A grisly discovery... the bones of a woman and child are found near Wyvis Hall in Suffolk... the bones have been buried for more than ten years. But who is buried and why? Adam Verne-Smith(Douglas Hodge) is haunted by the past. He and others know the truth of the burials. Adam inherited Wyvis Hall from his great uncle and instead of a planned trip to Greece, he renames Wyvis Hall 'Ecalpemos'... the fatal inversion... and he spends the summer there with friends, including the arrogant and chillingly logical Rufus Fletcher(Jeremy Northam)... Air Date : 10th-May-1992 Read More
Adam's paranoia increases as the police investigation into the bones continues. Adam and Rufus meet after swearing never to see each other again to go through the list of people still living who might be able to rumble them to the police. Events in the past are slowly revealed... Air Date : 17th-May-1992 Read More