Arriving in Calcutta, Rob and Tom catch the Darjeeling Mail Train north, and continue the journey of discovery across the border into Bhutan, a tiny country nestled in the Himalayan mountains where few tourists are allowed each year. Here, they are in search of wild brown trout, said to inhabit the rivers of this magical kingdom. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
The pristine creeks and rivers of the High Plains are a fly fishing wonderland. To reach this remote alpine region Rob and Tom abandon their jeep where the road runs out and trek in on packhorses, armed with a few provisions, a very slow dog and of course their fly rods. The target - sweet river trout from the Snowy Mountain wilderness. Rob Sitch and Tom Gleisner travel to the Cobungra River in Victoria for a wonderful trek into a genuine cattleman's hut with rabbit and fish on the menu. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
In the heart of America's mid-west, Wyoming is your classic fly fishing destination. To reach there, Rob and Tom hire a car on the west coast and set off on a road trip that takes them through four states and two flat tyres in search of wild west trout from a rocky mountain creek. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
From the tropical centre of Cairns, Rob and Tom take the road north where they take to the sea, charting a course in search of the elusive coral trout. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
Leaving Cooktown behind them, Tom and Rob sail on, past magnificent coral reefs and uninhabited tropical islands. Eventually they reach the jungle wilderness of the Yarraki River where its time for some salt water fly fishing. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
The Tongariro is one of the most famous trout fishing rivers in the world. Rob and Tom stay near a tiny village nestled in the mountains on Lake Taupo where they fish in the world's finest rainbow trout rivers. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
A group of little-known coral islands off the coast of an even lesser-known country called Belize draw Tom and Rob in search of salt-water fishing's holy trinity; a bone fish, a tarpon and a permit, all in one day. Source: Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More