his parents out for the night, and take his dad's truck to Hamilton for the concert with Adam and Eli. This does not work however, when his parents return home before they are back, and report the truck stolen. Resulting in Sav not only getting a ticket for speeding on the way back, but driving a stolen truck, and being grounded for two months. Bianca also gets a record for under aged drinking, since she could not find another way home. Jenna decides to take diet pills in order to lose weight, but the side effects eventually catch up with her at a photo shoot practice, before she accepts her body, and orders a new uniform. She finds out in a later episode, that she is actually pregnant. Meanwhile, Fiona is feeling lonely enough to buy a small pig. Holly J. comes to her rescue after she realizes how not having friends has affected Fiona. Air Date : 3rd-Aug-2010 Read More
Holly J. starts worrying that Declan is cheating on her with Vanderbilt girls when he tells her he is planning a weekend trip to Yale, and finds pictures of him with another girl on Fiona's computer. She tries to find a job, to relieve her financial woes, but decides to fly to New York to be with him. When he insists she stay in Toronto, Holly J. decides to break up with him, and does it on his voicemail when he does not pick up his phone, only to find him at The Dot. Wesley and Connor convince Dave to form a band, The Three Tenners, in order to score with the ladies, but find out Dave is not a great singer. Meanwhile, Fitz's bulling is getting worse, and Eli, with Adam's help, draw a truce with him, promising a fake ID. However, they produce one with the name of a person on the list of Canada's Top 10 Wanted. Air Date : 4th-Aug-2010 Read More
Holly J. rethinks her relationship with Declan when he asks her to come to New York with him but she still cannot because she has SATs planned for the weekend, and she has to help her parents move. Things get even worse between the two, when Declan starts offering her money, to relieve her problems, and they get into a fight, resulting in their break up. Eli give Fitz the fake ID, and calls the police when he has it, resulting in Fitz getting arrested, and not ending the bullying. Meanwhile, The Thee Tenners record a demo, and Dave gets auto-tuned to sound better. At first he hates the truth about his bad singing, but then accepts the band's new sound. Air Date : 5th-Aug-2010 Read More
Alli wants to be in an official relationship with Drew, but when she writes a paper for him, he does not want to be with her anymore. Sav and Holly J. work together on a dance for Above the Dot, when Mr. Simpson cancels the Band Slam, and Sav starts to have feelings for her. Meanwhile, Connor is staying up all night, and playing an online role playing game, where he has met a girl. Air Date : 9th-Aug-2010 Read More
Alli tries to ignore Drew but when Drew tries to move on, he realizes he likes Alli. When she refuses to take him back, he does all he can to get her by doing what she wants. Sav and Holly J. continue to work on the dance, and become closer. At first Holly J. is worried that Sav is just a rebound boyfriend, but they decide to keep each other company for their last school year at Degrassi. Connor sets up a meeting with the girl, but Dave and Wesley convince him not to talk to her when they see she is a much older lady. Air Date : 10th-Aug-2010 Read More
Adam develops a crush on Bianca during a ballroom dancing lesson in recreational gym class. When the two begin to flirt with each other, Bianca discovers Adam's concealed breasts while playfully pushing him on the chest. Perturbed, Bianca concludes that he is a transboy and outs him to Fitz and Owen, who react violently. Adam's transgender status is revealed earlier in the episode when he is seen binding his breasts and again when he comes out to Eli and Clare after Clare sees him drop tampons from his locker. Adam's mother pressures him to dress up as "Gracie" (Adam's birth name) for his grandmother's impending visit. Leia leads Anya on to think Anya's mom is having an affair, but her mom tells her that it is worse. Dave tries to get Miss Oh to laugh at his jokes but she will not budge. Air Date : 11th-Aug-2010 Read More
Adam feels pressure to detransition from his mother and his fellow students. He decides to dress up as Gracie for supper with his grandmother. He then starts to live as Gracie again and begins to burn himself. It is revealed that Adam has resorted to self harm to cope with his gender dysphoria in the past. After Clare catches him burning himself, she convinces Adam to stop trying to please everyone else and resume living as a boy. Adam's mother decides to accept him and joins Eli, Clare, and Drew in burning Adam's "Gracie" clothes. Anya struggles to deal with her mother's cancer, and sabotages a school project with Holly J. and Sav, which Holly J. took as being mad about them being together. Meanwhile, Dave is still trying to get the attention of Miss Oh, and finds out she just broke up with her boyfriend. Air Date : 12th-Aug-2010 Read More
Jenna auditions for a talent competition, The Next Teen Star, but is still concerned about her growing belly and other symptoms. After getting into the top 24, Alli successfully convinces Jenna to take a pregnancy test, since she admitted not always using protection with K.C., her boyfriend. The test is positive. Connor meets the lady he met online again at a gaming store, but Wesley and Dave interrupt causing her to leave. Meanwhile, Zane tries to convince Riley to be concerned about the homophobic comments in their football team, but Riley avoids all of them, and spends time with Anya. Air Date : 16th-Aug-2010 Read More
Jenna must deal with her biggest fear, being a teen mother. With her parents out of the picture, and just her brother to rely on, she seeks comfort in K.C., only to find out that he expects an abortion. After finding out she is already 20 weeks along, and it is unsafe to abort, she breaks up with K.C. Although Connor gets his computer privileges suspended, he contacts the women, and she meets him after school. In her car, she gets too personal with him, and he leaves. Meanwhile, Anya and Riley are both attracted to the same doctor, and when they determine he is straight, she convinces him to talk to Zane again. Air Date : 17th-Aug-2010 Read More
The homophobic comments in the football dressing room get worse, and Riley starts to see how it affects Zane. Anya convinces him to attend a dealing with homophobia discussion, and he realizes that he hates himself and is taking it out on others. Riley decides to teach the football team to be sensitive to other's feelings, only to have it backfire with a vandalized locker. While acting out the last scene of Romeo and Juliet for english class, Eli gives Clare mixed signals of his feelings toward her. When she tries to confront him the next day, he indicates that he has no feelings for her. Meanwhile, Wesley signed up to be an eligible bachelor for an auction to raise money in hopes that his crush Anya will bid on him. He tries to have Drew help him to be cool, so he can impress Anya, in exchange for tutoring. Air Date : 18th-Aug-2010 Read More
Riley upsets Zane again when he takes things too far with Owen. His intentions were to show Owen the homophobic comments will not be dismissed, but Zane sees that Riley is just being violent and he doesn't like it. After Zane is put in danger, Riley realizes what Zane said, about violence not being the solution, and tries to win Zane's forgiveness when he bids the most on Zane at the bachelor audition. Riley agrees not to fight any more, winning back Zane's trust. Claire uses Adam to help understand Eli and find out why he has been giving her mixed signals. She finds out where Eli lives after forcing Adam to tell her using guilt. Claire confronts Eli at his house, and Eli decides to tell Claire the truth because he doesn't want to continue to hurt her. Eli drives Claire to a spot in town where he reveals is where his ex-girlfriend had died on the way home, by getting hit by a car while riding her bike, from an argument they had. Eli blames himself and tells Claire that he doesn't want that to happen again and that was the reason why he was giving her mixed signals. Meanwhile, Drew tries to teach Wesley to be more confident, but with no one bidding on him at the auction, Anya bids on him for two dollars and wins him, making Wesley happy, even though no one else bid on him beside Anya. Air Date : 19th-Aug-2010 Read More
Fiona becomes stressed when she has to record her testimony against Bobby, and self-medicates by drinking champagne, rather than taking the prescription her therapist gave her. Initially Holly J. is worried that this will affect the parent's decision on a Vegas teamed school dance, but the theme goes ahead. After a good date with Zane, Anya again asks Riley when he is going to come out. He decides to run for king and queen for the upcoming school dance, but when the nomination list is released before the last football game, he decides to confirm his sexuality with his teammates, and Drew defends him in the following harassment. Meanwhile, Adam is feeling rejected by Eli, now that Eli is in a relationship with Clare. Adam decides to befriend Fitz despite Eli and Clare's warnings. Air Date : 23rd-Aug-2010 Read More
Fiona takes medication to help reduce her stress but it could ruin her chances in her legal case against Bobby. Air Date : 24th-Aug-2010 Read More
Sav and Holly J manage to convince Mr. Simpson to ignore the PTA ruling and cancel it on "Night in Vegas" dance by promising to keep the event trouble free. Bianca takes Drew to the boiler room in attempt to make Drew unfaithful to Alli. Air Date : 25th-Aug-2010 Read More
Holly J and Sav manage to convince Mr. Simpson to ignore the PTA ruling to cancel the Night in Vegas dance by promising to keep the event trouble free. Drew is suppose to go with his girlfriend Alli, but when Bianca steps in with a proposition he can’t refuse, his relationship with Alli is put to the test. Meanwhile, Fitz promises to end his fight with Eli on one condition – Clare must to go to the dance with him. But when Eli refuses to back down things get out of hand putting the fate of Degrassi Community School in jeopardy. Air Date : 26th-Aug-2010 Read More
After the disaster at Vegas Night, Degrassi is under the weight of a major discipline crackdown. New rules, new security, and a stiff new dress code. Alli actually welcomes the New School Order as just the fresh start she needed, but rumors about what happened in the boiler room are dogging her. And worse, she's been assigned to a mandatory "self esteem seminar" with none other than Bianca. Is Alli really ready to leave the past behind? Meanwhile, Jenna's keeping her head down, camouflaging her pregnancy, and trying to make some headway at Next Teen Star on sheer musical talent -- without much luck. Could her baby bump actually be an asset in the competition? Air Date : 8th-Oct-2010 Read More
After the disaster at Vegas Night, Degrassi is under the weight of a major discipline crackdown. New rules, new security, and a stiff new dress code. Alli actually welcomes the New School Order as just the fresh start she needed, but rumors about what happened in the boiler room are dogging her. And worse, she's been assigned to a mandatory "self esteem seminar" with none other than Bianca. Is Alli really ready to leave the past behind? Meanwhile, Jenna's keeping her head down, camouflaging her pregnancy, and trying to make some headway at Next Teen Star on sheer musical talent -- without much luck. Could her baby bump actually be an asset in the competition? Air Date : 8th-Oct-2010 Read More
Declan's back for a visit and he wants Holly J back too and Sav's not to happy about it. Will she choose their loaded history over her 'casual' thing with Sav? Clare starts to consider getting a piercing and disobeying parents. Air Date : 15th-Oct-2010 Read More
Holly J feels extremely conflicted about what happened with Declan at his party. But was it just a bad decision, or something much, much worse. Meanwhile, if Clare's rebellion seems to be creating common ground for her parents, she has just the thing to bring them back together: her dress-code flouting boyfriend, Eli. Chantay may be the only person who really cares about the Power Squad, but Power Squad isn't the only club that got the kibosh under the new discipline code. Can she organize the students to take back Degrassi -- without triggering even harsher crackdowns? Air Date : 22nd-Oct-2010 Read More
Clare feels as if her own family is falling apart until that is, when Eli's parents give her a strange offer. Fiona is caught between the love of two guys, Adam and Drew. It's just a matter of time before the competition kicks in. Meanwhile, Dave gets caught up in his new group of friends leaving his old friends behind. Air Date : 29th-Oct-2010 Read More
Eli’s mysterious, off-limits bedroom is too much for Clare to ignore. But is she really ready to handle what she might find in there? Adam and Fiona become closer, which angers Drew. Elsewhere, will Dave go too far to impress his new friends? Air Date : 5th-Nov-2010 Read More
Jenna and K.C. are civil, and maybe there's still something there. But is a more thoughtful, reliable boy interested in her, too? Air Date : 12th-Nov-2010 Read More
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