A woman pays a tearful visit to the pet dog she was forced to leave behind in Majorca, and Liverpool despatcher Kevin Reardon has to deal with a would-be traveller who has turned up with the wrong passport. Meanwhile, an irate German passenger causes a scene at Luton, and fog delays flights in Scotland, causing tempers to fray. Air Date : 15th-Oct-1999
Check-in girl Katrina faces her first day back after cancer treatment, manager Jane prepares for a confrontation with a late flyer, and rumours circulate that Sharon Stone is on a flight. Air Date : 10th-Sep-1999 Read More
Check-in girl Katrina gets the all clear for cancer, a brass band entertains fellow passengers, and Manchester United fans fly out to watch their team in the European Cup final. Air Date : 1st-Oct-1999 Read More
Check-in supervisor Jane Boulton shows a caring side to her nature, and aerobatic pilot James McBride loops the loop in a bid to get his licence renewed. In Luton, an amorous couple leave Katrina feeling nauseous, while easyJet passenger Adrian Cave flies to Zurich to audition at an opera studio. Air Date : 8th-Oct-1999 Read More
A woman pays a tearful visit to the pet dog she was forced to leave behind in Majorca, and Liverpool despatcher Kevin Reardon has to deal with a would-be traveller who has turned up with the wrong passport. Meanwhile, an irate German passenger causes a scene at Luton, and fog delays flights in Scotland, causing tempers to fray. Air Date : 15th-Oct-1999 Read More
Captain James McBride arranges some unusual in-flight entertainment for Liverpool FC, and check-in girl Katrina plays a practical joke on her supervisor. Pee Pee the hamster is refused permission to fly to Greece with his owner, and a 79-year-old Scot also finds himself stuck at the airport. Air Date : 22nd-Oct-1999 Read More
Supervisor Jane Boulton is all of a flutter as Eighties pop icon Simon Le Bon flies into Luton, and a Spanish hunk makes her acquaintance. Meanwhile, a bride-to-be loses her passport, leaving her with only an hour to find it before her flight leaves, and Ferrari hunter Simon Empson heads for Geneva. Air Date : 29th-Oct-1999 Read More
Love blossoms amid the unlikely surroundings of Luton airport as Jane sets out to find a new man, and Katrina calls on all her tact and sensitivity as she attempts to reunite a lovelorn Spanish couple. Air Date : 5th-Nov-1999 Read More
Check-in manager Jane hands in her notice, and a would-be model jets to Nice for a pageant final. Air Date : 20th-Nov-1999 Read More
After handing in her notice at Luton, Jane has second thoughts about the Lanzarote job and Kevin decides he's had enough of despatch work in Liverpool, while Katrina looks forward to the easyJet summer party. Captain James McBride has a difficult journey driving through heavy traffic to reach a beach in northern France in time to see the eclipse. Last in series. Air Date : 10th-Dec-1999 Read More