Loona 1/3 have rested and are ready to take photos. HaSeul shares her lovely singing voice with the camera. HaSeul says that filming will continue tomorrow as only some of the scenes are set in New Zealand but the rest are in Hong Kong. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2017
The first episode featuring ViVi is shown but this is before ViVi’s actual debut and solo song. ViVi is shy on camera and HaSeul asks her how she feels about shooting overseas. ViVi says it’s good to go to Hong Kong and New Zealand. HaSeul tells the audience that ViVi is the oldest but sometimes looks the youngest. HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul and ViVi share strawberries at the airport before departing overseas again. Air Date : 13th-Mar-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 members are on their flight and arrive in Hong Kong but must take another flight to New Zealand. HaSeul starts talking with a man who is interested in her. The other girls giggle and fuss over the situation. HaSeul explains that the foreign man asked her why she was going to New Zealand and HeeJin says that he knows whose best. HaSeul is shy about HeeJin’s compliment. Air Date : 14th-Mar-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 have arrived in Auckland and it is raining, HeeJin and HyunJin take selfies in their hotel room. HyunJin is practicing dancing behind ViVi in the hotel room and then starts showing off how many push-ups she can do. ViVi is tied and wants to go to sleep. Air Date : 15th-Mar-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 go to an amusement park but HyunJin finds the rides boring. HyunJin and HaSeul go on a scarier ride that tests HyunJin’s stoicism. Air Date : 16th-Mar-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 are going to a café in downtown Auckland and share delicious desserts together. HyunJin eats a whole macaron in one bite. Air Date : 20th-Mar-2017 Read More
It’s night time in New Zealand, HaSeul talks about their visit to an amusement park and also eating desserts. HeeJin says she had so much fun and that she hopes filming will be fun always. HyunJin is filming at the “rest room” and says she liked the amusement park so much and had fun hanging out with the other members. ViVi says she was happy because she had fun, got to eat desserts and went to a beautiful shop so it was the perfect day. HaSeul thanks the members of Loona 1/3 and YeoJin. Air Date : 22nd-Mar-2017 Read More
It’s the third day in New Zealand and HyunJin has a cold. They have gone to the sea and HyunJin want’s to go fishing and catch ViVi. The weather is much better today and the girls goof off behind the scenes. They share lunch together but HaSeul says that their manager ate all the food though. Air Date : 23rd-Mar-2017 Read More
ViVi is wearing the gym clothes to prepare for filming but rain has returned which disrupts their day. It stops raining briefly so ViVi must film her running scenes out in a field whilst the weather is clear. Loona 1/3 also film their dancing scenes for Love and Live. Air Date : 27th-Mar-2017 Read More
Filming begins on a running track and the girls are working hard on their running scenes. The heat is affecting the members of Loona 1/3. HeeJin films a first person view of her running. Air Date : 28th-Mar-2017 Read More
The weather has become sunny and the girls take selfies during their break. The continue to film scenes for Love and Live and their scenes for New Zealand are finally finished, except for ViVi who has gone to another location to film the final scene. Air Date : 30th-Mar-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 prepare to leave for Hong Kong to continue filming. The girls are looking at the snacks in a vending machine but the machine takes their managers money without giving them any food. HyunJin takes her rage out against the machine. Air Date : 4th-Apr-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 arrive in Hong Kong, HaSeul greets the audience in English but forgets their group name. ViVi speaks to Loona fans in Chinese and HyunJin tries to mimic her but struggles to speak the language. Air Date : 5th-Apr-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 have rested and are ready to take photos. HaSeul shares her lovely singing voice with the camera. HaSeul says that filming will continue tomorrow as only some of the scenes are set in New Zealand but the rest are in Hong Kong. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2017 Read More
Filming has begun in Hong Kong and the girls are top of a building to do dancing scenes. HeeJin is helping ViVi with her lines to mouth her lines properly during filming. Air Date : 9th-Apr-2017 Read More
Photos are now being taken in a park, ViVi says that it is refreshing because she is a native (to Hong Kong). HyunJin shows off her canines and meows with HaSeul. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2017 Read More
HaSeul is missing YeoJin and scenes are shown of her talking about YeoJin or pointing out things that remind HaSeul of her. She says a message to the camera to YeoJin and HyunJin also sends YeoJin a message through facial expressions. Air Date : 14th-Apr-2017 Read More
Filming has started in a soccer field, HyunJin explains that she’s good at soccer but she can’t play right now because she’s wearing heels. She tries to play soccer with some local boys in her heels but is outplayed. Next is basketball, HyunJin shows her prowess in shooting hoops. HeeJin says that HyunJin was a member of her school soccer club, table tennis club, basketball club, and a tennis or badminton club. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2017 Read More
Loona 1/3 has arrived at another site near a school. Students are yelling out to the members and welcoming them from their building. The members are filming choreography shots and HyunJin pops a big balloon. HeeJin, HyunJin and HaSeul film a scene where they walk away from ViVi and shouts can be heard from the students off in the distance because the nature of the scene is so callous! ViVi yells a thank you out to the students for their support. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2017 Read More
Filming continues on the school site, HaSeul shows her rapping skills by pretending she is on Show Me The Money and a rap battle between HyunJin and HaSeul begins. HyunJin feels embarrassed and sings Do You Want to Build a Snowman instead. Air Date : 18th-Apr-2017 Read More
It’s revealed that Loona 1/3 have now spent eleven days overseas during the shooting for Love and Live and a montage of moments over the last eleven days is played. Shooting is finally finished and the girls are returning home to Korea. HeeJin says that they experienced the Curse of HaSeul (bad weather) a lot during their time abroad. Air Date : 19th-Apr-2017 Read More
A short recap on the previous 98 episodes is played in anticipation for episode 100. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2017 Read More
The first five members of Loona have gathered for their special 100th episode of Loona TV. The girls recap on their experiences so far and explain that Episode #101 begins with ViVi’s Busan filming for her upcoming solo. Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2017 Read More