Mister Rogers plays a few rounds of hide and seek with viewers before Audrey Roth invites him to see her new mobile home which will serve as both her home and office. With Frisbees scattered around her desk at the office, Barbara Russell is working on a new promotion for Audrey Cleans Everything: "It's as easy to find our new location as it is to throw a Frisbee." Audrey shows Mister Rogers around her new home. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Purple Panda has recently returned from the circus when Barbara B. Frisbee arrives at the castle. Purple Panda joins her for some Frisbee throwing fun as Lady Elaine Fairchilde recognizes Barbara B. Frisbee as former Make-Believe visitor, Barbara Boomerang. After a target is set up, Lady Elaine becomes upset when she does not win a Frisbee throwing game. Moving the target to the castle, King Friday is successful after some practice with Barbara Frisbee. Air Date : 17th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a frisbee from the previous day as well as a film about people throwing frisbees. At Brockett's Bakery, Mister Rogers visits with Jose Cisneros who is making fresh fruit snacks in the kitchen. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Daniel Tiger and Lady Aberlin share a fruit snack before Lady Aberlin demonstrates a few tap-dance steps. Air Date : 18th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives having driven his antique car. Taking viewers outside, he shows them the seatbelts before lending the car to Mr. McFeely to make deliveries. At Negri's Music Shop, Mister Rogers meets musician Hector Olivera who is playing the organ. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday XIII gives a photograph of himself to the Platypus family to take on their trip so they can remember "what they are missing while they are away." He asks Handyman Negri to measure the giant Frisbee brought to Make-Believe by Barbara B. Frisbee. Meanwhile, Lady Elaine Fairchilde is warning the Neighborhood about a giant who is coming to throw the Frisbee and is offering seatbelts as protection. Barbara B. Frisbee suggests that everyone will learn the purpose of the giant Frisbee tomorrow. Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about how things often seem very big to children. In the kitchen, he uses various cut-outs to talk about "big and small." Air Date : 19th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with some inkblot cards which he takes to the kitchen. Showing several examples, he talks about what the images look like. Using some food coloring and a blank piece of paper, Mister Rogers demonstrates how the inkblot images are made. He points out a spot of ink on his shirt and talks about people sometimes get angry about spots that need cleaned. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Barbara B. Frisbee and Handyman Negri are polling everyone in the Neighborhood to see what they think the giant frisbee is for. Some have wild guesses while others are still concerned with the possibility of a giant coming. After Barbara nearly lets the truth slip, X the Owl is able to guess that the giant frisbee is not a frisbee at all -- it is to be used as a tap dancing stage. Once the dancing begins, everyone is able to put their fears of a giant to rest. Air Date : 20th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers cleans out his coat closet and finds a variety of items including stocking caps, dress pants for his sons, and a paper hat. In the kitchen, he uses newspaper to show how to make a paper hat. At Betty's Little Theater, Mister Rogers observes as Lester Evans teaches a tap dancing class. Johnny Costa provides the music for the class. Audrey Roth and Mary Lou Autenreith perform a routine they have been practicing before Mister Rogers tries a few basic steps himself. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin dances her way to the tree where Henrietta Pussycat is cleaning her house. Henrietta plans to give her clothes she has outgrown to Ana Platypus for dress-up play. X the Owl refuses to try on one of Henrietta's hats for fun because he expects that he will then become a girl. Lady Aberlin expains to him that wearing someone else's clothes does not turn them into that person. Air Date : 21st-Feb-1975 Read More
Upon his arrival, Mister Rogers promptly visits Francois Clemmons' studio where Mr. Clemmons and Johnny Costa are rehearsing songs for a concert including -- Many Ways to Say I Love You, The Truth Will Make Me Free, and Everybody's Fancy. Returning to his house, Mister Rogers reads a book called Lost Little Boy. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara Saturday cannot find Prince Tuesday and asks King Friday and Lady Aberlin for help. After searching the Neighborhood with no luck Lady Aberlin asks Lady Elaine Fairchilde to broadcast the news of the missing prince on MGR-TV. It is discovered that Prince Tuesday was watching television with Edgar Cooke. Air Date : 24th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with some large building blocks which he uses to build a tower, a street, and a car. He thinks about some young friends who used blocks and crates to make a pretend fire engine. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Mr. McFeely delivers some building blocks to the Platypus mound and Daniel is concerned that the blocks might be used to build "something bad." When Lady Aberlin builds with the blocks, they start to dance around on their own. She and X the Owl (who is pretending to be a fireman) are amazed until they realize that Lady Elaine Fairchilde has attached strings to the blocks. Air Date : 25th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with some magnets which he takes to the kitchen to show how they attract each other: "Magnets are hard to explain, but they're really fun to play with. Looking at one of the magnets which is shaped like a horseshoe, he mentions that Bob Trow is making a horseshoe game at the shop. At Bob Trow's workshop, Mister Rogers and Mr. Trow practice horseshoes on the new post Mr. Trow has made. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday and Prince Tuesday sees Ino A. Horse through a telescope. Air Date : 26th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a chromaharp (autoharp) and shows how it is played as he sings Old MacDonald. He shows a picture of a standing harp in a book. At Brockett's Bakery, Mister Rogers compares the size of his chromaharp with a large harp in the bakery's soda shop. Chef Brockett arrives with Edward Druzinsky who plays the harp. Returning to his house, Mister Rogers finds a note from the Gordons who had stopped by to see him and gone to his home to look for him. Calling his wife, he asks her to send the Gordons back to the television house. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Handyman Negri and Daniel Striped Tiger are trying out various musical instruments as they wait for the Platypus family to return from Westwood. Air Date : 27th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a burlap bag with a book called Speedy Delivery inside. Taking a seat on the couch, he shares the book with viewers. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin is broadcasting remotely for MGR-TV at the Platypus mound as she interviews Elsie Jean Platypus about her recent trip to Westwood. Air Date : 28th-Feb-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers shows how shoelaces keep shoes together and how a zipper keeps his sweater together. Mister Rogers then spends some time thinking about being in a button factory. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday is playing his bass violin as Handyman Negri helps him pack for a trip to Westwood. Queen Sara suggests that they might want to bring Bob Dog along with them on their trip and asks Handyman Negri to find him. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-1975 Read More
Promptly after Mister Rogers' arrival, Mr. McFeely stops by with a live skunk. Mr. McFeely also has a film about skunks which he and Mister Rogers watch on Picture-Picture. As Mr. McFeely leaves with the skunk, Mister Rogers talks about the stong smell that skunks can make. At Elsie Neal's craft shop, Maggie Stewart is making flowers out of foam rubber. Mister Rogers helps her cut the foam to create new flowers. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the Frogg family and Mr. Skunk are waiting on the royal family and Bob Dog to arrive in Westwood. Mayor Maggie also waits with a key to the city. Air Date : 4th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a basket full of various elephant sculptures and models which he takes to the kitchen to share. After showing how some of the elephants are fancy and some are plain, he sings Everybody's Fancy. Invited to the McFeely house, Mister Rogers meets Miss Jean -- host of Hodgepodge Lodge. Miss Jean, a friend of Mrs. McFeely, has been creating terrariums and helps Mister Rogers make one of his own. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the royal family is visiting Westwood where Prince Tuesday is playing hide and seek with Tadpole Frogg, Mr. Skunk, and H.J. Elephant III. Air Date : 5th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with two pieces of construction paper which he takes to the kitchen and uses to make a peek-a-boo game. As he plays, he sings Look and Listen before sharing an animation about a moving dot. At Brockett's Bakery, Mister Rogers watches as Chef Brockett and Maggie Stewart make noodle pudding. They pantomime each ingredient before adding it to the recipe. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Edgar Cooke is playing peek-a-boo as he awaits the return of the royal family. His play, however, is bothersome to Miss Paulificate who is trying to work. Air Date : 6th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers finger paints on a piece of dark shelf paper and shares an animation about animals playing hide and seek. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Francois Clemmons and Lady Aberlin step away from the castle garden to tell everyone of the royal family's return from Westwood. Air Date : 7th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a bucket made by his friend, Jim Johnson. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara Saturday is sharing pictures of her friends from Westwood when Dr. Bill Platypus tells her that the Frogg family and H.J. Elephant will be visiting the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Air Date : 10th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with three balls and a film but does not get the opportunity to show any of them before Mr. McFeely arrives with a film about tadpoles. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Bob Dog and Francois Clemmons are playing fetch with a ball when Lady Elaine joins in for a moment. Air Date : 11th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a recipe card for modeling dough which he takes to the kitchen. Visiting Elsie Neal's craft shop, Mister Rogers meets Dottie Erdmann who is making scuptures out of wire and clay. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin is talking to Dr. Bill as they wonder where Prince Tuesday might be. Air Date : 12th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives wearing sunglasses and talks about how it can be concerning to a child when an adult changes their appearance. Francois Clemmons invites Mister Rogers along to the Brown's Marionette Theatre where they are preparing for a performance of Little Red Riding Hood. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin wants to pretend that she is Little Red Riding Hood and asks Queen Sara to be her mother. Air Date : 13th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a large box and does not change into his usual sweater. Instead, he changes into his sneakers and takes a red jacket from the box. Mister Rogers and Mr. McFeely have been asked to take tickets and hand out programs at the Brown's marionette play of Little Red Riding Hood. The marionette play gets underway as the audience enjoys a fun performance of Little Red Riding Hood. Air Date : 14th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a sea captain's desk. In the kitchen, he opens the desk and shows its many compartments. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday XIII finishes dictating a letter to Miss Paulificate before Lady Aberlin arrives at the castle and talks to him about the responsibilities of being a king. Air Date : 17th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers takes viewers outside where he has a tent set up in the grass. After showing the real tent, he goes back inside and shows how a tent can be made inside using two chairs and a blanket. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, everyone is confused by a tent which appeared overnight. Air Date : 18th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a catalog of tents to share with viewers -- Tempered Tents For All Seasons. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin is making a tent for Prince Tuesday when Mr. Allmine arrives in the Neighborhood. Air Date : 19th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with two party favors and shows how it uncurls when he blows into it. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara shows concern over the whereabouts of Lady Aberlin and Daniel Striped Tiger. Air Date : 20th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a model merry-go-round which he has borrowed from a friend. He plugs in the model and watches as it moves, pretending for a moment that it is a real merry-go-round. In the kitchen, Mister Rogers uses paper plates and cups to make his own model merry-go-round. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine Fairchilde and Mr. Allmine talk about the differences between a merry-go-round and a Museum-Go-Round. Air Date : 21st-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a toy crane when he demonstrates using a nickel and a dime. Mister Rogers talks about the importance of keeping teeth clean and demonstrates how to use dental floss. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Handyman Negri is moving some stones from the castle to the Platypus mound. Air Date : 24th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers has stopped by Negri's Music Shop and arrives with a small electric organ he has borrowed. At Negri's Music Shop, Mister Rogers returns the organ and goes to the rehearsal room where Joe Negri shows a large organ. William McCurdy arrives and demonstrates the organ. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Abelrin asks Edgar Cooke about the tooth fairy but and he responds: "I don't ever sing about secrets and the tooth fairy is a secret." Air Date : 25th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a book of poetry by Al Worden -- Hello Earth: Greetings From Endeavour -- and shares a few of his works. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Handyman Negri is trying to find the reason behind the lack of electricity at Corney's factory and soon finds that the entire Neighborhood is having electrical issues. Air Date : 26th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a game which he takes to the kitchen. The game requires players to place wooden blocks into the proper holes in a box. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the Trolley stops running in front of the castle due to the power shortage as the lights through out Make-Believe begin to fade. Air Date : 27th-Mar-1975 Read More
Mister Rogers arrives with a St. Bernard named Rondo. Mr. McFeely had been walking the dog and Mister Rogers asked to borrow him to show to his television friends. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the power has been restored and MGR-TV is back on the air. Air Date : 28th-Mar-1975 Read More