The story started off with the devoted Royal Bodyguard JIANG FLING (the father of the twins) sending his pregnant wife away to safety and rounding up his properties because he was to launch his very dangerous plan to rescue the queen who had been taken prisoner by rebels conspiring to overthrow the Royal Family. On the other hand, inside the 'Floral Palace', two princesses were quarrelling between themselves as both loved JIANG but JIANG liked neither. Instead JIANG had ran off with one of the maids in the Palace and the princesses felt it was the greatest insult possible. In furious jealousy, they determined to revenge. The rescue plan eventually pulled through after much fighting and bloodshed and JIANG escorted the queen to the rendezvous where his wife was waiting for him desperately. Air Date : 7th-May-1979 Read More
YEN returned to the deserted temple and discovered the dead couple with a baby lying beside them. He carried off the baby and decided to take refuge in 'The Valley of the Bad'. When YEN tried to enter the Valley, a vigorous fight broke out between him and the gang of bandits occupying the Valley and YEN ended up in near-fatal wounds. Nevertheless, his life was spared by a doctor in the gang who proposed to use him as a guinea pig for his medical experiments. It soon turned out that the bandits were not that bad after all. They were merely a group of Kung Fu experts with odd characters who could not get along with the orthodoxy. Air Date : 8th-May-1979 Read More
Ten years passed and the hint for YEN and the queen was relaxed. 'HWAH WU JIER' (one of the twins brought up by the two Floral Palace princesses) grew up to become a fine young man, well- trained by 'Moon' in Kung Fu fighting. During this period, a rumor was spread amongst the Kung Fu circle that a treasure was hidden in the 'Spiritual Palace' and the one who found it would become the richest man on earth. The ten bandits in the Valley intended to set out for same but 'JIANG YUE' (the other twin brother who was brought up by the bandits) showed his intelligence and leadership by analyzing the situation and pointing out that the whole thing could only be a bait. YEN was all the time paralyzed showing no sign of recovery. Accidentally the doctor revealed to JIANG that he was brought into the Valley by YEN.… ... Air Date : 9th-May-1979 Read More
After his escape from the Valley, JIANG encountered ZHIANG QIN (nicknamed the little angel) who was seen chasing after a young girl TIER XIN LAN for a map indicating the location of a treasure. JIANG managed to steal the map just to make fun o f the two but ZH IANG thought i t was no joke. With the help of her fighters, ZHIANG captured JIANG and forced him to surrender the map. JIANG refused and was jailed in an underground cell which was used as a laboratory. JIANG managed to break out of the cell but was soon re- captured. JIANG decided that it was better to kill JTANG quickly so she threw him into an ice cabin and left him to die. Air Date : 10th-May-1979 Read More
Just when JIANG was about to die in the ice cabin, 'OX' and 'GOAT' of the 'Gang of the Twelve Stars' broke in and rescued him. Knowing JIANG had seen the treasure map, they forced him to lead the way to the treasure. They finally made it to the cave where the treasure was purportedly hidden and was astonished to find that a great number of treasure hunters were already there but there was absolutely no treasure at all. HWAH suddenly appeared and told everyone that they were all being fooled as the treasure infect did not exist. Amongst the treasure hunters was TIER whom HWAH fell in love with at first sight. But TIER was already in love with JIANG and so she avoided HWAH, upsetting him tremendously. HWAH found out that JIANG was the person whom he was instructed to kill. A fight broke out between the two. JIANG was no match to HWAH and was forced down a steep cliff. Air Date : 11th-May-1979 Read More
JIANG was not killed but was badly injured. He was rescued by a young girl XAU DFE MEE and taken to her home. XAU lived in a cave where she kept a number of handsome young man for sustaining her lusty life. XAU liked JIANG and proposed to make him 'first boy'. JIANG refused and escaped with another man YUE LANG. JIANG accidentally discovered that YUE LANG also possessed a copy of the false treasure map. He decided to find out more about this. YUE LANG told him that the map was stolen from his father - HAWK who was a famous Kung Fu expert from the South. JIANG followed YUE LANG to his house and searched his father's library. He realized that HAWK was the man who issued those false treasure maps but could not figure out his intention. Air Date : 14th-May-1979 Read More
HAWK came to know that JIANG was trying to unveil his false treasure map plot. To avoid possible complications, he captured JIANG. HAWK also knew that an assassinator was around waiting for a chance to murder him. He wanted to find out more about this assassinator so he put JIANG in his own bed and awaited patiently for the killer to appear. The assassinator turned up one night but HWAH stopped her from killing the man in the bed (supposed to be HAWK). They tore open the bed curtains and discovered that it was JIANG lying in the bed. The assassinator was TIER. HKAH, realizing JIANG was still alive, wanted to kill him. TIER managed to help JIANG escaped. JIANG fled from the house and bumped into a masked lady (the false queen). The false queen questioned JIANG about a lot, of things and then began to like him. She wanted to teach JIANG martial arts but JIANG wanted to be free.… ... Air Date : 15th-May-1979 Read More
JIANG overheard HAWK and YUE LANG's plan to hi-jack a cart carrying a huge sum of money belonging to the DUEN family. He disguised himself as a laborer in DUEN's house to observe the developments. One day, a few common herbal medicines were suddenly sold out in the town. Then TIER was found to be poisoned and she would require those medicines urgently. HWAH set off to locate the medicines and found them all in the CMU farm. HIUAH therefore suggested CHIU was behind the poisoning of TIER. On the other hand, JIANG discovered that the medicines were in fact smuggled into the CHIU farm without CHIU's knowledge. Again it was a plot planned by the unscrupulous HAWK. JIANG tried to reveal the truth but no one would believe him and a heated quarrel followed. Air Date : 16th-May-1979 Read More
Again JIANG was no match to HWAH but he was rescued by the LO brothers. JIANG tried to design a plot to trap HWAK but HWAH intervened and destroyed the plan. HWAK came to know that JIANG was the baby boy whom YEN brought into the 'Valley of the Bad' many years ago. HWAK then realized that JIANG's father must be JIANG FLING and the woman he rescued was the queen. Air Date : 17th-May-1979 Read More
When the false queen and HWAK reached the Valley of the Bad, they discovered that YEN had already fled. HWAK suggested JIANG would eventually found YEN so they decided to trail JIANG. On the other hand, HWAH was jealous of TIER's love for JIANG and eventually he succeeded in forcing JIANG to a fight but conceded to have same taken place in three months' time It turned out that the LO brothers were in fact members of the Valley of the Bad who escaped twenty years ago with a stolen treasure. The bandits trapped the LO brothers and killed them. Then they set off to recover the stolen treasure. Suddenly a mysterious 'Mister Copper-face' appeared and held JIANG in captive. It turned out that this mysterious figure was in fact the Floral Palace princess MOON who wanted to make sure that JIANG was not to be harmed until his committed fight with MVAH.… ... Air Date : 18th-May-1979 Read More
The false queen disclosed to HAWK that she was originally the elder sister of 'MOON' and 'STAR' of the Floral Palace but was driven away because their master did not like her. Because she was the sister of the real queen and she looked like her, she had captured the queen (later saved by JIANG FLING) and disguised herself as the queen instead. She would do anything possible to prevent her true identity discovered. HAWK decided he could use the false queen to eliminate JIANG. When 'Mister Copper-face' discovered that she and JIANG were being trailed, she took JIANG back to the Floral Palace for safety. The false queen followed and ordered 'MOON' and 'STAR' to kill JIANG. 'MOON' and 'STAR' disclosed to the false queen their complicated plan of revenge and begged the false queen to spare JIANG's life until after the scheduled fight. The false queen agreed. JIANG managed to escape from the Floral Palace.… ... Air Date : 21st-May-1979 Read More
THREE LIGHTS told JIANG that YEE's base was in the Tortoise Mountain. JIANG knew that the bandits from the Valley of the Bad would be going there and wanted to go and give them a hand against YEE. YUE LANG managed to escape but then was caught by YEN. YUE LANG out-witted YEN and killed him. JIANG came to YEN's rescue but discovered the dead man was in fact not YEN. JIANG actually had no intention to fight HWAH and he went to the Floral Palace to investigate why 'MOON' and 'STAR' were so determined to make them fight. At the same time YEE's followers were trying to besiege the Floral Palace but HWAH fought off the invaders. HWAH and TIER were on their way to the Tortoise Mountain when PAK attacked them and injured HWAH.… ... Air Date : 22nd-May-1979 Read More
JIANG tried to investigate YEE's secrets but fell into a trap and was injured. S00 PING rescued JIANG from YEE and fell in love with JIANG. She wanted to detain JIANG until he had recovered but JIANG, with the help of the six bandits of the Valley of the Bad, escaped. On the other hand, PAK also managed to rescue YUE LANG and HWAH from S00's captivity. PAK decided that if he could get hold of JIANG, S00 would be willing to reveal the Kung Fu secrets in return for JIANG's safety. So YLJE LANG lied to JIANG saying that HWAH was in their hands and had been poisoned, only S00 could save him. In a struggle to save HWAH, JIANG was accidentally pushed down a stiff cliff. S00 hurried to the scene and jumped down the cliff after JIANG. 'MOON' learned about this and was very disappointed as everyone thought JIANG and S00 had been killed.… ... Air Date : 23rd-May-1979 Read More
When JIANG and HIVAH were about to start fighting, JIANG was found poisoned by YUE LANG and fainted. MOON and STAR did not want JIANG to be killed in that way and set out with HWAH, TIER etc. for YUEN LAND and his medicine. Unfortunately, they were captured by YEE. Twenty years ago, YEE proposed to marry MOON but was refused. Thus he swore that he must revenge. When the group was trapped in his cave, YEE sealed up all the exits and indulged in an intellectual battle with JIANG. YEE was defeated and committed suicide but the group was still trapped there waiting desperately for help. Air Date : 24th-May-1979 Read More
HWAH and TIER managed to find the way out of the cave but were captured by the six bandits. Knowing that the group was trapped, the bandits decided to wait and hunt for the treasure in the cave after their death. At the gambling stall put up by THREE LIGHTS and SPIDER, the WU YUNG sisters won them out and forced SPIDER to marry their youngest sister as their love affair has been revealed. From the bandits, THREE LIGHTS knew that his friends were trapped in the cave and succeeded in persuading the bandits to rescue the group. They}opened up the cave but found the group already fled through the underground waterway. YUE LANG managed to spot YEN who was hiding in the hills and being looked after by WEN for his recovery. HWAH reported to the false queen and they set out for YEN. Air Date : 25th-May-1979 Read More
The false queen, HWAK and YUE LANG located YEN and forced him to lead the way to the true queen. YEN agreed on condition that they must surrender JIANG FUNG's servant - JIANG KAN who betrayed his master twenty years ago. To avoid further delay, the false queen took HWAK as the scapegoat by deceiving YEN to believe that he is JIANG KAN. YEN insisted that HWAK must be killed by JIANG who is to take revenge for his parents before he told where the true queen was. The false queen had no choice but to look for JIANG. Discovering nothing in the cave, THREE LIGHTS and the bandits rushed to attend the wedding of SPIDER and the WU YUNG's youngest sister.… ... Air Date : 28th-May-1979 Read More
Despite the fact that MIAH prepared to be killed, JIANG was wounded fatally during the fight and lay dead. After examine JIANG who has no more breath, MOON and STAR revealed their kinship to HWAH as planned and disclosed every- thing happened twenty years ago. HWAH was shocked. JIANG suddenly came back alive and told his secret of having taken some herbal drugs to stop breathing temporarily. Moon sensed the fallacy of endless revenge and gradually lost her extreme thinking. The false queen took HWAK there and claimed he was JIANG KAN. She asked JIANG to follow her to see YEN. In fact she was thinking of eliminating JIANG and HWAH in the Spiritual Palace. Air Date : 29th-May-1979 Read More