By now, these pitiful drivers are begging to leave the Drivers Rehabilitation Centre. But first, they must face their fears in an off road course through the Rehab Center's very own desert. Then they encounter blindfolds and a very challenging stick shift. Air Date : 20th-Nov-2006
A new wave of Canada's worst drivers arrived! Air Date : 16th-Oct-2006 Read More
Our new candidates to Canada's worst driver title have to face challenges involving parallel parking, lane control, and reversing. Has anyone improved enough to graduate from the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre? Air Date : 23rd-Oct-2006 Read More
In this episode of Canada's worst drivers, the candidates are going back to the basic of driving and have to learn road sign recognition and reversing in a straight line. Air Date : 30th-Oct-2006 Read More
In this episode, Canada's worst driver have to take a smooth driving course, but it turns into a shower of failure. They also have to test their navigation skills in a navigational challenge. Air Date : 6th-Nov-2006 Read More
Canada's worst drivers try to turn the corner - but it's not that easy when they're in the middle of a moat. Then, they dare to navigate the public roads at night, searching for party supplies as well as their dignity. Finally, the remaining drivers screech and steer their way through a speed slalom course full of surprises. As always, the panel of experts watch the play-by-play to decide which driver - if any - will be merging back onto Canadian roads. Air Date : 13th-Nov-2006 Read More
By now, these pitiful drivers are begging to leave the Drivers Rehabilitation Centre. But first, they must face their fears in an off road course through the Rehab Center's very own desert. Then they encounter blindfolds and a very challenging stick shift. Air Date : 20th-Nov-2006 Read More
This final episode of crashes, crunches and driver destruction answers just that: Our last three drivers take turns parking a tent trailer, redefining the term "jack-knife". Then it's on to the daunting Mega Challenge, before they are released onto the ultimate driving challenge - downtown Toronto! The time has come for the team of experts to single out the worst of the worst as one unlucky driver is given the dubious title this season of Canada's Worst Driver. Air Date : 27th-Nov-2006 Read More
This special episode follows each driver's personal journey in rehab – from the first drive to the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre to the rush-hour road finale in downtown Toronto - we also look back at the breakthroughs and breakdowns that made the drivers' experiences so unforgettable. Air Date : 4th-Dec-2006 Read More