Seven gamers are recruited by the Neodimio Corporation to play an extreme game on the Terra formed moon of Calisto. Aboard "Colonus", which is both a spaceship and a game console, they compete against each other for the glory and for a privileged spot in the well-being of Destiny City. But everything changes when Ferrán, the most veteran player, discovers the sinister truth that hides within the game. Air Date : 18th-Oct-2016 Read More
While Ferrán disappears in Calisto, Lila is determined to keep on playing and she seals a strategic alliance with an unpredictable rival. From the subsoil of the arena, a mystery is about to come to light to challenge the continuity of the game. Air Date : 25th-Oct-2016 Read More
Lila puts her army at risk, willing to do anything to find the whereabouts of Ferrán and she gets some unexpected help. Inpar is still taking care of the survivors of the arena and comes to the rescue of a new warrior. Almorás scores his first victory and he seems determined to challenge his god. Air Date : 1st-Nov-2016 Read More
Mefisto puts a new strategy into practice to win the game, while Lila discovers the best-kept secret of the "Colonus" spaceship. Inpar decides to reveal himself to protect Enira's life and, unintentionally, ends up putting the safety of his people at risk. A new player is obliterated and he confirms the final destination of all the participants of the game. Air Date : 8th-Nov-2016 Read More
Lila tries to discover who Inpar is, but a surprise confrontation cause a delay to her plans. Mefisto gets new information to dominate the game, while a new threat approaches the spaceship. On Earth, the Neodimio Corporations stumbles upon the only truth that could change all their plans on Calisto. Air Date : 15th-Nov-2016 Read More
Lila allies with the least-expected of players, but the past of the warriors of the arena puts her strategy at risk. Mefisto lashes out at Altea, exposing himself, once again, beyond the limits of the game. The Neodimio Corporation is forced to take drastic measures to restore order in Calisto. Air Date : 22nd-Nov-2016 Read More