ROSIE and BEN contemplate the mess they are in and remember their mixed feelings in the weeks leading up to their wedding. CANDICE and RICHARD recruit PHILLIP to assist in a novel celebration of their twenty-six year union. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2003
How did you meet??? That is the question that sends Rosie and Ben Harfield's relationship into a whirlpool that eventually has them falling apart, despite the fact they have been together for 12 years! Who is Marianne? She's that goody goody of a marriage counsellor who asked them the so called ""innocent"" question in the first place....the lesson? That's for the audience to decide, but one might wonder on these possible alternatives: 1) Counselling is clearly notfor everyone 2) Counselling can sometimes be anything but innocent and 3) maybe it's just thank God for friends! Air Date : 18th-Aug-2003 Read More
Who on earth would have though Ben would be taking relationship advise from an arse like Richard? Is that irony or incredulity i'm sensing??? Anyway, when Ben goes missing in a car accident, in a car that's not even his by the way, Rosie becomes excessively agitated. A nostalgic Rosie and Ben succumb to the lustful goodtimes they once shared together and look back on an unfortunate circumstance that nearly left them begging! Air Date : 25th-Aug-2003 Read More
Rosie agrees to play happy families and host a wake for Ben's dead uncle. The event is excruciating and becomes even more surreal thanks to the contributions of Abby, Emily and Candice. While Rosie and Ben pretend to be living under the same roof in the present, they remember the events which lead to them living together in the first place. Air Date : 1st-Sep-2003 Read More
Ben senses Rosie may be coping better with their separation than he anticipated and, prompted by Richard, hatches a plan to win her back. Rosie is determined to try and enjoy her new single status but she and Abby discover she's a little out of practice on the singles scene. Rosie and Ben remember an ill-fated drive across the Nullabor. Air Date : 8th-Sep-2003 Read More
ROSIE'S apprehension about LEWIS visiting BEN at his new flat for the first time seems warranted when another of RICHARD'S business schemes lands BEN - and LEWIS - in jail. ROSIE'S attempt to re-invigorate her career is derailed by a mix up with CANDICE'S car and her own brush with the law. In counseling, ROSIE and BEN explore a long standing belief that ROSIE sacrificed her career for BEN. EMILY is again being pursued - this time not by a young man but by a debt collector. Air Date : 15th-Sep-2003 Read More
ROSIE remembers when BEN'S work, late night movies, and worst of all - football - took precedence over their sex life. BEN recalls the season his team made the finals. CANDICE is shocked to learn the real reason for RICHARD'S lack of sexual interest in her. LIV and ADAM are happy despite patches of predictable marital sex. EMILY decides to try a new approach to dating. Air Date : 29th-Sep-2003 Read More
BEN'S flirtation with the gorgeous GINA elicits an unexpected response from ADAM. ABBY is horrified at GARRY'S desire to procreate while ROSIE and BEN recall the year LEWIS was born. EMILY is visited by the guy she left at the altar and THEO enrols in a self help group at the counseling office. Air Date : 6th-Oct-2003 Read More
BEN adopts RICHARD'S work ethic and begins to question his own long-held attitude to work. While photographing white goods ROSIE meets up with someone from her past. ADAM finds himself in deep financial trouble and EMILY dates a merchant banker. ABBY tries to talk to GARRY. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2003 Read More
BEN finds unfinished projects and an undiscovered talent in his father's long-abandoned shed. As ROSIE tries to imagine a life with COLIN, she finds herself distracted by the content of boxes moved from BEN'S father's shed. THEO looks to RICHARD for advice on how to improve his rating with EMILY. ABBY stays quiet about her situation. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2003 Read More
ROSIE is taken aback by COLIN'S birthday present. Then comes the birthday surprise from BEN and LEWIS and BEN'S questions about COLIN. ABBY and EMILY'S father, makes a brief but dramatic visit. CANDICE drops a bombshell in counselling. Air Date : 27th-Oct-2003 Read More
ROSIE stumbles on the truth about ABBY and GARRY and uncovers a secret MARIANNE has been harboring. BEN goes wild, courting danger and prompting ADAM to contemplate his own wild youth. CANDICE wants to prove she and RICHARD have more than sex in common. PHILLIP is out of sorts and EMILY is left to hold the fort at the counseling office. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2003 Read More
ROSIE has accepted she and BEN cannot reconcile and is determined to move on. But inspired by a couple she photographs, she approaches BEN with newfound enthusiasm and very bad timing. As RICHARD and CANDICE prepare to renew their vows, a visit from their daughter, LUCINDA brings their plans unstuck. Air Date : 10th-Nov-2003 Read More
ROSIE and BEN contemplate the mess they are in and remember their mixed feelings in the weeks leading up to their wedding. CANDICE and RICHARD recruit PHILLIP to assist in a novel celebration of their twenty-six year union. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2003 Read More