Kavanagh is called upon to defend an alleged rapist, David Armstrong, a young labourer accused of attacking the housewife he works for in her home. Air Date : 3rd-Jan-1995
Kavanagh is called upon to defend an alleged rapist, David Armstrong, a young labourer accused of attacking the housewife he works for in her home. Air Date : 3rd-Jan-1995 Read More
Kavanagh is asked to prosecute an ex-police officer turned vigilante when he is the driver of a car which hits a teenager. Air Date : 10th-Jan-1995 Read More
Kavanagh represents a determined father in a bitter custody battle, but finds himself having to persuade the eager dad not to take matters into his own hands after learning of his previous kidnappings. Air Date : 17th-Jan-1995 Read More
Kavanagh defends a prostitute accused of murdering a wealthy and prominent businessman who was also a client. Everything points to her guilt except her own passionate protestations of innocence. Meanwhile, Kavanagh's daughter, Lizzie, has an interview for her dream job in Brussels, and Kavanagh's junior, Julia, takes part in a cricket match. Air Date : 24th-Jan-1995 Read More