Annu organises a cricket match screening at Prinsu, the Nagar Palika election candidate's bungalow, hoping to get a gas agency license in return. Mishra Ji joins the gathering. Meanwhile, Aman despite being told to study for his board exams, decides to sneak into the screening. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021
Mishra house has received an inflated electricity bill. While a lot of speculation goes into how the bill has exceeded all limits, it is revealed that this problem has struck other households in the colony too. This turns out to be a great oppurunity for Santosh Mishra to make some extra money and fulfil a few family dreams. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021 Read More
Shanti Mishra is dragged to a free medical camp by Bittu ki mummy and is surprised that she has been diagnosed with diabetes. There is a kitty party round the corner which has already been planned and Mummy is in no mood to cancel the same. Mishra ji realises this and says that the boys will do the preparation. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021 Read More
Annu gets a call where he is summoned to Pinky Mama’s house for 2 weeks as his daughter Raanu is getting married. The entire family gets excited and starts preparing. But the excitement disappears soon when the wedding card arrives and it doesn’t mention ‘Saparivaar’. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021 Read More
Annu organises a cricket match screening at Prinsu, the Nagar Palika election candidate's bungalow, hoping to get a gas agency license in return. Mishra Ji joins the gathering. Meanwhile, Aman despite being told to study for his board exams, decides to sneak into the screening. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021 Read More
D day for Mishra family. Today is the day Annu is supposed to get his gas agency license and Aman gets his board results. A big day for them both. Air Date : 15th-Jan-2021 Read More