Before making her final choice, Melana goes on overnight dates with the two remaining suitors and visits their hometowns to learn more about them. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2003
The first episode of Average Joe introduces us with beautiful bachelorette, Melana Scantlin. She is a former NFL cheerleader and a beauty queen wishing to meet the perfect guy. She was thinking that she will meet beacutiful hunks on the island and have to decide between them. So she knew, that instead of hunks, she will have to choose between average looking people. Before anything happend, Kathy Griffin told the guys how this will change their lives forever. When Melana finally arrived, she was totally shocked to find out the truth. Air Date : 3rd-Nov-2003 Read More
Melana gets to know each guy as they go on a date with her in groups of four. At the end of each date, she gets to pick a guy from each group she wants to get to know better, for an intimate dinner. But after Dennis is promised a dinner with Melana if he climbs to the top of a mountain on one of the dates, she picks Zach as her intimate date insead. At the end of the night, six out of twelve guys are sent back home, with Dennis among them. Air Date : 10th-Nov-2003 Read More
Six guys remain and they compete to try and win Melana's heart. They are divided into three groups of two and have to win different competitions to earn alone time with her. Melana begins to develop feelings for Adam while Brad schemes to have Zach thrown out of the picture. In the end, only three guys will remain. Melana doesn't fall for Brad's scheme and eliminates him. Jerry and Tareq are also eliminated from the group. Now Zach, Adam and John are left, but things are about to change. Three new guys are introduced: Michael, Jason and Alex. Oh, and by the way, they are HOT. You may in fact remember Michael as the cute boy who introduced himself to Melana on the very first night, then disappeared in the white stretch limo. The Average Joes were stunned, as was Melana. Kathy told the guys to ""welcome their new roommates and their newest competitors."" Air Date : 17th-Nov-2003 Read More
Let's start by getting to know the new guys, shall we? Michael, a model from California, said he has no trouble meeting women. Gee, that's a shocker. Alex, a vet tech/model originally from Venezuela, admitted his looks have gotten him opportunities in life. Jason, also from California, said his goal was to become a weatherman. Seriously, he already had his name picked out: Jason Storm. And things were about to get stormy. Air Date : 24th-Nov-2003 Read More
Emotions and frustrations heat up as some of the guys are denied individual dates; Melana takes extreme measures to learn more about the character of each of the finalists. Air Date : 1st-Dec-2003 Read More
Before making her final choice, Melana goes on overnight dates with the two remaining suitors and visits their hometowns to learn more about them. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2003 Read More
Before making her final choice, Melana goes on overnight dates with the two remaining suitors and visits their hometowns to learn more about them. Air Date : 8th-Dec-2003 Read More