EastEnders - Season : 21

Season 21 Episode 1 - January 3, 2005

Jake and Danny continue to get themselves into trouble and after picking up Spencer from the police station, try their best to convince him that they have got rid of the bag and claim to never have known what was inside. Later, when Alfie catches up with them, the boys try to persuade him to return to a life of crime. Alfie is angry with them but is preocupied trying to find work on one of the market stalls. Elsewhere, Ian feels the wrath of Jane when she accuses him of blabbing to Alfie about her husband, David. Jane storms off but after talking to Lucy returns to Ian and they appologise to each other. Also, Patrick and Yolande start their first day as owners of the MinuteMart. Meanwhile, Jake and Danny learn that Den was going to give Alfie money for kicking him out. They go to Den and convince him to give them the money to give to Alfie - which they dont. They go home with the money and get the bag they were hiding and store it in a place that Alfie and Spencer cant find it. Out on Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 2 - January 4, 2005

Andy is still furious at the fact that Jake and Danny stole his car and wants then sorted out. When it becomes obvious that they are not frightened by Andy's threats, he asks Eddie to do some digging and it's not long before he finds out what they've been up to Johnny Allen, a major player that even Andy looks up to. Terrified by what Andy knows, the boys decide to leave Walford – until Johnny turns up. He wants to know where the bag is and is annoyed to find out that it contains drugs. He collars Danny for messing up another job. He tells Jake that with the clients after them, it is safer if they stay in Walford with Alfie. Johnny then arranges a job for them with Andy, something that they are both unhappy with. Elsewhere, Stacey leads Lucy down the life of crime as the two of them steal drinks from the MinuteMart. Sam goes to collect the cab office rent money from Adi and decides to look to the future and invest in a business. Meanwhile, Zoë tells Den that Dennis still isn't sleeping Air Date : 4th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 3 - January 6, 2005

Preparing for fatherhood, Dennis shows a prospective buyer around the club and, realising that he could soon be out of a job, he turns to Andy. He makes a deal with Andy so that h would still be managing the club. However, the news that Dennis could soon be working for Andy infuriates Zoë. She heads to the Vic to confront Andy, but his insinuations leave her worried about what he knows. Meanwhile, Billy wants to invite Alfie in on the talks about the christening. Mo is nervous around him but eventually the ice melts. Sam has raised enough money to buy Chrissie's share of the nail bar and feels ready to get started on a new business. Also Martin and Sonia return from their honeymoon only to fall out with Jake and Danny about the break in at their house. Elsewhere, Kate has a big decision to make when she finds out she passed her police interview. When DI Price tells her that the job will be in Brighton she is apprehensive about it. Eventually she decides to leave. Sam is fuming as this Air Date : 6th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 4 - January 7, 2005

After finding Den awake early in the morning, Chrissie talks to him about everything that's happened but her concern is soon tested when Den tells her that she doesn't have any idea how he feels. Kate tells the square that she is leaving to joining the police again. They are all shocked to hear that she is leaving the same day. At the nail bar, Chrissie finds a letter sent to her from Vicki. It says that she and Sharon are staying with Michelle and not to call them. Chrissie shows this to Den which upsets him further. When Dennis asks him about selling the club to Andy he quickly refuses, telling him to just shut the whole place down. Meanwhile, Andy continues to give Jake and Danny demeaning jobs to do. Spencer accidentally fuels Jake and Danny's suspicions about Alfie when he lets slip that Andy and Alfie have a lot of history. Worried about everything that's going on, Alfie puts Spencer on a train to their cousin Maxwell's, knowing Spencer will be safe there. It's the day of David's Air Date : 7th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 5 - January 10, 2005

Zoë, still shocked by Den's proposition, tells Den there is no way she will sleep with him. Zoë suggests to Dennis that they move away from Walford. Shocked at the prospect of loosing even more of his family, Den has a talk with Dennis to get him to stay. In the end Dennis ends up with the assistant manager job at the Vic, not making Zoë happy at all. Meanwhile, Alfie is in high sprits knowing that Spencer is safe. Jane is worried about Peter after Lucy once again leaves him to go off with Stacy. Same is doing well at the chip shop until Andy comes to mock her. At the Vic, Chrissie is still pressuring Den about having a baby. He tells her they can think about it when they are more settled there. Jake is angry to find that Danny had kept some of the fake money they had. He is even angrier to see Danny chatting up Sam at the bar. Elsewhere, Billy and Little Mo are happily arranging the christening for Freddie until Little Mo receives a letter from Graham's mother, asking about Freddie. S Air Date : 10th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 6 - January 11, 2005

In the Queen Vic, Jake and Danny notice some animosity between Andy and Alfie, and wonder what has happened between them in the past. Den is continuing to persuade Zoë to sleep with him, leading her avoiding him. Den also has to deal with Chrissie constantly reminding him about having a baby and renewing their marriage vows. Jake asks Danny if he has gotten rid of all the fake money they had and he says that he has. However later Nana almost catches him fishing out a lump of cash from behind the sofa. Trying her best to get out of the mess she's in, Zoë flirts with Jake all morning. When Danny sees Sam in the Café, he flirts wit her too, despite her telling him to leave her alone. When he sees her later, she starts to soften towards him. Also, Dot and Pauline are still speculating about the red knickers found in Patrick's bag and Dot starts checking for sizes on every woman she sees. Meanwhile, Jane catches Lucy out of school with Stacy. Despite Lucy saying she has a free period, Jane Air Date : 11th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 7 - January 13, 2005

Looking to the future, Alfie tries to make the most of his situation and puts his name down to get a stall; however the market inspector tells him he's in for a long wait. After the events of last night, Den and Dennis have a heart to heart about Zoë and Dennis reveals that he thinks he made a mistake not following Sharon to America. Den is quick to suggest he gives it another try with Zoë. Jake finds Dennis and tries to explain that nothing happened with him a Zoë but Dennis isn't in the mood to listen. Dot witnesses the conversation and tries to talk some sense into Dennis. Elsewhere, Dot and Pauline continue to speculate over the mysterious red knickers they found in Patrick's bag and tell Mo about their findings. Stacy arranges for Lucy to skip off school again and goes on a spree over the market stealing things. At the Café, Danny is shocked when Jake tells him he isn't going to do anything to Dennis for hitting him. Jake goes over to the chip shop and flirts with Sam some more. Z Air Date : 13th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 8 - January 14, 2005

Zoë wakes up, disgusted with what happened the night before. She immediately showers and then goes about changing the bed sheets. Dennis tries to apologies for his recent actions but she is defensive around him. Alfie, now with his new market stall decides to celebrate wit the rest of the market stall traders. He asks Little Mo and Billy to join him. Billy is busy but tells Little Mo she should go, putting her in an uncomfortable situation again with Alfie. After recent events with Patrick and Yolande, Dot has decided that she is going to give up gossiping. Sam has also decided for a change instead feeling sorry for herself and bins all of the letters directed to her from the Vic, saying they are Den's problems now. Whilst talking to Jane, Ian sees Lucy out of school with Stacey. Lucy tells him she is on her way but Ian tells her she is going in the wrong direction and takes her there himself. Little Mo goes to find Alfie and tells him she can't make it to the celebration as Charlie ca Air Date : 14th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 9 - January 17, 2005

It's a day to celebrate in Albert Square as everyone prepares for Freddie's christening. The Vic is a hive of activity, with Little Mo finding the top tier of her wedding cake and telling Billy how much she loved their wedding day. Zoë is feeling down and doesn't want to go to the christening alone. She is sad that Dennis refuses to go with her. She feels even worse when Den attempts to arrange to sleep with her again. At the Slater's the arguments have already begun with Billy driving everyone mad with his arrangements. Stacy, unable to stand it any more, volunteers to take Mo's wedding cake to the Vic. On her way there she bumps into Demi and Darren and drops it. Before she can save it their dog has eaten it all. At the Café Sam is struggling to get all the food ready for the party in the Vic. It all gets too much for her when the fire alarm starts to go off. Lucky Danny helps her out and does some more flirting. Rosie can't hide her frustrations about Keith when she realises that he Air Date : 17th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 10 - January 18, 2005

Furious at how Billy behaved at the christening, Little Mo refuses to let Billy have Freddie for the day. Alfie is still struggling on the stall with only Christmas leftovers to see. Jake reminds Danny that he promised he would sort Alfie out with some stock. Also, Stacy starts work at the MinuteMart under Yolande's watchful eye. Patrick is too busy planning Paul's birthday, assuming that he will be coming home. Its Charlie's first day back working on the cabs and it goes off to a bad start when it breaks down right outside his house. Minty and Garry offer to fix it but when Ian catches them he takes out all of his anger, causing them to walk out. Minty is even more unhappy at the Vic when he sees Danny flirting with Sam. Mo gets a phone call from which she gets hold of a bulk load of watches. She offers them to Danny who gives buys them for Alfie's stall. Meanwhile Garry goes to see Billy who tells him about his worries over Freddie. Garry gets him to open up about what's really eatin Air Date : 18th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 11 - January 20, 2005

Zoë's day gets off to a bad start when Den reminds her about her doctors appointment. She realizes that he was the one he told Dennis to make her an appointment. Stacey arrives late again for work at the Minute Mart but Patrick is too busy worrying about it. It's his birthday and he has not come home or even rang Patrick. At the Café, Peter and Lucy are talking to Jane about the movie they went to see. Jane says they should have asks her and Lucy tells her that Ian said she would have been busy. Jane feels upset by Ian not including her. When Ian comes into work she asks him about it. He reveals he thinks they should keep their distance whiles she gets over David, and then avoids her all morning. Trying to stir up trouble, Den tells the Slater's about Zoë's appointment and her reluctance to go. She is then met by everyone who repeatedly tells her she should go whiles Den smirks. Meanwhile Sam is happy after sleeping with Danny the previous night but Jake is more worried about what Andy Air Date : 20th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 12 - January 21, 2005

Dennis is shocked at the sight of Zoë in bed with Den. He tells Zoë to go and clean herself and then tells Den that he made leaving a lot easier for him. Zoë with her life in bits is disgusted when Den tells her to distract Chrissie from Dennis. He tells her he will try to sort things out with Dennis. At the police station, Patrick is giving information about when Paul left however the police don't seem too worried as Paul is old enough to do what he wants. After retuning home, Patrick is pleased that DS Jones and DI Riddick have come to talk to him about Paul. Patrick is unaware that they had delt with Paul before he left. Meanwhile, Jake is still looking for Danny and catches him pinning Andy up against a wall yelling at him about how he set up Alfie. Jake tries to defuse the fight but when Andy makes a comment about his brother he punches him to the floor. At the flat, Dennis is packing his bags getting ready to leave. Den tries to put the blame on him for the way he treated Zoë but Air Date : 21st-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 13 - January 24, 2005

Alfie, Jake and Danny are shocked to find the bruises on Nana's arms. It doesn't take them too long to realize that Andy was involved. Danny wants to teach him a lesson but Jake has a simpler approach – he calls Johnny Allen. Billy finally gets his visiting order to see Graham in prison and gets Garry to cover for him if Little Mo asks where he is. When he arrives in the prison he tells Graham what a good time he is having with Freddie but is shocked to hear that Graham plans to be a part of his sons life when he gets out. Johnny arrives at the Moons and hears all about what's happened with Andy. Johnny charms Nana with some flowers and money to make up for what was stolen. He then takes Jake and Danny to the bookies. When Andy arrives he is terrified to see Johnny there. Johnny tells them all off for the way they have been behaving and then digs further into Andy for attacking an old lady. Meanwhile, Chrissie is still pretending that she knows nothing about Den and Zoë. She gets a let Air Date : 24th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 14 - January 25, 2005

Little Mo panics when she wakes up in an empty bed. She questions Garry and forces him to reveal where Billy has been. When he finally comes home, Little Mo warns him that he has invited Graham back into their lives. She is shocked when he reveals that he hates Freddie. Patrick receives some devastating news when the police tell him they have found a body that they need him to identify. He is horrified to find that it is Paul's body. Whilst Yolande is trying to contact Anthony, he goes to the pub and gets drunk. When people ask him about Paul he breaks down and tells them he is dead, shocking everyone. Ian wants to take Jane out that evening and Pauline agrees to babysit. However, she gets more than she bargained for when she walks in on the pair half-naked. The police go to Andy's and tell him Paul is dead. He still maintains that he has nothing to do with the murder. As they leave Patrick bangs on his door, demanding he comes out and face him. Air Date : 25th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 15 - January 27, 2005

Patrick is desperate to find out what happened to Paul. Minty tells him that Andy is capable of arranging a contract killing but Alfie warns Patrick to drop it. Yolande keeps trying to contact Anthony but can't reach him. She feels alone when Patrick is too busy for her. She later upsets him when she suggests he feels he wasn't a good enough father to Paul. Ian spends most of the day avoiding Pauline and when she does catch them she causes them to discuss splitting up, warning them that their casual relationship is not fair on the children. But Ian tells Jane he is doing what he wants to do and tells her he loves her. Elsewhere, it's Demi and Darren's birthday Rosie keeps dropping hints to Keith about marriage. Little Mo has moved back into the Slaters' and Charlie is refusing to let Billy talk to her. Alfie advises Billy to give Little Mo space but Garry plants a seed of suspicion in his mind about his friend's true intentions. Later, Billy spots Alfie and Little Mo talking intimately Air Date : 27th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 16 - January 28, 2005

Garry tries to convince Billy that Alfie and Little Mo are not having an affair. Billy heads off to win Little Mo back but snaps and punches Alfie when he sees the pair together. That evening, Little Mo goes to the flat and agrees to move back in. However when Billy refers to Freddie as ‘her kid' she gets upset and decides to leave. She packs her bags and tearfully says goodbye to Billy. Andy tells Yolande that the police have spoken to him about Paul but that they are not pursuing the case. A concerned Yolande tries to persuade Patrick to forget about Andy but he vows to make him pay. Elsewhere, Sam invites Danny over for dinner so that he can get to know Minty. The atmosphere is strained but when Sam pops out for wine, the pair bond over a mutual dislike of Andy. Minty tells Danny about everything Andy has done, leaving Danny all ready for a confrontation with Andy. Meanwhile, Chrissie questions Den about Dennis and Zoë but he feigns ignorance. She then uses a letter from Kelly to go Air Date : 28th-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 17 - January 31, 2005

Someone has scrawled the word ""murderer"" on the wall of Andy's house. He assumes that it was Patrick and questions him about it. Patrick denies it – but he does ask Andy if he killed Paul. Andy leaves the question unanswered. Later, Patrick spots Pat returning from her holiday and asks her to find out the truth from Andy. Billy is tidying the flat and keeps coming across things belonging to Little Mo and Freddie. Billy tells Alfie that he knows nothing happened between him and Little Mo, which makes Alfie feel guilty. Later, Little Mo and Billy both plan to go to the Vic, unaware that the other is going. When Little Mo goes to talk to him, Billy rushes out. At the Moons flat, Nana is still staying in her room, afraid to come out. Alfie buys a door chain but she is still uneasy whenever someone knocks at the door. Jake and Danny decide they need to live in a house and then see that number 41, Pat's old house is empty. Pat is making progress with Andy and almost convinces him to talk to Air Date : 31st-Jan-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 18 - February 1, 2005

It is Zoë's 21st birthday and whilst everyone is celebrating she's not feeling well and worries that she could really be pregnant. She buys a pregnancy test kit and her worst fears are confirmed – it's positive. When Little Mo sees the kit, Zoë explains that she thought she had lost the baby. When news spreads to Chrissie she goes to talk to Zoë and realizes that she is really pregnant with Dens baby. Den is happily thinking that Zoë is going to fake a miscarriage until Chrissie tells him that Zoë is pregnant. Meanwhile, Patrick and Yolande prepare for Paul's funeral. Anthony arrives back and is shocked when Patrick tells him about Paul's death and how he died. Sam feels guilty and gives Patrick some information she thought he knew. Anthony goes to see Sam and she tells him that his brother was involved in drugs. Elsewhere, Danny is still eager to move into the empty house despite Jake telling him not to. Tired of waiting he changes to locks to the house and tells Alfie and Nana that t Air Date : 1st-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 19 - February 3, 2005

It's the day of Paul's funeral and Patrick is intent on getting justice for his son. Patrick is quick to tell Andy about his conversation with the police and it 's not long before Andy realizes it was Sam who told Patrick about Paul's history with him. He pays her a visit and tells her that Paul died because he was a grass and that the same thing could happen to her. Then when the police come she is too scared to say anything. Meanwhile the Moons move into their new house. Alfie is still bemused as to how Danny got the house. Just when they are settled in the power goes off and when Danny is unable to come up with a number for the letting agency, Alfie realizes they have been squatting there. At the church Patrick pays his last respects to Paul with Anthony and Yolande by his side. When they get back, Sam reveals to Anthony how Paul died. Patrick is over the moon when he hears this news but then refuses to listen when Sam tells him that Andy did not shoot the bullet at Paul but only ti Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 20 - February 4, 2005

Alfie is still mad at Jake and Danny for deceiving him about the house. He is left in a bind when he sees their flat has been let out to another family. Jake tells Nana just enough so that she is determined to stay in the house and then refuses to leave when Aflie tells her they will have to. Den tells Zoë that he's happy about the baby but she's quick to tell him that she's disgusted and that he is coming no where near her child. Chrissie is furious when she finds out that Den has offered Zoë money for the baby. Chrissie goes to Zoë's and makes it clear to her that Den will control her if she accepts money from him. She shocks Zoë by suggesting she has an abortion. Meanwhile, Lucy has come off school early pretending to be sick. When she sees Jane she acts all moody and asks if she can go back home. When she meets up with Stacy she tells her to keep acting like that so she can get more attention from Ian. At home Jane and Lucy are getting on fine but then she pretends to be miserable Air Date : 4th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 21 - February 7, 2005

As Chrissie and Den plan to renew their marriage vows, Chrissie reveals all to her friend Amanda about Den and how he has ruined Sam's life too. Amanda gives Chrissie some advice about her future and helps to distract Den whilst Chrissie swipes the keys to the safe. Chrissie is horrified to find a standing order paid to Zoe every month. With the help of Amanda she plans to get her money back and then humiliate Den. Meanwhile, Rosie hides another letter from the Department of Work and Pensions in the drawer. Later, Demi unknowingly lets in a visitor from the job centre who is determined to prove the Millers don't need the benefits they are getting. Keith almost convinces him that he and Rosie are not a couple – until he asks to see the bedrooms! At the chip shop, Sam is full of new ideas for Ian's business. He is not so happy and an argument emerges, causing Sam to quit. Also Stacey almost gets fired for causing an argument with Rosie over the Millers getting benefits. Elsewhere, it bec Air Date : 7th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 22 - February 8, 2005

Zoë is shocked to find Den in the kitchen cuddling Freddie and is furious when she discovers that he has money to help tide her over. Not wanting his involvement with the baby, Zoë declines his money and tells him he will have nothing to do with her baby. Later, Sonia has a heart to heart with Zoë whilst she tries to decide over what to do next about her situation. After staying the night at Ian's, Jane aims to make herself at home. When she tries to encourage the kids to become involved in making pancakes, Lucy refuses and instead criticizes Jane, but when Ian comes home, Jane pretends everything is fine. Chrissie is still plotting to make Den pay as Amanda gives her papers which will entitle her to half over everything. Now all she needs to do it get Den to sign them. She goes out and starts causing problems by leaving invitations to their marriage renewal ceremony all over the square. Den is far from pleased when residents turn up telling him they will be there. Chrissie decides to Air Date : 8th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 23 - February 10, 2005

Den and Chrissie are due to renew their marriage vows and Chrissie is all set up ready to humiliate Den and Zoë. With Amanda's help she gets Den to sign over half of everything to her. Den warns Zoë to stay away. Chrissie goes to see her and pretends to be hurt that she is not coming. They talk and Zoë reveals that she doesn't want the baby. Back at the Vic Chrissie begins to question whether she could hurt Zoë like she is planning too. Amanda advises her to go ahead with the ceremony as it means she will get more money when she leaves Den. During the ceremony, Zoë walks in. Chrissie freezes for a moment and then continues with her vows. Elsewhere, Lucy continues to cause trouble and is angry about the dress Ian wants her to wear to the party. Jane takes her to buy a new one but Lucy manages to get her to blow the budget. Ian is angry about the price and, when Lucy later spills something on her new outfit, he argues with Jane, much to his daughter's amusement. Alfie tells Johnny that h Air Date : 10th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 24 - February 11, 2005

With her work done, Amanda leaves, reminding Chrissie that if she wants to take Den for everything she will have to get Zoë's baby out of the picture. Darren tries to prove himself to Stacey by drinking with her in the Minute Mart. However, he gets drunk and collapses, and is taken to hospital. Mickey and Keith both blame Stacey for what has happened. She later realizes that she had the whole even on camera, even the part where Keith lifted heavy boxes with his supposed bad back. She takes her revenge by reporting Keith to the benefit fraud agency. Meanwhile, Billy is in a foul mood over Little Mo. He struggles to talk to her and then drowns his sorrows in the Vic. He aggravates Garry and other customers, leading to Den throwing him out. Chrissie goes to see Zoë and frightens her into thinking that Den could get custody of the baby if she had it fostered. Zoë decides to have an abortion and Chrissie sits happily in the clinic as its happening. She returns to tell a shocked Den that Zoë Air Date : 11th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 25 - February 14, 2005

A suspicious Den quizzes Chrissie about Zoë not being pregnant any more asking her every detail about how the miscarriage happened. Not satisfied with what he's being told, Den heads over to see Zoë but she slips up when she tells him a different version of events. When she is own her own she realizes that Chrissie made her do a terrible thing. Chrissie is shocked when she Sam smashing up all the glasses. Sam demands to know the truth about how she and Den got the Vic. Sam charges at Chrissie and the two have a huge fight. Chrissie explains Den did everything to get the Vic and tells Sam of her plan to take Den for everything, asking for her help. Johnny comes to Andy and Jake with a job to meet up with a client on Friday – and tells them to keep it a secret and to keep Danny out of it. Jake begs Johnny to let Danny be involved but he refuses. Later, Andy tells Eddie that the job is worth way more than Johnny is giving him for it. When Andy sees Alfie with Johnny, he makes him a threat Air Date : 14th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 26 - February 15, 2005

It's not a good day in Albert Square for Andy. Alfie finds his stall trashed in the market and he knows that Andy is behind it but doesn't give him the satisfaction of seeing that he's bothered. Andy is still angry at Johnny for the small amount he is being offered for the job, as well as Johnny's friendship with Jake and Alfie. Andy has got Jake set up to be the front line man meaning he will take the fall if anything goes wrong. For the plan to work, Danny must be kept out of it. To stop Danny from aggravating Johnny, Jake tells him that he is the one keeping him out of the loop. Danny furiously punches Jake before packing his bags to move out. Andy is shocked when Johnny tells him Jake's out of the job and he'll be going on his own. Meanwhile, Chrissie sees Sam and tells her about the plans she and Amanda have made. She makes Sam an offer she can't refuse – the Vic. But only if she agrees to go along with the plan. She just needs to get power of attorney from Den and get Zoë on boar Air Date : 15th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 27 - February 17, 2005

Sam gives Zoë an ultimatum and she agrees to go and see Chrissie. Between them, Chrissie and Sam convince Zoë that it was the pressure of Den that forced her to get rid of the baby. However, when they tell Zoë of their plan, she is not interested as they only want Den's money. When Chrissie returns, she is sure Den has figured out what they are up to. He takes her to a cemetery and shows her Angie's grave. Den tells Chrissie that he wants to make a fresh start with her. Zoë is determined to tell all to Den in an angry rage. Sam and Chrissie manage to stop her. They eventually get her on side and she tells them both exactly how Den forced her to sleep with him. The three try to come up with something to really hurt Den. Zoë suggests hiring a hit man but Chrissie thinks up a solution that will really make Den's heart bleed. Andy is busy preparing to leave Walford after the job tomorrow where he will con Johnny out of his money. Before he does he takes great pleasure in watching the marke Air Date : 17th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 28 - February 18, 2005

It's the opening night of Scarlet, Johnny's club, and he is making sure everything will be ready. Johnny meets with Andy to check everything is set up for the client meeting. When Andy makes snide comments to Alfie, he charges at him but Johnny calms him down, asking him to wait just for one day before he hits Andy. Chrissie, Sam and Zoë meet at the allotments and Chrissie tells them that everything is set up for later. They all go their separate ways to get ready. At the Vic, Rosie approaches Pauline and makes her peace with her. Then the Millers and most of the crowd head over to Scarlet for the opening night. At the bookies, Andy's meeting goes as planned and Danny takes collection of the money. As they leave for the car, Alfie comes screaming after Andy. He tells Andy exactly what he thinks of him and punches him. The pair fight and Danny springs to his cousin's defense. Andy and Eddie drive off with Johnny's money. At Scarlet, Johnny gets a cake wishing him a happy retirement from Air Date : 18th-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 29 - February 21, 2005

It's the day after the night before and Chrissie, Sam and Zoë are struggling to maintain normality. The girls hide their bloodstained clothes whilst Sam hides the murder weapon. They are thrown into panic when they see the police drive into Albert Square. Sam worries when the police arrive to speak to her, and assumes the worst. But they deliver the news of Andy's death. His body has been found at the bottom of a bridge. When Sam is asked about her whereabouts the previous evening, she falters and cannot make up an excuse. Zoë, having seen the cars, rushes to the Vic to find out what is going on. She is relieved when she hears that they are investigating Andy's death. As news of Andy's death spreads, the residents of Walford have mixed opinions on it. Whilst Patrick is over the moon, Pat questions whether she could have done anything to save him. When Danny finds out Andy was killed he worries that he could be next. He reveals to Alfie about how he was involved and that he could be dea Air Date : 21st-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 30 - February 22, 2005

Chrissie is still in a state and is very snappy with the staff at the Vic. When Little Mo asks Pat to help at the bar, Chrissie takes a dislike to her asking about Den. Chrissie panics when Little Mo realizes that the mobile ringing is Den's. She explains that Den is away on a business trip but Pat is not so sure. Zoë finds Stacey rummaging through her clothes and panics when she realizes how close she has come to finding her stained belongings. She quick to make an excuse but Zoë's alarmed that they have left so many things uncovered – someone is going to suspect something. When she blames Chrissie for all the trouble she yells at Zoë reminding her that she saw her kill Den. The police continue their investigations into Andy's death. Johnny and Jake both cover for eachother when the police ask them. Johnny, pleased with Jake's commitment, offers him a job. Jake will only accept if Danny can be involved. He goes home happy to tell Danny that he has got him a job as doorman for the club Air Date : 22nd-Feb-2005  Read More

Season 21 Episode 31 - February 24, 2005

Chrissie, furious that Zoë is not back on the stall, rings her and tells her to get out there and act normal. As she leaves, Mo corners her demanding that they sort out her mood. She suggests that Zoë sees a counselor. Keith spends the day looking for work around the square but has no luck. Rosie is horrified when she find the money tin empty. Keith explains that he needed it for expenses but Rosie furiously yells at him that it was all the money they had left for the week. Sam gets the rest of her belongings from the house. She receives a letter from Andy's solicitor informing her she is entitled to what Andy has left her. She is excited at the though of getting the house back. Sam goes to the Vic and reminds Chrissie of her promise to give her half of the pub. Chrissie subtly tries to persuade her against it but Sam is adamant. Zoë walks in on Chrissie and Sam's conversation and Sam notices the nervous way Zoë is acting around Chrissie. She invites Zoë to the club later and Chrissie Air Date : 24th-Feb-2005  Read More

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