The Confidence Man - Season : 1

Season 1 Episode 1 - Episode 1

Ting Kok and his wife aim at raising fund for Brother Yat to settle down in his native country in his old age. They' then request Lai Kau and Mei Ho join "together to swindle Chan Chat. First of all, they made Chat believe that he could swindle‧ money easily from Siu Mui. Then they ask him to borrow some money from the casino supervisor, Span Bill, to gamble. Chat and Kok has swindled some money. Ball disguises to be a CID to check them. Kok pretends that he fears for the punishment and forces Chat to flee away with him without taking the money. Ball then takes the money away and sets, a fire to clear the evidence. Chat flees to Macau so as to avoid Bill. Ball and Suk Jing decide to get marry. Therefore, Ball arranges their parents to discuss their marriage. However, Jing "s Mum demands a lot. Siu Mui is very angry . Though Ball has to work very hard for marring Jing, he still feels very happy…… Air Date : 8th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 3 - Episode 3

In fact, Bon has not‧ brought the stolen money with him. He thinks that Fai gets rich because he has seized the money. Bon intents io get back his ~hares from Fai after he has settled down. ‧ Kau works in Fai's real estate company after graduate from university. He understands well the law of working. He aims at establishing a small family with his girlfriend, Ma Wai San, after he has some achievement, Though Bon has not yet got his shares, he still appears as a rich man. Bon meets his old girlfriend, Chiu Lai, and thinks that they could keep on their lovers relation. However, he discovers that Lai is Fai's wife when he meet the latter. Bon is very surprised. Bon sees that he has lost his old love, he thus determines to get back his shares. Fai expresses that 'he has not got any stolen money and thinks that Bon has got it instead. A great dispute arises among them…… Air Date : 12th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 4 - Episode 4

Chat backs to Hong Kong at the risk of his life. He wants to join with Kok again to swindle for money. Kok, indeed, does not want to swindle anymore. However, he is reluctant to see Chat to be caught. He then plots‧ to trap Chat. Ball gets some money unexpectedly, he immediately progresses to buy an estate. Jing wants to possess the estate with her name. Ball let her be. When Ball, arranges the decoration of the new estate, he discovers that Jin~ has sold the estate. She even swindle Ball's saving. Ball is heartbroken. Ball is in a bad mood after the incident. With his family member’s stupid consolation, he is nearly breakdown. Fai cares Fung a lot but Fung is cool to him. Fung is born by Fai's ex-wife. Fung's Mum has done something unfaithful to Fai. Fai does not want to spoil her mother's image, therefore, he does not tell Fung the truth…… Air Date : 13th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 5 - Episode 5

Ball drowns care in wine. He meets Fung and tells Fung his sadness. Fung consoles him. They talk harmoniously. Bon goes to ask Fai money for paying the gambling debt. However, he could not meet Fai. He then rebukes him in public. Fung then gets to know that his father was a swindler in the past. She is more disrespectful to her father. Fung again quarrels with her father. She even knows that his Father has bought a stock of her novels which hurts her esteem. She leaves home and aims at earning a living by herself. Ball discovers Jing's hidden place. He also knows that Jing has another lover. Bill wants to take revenge by violence but he does not have the courage to do so. Bon sympathizes Ball and teaches him some swindling skills. Bon joins Ball to swindle Jing. They eventually cheat back Jing's money. Air Date : 14th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 6 - Episode 6

After receiving money from Fai, Bon goes to gamble again. Unexpectedly, the police tries to annihilate the illegal casino and takes away all the gambling money and the gambling instruments. Bon is then arrested to the police station where he meets Chun Nam. Bon thinks that Nam could help him to get back his money. However, Nam could not do that. Bon thinks that Fai has joined with the police to plot against him. He then goes to Fai's company again to rebuke him. Kau helps Fai to deal with Bon. Bon thinks that Kau helps Fai to stand against him, therefore, he is very dissatisfied with Kau. Bon joins with Chan Chat to swindle money from Fai. Out of Expectation, Chat takes the money with him and goes away. Bon has to take up all the responsibility by himself. Fai hates Bon a lot and sends people to beat him. Bon then tries to conciliate with Fai. However, Fai does not accept his suggestion…… Air Date : 15th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 7 - Episode 7

With Fung's encouragement, Ball is determined to develop his career in the clerical field. However, his academic qualifi-cation is not up to standard and he also does not have any experience in the office environment. Therefore, he encounters a lot of difficulties and feels very disappointed. Fung tries to earn a living by herself but she still cannot find a job. With Nam's recommendation, Fung eventually gets an ideal job. Later, Fung finds out that it is her father to arrange job for her through Lam. Fung then refuses to accept the job as her self-esteem is being hurted. Ball eventually finds a job in a bank. He only works as an ordinary office boy. He silently carries on his duty for gaining more experience. Ball and Fung talks with each other in a bar. Ball advises Fung to conciliate with his father. Fung listens to his advice and returns home…… Air Date : 16th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 8 - Episode 8

Lai knows well that Fung is accustomed to live extravagantly. Lai fears that she would lose earning power. She then subsidizes her through Ball. When Fung knows that, she is greatly affected by her gratitude. Fung's prejudice on Lai is then alleviated. Bon pretends to be sick and asks Fung for money to cure his illness. He aims at capturing money for gambling. Fung does not want to ask Fai for money, she works as a waitress in a night club instead. Ball knows Bon's trick and stops Fung. Fung works in the bank where Ball also works in. They help and encourage each other. Self-confidence thus strengthens. Nam loves Fung all along but is not accepted by Fung. With San's encouragement he wants to express his love to Fung. He then asks Ball helping him to send the love letter. Ball fears that Nam would win the heart who he loves. Therefore, Ball refuses to help him…… Air Date : 19th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 9 - Episode 9

Fai is sure that Ki is a millionaire after he read Ki's news. He then sends Kau to investigate Ki. Fai hopes to cooperate with him in business so as to gain some benefit. Fai's sister, Mei Ngor comes to Hong Kong from China. Kau goes to pick her up. Kau sees that she is old-fashioned and uncom?fortably bewitching. Kau is so surprised when she ex?presses that she wants to become famous in the movie field with her talent. Nam tries to express his love to Fung in a hair saloon. However, he mistakenly expresses this to-a man and- makes the people roar with laughter. Fung thinks that he is just having fun and does not take it seriously. Nam makes an appointment with Fung again. He again expresses his love to Fung seriously. Fung frankly shows that she does not love him at all. Nam is very disappointed. Ball is very happy when he knows that Fung has refused Nam. He then chases Nam with relief. Mei Ho‧ loves Ball all along…… Air Date : 20th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 10 - Episode 10

When Ball tries to express his love to Fung, Ho hinders his action. She makes Fung misunderstand that she and Ball are lovers. Ball is very angry. Bon meets Ngor in the street who dressed beautifully and thinks that she must be very rich. Bon then conspires together with Ho to pretend as the executive producer. They falsely asks Ngor to act in a drama so as to swindle her some money. Ngor eventually knows that she is being cheated and is very angry. Fai wants to cooperate with Ki but he has no way. With no other way out, he eventually finds out that Ki has opened an account in the bank where Fung works in. Fai then asks Fung the information through Lai. Fung is reluctant to utilized by Fai and refuses to ?help him. Fai uses all sorts of schemes to make friend with Ki and eventually could cooperate with him in business. Unexpectedly, Ki is, indeed, an international swindler. He comes to HongKong to swindle the rich…… Air Date : 21st-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 11 - Episode 11

After Ki has killed the loan shark, he wants to impute the fault to one of the staff, Ah Hong. Later, Ki would place a bomb in the car to kill Hong and clear the evidence. Unexpectedly, Ball temporarily substitutes Hong and brings Fung along for a drive. Chan mistakenly exchanges the bag with the bomb for himself in confusion. He eventually dies. Ho discovers that Fung is the one Ball loved. She is very disap?pointed. She even misunderstands that Fung is a hypocrite who asks her to develop with Ball. He insults Fung directly. Ngor works as a temporary actor for a film production company. She meets Bon again when she works in the street for video ?recording. She recognizes that Bon has swindled her money. She then chases him. The scenes is very embarrassing. Ki loses Chan's help and has to postpone his plot. He then is forced to cooperate with Fai so as to compensate what he has lost on Chan. Air Date : 22nd-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 12 - Episode 12

Kau is enthusiastic in work and neglects San. San is very dis?satisfied. She claims that she would study abroad so as to test Kau. Out of expectation, Kau does not concern. She is very disappointed. Mei Ngor dreams at being a famous star. She is willing to pay for herself to issue her own record. However, she is cheated by the recording comp any. She then loses confidence in the Hong Kong people. Mei Ngor is so upset that she wants to kill herself. Fortunately, Bon passes by and consoles her. They becomes good friends. Ball shows good performance in the company and gets the chance to promote. He is very happy about that. After thorough consideration, San finds out that the characters of Kau and her do have great differences. She is then determined to leave Hong Kong for a while for both of them to think about their relation. The family members think that Kau would be very sad after he loses San. They therefore try to comfort him…… Air Date : 23rd-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 13 - Episode 13

One day, Kau gets drunk when he returns home. He then reveals that he is reluctant to see San leaving. The family members eventually understand that he is very sad deep inside his heart but he forces himself to be happy and relaxed on the surface. The family members sympathize him and comfort him. Fai hears that his good friend has suddenly passed away. The most regretful thing is that his friend could not reconcile himself with his children before he passed away. He then dies in sadness. Fai then regrets that he could not abandon his so-called self-esteem to recon ciliate with Fung. Lai tries her best to bring Fai and Fung together. Fai eventual?ly tells Fung the truth that her mother has been disloyal to Fai. Therefore, Fai has sent her away. Fung then is awaked. She regrets that she has misunderstood Fai for so many years. She then takes the initiative to reconcile with Fai. Fung sympathizes Kau and consoles him…… Air Date : 26th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 14 - Episode 14

Nam is injured when he is working. He lays in bed alone without anybody to take care of Fung sympathizes him and has spent a lot of time to take care him. Ho is reluctant to see Kau seizing the one Ball loves, she then arranges Fung to meet Ball when Kau is busy. Ho even teaches Ball to court Fung with some vulgar means. However, Ball refuses to do so. Bon discovers that Fai has cooperated with Ki and thus he is sure ‧that Fai has set up a swindling plot. Bon then takes the oppor?tunity to blackmail Fai. Fai refuses. Bon leaves angrily. - Bon then tries to destroy the cooperation between Fai and Ki. Fai fears that he would lose more than he would give Bon. Therefore, he gives some money to send Bon away. Nam is so sad that he drowned care in wine. He even goes to see Fung after drunk. He talks with Fung for the whole night. Next day, Kau arrives Fung's home and discovers that Nam has stayed in her home for the whole night…… Air Date : 27th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 15 - Episode 15

The relation between Kau and Fung are closer and closer. Fai thinks that Kau is aiming at his wealth. Therefore, he forces Kau to leave Fung. Nam is ordered to investigate Ki and discovers that Ki is related with a commercial crime. Nam tells Kau the case and asks Kau to remind Fai. Kau feels very insulted and swears that he must develop a career of his own. He wants to show off before Fai. When Kau has known Ki's real identity, he threatens him to ac?quire a large ~um of money. Then, he could have capital to develop his own business. On the surface, he obeys Ki. In fact, he do everything for himself and does not obey Ki. ? Air Date : 28th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 16 - Episode 16

Fung pretends to be pregnant so as to compel Fai allowing her to marry Kau. Unexpectedly, Fai insists. Ball understands that Fung and Kau are really in love with each other. He then is willing to give up Fung for the sake of Kau. He even asks Fai to do a favour for them. He eventually convinces Fai. Kis, indeed, more cunning and shrewd than Kau. He successfully plots against Kau. Kau is then accused of murder. Ki even threatens Kau to swindle Fai with him. Kau has no alternative and assents to his demand. Fai thinks that the cooperation with Fai would bring a great development to his business. He then accepts Ki's arrangement to invest all his assets in this project. He therefore needs a large sum of cash to act as solvent. ‧ Fai implores Fung to embezzle the funds from the bank she works for. He‧ aims at peculating a large sum of money Air Date : 29th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 17 - Episode 17

Fai thinks that their plan has been succeeded and wants to get back the profit from Ki. However, he is too late to know his real identity. Ki has already sent the cash overseas. Fai has no evidence to charge Ki. Fung gets involved into the incident. She has to make up the deficit amount with a short period of time. She shares her difficulty with Ball. Ball sympathizes her. Ball unintentionally discovers that Kau has known Ki's real identity. However, he does not tell the truth. Therefore, Ball is angry with Kau and wants Kau to help Fung. Kau has no way out in helping Fung. Ball misunderstands that Kau is reluctant to kelp Furrg . Therefore, he discloses Kau‧' s fault to the public. Fung is angry with Kau and is determined to leave him. Ball sympathizes Fung and comforts her. Fung is affected by Ball with gratitude. She gratdually develop a passion of love on Ball. Air Date : 30th-Aug-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 18 - Episode 18

Kau is rebuked by the people. He becomes a criminal. He is so ashamed of himself that he determines to leave. Ball risks to swindle again in the casino so as to get back the money for Fung. However, the good fortune is not with him. Fung still thanks him a lot. Fung knows well that Ball helps her out of love. She then induces Ball to tell her the truth. Ball eventually tells Fung that he do love her a lot. Fung falls into a dilemma. Ball meets Fung Kwan in the street and tells the family. They all thinks that Ball is joking. Later, Ball brings Kwan home. They all feel very surprised and happy. In fact, Kwan has been saved by some people after he had fell into the sea. He has lost contact with them. Ball knows that Ki will leave Hong Kong very soon. He wants to cheat back the money but he knows that his swindling skills could not win Ki. He then ask Kwan to join him plotting against Ki. Air Date : 2nd-Sep-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 19 - Episode 19

Ball sets up the plot. He asks Kwan to disguise himself. He also asks Kwan to use his swindling skills. He is determined to cheat back the money. San backs to Hong Kong after graduation. She has known that Fung and Kau are dating with each other before she left. She asks their recent situation and knows that Fung and Ball are now in love with each other. Nam is addicted to gambling after he was disappointed in love. He even borrows money from Ball for gambling. They feel that it is a pity for him. In fact, Kwan has pretended to be drowned. He plots to seize all the stealing- money. Kwan helps Ki to escape and shows up again. However, Ball does not know at all. When Ki and Kwan have known that Nam is in financial difficulty, they takes the opportunity to tempt Nam joining them. They hopes that it could beat Ball. Air Date : 3rd-Sep-1991  Read More

Season 1 Episode 20 - Episode 20

Nam discovers that he is utilized by Kwan and Ki, He feels very insulted. He abuses his authority to fire the people angrily at the last moment. Ball pretends to be hurted by the gun and seizes the money. Nam's case annoys the police and also discloses their illegal dealing. Kwan takes the opportunity to impute the fault to Kau. Kau then flees away. Ki is caught by the Chinese police in the high seas. He is then imprisoned in China. Ball takes revenge on Kwan when he knows his real identity.? Would Kwan have the deserved punishment? When Kau returns home, he must be ashamed of' himself before Fung and her family. How could Fung solve the triangle love relationship among Ball, Kau and her? Air Date : 4th-Sep-1991  Read More

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