Search Party - Season : 1 Episode 20

Season 1 Episode 20 - South Beach, Florida (3)

Surf & Turf round: 1. Backward Basket Balloon--Player 1 throws balloons from the jacuzzi at one end of the pool to player 2 at the other end, who must throw them through a basketball goal from the bottom up. Player 3 must catch the balloons as the come up through the goal for them to count as a score, and that doesn't prove easy to do. As Art observes, there's ""a lotta cheatin' goin' on."" Red wins, no score announced. 2. Beach Ball Boxing Derby--Four balls are in play as contestants knock them toward goals while wearing boxing gloves. Basically ""soccer wearing boxing gloves...anything goes."" Red wins 5-2, a surprise, since Scott with his Blue team is usually more competitive in this type of contest. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Cheer up a miserable traveller--Pretty lame. 2. Find E!'s number one fan in Miami--Done easily enough 3. Feed a dirty bird--People take the place of birds here. One alleged Atlanta Falcons fan does an unrecognizable version of the team's ""dirty bir Air Date : 30th-Dec-1999

Search Party - Season : 1

Season 1 Episode 1 - Search Party Marathon (Honolulu)

Search Party makes its bow with several back-to-back episodes featuring cast members from the syndicated series Baywatch Hawai'i. Two three-person teams, the Red and the Blue, compete against each other for prizes, yes (they're on the modest side), but mostly just for the fun of it. Initially the competition was in three rounds: the Surf & Turf, each portion worth 500 points; the Scavenger Hunt, either the Silver Screen or Sight-Seeing variety, where teams are usually awarded 300 points for each completed item or task (with bonus points often added); and the Search Party Scramble, a wild final competition which is always extremely silly and usually extremely messy. It's usually worth 2000 to 3000 points. Alert viewers with basic math skills will note that the points awarded for the Scramble are always sufficient to win the game, but somebody keeps score all the way through anyway. On later installments of the show, the Surf & Turf round is more or less combined with the Scavenger Hunt. Air Date : 27th-Nov-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 2 - South Beach, Florida (1)

Surf and Turf round: Surf: Slap Happy Duck Paddle--In the pool, the object is to whack as many of the nine floating ducks as possible out of your end and into the opponent's, using ping-pong paddles. There is much illegal use of the hands and Scott Lasky resorts to tackling opponents. Referee Art Mann initially declares Red the winner, then reverses himself, saying Blue won by a 4-3 score. Turf: Ball & Chain Bowling Brawl--2 team members have a ball and chain attached to their legs and, playing tag-team style, alternately try to knock over martini glasses protected by a goalie, the third player on the team. Goalie Carol and Scott get into it: she pulls on his pants and he stomps her feet! Red wins. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find a Fidel Castro lookalike. 2. Get a toddler to do an impression of a vicious dog--Unlike Blue, Red finds a real kid to do the task. 3. Convince a tourist to teach the team a jig a la Lord of the Dance. 4. Find someone with the most gold. 5. Air Date : 29th-Nov-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 3 - Antigua (1)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Duck Soup--In the pool, teams try to collect the most ducks using their mouths. Blue wins 6-5. Turf: Fruit Salad Friends--Payer 1 passes fruit to player 2 neck-to-neck, then 2 passes to player 3 mouth-to-mouth. The fruit is then scooped out and used for fruit salad. Red wins. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Play ping-pong with a champion. 2. Kiss a tourist who is wearing something yellow--A guy actually turns Carol Grow down! 3. Shake hands with someone who looks like an American president. 4. Find someone who has been to Vietnam. 5. Convince a local to make up a song about Art Mann. Movie reference: Forrest Gump. Both teams complete all tasks and both get bonus points for identifying film. Scramble: Lucy in the Sky with Pie--Player 1, blindfolded, collects whipped cream and takes it to player 2, the pie maker. He or she fills pie crusts with fruit and whipped cream, then throws the finished results to player 3, who must catch pies intact to Air Date : 30th-Nov-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 4 - Jamaica (1)

Surf & Turf Round: Surf: Dog and Pony Pool Show--In the pool, player 1 must dive through a series of three hoops while carrying a ball. That ball is then given to player 2 who throws it to waiting player 3 on a bridge above. The balls get larger in size on each successive attempt, beginning with a tennis ball and ending with a large beach ball. Red has trouble shooting and catching. Blue wins 3-1. Turf: Fruit Flipper Flip Off--Using swim fins, player 1 flips fruit to player 2, who catches it in a bucket on his head. It's then put in a kiddie pool where player three mashes it with her feet to make juice, the most juice winning. Actually some pretty good catches are made here. Red makes substantially more juice for the win. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Locate someone or something that has been in outer space--Sets off a pretty lame search for tourist ""aliens."" 2. Get two famous people to argue--Red pits ""Greg Louganis"" against ""Steve Austin."" Blue finds a genuine ex-wrestler Air Date : 30th-Nov-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 6 - Jamaica (2)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Poison Beach Ball Rampage--Teams in the pool must get rid of the ""poison"" beach balls on their side of a volleyball net by knocking them over to the other side using flippers on the hands. Red trounces Blue 14-6. Turf: Beach Ball Balancing Beach Hop--Two players from each team get into a hula-hoop together and carry a beach ball down a course without using their hands. The other players try to bombard the opposition with various objects. Meanwhile, the beach balls get progressively smaller each trip the teams make. Did we hear a bit of profanity from Natalia? Red wins 5-4. Sight-seeing scavenger hunt: 1. Perform a reggae song about the opposing team. 2. Find the person with the longest dreadlocks--Blue finds some artificial ones, but Red comes across a man with locks of almost knee-length! 3. Find people who have travelled the furthest--Red finds folks from Manchester, England, which is further away than Blue's tourists from Portugal. 4. Act out a s Air Date : 2nd-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 7 - South Beach, Florida (2)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Florida Iceberg Express--Player 1 is on a float in the pool. He is pulled across the pool by player 2, who then loads as much ice as she can on player 1's lap. Player 3 pulls them back and collects the ice, the team having the most winning. Scott and Jacob get the big chill here. Red wins. Turf: Sand Sucking Semi--Players 1 and 2 each grab a leg and go with player 3 wheelbarrow style down a course full of objects that must be picked up and put on 3's body. When they reach an orange player 3 must take a bite; when they reach a (toy) alligator he must grab it with his mouth. Again Jacob and Scott do the dirty work as the wheelbarrows. Blue wins. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find the fountain of youth--Blue finds an older guy to spit out some water, then through the magic of television he's transformed into a child. Red gets a little boy and girl to strike a fountain pose, then spout some water. 2. Find someone with the darkest tan and write an ""E!"" on Air Date : 7th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 8 - Antigua (2)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Dolphin vs. Whale--Players in the pool ride on inflatable dolphins and whales and try to bat large beach balls into goals. Red wins 3-0, with a hat trick scored by Alison! Turf: Skip to My Hula My Darling--Two players per team run down a course with hula hoops, using them jump-rope style, to meet player 3, who tries to hula with a hoop and toss the rings onto ""dolphins."" Blue wins 2-0. Sight-seeing scavenger hunt: 1. Find a couple to kiss the longest. 2. Choreograph and perform a water ballet. 3. Find a drink that Brooke Shields would like. 4. Find a celebrity lookalike couple. 5. Learn a funny joke. Red wins round on points 1500-900. Scramble: The Wrap-a-Roti Relay--Player 1 finds twelve potatoes in the sand, mashes them with the feet, then forms them into little balls and throws them to player 2, who catches and spreads them on six tortillas. Chicken tortillas are then made on player 3's stomach, who must walk crab-style across the finish li Air Date : 8th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 9 - Jamaica (3)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Vitamin E!--25 oranges are in the pool; 10 of them contain metal letter ""E""'s. Player 1 is blindfold, but must find oranges and hand them off to player 2, or rather stuff them in their mouths. They are then taken to player 3 poolside, and handed off once again by mouth. Player 3 searches for the ""E""'s. First team to accumulate 5 wins. Some nice-looking mouth passes here. Red barely noses out Blue 5-4 Turf: Beach Ball Boxing Derby--It's soccer, except with a beach ball and you can use ONLY your boxing glove-covered hands. A.J. score first on a nice move and Steven plays well in goal. But Blue scores on a power play after a penalty is called on A.J., who got on top of Scott in a scrum, slightly injuring him! The teams are wearing out in this defense-dominated game, so the next goal wins. A.J. nails it for the Red victory. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: Task 1: Get a tourist to leave a lipstick kiss on every teammate--The beach is full of available kissers. Air Date : 9th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 10 - Cancun (1)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Poison Ping Pong Rampage--Wearing flippers on their hands, the teams try to knock 100 ping-pong balls over a net from their side of the pool to the other. Michael cheats by pushing the balls under the net, but his tactic is soon imitated by the other competitors. Red wins on the basis of visual evidence rather than an actual count. Turf: Pass the Drink--A favorite on Search Party. Wearing bathing caps with a plastic glass on top, teammates transfer drinks from one glass to another to another to a measuring cup. Blue team's Melissa has a very good pouring technique but Red makes a great comeback to win. Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find marionettes and reenact a soap opera scene--Both teams find real marionettes to work with, and since both teams also include a real-life soap star, it's easy from there. 2. Form a mariachi band and sing ""Give My Regards to Broadway""--This is similar to almost all the other musical tasks ever done on SP in that the result is awful. Air Date : 14th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 11 - Hawaii (1)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Bobby's Big Balloon Blowout--Fifteen balloons are in the pool and several of them contain ping-pong balls with the letter ""E"" on them. Players must get the balloons out of the water to a teammate who will pop the balloon the only way they seem to know how to on Search Party--with the butt. Stacy and Carol do their teams' busting, which proves to be not so easy. Red nips Blue 3-2. Turf: Swim-Fin Slip Disc--Flag football played with a flying disc while wearing fins. Michael and Shane make nice diving catches for scores, though one is disallowed. Michael is very competitive in leading the Red team to victory. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find the most red--or blue--person. 2. Learn to blow a conch shell--bonus points for the team who does it the longest. 3. Find and bring back your Hawaiian name. 4. Find a grass skirt and learn to hula. 5. Find people from as many different continents as possible. Blue wind round on points 1600-1200. Scramble: Air Date : 15th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 12 - Bahamas (2)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Ross' Jumbalaya Rubber Relay--The relay goes from player 1 in a kayak to player 2 on a surf bike to player 3 on a big-wheel water bike, all the while picking up rubber chickens and fish. Jamal of the Red team (a female, by the way) forgets the rules and picks up the items with her hands instead of using oars, but Blue wins anyway. Turf: Noodle Slapping Ball Hockey--A very modified hockey-style game using noodles to hit beach balls. Red wins 2 goals to 1. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Compose and perform team's own tribute to the island. 2. Find the most ferocious Bahamian pirate. 3. Make a coconut zoo and act out a scene from V.I.P.. 4. Find the most creative use of straw. 5. Get as many souvenirs as possible to put on an E! hat. Red gets bonus points for first finish and wins round on points 1800-1500. Scramble: The Bahamian Fish Fry Flip--Player 1 throws ""fish"" found offshore to player 2, who batters them and adds tartar sauce. Fish are th Air Date : 16th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 13 - Antigua (3)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Island Hopping Balloon Toss--Players 1 and 2 hop off of an island to grab balloons in the pool, then get back on the islands before throwing the balloons to player 3 at poolside, who catches them and pops them with a toothpick over a pail, where the water inside is collected. Once off the islands players have difficulty getting back on. The throwing and catching is rough, also, as several balloons sail way too far. Red wins. Turf: Dribbling Beach Ball Basket Toss--A basketball-like game where a big beach ball is tossed through a hula hoop held by a teammate. Scott Lasky is an absolute animal on offense and defense. Blue wins 7-4, even though Red is awarded a special 2-point goal on a court-length shot. Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find a couple that's been married the shortest length of time--Both teams find couples wed only four days, but Red's couple was married a few hours later in the day! 2. Find a volunteer to put sunscreen on the whole team. 3. Create th Air Date : 20th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 14 - Bahamas (3)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Swimming Pool Sumo--Two teammates get in an inner tube and try to push the other team's duo out of a circle in the pool, two out of three ""falls"" wins. Scott is a wild man in this event, leading to a Blue victory 2-0. Turf: Fruit Salad Soccer--As Art explains, it's like soccer except for using a bunch of apples and oranges instead of a ball and the players wear fins on their feet. Lasky and Judson seem to have an old score to settle from the previous game and wrestle each other to the ground. Blue prevails again. Marissa allows that she and Adrienne did well at the game because ""we've worked with a lot of fruits."" Sight-Seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Translate hieroglyphics from The Bold and the Beautiful and Walker, Texas Ranger. Luckily a nearby aquarium provides some handy hieroglyphics and other necessities for the Hunt. 2. Find the tourist with the best theory on the lost continent of Atlantis. 3. Find a tourist who looks like King Neptune--Blue finds Air Date : 21st-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 15 - Hawaii (2)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Heave, Gab and Ho--Player 1 pulls player 2 in an inner tube through the pool while 2 grabs items (beach balls, toys, etc.) out of the water. Each team's third player is in an inner tube also, trying to impede the other team with a super-soaker. When a team reaches the edge, a player dives back in and swims to a raft with the items. Or something like that. Lasky finds himself in a very enviable position with Brandy. Blue nips Red 8-7, but the accuracy of that score is highly questionable. Turf: Hop, Pop & Drop--First players start out hopping down a course with whipped cream-filled balloons between their knees. They ""hand off"" to second players, only using legs. Balloons are then delivered to the third players, who pop them by the preferred Search Party method: with the butt. Blue wins 5-4, aided by the excellent hopping technique of Brandy. Scavenger Hunt: 1. Make a lei. 2. Find Greg Brady's necklace 3. Find the tackiest souvenir. 4. Find a tiki tha Air Date : 22nd-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 16 - Jamaica (4)

Surf & turf round: Surf: Movie Trivia Pool Plunge--Art throws a bottle with a movie trivia question inside into the pool. Player 1 retrieves it and gives it to player 2 who reads the question. Player 3 then goes into the pool for the answer, which can be found in the form of any number of pool toys. (Example--Q: What was Ahab's opponent? A: A whale.) Red team goes first, gets three correct answers in three minutes. Even with some help from Art, Blue teams just falls short of that mark. Turf: Beach Ball Volley-Brats--Volleyball played with a beach ball and paddles. Points are scored when a ball hits the ground or goes out of bounds, so the team with the fewest points wins. Actually it's an interesting variation on the real game. Nikki, the tallest player on either side, is a standout in Blue's 7-4 win. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: Takes place in the Negril Craft market. 1. Find something really ""ackee"" and make something out of it--Ackee is fruit familiar to the locals. A.J. mak Air Date : 23rd-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 17 - Antigua (4)

Surf & Turf round; Surf: Floating Golf Green of Doom--Player 1, in the pool, tosses ""golf balls"" to the other two players poolside, who attempt to hit them onto the floating greens. Velcro balls are worth one points, the plain ping-pong balls are worth two. As Art Mann notes, ""Tiger Woods has nothing to be afraid of."" Red wins 12-10. Turf: Super Duper Scooper Trooper--Player 1 uses an ice cream scoop for a melon baller, then tosses the balls to player 2, who catches them in a bucket. Player 2 knocks them over a volleyball net to player 3, who catches the dwindling melon balls in a basket on his or her head. With the score tied 1-1 and the game going nowhere, Art lets the players take the baskets off their heads, and the next catch by Blue makes them the winner. Scavenger Hunt: 1. Act out a scene from your favorite film genre--Both teams independently come up with a shootout scene from a western. Their efforts make one reflect that it's not only great minds that think alike. 2. Air Date : 27th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 18 - Jamaica (5)

Surf & Turf round: Head-to-Head Tennis; Beach Ball Basketball. Red team wins the Surf competition, Blue wins the Turf. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Make up a song about corn. 2. Get beachgoers to give up their shoes. 3. Get beachgoers to play an imaginary inning of baseball. 4.Convince a son to reveal an untold secret to his father. 5. Get a doctor to diagnose a teammate's ailment. Movie reference: Field of Dreams. Blue wins the Hunt. Scramble: Jamaican Bobsled Practice Run. Payers are oiled up, then a teammates sits in an inner tube while another pushes him or her along the course. Along the way, they must put on items of clothing that they find, all the while being pelted with fake snow. Blue is victorious. Final score for the day: Blue 5300, Red 2000. Air Date : 28th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 19 - Cancun (2)

Surf & Turf round: Turf: Watermelon Salsa--Player 1 hands a greased watermelon to players 2 and 3, who have their hands tied. Those players then split open the melon without using their hands, then gather and spit seeds into a cup on the head of player 1. Lasky does a fearless, or foolish, head bash of the watermelon. Blue wins 10 seeds to 4. Surf: Pool Bottom Line--The Price Is Right in the pool. Art has lined up several souvenirs at poolside. Players have to dive to the bottom of the pool and retrieve coins, then match them with the cost of the souvenirs. Red team wins 3-0. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find a girl with an English accent and get her phone number--A couple of nice-looking women are found, but are they English? 2. Beg a tourist to ride piggyback on a team member while holding a cup for tips--Red's girl actually gets some money, while Blue's guy just gives the team a sunbathing tip. 3. Talk a teacher into solving a math problem--Again, two attractive women Air Date : 29th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 20 - South Beach, Florida (3)

Surf & Turf round: 1. Backward Basket Balloon--Player 1 throws balloons from the jacuzzi at one end of the pool to player 2 at the other end, who must throw them through a basketball goal from the bottom up. Player 3 must catch the balloons as the come up through the goal for them to count as a score, and that doesn't prove easy to do. As Art observes, there's ""a lotta cheatin' goin' on."" Red wins, no score announced. 2. Beach Ball Boxing Derby--Four balls are in play as contestants knock them toward goals while wearing boxing gloves. Basically ""soccer wearing boxing gloves...anything goes."" Red wins 5-2, a surprise, since Scott with his Blue team is usually more competitive in this type of contest. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Cheer up a miserable traveller--Pretty lame. 2. Find E!'s number one fan in Miami--Done easily enough 3. Feed a dirty bird--People take the place of birds here. One alleged Atlanta Falcons fan does an unrecognizable version of the team's ""dirty bir Air Date : 30th-Dec-1999  Read More

Season 1 Episode 21 - South Beach, Florida (4)

Surf & Turf round: Turf: Vitamin E--10 of 40 oranges in the Jacuzzi have ""E""s inside of them; the first team to find three wins. Player 1 gives an orange to player 2 mouth-to-mouth. Player 2 must go the length of the adjacent pool and pass the orange by mouth to player 3, who opens it. Jacob and Scott are near exhaustion by the time Red wins, 3-2. Surf: Groucho's Balloon Snappers--One player from each team tries to score goals by knocking (with a paddle) balloons through a hula hoop held by a teammate. The third teammate plays defense. Once the balloons are through the hoop the goalie must pop them with flippers on their feet. The shooting player wears a Groucho nose and glasses for no apparent reason. Red wins 5-4. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Roll a cigar Cuban style--Red tries rolling up seaweed in their instruction card. Blue's Scott Lasky has another idea. Since Cuban cigars are traditionally supposed to be rolled on the thigh of a woman, Scott picks up Silvia (a Cuban) a Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 22 - Cancun (3)

Surf & Turf round: Surf--Six balls are in the pool and the teams have 90 seconds to knock them into goals using only super-soakers. Goalies are identifiable by the huge sombreros they wear. Blue wins by the paltry score of 1-0. Turf--The teams compete in a leapfrog race, but after each leap the player must put an item (boxing gloves, inner tube, poncho, sombrero, swim fins) on their body. Blue wins. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Bring back a hat with no tag 2. Find an Italian man and kiss his ring--Blue team has no trouble finding a volunteer to get a kiss from Marnette and Carine, even if it's just on the ring. 3. Take a nap with seafood. 4. Find and play a tongue drum. 5. Find some olive oil, bottle it and sell it--Blue team girls ""sell it"" in a figurative and rather attractive manner. Movie reference: The Godfather. Round is a tie. Scramble: Fat Melon Fruit Jam--Player 1 takes a greased watermelon to a hula-hooping player 2, who delivers it to player 3 in the wa Air Date : 4th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 23 - Aruba (1)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Mama Snegaroff's Pop Spelling Bee--Players 1 and 2, in the pool, deliver balloons to player 3 poolside, who pops them with her butt. Using the letters on ping-pong ball found inside, the teams spell out their ""secret word."" Carol and Brooke are their teams' poppers. Blue wins, despite the Red guys double teaming Scott in the pool. Blue's word was ""spaghetti,"" Red's was ""meatballs."" Turf: Noodle Slapping Ball Hockey--A Search Party mainstay. A beach ball is knocked toward goals by players with ""noodles"" (the flotation device) while they wear swim fins. The beach location was still showing the effects of Hurricane Lenny (beach umbrellas capsized, various other debris.) Testosterone was flowing freely as the guys were repeatedly penalized for kicking, tackling, wrestling, etc. At one point ALL the males were sent to the penalty box simultaneously. Red wins, 3-1. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: Task 1: Find a poet who's willing to show it. 2. Fence with an En Air Date : 5th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 24 - Jamaica (6)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: West Indies Wonderful Waterfall Wamp--Player 1 feeds balloons down a waterfall to player 2 in a lagoon who takes them to player 3, who bursts them by using her posterior. Some of the balloons have balls inside them with the letter ""E."" The first team to find three of these wins. Lisa has difficulty popping the balloons, but Blue prevails anyway, 3-2. Turf: Flying Saucer Chucker Sucker--Two players from each team don footwear with suckers on the bottom and collect plastic flying discs with then. They then try to throw the discs through a hoop held by the team's third player. Red annihilates Blue 18-9. Sight-seeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Prove that you fit the description ""Yuh too fuss and facety""--It's explained that in Jamaica ""fuss"" means nosey and ""facety"" means obnoxious. 2. Make the Jamaican national flag--Teams go searching for anything yellow, green and black. 3. Make a crab cry. 4. Persuade someone to tell their most embarrassing moment. 5. Rel Air Date : 6th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 25 - Hawaii (3)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Into the Drink with Your Drink--One player carries a drink across the pool on a float while the others throw things at him or her in an attempt to spill the drink. Red team's Jason Brooks knocks the drink out of the hand of Blue team's Anita with one deadly accurate throw, his first! Blue can only hope for a tie at best but Red manages to make it across the pool with a small amount of liquid for the win. Turf: Sand Sucking Semi--Teams race down course wheelbarrow style, picking up items along the way and carrying them on the body of the ""wheelbarrow"" contestant. They then eat tropical fruit off a flying disc, knock a ball across a goal line using their heads, then run across the finish line with a rubber chicken in mouth. Whew! Carol finds the ""Sand Sucking"" part to be quite literal. Blue wins the Turf. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Play poker with a stranger from another country. 2. Find a bag of ice. 3. Find someone with a cell phone and get them Air Date : 10th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 26 - Cancun (4)

Surf & Turf round: Turf: Shake Your Maracas--While blindfolded, two members of each team mix drinks while the third teammate picks them up on a tray and takes them to the garnishing station--all the while shaking the maracas on their hips. When the drinks are garnished they are lined up for counting. Red wins 19-15. Surf: Storm of the Century--Pool basketball is played with a shooting team member in an inner tube while the teammates can only propel him or her with water. No hands can touch the tube, the shooter or the ball, except for the shooter's. It prove very difficult to score a basket in this fashion. Even an overtime period produces no baskets, so for the second overtime it's hands-on, anything goes. Blue scores to win. Siver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Get two female tourists to do a dirty dance together--Not the dirtiest dancing ever seen but the girls are all nice-looking. Scott declares this his all-time favorite task on the show. 2. Find the worst singer to sing ""Row, Air Date : 11th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 27 - Bahamas (4)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Sharkey Hockey--Players riding on inflatable sharks hit beach balls with paddles towards goals. By the end of the contest no one is on a shark and no one is using a paddle. A montage of shots of Sean trying to stay on the sharks is accompanied by Strauss' ""Blue Danube"" waltz. Red wins 1-0. Turf: No Shoes, No Shirts, No Points--All contestant enter a ring blindfolded. They then must dress themselves with outfits they find in the ring. The first team with all players dressed in shirt, shorts, hat and shoes wins. Blue takes this contest. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Make a deviled egg--Blue finds a guy with a questionably egg-shaped head. Red gets and egg from a restaurant and makes it up with lipstick. 2. Find a celebrity lookalike--Pretty slim pickin's here. Red's alleged Cazz Palminteri lookalike more closely resembled Jerry Orbach to these eyes, and it wasn't even that close. The only thing Blue's Macauley Culkin lookalike had in common with him i Air Date : 12th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 28 - South Beach, Florida (5)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Watermelon Baby's Bedtime--Player 1 puts oil on the ""baby"" (a watermelon), then gives it to player 2, who takes it across the pool on an inflatable shark to player 3, who powders it, diapers it, and sticks a pacifier in its mouth(?) Red wins, but only after abandoning the shark. Turf: Disc, Duck, Hurry Up--A player pushes a disc full of ""ducks"" along with his or her feet, depositing one duck in each bucket on the course without using hands. First teams to empty three discs wins. Scott is penalized for blatant cheating, interfering with Carol. Silver Screen Scavenge Hunt: 1. Get someone to squeal like a pig. 2. Get a man named Michael and a woman named Jennifer to sing ""Take Me Out to the Ball Game""--It's dubious whether either side found anyone with those names. 3. Get three men to drink bloody Marys. 4. Get someone to style a teammates hair in a spiky fashion. 5. Find the smallest dog and get a picture with teammates. Movie reference: There's S Air Date : 13th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 29 - Hawaii (4)

Surf & Turf round: Turf: Fruit Salad Friends--Player 1 picks up fruit off of a platter without using hands or arms, then transfers it to player 2, under the same restrictions, who deposits it in a bucket, where player 3 makes ""fruit salad."" The most fruit wins; rinds and skin don't count. The mouth is the exclusive method of transfer, making for some good fun. Red wins 5 lbs. to 3 1/2. Already a food fight breaks out. Surf: Butt Bumpers--A pair of teammates together in an inner tube try to collect the most balloons in the pool within two minutes while the third player harrasses them with a super-soaker. Red wins 13 to 9. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: Tash 1: Weigh a human head--On the way to doing this task, Carol breaks the obscure Scavenger Hunt rule which penalizes a team is a member says the name of the film out loud. 2. Get ten strangers to say hello to Art Mann on camera--Easily done. Red gets many more, including a group saying it in unison. 3. Convince a tourist to re Air Date : 17th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 30 - Cancun (5)

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Duck Soup--One player per team collects floating plastic ducks in the pool, using only his/her mouth. They are brought to player 2 and deposited in a bucket. Player 3 plays defense with a super-soaker. Red takes an early lead and holds off a Blue charge to win 9-7. Turf: Fruit Flipper Flip-Off--Player 1 flips fruit off of the swim fins he's wearing to player 2, who catches it in a bucket on her head! It's taken to player 3 who stomps on it to produce juice. The teams perform this not-so-easy task relatively well. Not much juice is made, though. Art declares Red the winner. Scavenger hunt: Task 1: Make an offering to a Mayan god--Mayan souvenirs are easily found, and the guys on the Red team say they're going to offer up a virgin--Carol! She looks surprised--and dubious. 2. Find a sequined sombrero and do a hat dance to the tune of ""Three Blind Mice""--Even though Blue does it in an alleged ""Motown"" style, the music is pretty lame on both sides, which i Air Date : 18th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 31 - Honolulu

Surf & Turf round: Surf: Inhuman pyramid--The teams must build a human pyramid on an island floating in the pool and hold it for five seconds. The opposing team can try to stop them with beach balls and super-soakers. Red wins when they accomplish the task in 46 seconds compared to Blue's 56. Turf: Balloon Ballistics--The players are in a ring with balloons tied to their ankles. The object is to pop the other team's balloons using your feet. Red wins. Silver Screen Scavenger Hunt: 1. Find a pair of dark sunglasses. 2. Find a Princeton t-shirt. 3. Find a baseball glove. 4. Find a pair of ""tighty-whitety"" underwear. 5. Bring back a chocolate sundae with nuts and cherries. Movie Reference: Risky Business, which both teams get for 300 point bonus. Blue wins the round, 1400-1200. Scramble: Fish Out of Water--Players ride out on surfboards to obtain a recipe in the water, then bring it back in. (Kalai actually helps opposing team member Kona by putting her board in the wate Air Date : 24th-Jan-2000  Read More

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