Seventeenth century. Set in a small village, nestled between the sea and the mountain, the father of Alan, a young fifteen-year-old boy, has sold himself for two years to indentured service. Alan is forced to take the place of his father and struggles to support his family.
When a young woman accepts a position as a receptionist, she finds herself falling for the boss, and entering a world of drama and danger.
Desperate to support his family and crops, a Cuban farmer and music promoter gambles everything on a deal that appears too good to be true.
Baron Potowski, a vampire of good composition, expropriated from his vault in the Montparnasse cemetery, is forced to live in low-cost housing, in the midst of the living.
During the Ramadan month, Baedah, who is accustomed to "ndobel", returns to the seven dailies of his neighbor's death. Mardiyah, who did not receive the blessing of rice because of Baedah's actions, became furious and eventually invited the residents to frighten Baedah by pretending to be a haunting spirit. Baedah also received terror for his behavior which also affected his family.
Two different moments in his life. The first love and the real love. Traumas from the past stick like chlorine in water.
A university student has the usual dreams and aspirations. It turns out to be a pipe dream and so she murders her own flesh and blood. The usual media heads seek an answer in order to sell copy. A psychologist is writing a book about the character and incident. Her research for the subject matter turn the psychologist inward and things come out of the shadows that perhaps are better left buried deep in the shadows of the psyche.
Princess Marusya once fell in love with the serious, businesslike doctor Toporkov, and it took her whole life for this man to one day turn away from his business and look into her eyes. Her days were already numbered. And she herself, and her love, and his attention, and their short happiness - all this is like belated flowers...
The heavenly maiden comes to earth in the form of a mortal and with her kung fu skills stamps out some evil doers.