After Mötley Crüe and Quiet Riot heralded a new rock movement, ambitious bands from across the country land in L.A. seeking fame and fortune. From Poison's feel-good metal to Guns N' Roses' streetwise rock, the Sunset Strip is at its legendary peak. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2024
Once the mecca of long-haired rock, the magic of the sunset strip stalls in the wake of late 70"s New Wave. But a radical new look and sound emerges to reignite the music scene and set the debaucherous '80s hair metal era in motion. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2024 Read More
After Mötley Crüe and Quiet Riot heralded a new rock movement, ambitious bands from across the country land in L.A. seeking fame and fortune. From Poison's feel-good metal to Guns N' Roses' streetwise rock, the Sunset Strip is at its legendary peak. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2024 Read More
As the Sunset Strip is flooded by copycats looking for overnight success, some east coast bands make a mark with their glam look and sound. But Seattle's grunge invasion finally topples the hair scene before a nostalgic surge reignites it all. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2024 Read More