シリーズ史上最多の11名の男女が登場。 真実の恋をしたい男女が本気の恋に落ちていくまでを追いかける恋愛リアリティーショー。 しかし、女子の中には好きなフリをする嘘つき“オオカミちゃん”が最低1人混ざっている。 女子メンバーが6名に増えたことで “オオカミちゃん”予想は最高難易度に。嘘つき“オオカミちゃん”の狡猾な罠により、シリーズ史上最も予測がつかない男女の駆け引きが繰り広げられる。 “オオカミちゃん”ならではの刺激度と、ロマンチックな冬の恋はどんな展開を見せるのか? 提供:Indeed Air Date : 5th-Jan-2020 Read More
One LINE that disturbed the members' hearts was sent. The sender is Azusa. The members wondered who they would invite to a date. Ryosuke and Nana are expected to be through. This is because Azusa said in a conversation between girls that she was worried about her. However, the person who invited me to a date was not Toru ... Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 12th-Jan-2020 Read More
[Previous Highlights] On the day of the "Taiyo LINE" date, Azusa and Luke, Toru, Rion and Nana gather at the meeting place. Azusa, Rion and Nana, who have revealed that they are interested in Toru as their first impression, will meet in one place. When Azusa arrived at the thrift store, Azusa invited Luke to go to the other side. Luke said, "Why did you invite me to me?" When I asked Azusa, she smiled, "He said she's a model, she likes secondhand clothes, and her first impression was very good." Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 19th-Jan-2020 Read More
[Previous highlight] The core that sent "Taiyo LINE" and invited chicks to their own live performances. On the day of the live performance, Hina went to the venue with Ryosuke, Rion and Riko, and sent a passionate gaze to the core on the stage. After the live performance, Core went to the members and hoped for two shots with Hina while expressing his gratitude for coming to see it. The other members came home, and there were two cores and chicks alone... Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 26th-Jan-2020 Read More
[Previous highlight] While working in the atelier, Ryosuke and Riko go to take pictures used for photo T-shirts. They headed to the planetarium. Ri Kotori and Ryosuke thought about the photo pose against the background of the moon image. The two entangle their little fingers and pose for "finger clipping". Riko was attracted to the core in her first impression, and while honestly telling her that the core is not zero, she revealed that she is leaning towards Ryosuke, saying, "I'm really about 99.9% now, Ryosuke-kun." Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2020 Read More
[Last highlight] During the middle confession, the boys waited in a separate room and prayed for the girl they wanted to call me on LINE. When it comes to the only thing left is the confession of the chicks, Luke, Shotaro, and the core who think about the chicks are all nervous at once. The three boys opened LINE together with their hands piled up. Immediately after that, the core bowed and shed tears. Luke, Shotaro was also crying. Hina chose the core in the middle confession... Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 9th-Feb-2020 Read More
[Previous highlight] Toru cut out "I have something to tell you" to Nana, who fell in love with her middle confession. I have to go to America," so I received a sudden confession, and Nana's expression clouded. Toru said, "I'm not going all the time, so don't worry about that. Actually, I wanted to take a leave of absence, but there are credits (university) and (tennis) games," he explained. In an important scene, although I returned to Japan, I said sadly, "I won't be able to see you for a long time." Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 16th-Feb-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] Rion, who couldn't reach his feelings in the middle confession, changed his mind and took a new love. The next person I started to be conscious of was the core. Rion immediately told Core what she was interested in, and even honestly confessed her feelings to Hina, who fell in love with the core in the middle confession. Onon, who declared his rival fairly, then invited the core to go on a date using "Taiyo LINE". Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] The dropout announcement comes forward one by one, and all members count down by 10 seconds. If it's not dropped out, white fireworks will be launched, and if they drop out, red fireworks will go up. The announcement was made in the order of Rion, Nanaka, Riko, Azusa, and Hina, and all white fireworks blossomed in the night sky ... The members walked up to Nana and hugged her body in tears. While the sobbing of the members echoed, when Nana and Toru made up their mind and looked up at the night sky, a red fireworks that mercilessly announced her dropout came up .... Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 1st-Mar-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] I couldn't reach Hina's feelings due to the middle confession. While working quietly in the atelier, he declared, "I don't think I'll probably use the solar LINE for chicks." On top of that, he confessed that he had a good impression on Azusa as soon as he met him, saying, "But at first, it was Azusa, the first impression before Hina." Azusa looked surprised and said, "Hmm?" And I saw Shotaro. Then Shotaro finally gave the chick a red bracelet, but at first he felt that Azusa was the easiest to talk to. Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 8th-Mar-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] Nanaka lures out to buy Shotaro. Nanaka said, "Can I give you Valentine's Day?" Cut it out and give you a chocolate made with all your heart. Shotaro opened the package on the spot, ate chocolate, and praised it as "seriously delicious". Nanaka looks happy at Shotaro's reaction, and while smiling, she says, "I don't change my mind. Shotaro-kun has been... That's what it is," appeals. But that night, it was Azusa that Shotaro asked her out on "Taiyo LINE". Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 15th-Mar-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] I invited Azusa on a date with "Taiyo LINE". The two of them are in a good mood for the first strawberry picking in their lives. However, Azusa decided to "support" Nana when she said that, her feelings for Toru were not completely cut off. But I still don't understand. "Among me," he said, smiling like he was in trouble. Then Shotaro said, "If Toru becomes a rival, I'm going to take Azusa!" And a clear declaration. Azusa said, "Really? "Thank you," he smiled with embarrassment. Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 22nd-Mar-2020 Read More
[Previous Synopsis] The members finished making 100 clothes within the deadline and faced the announcement of the results of "Don't Fall Vote". When all the moons on the screen are full, Nana's revival will be confirmed... Ten people held their breath and watched the moon, which gradually filled from crive days to half moons. However, the screen suddenly turned dark at the full moon soon. A red letter appeared in front of the members. On behalf of that, he read the letter, but couldn't stand the overflowing tears and collapsed in tears. As a result of "Don't Fall Vote", the dropout members will not be revived in the letter. The final confession will be done by 10 people." Provided by: Indeed Air Date : 29th-Mar-2020 Read More