Go behind the scenes with Kenneth Branagh, director Charles Sturridge, and the rest of the cast and crew as they endure five weeks of dangerous shooting on the floes off Greenland. Like the Endurance itself, their Norwegian ice breaking ship (and base of operations) became trapped in the ice, and crew members actually had to carry shotguns to ward off polar bears! Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
A & E's landmark series sheds new light on the life and adventures of the legendary polar explorer whose leadership style has been embraced by 21st-century companies worldwide. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
From the discovery in 1773 by Captain Cook to the extraordinary expeditions led by men like Robert Scott, Ernest Shackleton, and Raold Amundsen, THE HISTORY CHANNEL chronicles the epic adventures at the bottom of the world, while a visit to Antarctica today captures the continent's savage beauty and undiminished danger. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More