Bodil has suffered major brain damage due to a giant olive. Though Frank has a hard time being around people with severe brain injuries, he helps Pivert transfering Bodil to a treatment facility. Casper explains that oral sex and being able to recite the alphabet has nothing to do with each other and declares that he once have had sex with a mentally retarded (sic!). Air Date : 19th-Sep-2005
Mia forces Frank to get his sperm count checked. Complications including a children's DVD, a porn movie and a furious Iben ensues. Casper finds a pregnancy test in the kitchen - disbanding the idea, that Frank could have placed it there, he moves on to find the guilty part... Air Date : 12th-Sep-2005 Read More
Bodil has suffered major brain damage due to a giant olive. Though Frank has a hard time being around people with severe brain injuries, he helps Pivert transfering Bodil to a treatment facility. Casper explains that oral sex and being able to recite the alphabet has nothing to do with each other and declares that he once have had sex with a mentally retarded (sic!). Air Date : 19th-Sep-2005 Read More
Frank and Casper goes to pick up tickets for Speedway at "Parken". Don Ø (Flemming Østergaard) is baking cookies with his grand daughter. As Frank refuses to eat anything prepared by children, he refuses the offered cookie. Meanwhile, Frank pursues a female badminton-player, Nina. Air Date : 26th-Sep-2005 Read More
Frank and Casper feel reduced to being beasts of burden for Mia and Iben. In an attempt to rectify the situation, Frank decides he needs a Harley - just like the one Casper has. However, before the acquisition is finalized, Frank needs to pass the test The Eye of Thor. Air Date : 3rd-Oct-2005 Read More
Tragic consequences at the restaurant "Spiseriet" follows Franks displacement of his treasured Mont Blanc pen. Mia receives a representative from the Royal Court and Frank gets into trouble with his razor, Mia's private parts and a barber's itch. Air Date : 10th-Oct-2005 Read More
Iben and Mia are taking a masturbation class for women with Pernille Højmark. Casper and Frank give the impression that they support the idea but end up too close to the event. And finally, Carøe sends his porn magazine with hairy women to Frank, but it ends up at Miss Moss. Air Date : 17th-Oct-2005 Read More
Frank and Mia need a new sports car, and does Tim Christensen now have something to do with it? Lars Hjortshøj, who has just been appointed H.C. Andersen ambassador, gets in trouble with his Au-pair girl. Frank buys panties, Iben gets a muzzle on, and everything ends differently than anyone had dreamed of. Air Date : 24th-Oct-2005 Read More
Unfortunately, Frank's penis gets a central place at Carøe's christening. Iben carries the baby, Mia is horrified, and Carøe's wife Susan wants nothing to do with Frank's christening cake. But in any case, Frank believes that the name Niko will give the child problems later, and Mia's song now takes on a completely different meaning. Air Date : 31st-Oct-2005 Read More
Frank and Mia are visited by Stig Rossen and his beautiful and challenging girlfriend, Lotte, who is dating Frank. However, Frank is not quite so willing as he and Mia are planning a child, which has meant abstinence for Frank for a long time. Suddenly, however, Frank gets a sore back, and must be treated - by Lotte, but during the treatment he gets ejaculated, also smokes all he and Mia's planning on the floor. Casper also has problems. He has sued an Irma girl, whom he has imagined to be single. However, Frank will reveal that Casper is not single, Casper is also afraid that she will go to the press - However, he gets into bigger trouble when Iben hears about his little flirtation. Air Date : 7th-Nov-2005 Read More
Casper, Frank, Iben and Mia are going on vacation. Due to a fight, the girls drive to the summer cottage alone. On the way, Frank and Casper picks up a couple of young hitchhiking girls. Being stung in the groin by a lion's mane jellyfish, Frank is unable to take advantage of Mia's ovulation. Air Date : 14th-Nov-2005 Read More