Port Charles - Season : 11

Season 11 Episode 1 - 04.01.02 - Monday: Superstition [Premiere]

Staring at the portrait of her ancestor, a confused Alison wonders how Rebecca miraculously appeared just in time to save her from the onrushing train. As her thoughts turn to Rafe, Alison weeps to think she'll never see her beloved angel again. Ian returns to the hospital to pick up Eve and finds the staff in tears. As Frank consoles Lucy, Kevin gently breaks some terrible news to Ian. Meanwhile, up in heaven, Eve takes a seat in the fifth chair and tells the others how a car accident sent her careening off the road. Afterwards, Amy explains to a grateful Eve why she chose in the end to spare Ian's life. Left alone with his wife's body, Ian finally breaks down. Out in the waiting room, Lucy cries to think of Danny losing his mother at such a tender age. As a beaming Amy reveals that she's regained her sight, Casey happily confides how she found love the second time around and Rafe thanks Paige for saving Alison's life. Up in the Barringtons' attic, Alison unwraps the special candles R Air Date : 1st-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 2 - 04.02.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

Though Kevin assures her he's fine, Lucy urges her husband to start dealing with his grief and anger before they get the best of him. Jack drops by the staff lounge to check on his brother and finds Chris drowning his sorrows in a beaker of martinis. Meanwhile, Ian tries to console Danny as the infant cries for his missing mother. Kevin icily advises Lucy to drop the subject when she again presses him to express his feelings. Alison is amazed to discover that Rebecca's love candle refuses to be extinguished. After Livvie brings news of Eve's tragic death, Alison realizes the fifth chair has been filled at last. Kevin and Lucy come to the loft to lend moral support to a grieving Ian. Chris recalls for Jack the happy times he spent with Eve during better days. Though Lucy reminds him that Eve isn't truly gone, Ian sadly insists that he won't be comforted until his wife is back in his arms. Amanda warns Alison that Rebecca was a witch who cast spells on everyone she touched. Kevin finally Air Date : 2nd-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 3 - 04.03.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

Victor suggests to Lucy that the hospital's annual charity auction be dedicated to Eve's memory. Explaining how Amanda just donated boxes of stuff for the charity event, Victor and his band of helpers begin filling the lighthouse as a sputtering Lucy looks on. Meanwhile, Alison presses her grandmother to reveal how she disposed of Rebecca's belongings. Livvie shows Jack the unusual candle made by Alison's ancestor. Ricky bristles when Jamal makes a disparaging remark about Casey. Alison confides to Jack and Livvie why it's so important for her to find Rebecca's portrait again. Victor and Mary discover that one of Rebecca's candles has an exhilarating effect on their sex life. Reminding her friends how close they all came to disaster with Caleb, Livvie balks at helping Alison locate the Barrington witch. Air Date : 3rd-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 4 - 04.04.02 - Thursday: Superstition

As Scott and Serena arrive at the lighthouse, Lucy quietly reminds Kevin why they know Eve is with the angels now. Livvie snarls at Jack for helping Alison search for her great-great-grandmother's belongings. Ian dresses baby Danny for his mother's funeral but admits to Lucy he's not sure he himself is prepared for the coming ordeal. Later, as the mourners gather for a sunset service, Karen begins with her own favorite memories of her friend but quickly breaks down in tears. Ian thanks all assembled for coming to honor his late wife, then sadly eulogizes Eve by recalling how special she seemed to everyone she met. Afterwards, Kevin comes forward and describes how grateful he is for the time he had with Eve. Fighting back tears, Chris also shares anecdotes about the person he considered his very best friend. After each mourner lights a candle in memory of the woman they all loved, Ian asks everyone to help him teach Danny about the mother he'll never know. Returning to the loft with his Air Date : 4th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 5 - 04.05.02 - Friday: Superstition

As Ricky tries to resign himself to the fact that he will never see Casey again, Karen and Frank happen by and are amazed to see that the young man's scar has completely vanished. Rattled to discover the word ""Trouble"" printed on the bottom of one of Rebecca's candles, Livvie decides to enlist some help from Jamal. Meanwhile, Alison and Jack find Rebecca's belongings stacked in the barn. After Jack recognizes the portrait as a likeness of Paige, Alison realizes that the woman who saved her life was not Rebecca after all. Livvie explains to Jamal how obsessed Alison has become with her creepy ancestor. Later, while researching the history of the Barrington clan, Livvie notes Paige's startling resemblance to Rebecca and wonders if her father's old flame is also a witch. As he sifts through Rebecca's things, Jack unearths an antique camera and playfully snaps Alison's picture. Ricky is perplexed by another sighting of Casey outside the Recovery Room. Jamal and Livvie learn that Rebecca wa Air Date : 5th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 6 - 04.08.02 - Monday: Superstition

Jamal and Livvie conduct further research on Rebecca Barrington and unearth creepy details of the alleged witch's crimes. After Ian rejects her offer of a nanny to help care for Danny, Lucy comes to the loft herself to lend a hand. Jack develops the film from the antique camera and is stunned to see that the picture he snapped of Alison includes another shadowy figure. In the barn, a beaming Rebecca steps from her portrait and greets her astounded great-great-great-grandchild. Livvie and Jamal discuss the possibility that the curse Rebecca placed on Port Charles has finally come to pass. Later, Jack arrives to show his friends the photo but is surprised to see that Rebecca's image has vanished just as mysteriously as it first appeared. Thrilled to realize that her favorite childhood ""friend"" is back in her life, Alison asks Rebecca why the family has ostracized her all these years. Explaining how her powerful candles brought suspicion of black magic down on her, Rebecca assures Alison Air Date : 8th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 7 - 04.09.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

Ricky drowns his sorrows late into the night at the nearly deserted Recovery Room. An inebriated Chris wanders in and offers his fellow bar fly his take on the problem with the opposite sex. Certain that Rebecca's candles are nothing but trouble, Livvie places hers on the fire to be consumed. Jamal arrives at the barn and is puzzled to find Alison conversing with a portrait of her ancestor. Ricky confides to Chris how he has a sighting of his late girlfriend every time he lights a particular candle. Later, Chris stumbles over the ""Lust"" candle behind Victor's bar and strikes a match. Jamal urges an irked Alison to deal with the fact that Rafe dropped her like a bad habit. A policewoman enters the Recovery Room and quickly falls under the spell of the Lust candle, much to Chris' surprise. Livvie reminds Jack why they must both stay far away from any part of Rebecca's evil legacy. Jamal admits to Alison that he does want her back. The lady cop comes on strong with Chris, but her late arr Air Date : 9th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 8 - 04.10.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

An awkward moment at the Recovery Room grows even more awkward for Chris, Mary and Victor. Kevin drops by the loft with groceries and baby food and finds a depressed Ian watching home videos of his late wife. In the barn, Rebecca urges her descendant to light the candle marked ""Love"" if she wants to see Rafe again. When Alison presses her for the truth, Rebecca admits that she was indeed hanged for murder but insists she committed no such crime. Though Ian gruffly orders him to go away, Kevin refuses to comply. Lucy manages to mollify the policewoman's partner, then watches in confusion as Victor and Mary search frantically for their special candle. Kevin gently reminds a weeping Ian that he could not have prevented Eve's untimely death. Chris tells Lucy about Ricky's apparent affinity for another one of the mysterious candles. Kevin urges Ian to move himself and baby Danny into the lighthouse for a while. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 9 - 04.11.02 - Thursday: Superstition

Late at night in the Scanlon house, Karen mistakes Ricky for an intruder and conks him over the head with a frying pan. Jack returns to the darkroom to try and locate the photographic image of Rebecca he saw earlier. Upon entering the barn, Lucy is instantly struck by the close resemblance Paige bears to the portrait of Rebecca. Ricky apologizes for scaring Karen, then explains that he only stopped by to pick up the belongings Casey left behind. Lucy tells Allison how Rebecca's candles seem to be having a strange effect on the citizens of Port Charles. Later, Alison lights one of her ancestor's creations for Lucy, who feels suddenly enveloped in warm, healing energy. Ricky describes for Karen how wonderfully exciting his relationship with Casey was during the short time they had together. Lucy suggests to Alison that she convert the barn into a business space and open up a candle shop. Meanwhile, Livvie awakens gasping from a frightening nightmare about her friend. Air Date : 11th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 10 - 04.12.02 - Friday: Superstition

Frank demands some answers after finding Karen and Ricky in the midst of a heart-to-heart talk about love and loss. Inside his darkroom, Jack manages to produce a second photographic image of the late Rebecca Barrington. Staring into the fireplace, Livvie sees Alison crying for help and reaches out to her friend, only to quickly draw back her singed fingers with a yelp of pain. Alison awakens in the barn and is thrilled to see a smiling Rafe leaning over her. Livvie tearfully relates for Jack how her terrifying nightmare seemed to turn into reality right before her eyes. Karen tries to get cozy with Frank but one of Rebecca's candles soon has a chilling effect on the romantic moment. Jack suggests to Livvie that the old camera may hold the key to the mystery swirling around Alison. A dejected Alison discovers that her wonderful encounter with Rafe was nothing but a dream. Later, however, Alison finds a pink rose lying near the ""Love"" candle. As Karen looks on in shock, Frank suddenly s Air Date : 12th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 11 - 04.15.02 - Monday: Superstition

Kevin explains to Lucy why he invited Ian and his infant son to stay with them at the lighthouse. Gasping for breath, Frank tells Karen he has no idea why he said such horrible things to her just before his collapse. As Rebecca once again emerges from her portrait, an excited Alison tells her ancestor about her beautiful reunion with Rafe. Lucy describes for a skeptical Kevin her theory about how Rebecca's candles have been working their magic on people all over town. Later, Lucy informs her husband that she's decided to finance Alison's candle shop as a way of giving everyone the opportunity to experience the power of Rebecca's creations. Ian arrives and reveals that he and his boy are going to Ireland. Ricky urges Karen to get away from Frank before he freaks out again. Although grateful for Ricky's concern, Karen sends him away with assurances that her boyfriend's bad behavior won't be repeated. Rebecca asks Alison to continue her life's work so she can finally rest in peace. Unable Air Date : 15th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 12 - 04.16.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

Ricky drops by GH to check on Karen, who continues to make nervous excuses for Frank's reprehensible behavior. Meanwhile, a worried Frank comes to Kevin for help. Using Rebecca's secret formula and the book of incantations, Alison begins making candles the old-fashioned way. Ricky urges Karen to give him a call any time she needs some help. Frank explains to Kevin how he became strangely violent and abusive with the woman he loves for no apparent reason. Alison tells Jack she believes her hounded and persecuted ancestor was innocent of any wrongdoing. With her friend out of the way for a while, Livvie slips into the barn and quickly gathers up all of Rebecca's belongings. Frank promises Karen that he'll do whatever is necessary to make up for his earlier outburst. Mulling over his session with Frank, Kevin wonders if an offhand remark about a candle could be tied to the odd experiences Lucy related about other residents of Port Charles. Alison is horrified to find Livvie burning Rebecc Air Date : 16th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 13 - 04.17.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

Chris gets teased at the hospital about his close encounter with the policewoman but feels sure he'll never see Doree again. Kevin cautions Lucy that Rebecca's candles may not be as harmless as she thinks. Staring in shock as her ancestor's belongings go up in flames, Alison demands to know how Livvie could be so cruel. Up in heaven, Ed takes Rafe to task for leaving Alison a pink rose and giving her false hopes about seeing him again. Doree surprises Chris in the hospital elevator and quickly makes it clear what she desires from him. Close to hysterics, Livvie accuses Alison of practicing black magic. When Jack tries to calm her down, Livvie turns her fury on her lover as well. Ed warns Rafe that all hell will break loose if he breaks yet another rule. Chris and Doree make love in the stalled elevator. Livvie explains to her father why she torched the evil candles along with Rebecca's potions and incantations. Meanwhile, at the barn, Rebecca consoles a grieving Alison. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 14 - 04.18.02 - Thursday: Superstition

Frank asks Karen to marry him and after she agrees, he's affected by a lit candle and becomes vicious with his derogatory remarks about her checkered past. Livvie is surprised when Kevin admits that he doesn't think she's losing her mind about Alison and her candles. However, Kevin does convince his daughter to apologize to Alison for destroying everything in the barn. Lucy stops by the barn to see Alison and finds she has opened her candle shop in spite of Livvie's arson efforts. Lucy asks Alison how she managed to get everything together after Livvie tried to torch the place. Covering for the ""effort"" by Rebecca, Alison claims that Livvie wasn't being completely honest. When Kevin and Livvie stop by, Livvie becomes frantic to see all the candles are back and the place open for business. As she rants and raves about Alison's secret magic, the customers begin to panic as do Kevin and Lucy. Kevin confronts Lucy about her promise to stay out of the candle business. Lucy claims she's just Air Date : 18th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 15 - 04.19.02 - Friday: Superstition

A grumbling Rafe reports for work as a conscience angel but frets about the way Alison's life is falling apart back on earth. At the candle shop, Jack and Jamal inform a fuming Alison that they've come to take her away for her own good. Cursing Karen for being a tramp, Frank advances on his terrified girlfriend. Rafe bitterly accuses Ed of forgetting how it feels to be in love. When Alison refuses to leave, Jamal picks her up and bodily removes her. Jack stays behind to photograph the interior of the entire shop with the antique camera. As the candle goes out, Frank returns to his senses and is horrified to find Karen cowering in a corner. After Frank races away, a weeping Karen calls Ricky for help. Alison uses a ""Deep Sleep"" candle to elude Jamal. Rafe encounters a face from the past when James reappears. Air Date : 19th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 16 - 04.22.02 - Monday: Superstition

A distraught Frank comes to the lighthouse seeking help from Kevin. Meanwhile, Ricky reassures Karen as she shakily recounts her latest encounter with her volatile boyfriend. Suggesting to Rafe that he's been unfairly treated by his heavenly masters, James offers the angel a lifetime with his lady love if he chooses to switch sides. Karen explains to a startled Ricky how she became a pill-popping stripper after being sexually molested as a child. Frank relates for Kevin how he suddenly saw the woman he loves as a cheap slut just as he popped the question. While an eavesdropping Livvie perks up her ears, Kevin questions his puzzled patient about the candle he lit to set the mood for his proposal. James shows Rafe the enchanting future he could have with Alison once he signs on with a new ""boss"". An unwitting Ricky brings Karen the candle from the Scanlon house to give her comfort. Rafe informs a sneering James that he cannot accept his offer. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 17 - 04.23.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

Gail comes to the lighthouse with questions for Livvie about the ""witchcraft"" she's witnessed. At the barn, Kevin cautions Alison that her candles are much more potent than she knows. Karen pulls a startled Ricky into a kiss as he leans over the couch to check on his sleeping guest. Kevin asks Alison to close down her shop until he can have the candles analyzed. Recalling how her ancestor was persecuted and killed, Alison wonders if she is destined to suffer the same fate. Livvie angrily accuses Gail and Lucy of trying to trick her into admitting that she's as crazy as her mother. Realizing that Karen has mistaken him for Frank, Ricky pulls back from her embrace. Frank arrives and launches into an explanation for his bizarre behavior but quickly falls under the spell of the lit candle once again. Alison agrees to let Kevin test her inventory to prove that Rebecca's recipes are harmless. Ricky bodily ejects Frank from his apartment, then reminds a heartbroken Karen that she's better off Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 18 - 04.24.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

Kneeling before her ancestor's portrait, Alison begs Rebecca to return and show her the right path to travel. Rafe returns to duty as a conscience angel but can't stop thinking about James' offer to provide him with a lifetime of happiness next to the woman he loves. A groggy Jamal tells Jack he believes Alison drugged him the night before. Livvie secretly dopes the candles with a psycho-tropic drug to ""prove"" that Alison's merchandise is dangerous. Later, Jack arrives and apologizes to Livvie for calling her crazy, then explains how he's been using the antique camera to delve further into a supernatural mystery. Alison lets it slip to Jamal that she's been conversing with her deceased great-great-grandmother. After Jamal departs, Rebecca finally emerges again and urges Alison to use her gift instead of letting other people's doubts and fears get in the way. Jack lights the ""Warmth"" candle--- with disastrous results. Air Date : 24th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 19 - 04.25.02 - Thursday: Superstition

Karen asks a puzzled Colleen if she's noticed any patients arriving with allergic reactions to candles. At the Recovery Room, Frank mentally reviews the night he popped the question and wonders again what went so terribly wrong between him and Karen. Meanwhile, Ricky decides to conduct his own experiment. Certain Rebecca's candles are harmless, Alison reopens the Pink Rose and begins selling her wares once more. Lucy and Kevin return home and find Jack hallucinating wildly as an anguished Livvie helplessly wrings her hands. Ricky secretly tests Frank's reaction to a certain candle. At the ER, Chris examines his agitated brother while Karen is alarmed to hear Kevin's explanation for Jack's strange ""episode."" Livvie begins to confess to her father but elects not to reveal her crime. Later, the hospital lab alerts Kevin to the presence of a psychotropic drug in the candle Jack lit. Karen finds a wild-eyed Frank holding a knife to Ricky's throat. Dory brings Chris a gift. Jack demands some Air Date : 25th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 20 - 04.26.02 - Friday: Superstition

Rafe tries to focus on his work but inevitably finds his thoughts drifting back to James' offer and the promise of lifelong happiness with Alison. Kevin sustains an injury to his wrist during a freak accident in the candle shop. Jack bitterly informs Livvie she went too far when she doctored Alison's candle to ""prove"" it was evil. When Lucy confronts her, however, Livvie adamantly denies Jack's accusations and claims that her boyfriend's hallucinations are due solely to Alison's witchcraft. Rebecca assures her unhappy descendant that this time around the ""good"" people of Port Charles will not win. Out of Lucy's earshot, Jack asks Livvie how she could stoop so low to lie to people she supposedly loves. Kevin orders Alison to either shut down her shop or watch her inventory destroyed. James gleefully informs Rafe that Ed is his father. Lucy places an urgent call to Ian in Ireland. Rebecca shows herself to an astonished Kevin. Air Date : 26th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 21 - 04.29.02 - Monday: Superstition

Frank comes to the hospital looking for Kevin and is immediately corralled by two male nurses acting on Karen's orders. Though Rafe accuses him of lying to obtain another soul, James persists with his claim that Ed is the young man's father. Livvie confesses her crime to Rachel during a visit to her institutionalized mother. As Rebecca lights her candle, Kevin suddenly fades away into thin air. Later, Lucy comes by in search of her husband but finds only his briefcase and his car. Rafe begins to wonder if James' story about Ed could be true. Livvie tearfully explains to Rachel how everyone has been questioning her sanity just because she's trying to save the world from the forces of evil. Alison tells Lucy how Kevin disappeared while she was packing up candles in the back room. After having Frank restrained in a padded room on the psych ward, Karen sadly informs her boyfriend why his story about an ""allergic"" reaction to a candle doesn't ring true. Ed finally admits to Rafe how he fell Air Date : 29th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 22 - 04.30.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

Chris finds a naked Doree swinging from the ceiling lamp in the hospital's staff lounge. Rachel tells an amazed Livvie she's been faking her catatonic state for months to escape a punishment she never deserved. At the Pink Rose, Alison explains to Lucy that the blood on her apron came from a minor cut Kevin sustained just before he vanished. Reminding Livvie how similar they are, Rachel urges her daughter to do whatever she must to prove that Alison has been practicing witchcraft. Later, Livvie awakens in her mother's hospital room and realizes she only dreamed that Rachel spoke to her. After a distraught Lucy calls in the police, Mac harshly questions Alison about his friend's mysterious disappearance. Although thrilled by Doree's insatiable appetite for sex, Chris is secretly relieved when a police emergency finally calls his lover away. Jack has to restrain an enraged Livvie to keep her from attacking Alison as she accuses her former friend of murder. Later, Mac takes Alison down to Air Date : 30th-Apr-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 23 - 05.01.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

Ricky assures Karen she did the right thing having Frank put under observation in the psych ward for 72 hours. At the precinct house, Jamal asks a startled Alison if Rebecca instructed her to kill Kevin. Karen explains to Ricky how her boyfriend has been envisioning them in bed together during his hallucinations. Later, Ricky cheers up his new friend with an impromptu salsa lesson on a makeshift dance floor. Lucy takes Ian to the Pink Rose to search for clues to Kevin's disappearance. Gazing at the portrait of Rebecca, Lucy wonders why the painting seems to have changed. Although Jack reminds her that Alison could never have overpowered Kevin, Livvie shrilly insists that the candles' evil power helped their creator subdue her victim. With no corpse and no hard evidence, Mac reluctantly releases Alison. Later, Jamal asks Alison to let him speak with Rebecca. Livvie finds her father's bloodstained sweater in the woods. Air Date : 1st-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 24 - 05.02.02 - Thursday: Superstition

At the precinct house, Mac glumly admits to Ian that he fears his best friend may have been murdered. Meanwhile, Livvie vows to make Alison pay for her crimes. Inside the Pink Rose, Jamal asks Alison to call Rebecca out of the painting so he can speak to her personally. Up in heaven, James offers Rafe another chance to get close to the woman he loves, if only for one fleeting moment. Though Rebecca fails to respond to her pleas, Alison begs Jamal to believe she's been telling the truth. After Jamal departs, Rebecca emerges from her portrait and hands Alison a new candle which bears no label. James tempts Rafe with a video retrospective of recent events in Pine Valley. Reminding Rafe how lost Alison is without him, James urges the angel to go to her rescue before it's too late. Livvie plants her father's blood-soaked sweater in the trunk of Alison's car. After throwing away the candle, an angry Jamal warns Alison that she's talking like a crazy person and only making herself look even m Air Date : 2nd-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 25 - 05.03.02 - Friday: Superstition

As his officers begin a search for their prime suspect, Mac phones Ian to confirm that the blood on the sweater found in Alison's car was Kevin's. Meanwhile, Alison tells a skeptical Jack how her great-great-great-grandmother is the one person in the world who can clear her name. Crossing over the threshold to the dark side, an anguished Rafe falls to his knees to beg James for more information on how Alison is faring. When the angel balks at surrendering his soul, however, James makes the chilling suggestion that the woman Rafe loves is already well on her way to becoming a bonafide member of the forces of evil. Livvie snarls at Jack when she finds him consoling Alison. Later, Jamal arrives to warn his former girlfriend that the police are hot on her trail. After coaxing Serena to take Christina out of the room, Ian reluctantly breaks some bad news to Lucy. Jamal tries to help Alison flee but they're quickly collared by the cops as a smirking Livvie looks on. Certain her husband canno Air Date : 3rd-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 26 - 05.06.02 - Monday: Superstition

Alison is placed in a cell and quickly resents all that has happened to her in such a short time. Kate quickly warns her not to trust Mac or any other ""helpful"" police officers who may try to talk with her. Unable to get anywhere with Alison, Mac questions Jamal about his ex-girlfriend but Jamal denies helping Alison harm Kevin, insisting that she wouldn't hurt anyone. Jamal is allowed a visit with Alison and confides to her that he overheard her blame herself for Kevin's disappearance. Worried that she'll be found guilty, Jamal suggests that Alison marry him so that he won't be forced to testify against her. Meanwhile, Jack guesses that Livvie has been hard at work setting up Alison for Kevin's disappearance. Livvie stews, upset that he's more concerned about protecting Alison and accuses him of trying to secretly tape her in hopes that she would make a confession that might clear Alison. Worried about Alison, Rafe can't take it anymore and finally agrees to sell his soul to James for Air Date : 6th-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 27 - 05.07.02 - Tuesday: Superstition

When Jamal offers to marry Alison so he won't have to testify against her, she quietly reveals that she and Rafe symbolically bonded before he departed. She's touched when he offers to help her reunite with Rafe. Doree interrupts and lets them both know that Alison's chance for bail on the murder charge was rejected. Disappointed by Rafe's decision, Ed tries to convince Rafe to allow him to speak to James in hopes that he can end Rafe's contract but Rafe refuses any effort on the part of his father because he needs to help Alison. Rafe also asks Ed not to interfere in what he does to help Alison. As Rafe leaves for ""the other side,"" Ed's impressed but saddened. Mary lays into Karen for forcing her son to be committed to the psychiatric hospital but Frank is quick to defend Karen's actions. Later, Karen and Frank decide to keep their distance for the time being until Frank can discover what is causing his rude outbursts. Lucy is uncomfortable as family and friends show up to support her Air Date : 7th-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 28 - 05.08.02 - Wednesday: Superstition

Jamal tries to help Alison escape from jail so that she can return to Rebecca's portrait. He manages to get a hold of Doree's keys but Alison states that she cannot accept his offer of help and returns to her cell. Meanwhile, in the barn Rebecca struggles to deal with her guilt over Kevin's disappearance and guesses that she can reverse the spell she cast if only Alison would return to her. However, she realizes that she must retrieve the candle from the woods outside for this to happen. As she tries to leave the barn, Rebecca realizes that the terrible memories from the past are keeping her from stepping outside. Later, Livvie confronts the portrait of Rebecca and vents her anger over the loss of her father. Livvie then finds Lucy with Ian talking about memories of Kevin and mistakenly assumes that the two are having an affair. Ian blasts Livvie for her outrageous accusation while Lucy tries to explain to Livvie why she feels that Kevin is still alive. Ricky tricks Karen into coming t Air Date : 8th-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 29 - 05.09.02 - Thursday: Superstition

Lucy finally bails Alison out of jail and then listens as Alison describes her encounters with Rebecca. Alison claims that Rebecca made Kevin disappear in order to prove a point. The two then hurry back to the barn to confront Rebecca. At the barn, Livvie challenges Rebecca in the portrait to show herself but when that doesn't coax the woman out, Livvie starts slashing at the painting, determined to save the citizens of Port Charles from more evil. When Alison and Lucy arrive, Livvie runs out with scissors in hand. She stumbles upon an unconscious Rafe while Alison screams at the sight of the destroyed portrait. In spite of Rafe's insistence that he not interfere, Ed makes a deal with James in order to save Rafe's soul. Caught trying to seduce her, Ricky confesses to Karen that he used the special candle to bring her to him. He upsets her further when he admits that he tested the candle on Frank in order to see if it would drive him to fits of rude behavior and anger. Karen calms down Air Date : 9th-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 30 - 05.10.02 - Friday: Superstition

A gloomy Jack tells Jamal his feelings for Livvie have died since she's become such a different person. Staring in horror at the slashed portrait, Alison begs Lucy to help her fix the painting so Rebecca can return and save Kevin. Meanwhile, as she races away from the scene of her crime, Livvie stumbles over the unconscious form of a familiar looking heavenly visitor. Jamal admits to Jack how he tried to break his former girlfriend out of jail. At the Pink Rose, a hysterical Lucy accuses Alison of raising false hopes by conjuring up a ridiculous story about a talking portrait. After calming down, Lucy assures the young woman she doesn't really believe Kevin is dead. Working together in the darkroom, Jamal and Jack manage to capture a photographic image of the late Rebecca Barrington. Rafe finally comes to but with no memory of Alison. Air Date : 10th-May-2002  Read More

Season 11 Episode 31 - 05.13.02 - Monday: Superstition

Alison dreams about being blissfully reunited with Rafe. Meanwhile, in the woods, Livvie is astonished to realize that Rafe has absolutely no memory of Alison or anything that's transpired in Port Charles. After examining the photo of Rebecca, Jamal and Jack conduct a little research and discover that the person in the picture next to Alison's ancestor is the man she was convicted of murdering. Up in heaven, Ed and James hammer out an agreement hinging on ""soulmates"" Rafe and Alison finding their way back to one another. Sensing a golden opportunity, Livvie convinces Rafe to rely on her for all the information he needs to fill in the blanks from the ten years he's lost. Jack and Jamal unearth another photograph which seems to clearly implicate Rebecca in the death of the missing minister. Livvie tells a sympathetic Rafe how her former best friend killed Kevin with black magic. Air Date : 13th-May-2002  Read More

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