We don't have an overview translated in English. Help us expand our database by adding one. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2018 Read More
As there are two teams for each position, the Position Competition is divided into Round 1 and Round 2. After the devastating loss of almost half their members, Team Rap’s Team “H.E.R” faces a crisis in their performance. During the rehearsals, everyone is intimidated by Team Vocals’ Team “I Need U”. In a twist of fate, Team Performance and Team Rap go back to back in their performance of “H.E.R”. Air Date : 15th-Dec-2018 Read More
The three teams prepare for Round 2. With Team Rap in the lead, the other two teams are prepared to do their best to beat them. However, during their Interim Evaluations, the directors of Team Rap and Team Vocals are disappointed with the quality and decide that changes must be made to win. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-2018 Read More
It's the last mission before the live broadcast. Among the remaining trainees, only 25 will make it to the Collaboration Mission. During the Third Ranking Announcement, So Hyun has a surprising announcement regarding the dismissal of one of the trainees for misconduct. The Collaboration Mission begins, and each team and their directors put on the performance of a lifetime. Knowing it might be their last shot, everyone works hard to leave no regrets. Air Date : 19th-Jan-2019 Read More