Everything started with the experimental so-called "Amazon Project" which aimed to grow artificial life forms into humanoids. Two years ago, an accident occurred inside the research facility and four thousand test subjects with a preference for human-derived protein were released into the city. Air Date : 1st-Apr-2016 Read More
The extermination squad is overwhelmed by the number Amazons that turn up one after another. Jin reveals the truth about himself to Haruka and declares that all the Amazons must be hunted down. This is also meant as a warning to Haruka, who, himself, is an Amazon. Haruka's inner beast awakens. Air Date : 8th-Apr-2016 Read More
Haruka, beginning to fear his inner beast, goes to his mother, Mizusawa Reika, to find out more about his true identity. He learns an unexpected truth about himself. In the meantime, the extermination squad rushes to the apartment building where the signal from the test subject is originating from. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2016 Read More
In order to hold back the horde of test subjects, Haruka and the extermination squad are forced to barricade themselves in. Jin is led astray with false information The more Haruka fights, the more the Amazon within him awakens, to the point where it seems that no one will be able to stop him. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2016 Read More
Haruka is ordered by Reika to return home. However, he is hesitant to return.Shido turns up together with the rest of the extermination squad... Fed up with waiting for Haruka to return, Mizuki decides to go to the Nozama Pharmaceutical Research Institute by herself. She gets into a taxi, however... Air Date : 29th-Apr-2016 Read More
Haruka rushes to Mizuki's aid and starts fighting with the test subjects. However, he goes berzerk during the battle and loses all sense of reason. He fears he is losing control. He heads to Nozama Pharma tries to get the answers he needs from Jin, an Amazon just like him who is being held captive.... Air Date : 6th-May-2016 Read More
A body is found near the scrapyard. Since there appear to be similarities between it and a previously exterminated test subject, Haruka and the extermination squad head to the scene of the crime. However, what awaited them there was a sad fate and a cruel truth. Air Date : 13th-May-2016 Read More
Haruka hesitates to exterminate the Shrike Amazon because it is a test subject. Haruka must overcome his half-hearted resolve in order to rise up to Jin and Shido's expectations. The time to be assertive has come, and now, everyone's sense of justice will be put to the test. Air Date : 20th-May-2016 Read More
A few Amazons were living quietly in a secluded restaurant. Haruka is amazed to discover the reason for which the Amazons gathered together... Jin is called in by Yugo Tachibana. However, he does not expect to encounter the person he is about to meet there. Air Date : 27th-May-2016 Read More
Nothing can withstand the overwhelming power of Amazon Sigma. Meanwhile, Reika Mizusawa is putting operation "TLALOC" into motion. The aim of this is to annihilate all Amazons. Divergences erupt within the extermination squad as Haruka tries to prevent the coming genocide... Air Date : 3rd-Jun-2016 Read More
Haruka is suffering from the mortal blow he received from Amazon Sigma. Tachibana, who is against wiping out all the Amazons with operation "TLALOC", springs into action. In the end, Haruka and Jin will face-off as mortal enemies in the vicinity of the TLALOC activation device. Air Date : 10th-Jun-2016 Read More
Operation TLALOC has been initiated. Jin Takayama hunts the Amazons with the fierceness of one possessed. Mizuki heads towards Haruka's location. Haruka is unable to muster the same feeling towards all Amazons. During all of this confusion, a strange change occurs in Mamoru's physical condition... Air Date : 17th-Jun-2016 Read More
A great many Amazons have been wiped out from the city. However, reports come in that some areas still harbour survivors. Although the extermination squad had disbanded, they will once again join forces in a hopeless struggle to ensure the survival of Haruka and Mamoru. A devastating ending awaits. Air Date : 24th-Jun-2016 Read More