Pokémon - Season : 9 Episode 16

The territory might be familiar, but even Ash and Brock can find more than a few surprises in their home region of Kanto, like a Pokémon Ranger hot on the cases of two Legendary Pokémon! May’s back on the Contest path, blazing a trail to the Kanto Grand Festival, while Ash seeks out the hidden facilities of the Battle Frontier. If finding them wasn’t hard enough, he’s still got battles with the Frontier Brains to deal with—much tougher than any Gym Leader he’s ever faced.

Season 9 Episode 16 - Odd Pokémon Out!

While on the way to May's next Pokémon Contest, Ash and friends must stop at a nearby island to switch to ferry to the next island. They let their Pokémon out to play and Donphan, still as playful as ever, tries to play with some Rhyhorn, only to be chased by their parents. After being saved by Nurse Joy and her Meganium, Grovyle gets into a conflict with a wild Tropius and is beaten badly. Meganium heals Grovyle and Grovyle falls in love with the Herb Pokémon. However, it is later revealed that Tropius also has feelings for Meganium. Grovyle decides to have a rematch against Tropius to see who will come out on top. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2006

Pokémon - Season : 9

Season 9 Episode 1 - Fear Factor Phony

On the way to the next Battle Frontier facility, Ash and co. are lost. They soon come across a ghost town which is haunted by Ghost Pokémon. They are soon befriended by some friendly Psychic Pokémon who dance the night away. Will Ash and co. stop the ghosts from ruining the town, and does Ash and the rest of the crew sound different to anyone? Air Date : 6th-Oct-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 2 - Sweet Baby James

When May's Munchlax and James' Chimecho both have fallen ill, they seek the Pokémon healing skills of an elderly couple named Nanny and Pop-Pop, who happens to be James grandparents. Team Rocket and the gang call a temporary truce until their Pokémon get better. Meanwhile, James tries to impress Nanny and Pop-Pop by pretending to be a business owner while also hiding his status as a member of Team Rocket. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 3 - A Chip Off the Old Brock

During a training battle against Ash's Grovyle, Brock's Mudkip evolves into a Marshtomp. However, Brock's new evolved Pokémon accidentally hits a girls Flaaffy but is able to heal her Pokémon through a drug store. While there, Brock and Marshtomp both want to date the girl alongside her Flaaffy. However, little do Brock and Marshtomp know, the girl and her Flaaffy have feelings for someone else. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 4 - Wheel of Frontier

Ash finally arrives at the second Battle Frontier venue where he challenges the Battle Arena Brain Greta to a match. Will Ash be able to defeat Greta and get his second Battle Frontier symbol. Air Date : 27th-Oct-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 5 - May's Egg-Cellent Adventure!

After winning the Guts Symbol at the Battle Arena, Ash's next challenge is the Battle Dome. However, before the continue their journey to their next destination, Ash and his friends come across a Pokémon Egg Shop. During their stay, May offers advice to the owner's daughter about Pokémon contest and how to be a coordinator. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 6 - Weekend Warrior

May enters the Silver Town Pokémon Contest and battles Jeremy, an unusual contestant. However, Jeremy shocks May when he appears playing electric guitar and wearing leather. Air Date : 10th-Nov-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 7 - On Olden Pond

On the way to the Battle Dome, Ash and the others decide to stop at a famous fishing spot but the lake is deserted. Tiffany, the owner of a fishing house tells them that a company wants to buy the lake and turn the land into a resort. In order to scare people away from the land so Tiffany and her Grandma get no business, the head of the company uses his Crawdaunt to terrorise the lake. Can Ash and his friends help them stop the company from getting the land or will he succeeded. Air Date : 17th-Nov-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 8 - Tactics Theatrics!!

Ash finally arrives at the third Battle Frontier location where he challenges the Battle Dome Brain Tucker to a match. The battle begins with Ash using his Swellow and Corphish against Tucker's Arcanine and Swampert. During the battle, Ash learns how to combine his Pokémon's attacks and uses their power to defeat Tucker. Air Date : 24th-Nov-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 9 - Reversing the Charges

After Ash wins his third Battle Frontier Symbol, the Tactics Symbol, he and his go to their next Battle Frontier location, the Battle Pike. However, during an encounter with a wild Elekid, May's egg becomes stuck in the Electric Pokémon antenna and runs off. Now Ash and the others must find Elekid and get May's egg back. Air Date : 1st-Dec-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 10 - The Green Guardian

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and his friends decide to ride along the Cycling Road. However, it is closed and they must go through the forest. After hearing a noise, Pikachu wanders off and finds an wild injured Celebi under some thick vines. Ash and the others then meet a Pokémon Ranger named Solana who agrees to help them find Pikachu. When they finally find Pikachu and Celebi, the reunion is cut short as Team Rocket shows up to steal Celebi. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 11 - From Cradle to Save!

Ash and friends arrive at a Ninja School. There they meet a wild Bonsly who cries a lot and does not get along with the other Pokémon at the school. However, Team Rocket appear and decide to capture all of the Pokémon in the school, including Ash and his friends. Air Date : 15th-Dec-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 12 - Time Warp Heals All Wounds

After May's Squirtle runs away, May goes searching for her Pokémon. Once she finds Squirtle, May finds an elderly woman, Edna, waiting for a train. After hearing the sad story about Edna's past, Meowth and May go back in time in order to change history. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-2005  Read More

Season 9 Episode 13 - Queen of the Serpentine!

Ash finally arrives at the location of the Battle Pike, ready to battle. Team Rocket tricks him into coming into their own fake Battle Pike where they capture Pikachu. With the help of the real Frontier Brain—Pike Queen Lucy—they save Pikachu. Ash challenges Lucy to a battle, and even though it is her day off, she accepts as she has a crush on Brock. As the two begin their battle, Ash realizes Lucy is no pushover. Can Ash win? And who will Brock cheer for? Air Date : 5th-Jan-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 14 - Off the Unbeaten Path!

On their way to the Battle Palace, Ash and friends stop at Potpourri Island where they learn about the Pokémon Orienteering Contest. The contest is a race around the island where a trainer and one Pokémon must go to five different locations and get the special stamps at those locations. The winner will receive a special medal along with a ton of fruit. As the contest begins, Ash goes with Pikachu, May goes with her new Eevee, Brock goes with Bonsly, Max goes with Munchlax (lent to him by May), James with Mime Jr, and Jessie with Meowth. Who will win the contest and win all that fruit? That is if Jessie and Meowth don't succeed in stealing it along with Ash, May and Brock's Pokémon! Air Date : 12th-Jan-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 15 - Harley Rides Again

Ash and friends finally arrive in Wisteria Town where May prepares for her next contest. However, Harley shows up and this time he is not so friendly with everyone. Harley declares that he will win this contest and his Fourth Ribbon against May. Meanwhile, Team Rocket try to convince Harley to work with them as they'll help him beat May while he helps them get Ash's Pikachu. Will Harley accept Team Rocket's offer for their help or decides to beat May fair and square. Air Date : 19th-Jan-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 16 - Odd Pokémon Out!

While on the way to May's next Pokémon Contest, Ash and friends must stop at a nearby island to switch to ferry to the next island. They let their Pokémon out to play and Donphan, still as playful as ever, tries to play with some Rhyhorn, only to be chased by their parents. After being saved by Nurse Joy and her Meganium, Grovyle gets into a conflict with a wild Tropius and is beaten badly. Meganium heals Grovyle and Grovyle falls in love with the Herb Pokémon. However, it is later revealed that Tropius also has feelings for Meganium. Grovyle decides to have a rematch against Tropius to see who will come out on top. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 17 - Spontaneous Combusken!

After losing a ribbon to Harley, May arrives on Chrysanthemum Island, ready to win her third ribbon. Ash is also working hard trying to help Sceptile regain its ability to use Grass-type attacks after breaking its heart. When Drew shows up, May finds out he didn't send her the letter. Later, while training on the beach, she meets a girl named Brianna who reveals that she sent the letter and rose to May. When Brianna finds out May knows Drew, she grows embarrassed as she has a crush on Drew and intended the letter and Rose to be sent to him. When she finally meets Drew, Brianna claims that she will beat May in the contest and win Drew's respect and love! Meanwhile, Jessie also enters the contest with James' Mime Jr. Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 18 - Cutting the Ties that Bind!

Ash and co have arrived on the island of the Battle Palace, which happens to be a massive jungle. Ash, eager to make his upcoming battle with the Brain as good as it can be, decides to put extra emphasis on helping his recently evolved Sceptile to be able to use its attacks. However in the process, Ash and Sceptile get separated from the group and meet with the Frontier Brain, Spenser. Will Ash and Spenser get Sceptile to be able to use attacks again? Air Date : 9th-Feb-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 19 - Ka Boom with a View!

Ash finally arrives at the Battle Palace, ready to take on Spenser for the Spirit Symbol. As they head out to the battlefield, Ash learns that he has the entire surrounding jungle to battle in! As the battle begins, May, Brock and Max head up in a balloon with Scott to watch the battle. As the battle begins, Ash pits his newly "revived" Sceptile against Spenser's Shiftry and the battle quickly takes into the forest. Will Ash be able to beat Spenser while battling in a forest? And does he have a secret weapon waiting in the wings? Air Date : 16th-Feb-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 20 - King and Queen for a Day!

After a battle with Team Rocket, Pikachu, Meowth, Bonsly & Manene are seperated from their respective trainers. Lost in a town, the four Pokémon decide to team up to find their trainers...however three strange men have their eyes set on Bonsly & Manene. Will the Pokémon get back to their trainers? Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 21 - Curbing the Crimson Tide!

There's big trouble in the big city when Ash and his friends pay a visit—a mysterious talking Pokémon in a crimson cloak known as Red Lighting has been battling all the Trainers in town, and it acts like a real supervillain when it wins! May's plans for a nice day out are ruined when Red Lightning humiliates her and her Squirtle, so now the heroes are out to uncover who or what is behind its activities. Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 22 - What I Did for Love!

May finally arrives in Gardenia Town ready to win her fourth ribbon. She gains a nice surprise when she finds out that her Eevee has learned Dig. While May prepares for the contest, Brock meets another Pokémon Breeder named Yuma. After seeing his Pokémon skills, she convinces him to enter the Gardenia Contest. After amazing appeals by Squirtle and Bonsly, both May and Brock make it to the battle rounds. Will May be able to beat her friend to win her fourth Kanto Ribbon? Air Date : 9th-Mar-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 23 - Three Jynx and a Baby!

On their way to the Battle Tower, May finds a Smoochum behind a bush. She tries to pick it up, only to be attacked by three Jynx, Smoochum's sisters. After a short battle, Ash and the others leave and head for town. Soon after, Team Rocket take Smoochum and plan to make her a star. The Jynx then begin to attack the town and Ash and May hold them back before luring them to where Smoochum is. However, when they get there, Jessie has no intentions to give Smoochum back to her sisters! Air Date : 16th-Mar-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 24 - Talking a Good Game!

As Ash and the others finally arrive at the Battle Tower, Ash does some last minute training with Pikachu. He is suddenly attacked by a Beedrill and a girl comes to his rescue. After sending Beedrill away, they are attacked by a Gyarados and she once again talks to it and helps it calm down. Soon, Team Rocket attacks wanting Pikachu and this human who can talk to Pokémon. After fending Team Rocket off, she introduces herself as Anabel. Before Anabel can properly introduce herself, Ash runs off to the Battle Tower only to find out Anabel is the Frontier Brain. As the battle begins, Ash quickly falls behind as Anabel can speak with Pokémon through telepathy. Can Ash manage to get past her special ability and win his sixth Frontier Symbol? Air Date : 23rd-Mar-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 25 - Second Time's the Charm!

After a devastating defeat at the hands of Anabel, Ash is eager to challenge her again, except this time he plans to think with his Pokémon like Anabel instead of rushing in. While training for the rematch, Ash is once again attacked by Beedrill and then Team Rocket after eating their lunch. After sending Team Rocket away, Ash and May try to learn how to talk to their Pokémon just like Anabel, however Corphish and Combusken just look on with blank looks. After finishing his little "lesson", Ash begins his battle with Anabel. Just like the last time, Anabel uses her telepathy ability to fight. Even though Ash is at disadvantage, he surprisingly does better than last time, even managing to win in the first round! Will Anabel prove to be too powerful with her telepathy or will Ash overcome it to win his sixth Frontier Symbol? Air Date : 30th-Mar-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 26 - Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys' Crisis!

Our heroes spot a confused flock of Pokémon and realize something isn't right, especially once an unusual aurora appears in the sky and their Poké Balls and PokéNav stop working! That's when they spot Solana, the Pokémon Ranger, who helps get the Pokémon going in the right direction. She explains that the Rangers have detected strange geomagnetic activity, and just then, the group sees a Deoxys in the sky! Could it be the source of the disturbance? Air Date : 13th-Apr-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 27 - All That Glitters is Not Golden!

Ash and May spot an amazing golden Sudowoodo at the edge of a lake, but it knocks Ash's Poké Ball away when he tries to catch it. Brock and the others don't believe it, until they reach the next town and find a saloon full of locals looking for the golden Sudowoodo. They also meet Keenan, the golden Sudowoodo's Trainer, who can't explain why it's golden or why it ran away from him. Our heroes happily decide to help Keenan find Sudowoodo, yet Keenan doesn't seem to want the help. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 28 - New Plot, Odd Lot!

May is feeling the pressure at the Mulberry City Pokémon Contest, her last chance to get a fifth ribbon before the Grand Festival. To make things worse, Harley shows up! He has his ribbons already so he doesn't have to compete. But Jessie plans to enter in her Jessebella disguise, so when Harley spots Team Rocket, he offers to loan them his Cacturne and Banette to use against May in the Contest. Air Date : 27th-Apr-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 29 - Going for Choke!

The competition is underway at the Mulberry Town Pokémon Contest, where Harley has teamed up with Team Rocket to plot May's downfall. While May is getting ready for her first opponent, Team Rocket lures her friends into a sealed transport container and sends them up, up and away with a Meowth balloon! But they didn't count on Drew being there to save the day. He frees Ash and the others, only for all them to then fall into one of Team Rocket's old-fashioned pit traps. While James and Meowth gloat, our heroes realize Team Rocket is working with Harley, and they have to get back to the Contest to help May. Air Date : 4th-May-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 30 - The Ole' Berate and Switch!

Team Rocket decides to go their separate ways after yet another foiled Pikachu kidnap attempt. Elsewhere, our heroes come across a one-day Pokémon Battle Tournament secretly run by Butch and Cassidy, who are having their own problems getting along. Ash signs up, unaware that while he's battling, Cassidy is preparing to swipe the competitors' Pokémon! Cassidy runs into Jessie and James, and decides to make James her new team. As for Jessie, she fast-talks her way into a partnership with Butch. Air Date : 11th-May-2006  Read More

Season 9 Episode 31 - Grating Spaces!

Our heroes have finally made it back to Pewter City, where Brock once again comes home to find the Pewter Gym looking stranger than ever. When he gets in the door, he discovers that his mom and dad are headed off on a free prize vacation, leaving the Gym in the care of three suspicious Gym remodelers who promised to make the Pewter Gym fashionable. His parents even took his Ludicolo to carry suitcases! Of course, it's all another Team Rocket scheme in disguise. Air Date : 18th-May-2006  Read More

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