What Not to Wear - Season : 2 Episode 15

Season 2 Episode 15 - Misti Mazey

Misti decided to get into the punk goth look to stand apart from her identical twin sister, then kept up with it for the next 15 years. Her family nominated her because she's starting out on a job search, and they know she will get more prospects if she tones down her severe look. As a result of her appearance on the show, Misti falls in love with cashmere sweaters and expresses her individuality with multi-colored shoes instead of her hair. Air Date : 12th-Dec-2003

What Not to Wear - Season : 2

Season 2 Episode 1 - Gina Marchioni

Gina owns her own hair salon, but she dresses more like a hooker from the '80's than a businesswoman. She prefers tight miniskirts, tube tops, spandex pants, and accessories like feather boas and fringe. She also has her hair dyed three different colors, which is not a way to impress customers with her coloring skills. Stacy and Clinton try to help Gina retain her need to look sexy and youthful while maintaining a professional image. Nick tones down her hairstyle, while Carmindy updates her makeup for the 21st century. Air Date : 29th-Aug-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 2 - Oretha Winston

Oretha is a church-going, rocker chick with a wardrobe crisis — her Sunday best is the worst according to her friends. Oretha's a big fan of 80s music; unfortunately, most of her casual clothes are from the same era! A recent job promotion means Oretha needs to promote the right image, but at only 5'2"", Oretha finds shopping for clothes a problem. Her solution: Buy them big and baggy. And to get her hair just the way she likes it, she sleeps in curlers every night. Air Date : 5th-Sep-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 3 - Laura Miller

It never takes working mom Laura too much time to decide what to wear — she doesn't have much to choose from. Her wardrobe is full of T-shirts, sweat pants and waffle shirts that are all big and baggy. She thinks they make her look thinner, but her husband, her boss, her mother and her friends think Laura is hiding her natural beauty underneath the grubby, shapeless clothes. They want like to see her look more feminine. Air Date : 12th-Sep-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 4 - Mary Fragapane

Mary knows about shape, color and form when it comes to her art, but when it comes to her clothes, she's dressing like a starving artist — tops shaped like tents and colored with paint spatters. As an up and coming artist, Mary needs to attend gallery openings and be the center of attention. Unfortunately, Mary's hair also needs some attention. Cutting her own bangs is the only thing that's happened to her style for years. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 5 - Ellen Lindner

Ellen knows how to keep her body in shape — she recently lost over 50 pounds! Her family thinks it's time for her to workout her wardrobe. They say she wears stretchy spandex clothes whether she's working out or going out. She chooses clothes that are too young for her, and she pretty much sticks to just one color — black. Fashion experts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly get fitness fanatic Ellen to transform her wardrobe so that it flatters her new body shape and works with her active lifestyle. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo and makeup artist Carmindy create a hair and beauty routine that will work with Ellen's exercise routine. Air Date : 26th-Sep-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 6 - Dave Hank

At nearly 30 years old, Dave is still wearing the clothes he bought when he was in college. They're worn out and out of date. He says he's not bothered about fashion, but his girlfriend and his bosses think it's time he dumped his frat-boy image and grew up. He goes to work in shoes with holes, out to restaurants in pants with holes, and his shirts are shapeless and baggy. Stacy London and Clinton Kelly need to persuade Dave that a few well chosen items that he can mix and match will see him through his work and leisure time. Carmindy gives Dave the tools for a glowing complexion, and hairstylist Nick Arrojo rescues Dave from a $5 dollar haircut that is more than a little uneven. Air Date : 3rd-Oct-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 7 - Shifra Littman

Chicago mom Shifra has four children, a husband, a job ... and she's also an accomplished flamenco dancer! It's no surprise that shopping for herself is low on her list of priorities. Her husband and friends think it's time for her to put the ""holay"" back into her wardrobe. Fashion experts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly teach Shifra to dance to a different tune and give her a new look that won't be out of step with her lifestyle. Makeup artist Carmindy creates a look to enhance Shifra's pale complexion with the least amount of effort. An even bigger challenge awaits hairstylist Nick Arrojo: Shifra's waist-length hair has not been cut for years. Air Date : 10th-Oct-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 8 - Kimberly Banks

Kimberly Banks is trained as an attorney, but she's given it up to devote herself to her dream of being a professional singer. Her friends say she's got the voice to be a diva, but when it comes to style, Kim's stuck in the wrong key. Stacy and Clinton need to get Kim to tune-up her wardrobe by dumping the sack-like dresses, white tights and pants that just don't fit, and get her to make the most of her height and statuesque figure. When it comes to makeup, Kim owns just one red lipstick. Makeup artist Carmindy thinks Kim should focus attention on her eyes, and hairstylist Nick Arrojo plans to glam up Kim's hair with a hint of gold, but she's not sure his top-knots hit the right notes. Air Date : 17th-Oct-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 9 - Eric Braunsdorf

Eric, a jewelry designer trying to expand his business, needs to give up his practice of getting oversized hand-me-downs from his friends. Dubbed ""Huckleberry Jesus"" by his peers due to his shoulder length hair, leather sandals, and baggy clothes, Eric needs a serious wake-up call. The team persuades him to try clothing that his actual size and projects a more mature image to suit a rising entrepreneur. Air Date : 24th-Oct-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 10 - Amanda Stallins

When Amanda Jane Stallins goes to PTA meetings the other parents think she's a pupil, not a Mom. At 24, she could pass for 12. Her favorite clothes are short-shorts, tank tops and a floaty, hippy dress (which she thinks is the best!). Amanda hasn't changed her hairstyle for 10 years, and she never wears makeup. She's about to go back to school, but before she does, Stacy and Clinton need to give her some lessons in grown-up style that will make her look more like the woman she is — not the child she was. They want to show her she can still look youthful, but sophisticated, in clothes that will be appropriate for the classroom or a meeting at her son's school. Makeup artist Carmindy wants to show Amanda how her pale complexion can be enhanced by just a little makeup, and hairstylist Nick Arrojo needs to create a simple style that will enhance Amanda's delicate frame and features. Air Date : 31st-Oct-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 11 - Niya Battle

Niya Battle shows too much flesh according to her Mom, her aunt and her friends, but with her hip-skimming jeans and her bare midriff tops, she thinks she looks just fine. Stacy London and Clinton Kelly need to persuade this 24-year-old mother of two that halter-neck dresses and high heels are not appropriate attire for her job in an insurance office or for shopping at the grocery store. Their challenge is to teach her to dress professionally, while retaining her youth and individuality. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo has to tackle Niya's extensions, which make her hair look long but shapeless, and makeup artist Carmindy has to convince Niya to dump the metallic lip gloss and develop a softer, more approachable look. Air Date : 7th-Nov-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 12 - Ross Byron

Ross Byron is a 30-something guitarist in a rock band. What he doesn't seem to realize is that his slender, young rocker frame now has a 36-inch waist, and his former flowing blonde locks are now severely thinning and balding. Stacy and Clinton need to bring Ross into the 21st century by getting him out of his acid-wash jeans and gold chains and into a more mature, yet stylish look. As for his hair, Nick Arrojo must persuade Ross that less is more (Hair loss is better disguised with a shorter style!), and when he meets makeup artist Carmindy, Ross is in for a close shave. Air Date : 14th-Nov-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 13 - Donia Clark

Donia has a passion for punk, but when it comes to fashion, she flunks. She loves to let it all go on the dance floor, but with over-sized tees, polyester pants and hippy dippy hair, her look is a long way from the edgy, sexy, rock chick she really is. Donia's not doing herself any favors by getting most of her clothes from the trash! Donia's fantasy look is actually to be naked, so this could be Stacy and Clinton's biggest challenge yet! Can they steer her away from garbage garb and convince her that dressing up can be a dream? Air Date : 21st-Nov-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 14 - David Lee

Aspiring actor and community theater director David loves to wear outlandish costumes on and off stage, and his casual wear is usually tank top shirts and cutoff shorts. He says his odd style is what shows off his range and personality, but Clinton and Stacy set him straight by saying a more professional look at auditions will most likely get him more work and make a best first impression to directors. Air Date : 5th-Dec-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 15 - Misti Mazey

Misti decided to get into the punk goth look to stand apart from her identical twin sister, then kept up with it for the next 15 years. Her family nominated her because she's starting out on a job search, and they know she will get more prospects if she tones down her severe look. As a result of her appearance on the show, Misti falls in love with cashmere sweaters and expresses her individuality with multi-colored shoes instead of her hair. Air Date : 12th-Dec-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 16 - Elizabeth Sutton

High School teacher Elizabeth believes the way she dresses in the classroom will determine whether her students are well-behaved — but her students disagree. They are so distracted by her long flowing shapeless dresses and clunky jewelry they can't concentrate on their class work. They asked Stacy and Clinton to rescue this twenty-seven-year-old teacher from making herself look at least twenty years older than she is. Elizabeth thinks she's managing to be stylish and professional, but it takes all Stacy and Clinton's powers of persuasion to get her simply to try a skirt that lands on her knee. Makeup artist Carmindy shows Elizabeth how she emphasizes her eyes so they stand out even when she wears her glasses, and hair stylist Nick Arrojo finishes Elizabeth's look with a sleek and professional new do! Air Date : 19th-Dec-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 17 - Anne Wallace

It's a What Not To Wear First! Anne had originally nominated her daughter to be candidate for the show, but after Stacy and Clinton watched Anne in the hidden video, they decided she needed the new clothes more! Anne is a freelance writer for music magazines, but her style is more June Cleaver than Joan Baez. The team gives Anne a more polished professional look that's age appropriate and more sophisticated for a Rolling Stone journalist. Air Date : 26th-Dec-2003  Read More

Season 2 Episode 18 - Alisha Roman

Alisha is studying to be an interior designer, but when it comes to designing her own exterior, this 25-year-old mom doesn't know where to begin. As the youngest child with four older brothers, she grew up wanting to dress just like them. And now that she's married, she wears her husband's jeans and oversized t-shirts. Stacy and Clinton want to get Alisha to see that the baggy shapeless men's clothing she wears doesn't disguise the parts of her she wants to hide — in fact, her style makes her look bigger. They need to show her how tailored and well-fitting women's clothes will do a whole lot more for her. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo tackles Alisha's long and lank hair to give her a style that will frame her face, while makeup artist Carmindy shows Alisha how to fill in her over-plucked eyebrows and wear just enough color to bring her face alive. Air Date : 9th-Jan-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 19 - Ken Keating

Ken is a biker fanatic, but even his biker friends think its time for him to update his look. His old baggy jeans and worn out t-shirts and his signature doorags just make this thirty- six-year-old electrician look sloppy and unkempt. His wife and mother want him to clean up with a look they would be proud to be seen out in public with. But Ken has a fear of losing what he thinks is his signature style. So Stacy and Clinton have to convince Ken that smartening up doesn't mean losing his individuality. Ken's hair is in a braid halfway down his back — he hasn't had his hair cut for ten years. Will that all change when he comes face to face with hairstylist Nick Arrojo? Makeup artist Carmindy shows Ken some essential male grooming tips — including how to tame bushy eyebrows. Air Date : 16th-Jan-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 20 - Laura Miranda

Laura Miranda is just a week away from marrying her Navy sweetheart, and moving from her Bronx neighborhood to start a new life in Seattle. But her sister thinks her tight, black, ill-fitting clothes are not going to give her a good start in her new life. Stacy and Clinton want to get Laura to experiment with color and fit and wear clothes that are more structured. When Laura hears their ideas she's less than impressed. It takes a lot of persuading to get this straight-talking woman to see their point of view. And when it comes to a wedding outfit Laura's practical grey suit is headed for the trash, but what replaces it? A passionate reunion with her fiancé also means makeup artist Carmindy has to teach Laura tricks for emergency camouflage. Air Date : 23rd-Jan-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 21 - Michelle Leiblich

Michele just turned 30, and is a successful executive in New York. But Michele is stuck in her '80s teeny-bopper Jersey mall look. As if the bright colored scrunchies and tie dye shirts worn at the office weren't enough, her best friend also complains about Michele's zinc pink lipstick — the same shade she's worn since high school. She loves to go to yoga and Pilates classes and is barely over 5 feet tall. She wears a size ""0"" which may account for why she never throws any of her clothes away. But according to her closest and dearest friends, that's no reason to still have poofy hair and Flashdance sweats. Michele's friends and colleagues feel that her appearance does not reflect the savvy, witty personality she possesses. According to her coworkers, Michele pushes ""casual"" to the limit at the office and in front of clients. Her mother stresses that she exercises keen judgment for others, but none for herself. A single girl in the city, Michele is also looking for love. With her dated Air Date : 6th-Feb-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 22 - Irene Frolick

Irene is a beautiful, intelligent 25 year old with a great body, and, what she considers, great style. However her friends and family describe her style as provocative and inappropriate for her job as a realtor. Her work colleagues have called on Stacy and Clinton to persuade Irene to leave her halter-tops and bustier for the nightclub and to wear more appropriate clothes to the office. They have to persuade her she can still look young and sexy without wearing everything low cut or ultra short. And Irene admits that in her whole life she's never had a hairstyle she really liked, despite going to a hairdresser whenever she feels depressed. Nick Arrojo must come up with a solution to Irene's search for the perfect cut. Air Date : 13th-Feb-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 23 - Cynthia Venasca

Cynthia from Atlanta is a wife, a mom of two young children and a successful ad sales rep. When it comes to fashion, she's hooked on bold floral patterns, mismatched fabrics and clumpy shoes or clogs — which she wears with socks! Her friends and co-workers have begged for help from Stacy and Clinton. At just five feet tall, Cynthia needs to learn how to wear clothes that don't drown her. And when it comes to her larger than average chest, they tell her to look for jackets that ""lock and load."" But can they get this 28 year old to prune the flowers from her wardrobe? And when it comes to hair and makeup, Cynthia's worried that looking good will take more time than she has to spare. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo has to repair Cynthia's home coloring and give her an easy way to manage style while make-up artist Carmindy teaches her how to fix her face in record time. Air Date : 5th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 24 - Crissa Loderwick

30-year-old Crissa has a 4-month-old baby girl. Like a lot of new moms, she's carrying a few extra pounds she didn't have before she got pregnant. Baby Stella is dressed impeccably in the latest styles, but Crissa's still wearing the sweats and stretchy clothes that were her pregnancy staples — and she thinks she looks OK in them. Before the baby, Crissa was the trend setter in her family. But now her four sisters and her mom think she's given up. She wears no makeup and hides her hair in a baseball cap. Clinton Kelly and Stacy London have to persuade Crissa that now is the time to get back into proper clothes and that having a baby doesn't mean giving up on your own appearance. They want to teach Crissa how to dress her new body shape so she looks and feels as good as she did pre-baby, and to be able to adapt her style to accommodate changes in her appearance. Air Date : 12th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 25 - Kathy Zolsinski

Forty-something Kathy is a hairstylist and the manager of a New York salon — not just any salon but the one owned by What Not To Wear's very own stylist Nick Arrojo. But Kathy's lack of style is making her stand out for all the wrong reasons. She wears her trousers too narrow at the ankle, and too high in the waist. Most of her sweaters are shapeless, baggy and black. Stacy and Clinton have to persuade Kathy to choose clothes that will give her a modern, updated look and still be appropriate to her age. Kathy, however, hates shopping and has not been in a dressing room for more than 4 years. When it comes to her hair, Nick wants to get her away from being a bottle blonde and get her to have a style that's more fun. And make up artist Carmindy has to persuade Kathy that having dark circles under your eyes is not a reason to give up on eye make up. Air Date : 19th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 26 - Marie Harkin

Marie, 48, is an attorney. She was nominated by her husband of over 25 years, Gary, who describes his wife as a complete ""fashion wreck."" Marie likes dark '70s aviator-style sunglasses and only wears black, black and more black. She describes her black obsession as ""mix-and-match"" — meaning she can wear any top with any bottom. The problem is she wears baggy, outdated suit pieces that are all unmatching shades of faded black. Marie also concedes that she has not changed the length of her hair since the eighth grade. Stacy and Clinton must introduce Marie to the world of color, and show her that accents of color can still be professional. As an attorney, she will need a suit for appearing in court, but also a more casual professional look for business meetings and errands around town. Can the style gurus brighten up Marie's ""Paint it Black"" habits? Air Date : 26th-Mar-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 27 - John Bernard

Former dancer John has lost all interest in fashion. He rarely gets out of his cargo shorts which he wears to walk his dog, go to the store and meet his friends (who think it is time for John to change!) But Stacy and Clinton will have to put pressure on John to even try on different clothes, let alone wear them. John tries to control his long bushy hair with a bandanna. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo wants him to have a style that works with his curls, not against them, and Carmindy has to get John to tame his beard. Air Date : 2nd-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 28 - Jeanne Spivey

Jeanne's idea of fashion is to match, so if she's in blue from head to toe, she thinks she's right in vogue. Stacy and Clinton have to get this Californian safety manager to realize that matching is not a fashion statement. What she needs is to start wearing clothes that fit properly and that will flatter her curvy proportions. She also needs to discover colors that work with her pale complexion and green eyes. Hairstylist Nick Arrojo has to tame Jeanne's shapeless mass of hair, and get rid of the roots. Makeup artist Carmindy has to give Jeanne a look that she feels she can wear for work and to party in, and Jeanne wants help in hiding a tattoo she has round her ankle so that she can wear skirts to the office. Air Date : 16th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 29 - Veronica & Valerie Reyes

It's another first as the series tackles-- Twins! Valerie and Veronica may be identical twins, but they have very different design styles. Valerie prefers the sophistication of the 1940's and admires Grace Kelly, while Veronica likes a hip, funky look and even dresses up like 1960's anime characters. Their overly casual look at the office and short stature make them look more like 16 than 29. Stacy and Clinton help them find clothes that are suitable work attire that also reflects their own looks, while Nick gives them stylish hairdos that helps people tell them apart. Carmindy gives them simple makeup tips to recreate the 40's and 60's looks, respectively. Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 30 - Michael Seacrest

L.A. music producer Michael's idea of fashion is anything with Michael Jordan's name on it. His wife and friends think it's time Michael developed his own style and dressed more like Michael Jordan, rather than by him. Can Stacy and Clinton persuade him to keep his Air Jordans as collector's items and wear clothes that will make him look like he belongs in the music business, rather than on the sports field? Hairstylist Nick and Arrojo and Carmindy need to teach Michael about grooming and to sharpen up the hair on his head and his face. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2004  Read More

Season 2 Episode 31 - Belinda Hill

Belinda was voted ""most photogenic"" in high school, but 30 years on her husband and 3 daughters think she needs to rediscover her inner beauty queen. Belinda dresses as if she is always walking her dog, in overalls or tapered jeans and tennis shoes. She loves animal prints and wears t-shirts with lions and bees on them. The one thing she's kept since high school is her long blonde hair. In fact, she's never had it cut and it hangs way past her behind. The whole What Not To Wear team of Stacy, Clinton, Nick and Carmindy are united in their determination to get Belinda to cut her hair — but despite nominating her for the show, her husband and daughters have second thoughts. Will Belinda submit to Nick's scissors or go back to California with a new wardrobe but the same old hair? Air Date : 7th-May-2004  Read More

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