The first of a two-episode story arc, this episode begins the story of Maya Misutani, an average Japanese high school girl who is transported to an alternate dimension and inadvertently fulfills a legend. Maya is transported to another world, where she meets 2 lizard like creatures (named Heckle and Jaekel, a reference to Heckle and Jeckle) who use trickery to convince her to take all of her clothes off where she is sold into slavery to Lord Estilgar, and used in experiments to turn her into a sex slave. She escapes and evades recapture by using a hidden power within herself to slaughter her opponents. This display of power gets the attention of two warring human and alien factions. Maya is recaptured, subjected to more sexual experiments, and is transformed into a hermaphrodite. Air Date : 18th-Dec-1996
An innocent girl named Ai is lured by her curiosity into the underground world of sado-masochists and exhibitionists by a couple who visits the club where she and her girlfriends are visiting. For some strange reason, Ai follows the two, and is drawn into a world of bondage and rough sex. The experience transforms the girl, who embraces the lifestyle, and a weird but romantic relation with a man she is drawn to. Air Date : 25th-Apr-1995 Read More
A reclusive young man and his younger sister live in a mansion together, where the young man frequently hosts sex parties every night, which he watches in his room via a network of surveillance cameras. It is later revealed that he wants to have sex with his sister, which he eventually does in a consensual scene near the end of the episode. Air Date : 21st-Oct-1995 Read More
Lover Doll An anthropomorphic female rabbit is held in a cell as sexual slave. Soon, a Catgirl enters her room and has sex with the rabbit through the cell. Later, a man comes in and punishes the Catgirl for wandering off, then proceeds to rape her. Winter Swimsuit With a subtle BDSM premise, a teenage couple has sex in what seems to be a closed public bath house at night in the middle of winter. A reluctant girl is fondled, has her bathing suit cut off to expose her erogenous zones, and is coerced into performing various sex acts by her unnamed male partner. Enema An unnamed girl is coaxed into having sex in the women's bathroom. The ensuing sex acts culminate in anal sex which cures her constipation. Air Date : 21st-Feb-1996 Read More
The episode begins when a young blue-haired woman is shown having sex with a group of weird men, afterwards they throw her into an oubliette where she then emerges as a butterfly. In what seems to be an island paradise, two well-endowed girls called Rui and Kirei are on vacation. As time progresses, they notice that there is something unusual with the natives and the beautiful butterflies that inhabit the island. As they begin to notice these oddities, they begin to have sex with each other and the natives. The episode ends with the girls being gang raped, then thrown down the same oubliette from the beginning of the episode, and emerging as butterflies. Air Date : 21st-Mar-1996 Read More
The story begins when an ordinary girl named Marino Okura-(a virgin) is being chased by two young men who are revealed to be human traffickers. After getting captured, she is then shown in their car nervous and scared. When she attempts to escape, she is pulled back and brought into the estate of the dominatrix Saki and her unnamed master. Saki and her master spend the episode training Marino to be their sex slave, a process which involves Marino being forced to perform various sex acts and submit to the demands of her masters. As the episode progresses, it becomes apparent that Saki's current master is actually the son of her original master, now deceased. Saki's original master made a living as a world-famous bondage artist. This, however, was only his public face. His true face was that of a masochist female dominator. The episode culminates with Marino being left chained in a cell to await her next "session". Air Date : 21st-Jul-1996 Read More
This episode is a continuation of Operation 05, and takes place during a sex party commemorating the anniversary of Saki's master's death. Saki presents the guests with a gift: Marino and two other girls (Momomi and Haruka), as their sex toys for the evening. Despite the introduction of new characters, this episode focuses mostly on Saki and her relationship with her previous master. Scenes of Saki reminiscing about her S&M training as a child are interspersed with displays of Marino and the other girls being subjected to humiliation and torture at Saki's hands. As Saki masturbates to thoughts of her deceased master, the three slaves enter the room, armed with bondage equipment, and take Saki back to the main party hall. Here, her current master presents Saki to the party guests for their enjoyment. Saki is subjected to much the same treatment to which she earlier exposed the other girls and is gang-raped; the episode ends with Saki being chained in a cell of her own. Air Date : 21st-Sep-1996 Read More
Yellow Star (イエロースター Ierōsutā) – Ayana's mother marries a famous detective and introduce him to Ayana. The detective is mysterious and furtive, a 'hero' in local media, who had been following the distribution of an illegal drug, called "yellow star", which is a mild hallucinogen, paralyzing agent, and aphrodisiac. Ayana brags about how big her new father is to her boyfriend, Kohei. The detective is revealed to be corrupt, killing a competitor on a train by placing an explosive device near him. He thanks two shadowy figures who provided him with both the explosive and "yellow star". He grows close to Ayana and hatches various plans. It becomes apparent that the detective is buying a steady supply of the illegal drug as part of a long-term strategy to sexually abuse his stepdaughter. The abuse escalates as Ayana herself becomes addicted to Yellow Star, unable to refuse her new father's increasingly violent sexual fantasies. Ayana's abuse culminates in her gang rape at the hands of her stepfather and two well-endowed drug manufacturers. After the incident, Ayana realises the abuse will continue with more rape and drug abuse. She kills her stepfather and returns to a normal life with her boyfriend, Kohei. In the final scene, Ayana waits in a park for Kohei (who believes she remains a virgin for him) but is abducted before they can meet. The two men who kidnapped her are soon revealed to be the distributors of "yellow star" and force her into another abusive encounter with them. It is implied that their endless supply of Yellow Star will equate to Ayana's endless gang-rape. The character designer for this episode was Yasuomi Umetsu. It can be seen as a precursor to Kite. In a scene cut from the original, the two Yellow Star manufacturers are shown to be demanding to engage in sexual activity with Ayana as their price for access to the drug. Air Date : 30th-Nov-1996 Read More
The first of a two-episode story arc, this episode begins the story of Maya Misutani, an average Japanese high school girl who is transported to an alternate dimension and inadvertently fulfills a legend. Maya is transported to another world, where she meets 2 lizard like creatures (named Heckle and Jaekel, a reference to Heckle and Jeckle) who use trickery to convince her to take all of her clothes off where she is sold into slavery to Lord Estilgar, and used in experiments to turn her into a sex slave. She escapes and evades recapture by using a hidden power within herself to slaughter her opponents. This display of power gets the attention of two warring human and alien factions. Maya is recaptured, subjected to more sexual experiments, and is transformed into a hermaphrodite. Air Date : 18th-Dec-1996 Read More
Continuing the story, Maya is transferred to a dominatrix who is given instructions to break her will and turn her into a sex slave. About this time, two members from one of the human factions are sent to investigate the power that was unleashed by Maya, citing a prophecy of a warrior long held in their culture. In captivity, Maya meets another slave, Leyna, who is now used for sex. They escape, but are quickly caught. Leyna is punished through sexual intercourse. Meanwhile, the dominatrix implants a parasitic alien mass into Maya's uterus through her mechanically stretched vagina to lower her inhibitions and forces her to copulate with Leyna. As she is about to succumb to her sexual desires, Maya unleashes her hidden power and becomes the warrior prophesied. Air Date : 30th-Jan-1997 Read More
Masaki is on a train, dreaming about a woman he has never met. When he wakes up, he finds that his belongings have been stolen and that he is stranded. Masaki follows the woman who stole his things, which leads him to her mansion, where she lives with a group of other women. Masaki stays the night and soon realizes that he has stumbled into a S&M situation. The oldest woman is the mistress of the house and the younger women are her slaves. This leads to his voyeuristic observation of various sexual acts, before actually engaging in sex with several of the residents. Eventually there's an earthquake which destroys the house, though Masaki and one of the girls manage to escape. The episode ends with the two of them walking along the train tracks before a train roars towards them. Right before impact however, Masaki wakes up, still on the train with his sketch book in his lap. He opens the book and sees a drawing of the girl who left with him. Air Date : 30th-Jan-1997 Read More
Pop idol Rina is renowned for her amazing stage shows and musical talent, which gets her noticed by a new production company, Angel Productions. At one of her concerts, she learns that her father has suffered a medical emergency, and has been hospitalized. The manager of Angel Productions approaches her about switching to their company, and after learning her father owes the company a substantial amount of money and that the company is apparently part of a mob-related conglomerate, she agrees to sign on with them. It turns out that AngelPro also works in the flesh peddling business, and under the guise of giving her a "new image", they begin to train Rina through public humiliation scenarios and outfits. Among these humiliations she is taken to a sex shop pretending to be a porn actress and masturbates in a porn cinema. Once her training has culminated, she's auctioned off at a BDSM auction as a sex slave for 580 million yen (roughly $5.9 million USD). Six months later she returns to her career as a singer. The manager and his assistant/slave are backstage, discussing how Rina turned out to be a good buy. In the backstage it is revealed her father had already died during her training. At the end of her performance, Rina strips and begins masturbating with her microphone before finally losing her mind. The representatives from AngelPro walk off, and Rina's manager collapses to the floor in disbelief. The final shot shows the all-male audience rushing the stage and crowding around her as she smiles vacantly, with a tear streaming down her cheek. Air Date : 28th-Nov-1997 Read More