Released to commemorate Kamen Rider 555's 20th anniversary, the film takes place after the ending of the TV series. Masato Kusaka and Mari Sonoda are fighting a new iteration of Smart Brain led by Kitazaki, who begins an operation to exterminate all Orphnochs, with Takumi Inui seemingly working with them for unknown reasons since his disappearance.
Eiji Hino returns to Japan and delivers some shocking news to Hina...
As the ancient king OOO continues his onslaught on humanity, Kougami gathers his former employees to create a resistance... and introduce a new weapon in the fight!
In order to counter the rapidly increasing organized crime, the development of Polymar Suits resumed under the direction of the newly inaugurated police superintendent. But when three of the test version Polymar Suits are stolen, former street fighter and current detective Takeshi Yoroi is tasked with recovering them and the invincible hero Hurricane Polymar is born!
Goro is a sommelier who transforms into the titular Kamen Rider G to fight the former anti-terrorism unit Shade, who captured and brainwashed him into a soldier, before the unit went underground due to the use of kidnapped people as supersoldiers. During a raid at TV Asahi led by Daidō Oda, who demands the release of their imprisoned leader, Seizan Tokugawa, Goro encounters his girlfriend Eri Hinata. She jogs his memory and he attacks his former comrades while getting Eri out of harm's way. This makes Oda reveal his true form as the Phylloxera Worm while his subordinates transform into the Acarina Worm, the Subst Worm, the Brachypelma Worm Viridis, and the Cochlea Worm to attempt to destroy the traitor. After an extended fight across the city and countryside, G manages to defeat Phylloxera Worm thanks to the encouragement of Decade and the other primary Heisei Riders appearing before him. Running off, Goro vows to save the world from Shade before returning to Eri.
When the Hulk's presence on Earth becomes too great a risk, the Illuminati trick him to board a shuttle destined for a planet where he will be able to live in peace, and launch it into space. The Hulk's struggle to escape causes the shuttle to malfunction and crash land on the planet Sakaar, however, where he is sold into slavery and trained as a gladiator.
Director Quentin Tarantino tasked Eli Roth to craft a mini-movie called Stolz der Nation (Nation's Pride) that will be included in the theatrical cut of Inglourious Basterds. To help promote Inglourious Basterds via the film-within-a-film, Roth has slapped together a trailer for Nation's Pride blending black and white photography with modern multi-layered camera effects.
A martial artist finds himself transported to another world where he must battle monsters, evil wizards, zombies, and other threats. Can he save everyone and get back to Earth?
In the film, the Crisis Empire devise a plan to defeat Kohtaro Minami by reverting him back to his old form of Kamen Rider Black and sending out several revived monsters after him. However, Kamen Rider Black is assisted by another RX, who used a time warp to help his past self. The two are joined by RX's alternate forms of Robo Rider and Bio Rider and the four Kamen Riders combine their powers to defeat the revived monsters.
The members of the Super GUTS force, one of whom is secretly Ultraman Dyna, are in the middle of a losing battle against an enormous monster on the surface of the moon, when suddenly a spaceship appears and saves them by zapping the beast. The crew of the ship claim to members of the world peace force that originally created the Super GUTS force, and they invite the GUTS members to enter their brainwave patterns into the ship's battle computer so it can be a more effective fighting system. It sounds like a good idea, but could they have some other plan up their sleeves?
Tsukasa travels to his home world of the World of Decade, where he discovers the origin of his powers and his true heritage as the leader of Dai-Shocker. The film features all ten of the lead Heisei Kamen Riders, as well as all of the Shōwa period Kamen Riders, leading to a total of 25 Riders.