Dionne talks to people with ADHD. How do they deal with their complaints and what do they take? When you think of ADHD, you quickly think of hyperactive busybodies, who do things without thinking about it first. But ADHD comes in different forms, and people with ADHD suffer from different things. She also meets students who are taking ADHD medication without a diagnosis or a prescription. They are hardly aware that the medicine then falls under the Opium Act. And that it is even a criminal offense to have it with you or to sell it. But what exactly is ADHD? Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2024
Dionne talks to people with ADHD. How do they deal with their complaints and what do they take? When you think of ADHD, you quickly think of hyperactive busybodies, who do things without thinking about it first. But ADHD comes in different forms, and people with ADHD suffer from different things. She also meets students who are taking ADHD medication without a diagnosis or a prescription. They are hardly aware that the medicine then falls under the Opium Act. And that it is even a criminal offense to have it with you or to sell it. But what exactly is ADHD? Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2024 Read More
After a conversation with psychiatrist Mireille Boerma about her ADHD medication, Dionne embarks on an exciting process in which she is completely put through the mill. She wants to know whether the medication is being used correctly and whether she cannot stop taking it. This requires a new diagnosis. Dionne also talks to her mother who did not want her to be examined as a child, based on the idea that children should be who they are. She thinks the ADHD label could have helped her then. Radio DJ Giel Beelen stopped taking his ADHD medications and sought refuge in meditation and cold training. Dionne reluctantly decides to take a cold shower. Air Date : 10th-Jan-2024 Read More
Dionne does not see her new diagnosis coming and the treatment plan is equally surprising. The psychiatrist advises not to stop taking her medications. She would never be able to maintain the life she lives, full of incentives and deadlines, without it. However, something needs to change: Dionne needs to switch to a long-acting medication and also start working on her lifestyle. As a YouTube and podcast creator, she has to upload every week. But who actually? This is no different for students who take ADHD pills to perform better. They also experience enormous pressure to perform. Air Date : 17th-Jan-2024 Read More