Doke starts up treasure hunt for the animal children, while he does some chores for their parents. Root throws a conker, one of the items on the hunt, down a manhole and while trying to retrieve it, he gets a bit lost, but luckily, Manny helps him out. Air Date : 13th-Oct-1995
A tailless mouse named Hickory is looking for a home. After rescuing Snoot's tail from a tree root, Hickory is adopted by the Corncracker Family. Air Date : 11th-Sep-1995 Read More
Doke helps Rufus to find his missing nut stash and Rose to find Root using Manny's water detector. They find Root fast asleep in a hollow tree along with the nut stash Dave and Denzil stole. Air Date : 18th-Sep-1995 Read More
Rose is not able to cook pizzas for the Oakie Hollows Hoedown due to her broken oven. Manny finds out that Snoot stuffed Grannie Annie's hat down the pipe. After Marcus, Root and Oakie have fixed the oven, Oakie and all the family come to the Oakie Hollows Hoedown with the pizzas. Air Date : 25th-Sep-1995 Read More
Mrs Tickle has a cold this morning, which Lizzie is not pleased about, as it's her birthday today. To cheer up, Doke gets some help to make a cake for Lizzie's Birthday Party, but Mrs Tickle already has a surprise for Lizzie. Air Date : 2nd-Oct-1995 Read More
Moses gets the hiccups after drinking Granny Annie's unready lemonade. Doke's methods to cure it don't work, but the sight of Lizzie's statue of Doke does. Air Date : 9th-Oct-1995 Read More
Granny Annie accidentally loses her hat at the bottom of the pond, so everyone participates in a competition to fish the hat out for a grand prize. Air Date : 16th-Oct-1995 Read More
Inspired by the story of Spotty Scunthorpe's Scooter, Doke builds a scooter to help with deliveries. When Dave and Denzil try it, they end up crashing it in the pond, but they get it back and clean it up. Air Date : 23rd-Oct-1995 Read More
On a very windy day, Doke and Marcia go on a trip to retrieve all of Milly's blown away washing, while Root mistakes the moaning of the wind for a ghost. Air Date : 30th-Oct-1995 Read More
Doke delivers some bottles to Granny Annie's house for her lemonade, which accidentally gets ruined by Neptune, who puts baking powder in the lemonade instead of sugar. While Granny Annie cleans up, Oakie stops by the Corncrackers' house to teach the animals to make music and they all form an orchestra. Air Date : 6th-Nov-1995 Read More
Doke starts up treasure hunt for the animal children, while he does some chores for their parents. Root throws a conker, one of the items on the hunt, down a manhole and while trying to retrieve it, he gets a bit lost, but luckily, Manny helps him out. Air Date : 13th-Oct-1995 Read More
Doke babysits the tadpoles for Grannie Annie and Shrimp for Mrs. Tickle. Meanwhile Snoot spots what she thinks is a monster, but it is actually Lizzie's papier-mâché mask. Air Date : 20th-Nov-1995 Read More
Doke runs Mrs. Tickle's shop while looking after Shrimp and Root. Later, Shrimp wanders off and Marcia finds a puddle of jam. Air Date : 27th-Nov-1995 Read More
Dave and Denzil establish a wishing well to collect nuts from wish makers. Doke finds out about this and tricks Dave and Denzil into thinking those wishes do come true. Air Date : 4th-Dec-1995 Read More